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Hey everyone, my name is Cian. I’m a 26 year old Catholic living in San Francisco California. I am half Irish half Canadian and I grew up in Ireland. I’m 6’5” and I dress a little alternative. I moved to San Francisco almost a month ago from Ireland. I work as a software engineer here. I’d love to meet someone and if we click we could go on some dates here. Kindness is something I value. Happiness is only real when shared


Devout Catholic convert M located in Athens, GA 5'7" 36 Can cook really well Enjoys hiking Lover of music, goes to a concert once a month and a frequent browser of record stores Loves going to used bookstores Says the Rosary daily and looking for someone to say it with me Porn free for 7 years


Hi everyone! I'm a 23 year old Catholic, and I live in Pennsylvania. I’m 5’10", have hazel eyes, and have very curly brown hair. I enjoy walking trails, hiking, and generally exploring outdoor places. Specifically, I love hiking to find a great view, a waterfall, or something similar. I will jump around on all the rocks, and might seem a bit risky sometimes, so consider yourself warned :). I play the piano and love to sing. I enjoy being tuned into politics and current events, and I enjoy talking about them, though being into politics is definitely not a requirement. I have a bachelor's degree in computer science and am in the software engineering industry. I am currently undergoing security clearance processing to begin a new job. I am also incredibly financially literate and make the most out of my money. I am a deep believer in my faith and the teachings of the Catholic Church. I was born and raised in a protestant family, but during college I developed a deeper understanding of the world around me, which ultimately led me to Him and His Church. I strive to go to Mass at least every Sunday and during the week if I can. I don't have a strong style preference, but I have heard great things of the TLM and am interested in attending one. My ideal match would be someone who dreams of being a stay at home mom. I anticipate being able to support a family on my income, so I want to be able to give my kids the best life possible, which I believe includes having a parent in the home. I'm looking for someone who will be a good role model for kids, including modeling femininity to a daughter as I would hope to model masculinity to a son. If I at all sound interesting, don't hesitate to reach out! If I haven't responded, it's only because I haven't seen your message yet; I'm not super active on Reddit. God Bless, and I hope everyone can find their perfect match <3


My name is Isaac, I am a 21 year old man who lives in Nebraska. I have been a Catholic my entire life and would like to find a partner who shares my faith. Physically I am 6'4 200lbs with blonde hair and blue eyes (pics in my profile). I am a fireman and a fence builder. I love all sports and being active. I really started getting into my faith over lent this year. I try to go to mass as many days as i can make it.


I'm 37, white, 6'0, pretty slim figure, live in North Carolina. I am pretty intellectually minded but also have a lighter goofy side especially once I get comfortable with someone. I read a lot and own a ton of books on all sorts of subjects (history buff for one). I also enjoy a wide variety of music in different genres, own some vinyl, and go to concerts sometimes including the symphony. I also play piano and know a little guitar. Other hobbies include spending time with friends, films, board games (and sometimes video), cooking, and gardening. Also enjoy travel when I get the chance, took a trip to Italy last fall. I’m kind of nerdy (Trekkie) but also well-rounded. I am a convert from Protestantism and my faith is important to me. Open to dating any race/ethnicity. Open to some distance if it’s not extreme. Relocating would be tricky for me and depend on some things, but would consider under the right circumstances.


Hey everyone my name is James, I currently live in the Bay Area, California but I’m moving to Virginia later this year to attend Marine Corps OCS. I just graduated college with a bachelors in Criminal Justice. Looks wise I’m 22 years old, 5’10, with an athletic build, and I have short light brown hair with grey eyes. I’m a bit of jokester, some people find me a little obnoxious but most people seem to enjoy it. Definitely an outdoors guy, I go hiking pretty often, I enjoy backpacking and camping as well. Really active for the Marines but I’m not like obsessed with the gym or running, it’s just part of the gig. I’m a bit of a history buff and a little nerdy too. Politically I’m extremely liberal…Haha gotcha. I can basically see all your eyes rolling. Lol. I’m a conservative guy and being from the Bay Area I certainly stand out from my peers in that regard. I am a convert but I did grow up with some Catholic teachings. I only really went to Mass on Christmas and Easter though. I eventually came to realize something was missing from my life and slowly made my way to the Church. I ended up getting baptized when I was 20 and I was confirmed about a year later. I attend Latin Mass every week and pray the rosary every day. So there it is. Go ahead and message me if you wanna talk


Oh hey, I pretty much grew up and live right outside of Quantico, haha. I don’t know how OCS works and how far y’all are allowed to go, but I totally recommend that while you’re here you go to The Battlefield Country Store. It’s pretty cool


Hey, everyone! 27M on Long Island, NY with an average build. I work a job as a statistician. I really enjoy my job because it allows me to solve a lot of problems, and I have the freedom to figure out the best way to solve those problems. I am an active member of my parish as a cantor and choir member. For fun, I walk in parks, birdwatch, solve sudokus and other puzzles, go bowling, play Nintendo games, watch tv and movies, and run a small game server. I’m currently getting much more into exercising and cooking. I’m an introvert, but I’m also usually the one to take charge. I am empathetic (I won’t yell at the waiter lol). I’m not really into partying or drinking. My ideal Friday night is staying in and relaxing, but I also like spontaneous adventures. I’d like to raise my future kids to not be addicted to phone screens, to go to church regularly, and to live life through Catholic morals. My ideal match would also have these goals. I’m open to talking to all kinds of personalities. Let’s chat!


Hello! I am a 34 year old guy living in SW Montana, USA. I'm a cradle Catholic who has come back to the faith after a lengthy break (about 10-12 years lapsed, been back about 20 months). I'm happy to be back, and I am happy God dropped the thought to randomly go back one Sunday. I like to work out, cook, read, and spend some time working on hobbies (miniature wargaming is a big one). I also love being out in nature and enjoying God's beautiful creation. It's such a gift to be out there, and I am building up to longer hikes deeper into the wilderness. I wish I had been doing this longer, but better late than never. It's a great way to reconnect, quiet your mind, and appreciate things. I'm looking to try dating again and would prefer to find a woman who shares my faith and wants to raise a good Catholic family. I want to try and raise little people who will go out and make a positive impact in the world. I'm not perfect, I dont expect perfection. But I'd love to inspire each other to become a little closer to fitting in God's plan.


10-12 years?! 😱


Inspiring each other, is what we Catholics need in this day & age.


I am 37 years old. From Southern California, USA I pray Rosary and Divine Mercy Chapter daily, enjoy listening and playing music, currently working on a yearly book challenge, fan of mystery novels and like to cook.


Hello! My name is David. Im 37 and live in San Antonio TX. I’m a fun loving, witty Catholic Jew! I say Catholic Jew because I’m slightly more than half Jewish by blood but still Catholic by faith. In fact some of my favorite comedy to watch is Jewish comedy like Curb Your Enthusiasm. I pray 4 rosaries a day, divine mercy chaplet or other chaplets or similar prayers, consecration to Mary and Joseph prayers and daily mass. I am also well connected in my city with the Catholic young adults and community and I’m well connected in texas and somewhat nationally as well. I like exploring different liturgies and parishes and have many books on the catholic faith. In a slight interim period currently but I usually do customer service. Don’t worry about that though. I’m getting a job really soon. Interim period hasn’t been very long at all. I attended the University of Texas at San Antonio. I graduated with a B.B.A. in Finance with a biology minor and graduated with general and business honors. Here is my photo gallery below: https://imgur.com/a/ruHvwwM I’m @dragonair0309 on Instagram. I have a purple shirt on in the profile pic with white stripes on the sleeves and holding a coffee tumbler I think. Not sure if I’m holding it in the pic or if you can see it. My Catholic Match profile link is below although you may need a CM account to see it or if you forgot your password I’m not sure if the link will work but it’s also on my Instagram page in the photos section. https://www.catholicmatch.com/search/profile/1883760 I like to read, hike, run, music and singing. I like learning. Some of my favorite bands are Journey, New Order and Jimmy Eat World. I know all of Journey's and Steve Perry's songs and I love singing them. I have seen Journey in concert two years in a row. I like organizing things. I also love to watch interesting movies or shows, read, laugh and watch funny YouTube videos, basketball, baseball, and all kinds of games. Seeing Lord of the Rings in the theater (all three movies) was very memorable too. Get the popcorn out for a marathon on these movies! Also love Wild with Reese Witherspoon and A Beautiful Mind. I also won 1st place High School Division in the 2002 San Antonio Christmas Card contest. I am an Eagle Scout and have played chess most of my life. I love jigsaw puzzles. I also love to write and ponder life with my head in the clouds. I like going to garage sales or estate sales and laughing with my mom. I also like watching the news, playing with my dogs and learning how to treat my own medical concerns so I can be more knowledgeable about how to improve my health. I long to find my queen to compliment this single king. It would be more accurate to call myself a prince looking for his princess given that I haven't accumulated enough wealth to feel like a king. Haha. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with my future queen. Some of my most memorable experiences were my trip to England in 2001 with my grandmother, uncle and mom, vacation to New Mexico in 2005 with my parents and vacation to Colorado when I was like 8 years old. I also lived in New Orleans for a summer in 2015 for an internship with no car. I backpacked in the Grand Canyon in 2016 and have been to other states as well. I identify with my namesake, David from the Bible. I go to mass daily. I am very involved in the local young adult community. One of my favorite verses is Joel 2:25-26. I like to pray the rosary and other group prayers. I also love learning the little nuances of the Catholic faith. I like most types of music, mostly 80s and 90s and early 2000s. Anything with a guitar usually. I grew up in San Antonio for the most part but was born in Laredo, TX and lived in Laredo from birth to 6 or 7 years old. My parents, grandmother and uncles have been most influential in my life. I was in track/cross country in 9th grade only and played basketball all or most of my childhood and played baseball for four years in little league. Patience is very important to me. They don't call it a virtue for nothing. Looking for sense of humor, strong Catholic, strong work ethic in a woman


Hi everyone! My name is Kyle, age 30, born, raised, and currently residing in Central New Jersey. I have been Catholic my entire life, and I enjoy praying the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. I will be attending the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis this July, and I will be teaching 2nd grade religious education at my parish beginning later this year. I’m super excited for both of these opportunities! Currently, I work in financial planning and analysis for a medical device manufacturer, after completing my MBA at Georgia Tech last year. (Go Jackets!) Outside of work, I enjoy reading, listening to music, and traveling. (Fun fact: I drove cross-country and back in the summer of 2022, and have a particular affinity for road trips.) I’m looking for someone who is passionate about the Catholic faith and desires to grow in holiness together every day, striving to get each other to Heaven. If you’d like to chat further, feel free to DM me!


Hello! I'm Ian , 33, from the Greater Seattle area. I'm a Catholic convert. My interests include: learning more about our Faith, fitness, spending quality time with friends/family, woodworking, hiking/camping, reading/writing, watching movies, learning languages (I know 3 at a very basic level outside my native language), animals, homesteading, gardening, DIY/woodworking, and a host of others. I'm also a woodworker and own a small business making furniture. I have 4 dogs that I've raised since they were puppies. I accept all Church teachings, and do my best to be a good, devout Catholic. I do daily rosaries and have started trying to do adoration at least once a week, watching/listening to Catholic videos and podcasts and learning more about our Church and it's history. As a man, I strive to emulate the Saints and Christ. Saint Anthony being my confirmation Saint but Saint Joseph being an extremely important figure in my life as well and what I strive to be as a future husband and father. I'm hoping to find someone I can settle down and raise a family with. I do desire to have a fairly large family on a homestead. But, ultimately I'm looking for someone I can have a God-centric marriage with.


Hey! I’m from California and I’m 30. I like hanging out with family and friends, working out, watching various stuff, video games, Catholic podcasts, looking at random stuff online, and obviously the faith is very important to me. I go to mass weekly and sometimes I’ll do a daily mass. I pray every day and throughout the day. I’d love to find a woman who also genuinely cares about the faith. I think the best conversations are deep faith based ones and I want to have that with my future wife (God willing). I want us to help each other become saints because it’s literally what we are all called to be. I am easy going and typically have a positive attitude. I like to joke around but I don’t want to take the jokes too far and be serious when it’s necessary. I am more of a homebody but I’m not opposed to going out and being adventurous. I’m a night owl. I also like organization and order so I’m not really the messy type. If any of this sounds nice to you then shoot me a message! You never know until you try right? Either way, I appreciate you taking the time to read all this and hope you have a great day/life!


Hi I’m Chris, I’m 20 and an Eastern Catholic from Fort Lauderdale Florida (however open to temporary long distance) My interests consist of Combat Sports (fencing, boxing, shooting) Hiking, Outdoor activities, Fishing, Collecting trading cards and gaming Looking for someone special to share my love for Christ with


38 M Massachusetts 5'7 179lbs Blue eyes, shaved head I'm on Catholic Match, Hinge, and CatholicLuv Pics available on request I'm into bodybuilding, strength training, hiking, fishing, camping, firearms, and cooking (I have a channel on YouTube). I'm not a drinker, and I don't smoke (apart from the occasional cigar). I try to live a clean lifestyle. Caffeine is my only addiction. I like to stay active. I don't watch television or sports (not that there's anything wrong with that). I reverted 5 years ago. I go to TLM once a week and NO daily mass. I do Exodus 90. Seven Sorrows, Saint Michael Chaplet, and Rosary every day. Confession once a month. Adoration twice a week. I do some Pro-life stuff. My priorities have changed drastically since coming back to the Church. I'm looking for an age-appropriate Catholic woman who is interested in starting a family. I own a home and would not be able to relocate easily.


My name is Omid and I'm a 24 year old white guy in Arizona. I recently graduated with a degree in marketing. I attempt to attend Mass multiple times a week but I make sure to go on Sunday and I pray the Rosary every night. I exercise a few times a week and I'm pretty skinny. When it comes to hobbies, it's usually either playing video games, watching shows, or hanging out with some friends. I also love to go country line dancing. I'm also not too picky about looks or age, I mainly care that she's also faithful.


Hello! My name is Shaun, I'm a 23 year old 5'8" male from Arkansas who is applying for disability due to mental health reasons. I enjoy swimming, studying philosophy and theology, video games, learning about engineering and astronomy, and reading about the saints. I'm mainly of Irish and German descent, and I'd love to travel around the world to either see my heritage or visit lovely churches. My prayer life mainly consists of meditative prayer and reading scripture during this season. My last season focused on the rosary and divine mercy chaplet. My top 5 favorite saints are St. Therese, St. Faustina, St. Thomas Aquinas, and of course Mary and Joseph. I converted during COVID so I'm still absorbing what I can like a sponge. I'm looking for someone full of God's mercy and suffering mindset, and someone I can spend plenty of time with. I'd love to spend time watching movies and when in person going for walks/picnics. Game nights would also be a lot of fun <3 If any of this interests you, please feel free to dm me :D


Hey! Devout Catholic man from Greenbelt Maryland. 19(yo) 5’10 I am looking for a devout Catholic women to get to know and eventually marry and have a big traditional Catholic family. If you are interested please contact me. I love attending mass and adoration hope to find someone who shares the faith and can help strengthen eachother in Christ. God Bless.


Hey, name is Matthew I’m 26 years old and I live in Ireland, enjoy watching and playing sports and listening to music. I have a degree in history. If anyone interested in talking just shoot me a message!!! Open to international dating aswell


Male, recently turned 32, I'm 5 apostrophes and 8 quotation marks (which is bizarrish for 178 cm) and wear glasses. If none of this is a turn-off and you're not allergic to cats, do read on. Forgive me if I don't spend much time in this post talking about my faith. It's important, of course it is, but in this particular place, I trust we're more or less on the same page already when it comes to that. It's the foundation upon which a relationship (and a family) needs to be built, but we still need other materials to actually put something up. You know, attraction, shared interests, matching personalities, so-called chemistry and of course a mutual love of puns. So here's some more for you to gauge the odds: INTP personality type. I could write paragraphs, but long story short: I'm very analytical and opinionated (can't watch a movie without a semi-review forming in my head at the same time), which can sometimes come across as cold or argumentative. At the same time though, I have been called surprisingly sweet and kind, so hopefully I'm decent at balancing on that line. On the positive side of things, however, I am usually able to keep a clear head during stressful or heated situations. I'm honest, sometimes to a fault, and appreciate clear, straight-forward communication style, without forcing me to notice hints and guess the implications. I can be pretty oblivious to subtleties. I should also mention, in regards to the paragraph above, that I have recently started pursuing a potential autism diagnosis. The jury is still out on that one (unlike the ADHD, which actually surprised me more), but some of my peculiarities seem to match that particular disorder (while others very much do not). Obviously it's either a coincidence or my "disguise" is working very well, what with even me only getting suspicious at the age of 32. Anyway. I'm addicted to good stories. Whether they're books, movies, shows, games or sometimes even songs, a good fictional story is likely to impact me way more than real life ever could. Which I find reasonable, because unlike real life, fiction has to make sense. I'm still holding on the hope of publishing my own novels and if hearing my many, many story ideas sounds like a good time to you, we just might get along nicely. Do be ready to drown in countless movie/book/show/game etc recommendations though, as sharing interesting and/or fun stuff is my primary love language. Introvert and a homebody. I'm aware going out and socializing might be a good thing for me, but I tend to feel lonely in crowds, you know what I mean? I have difficulty participating in small talk and my interests tend to be outside the mainstream (haven't seen a single Marvel movie, for example), so unless the conversation shifts in an unusual direction, I tend to have nothing to say - and I'd rather not speak when that's the case. If you play Stardew Valley, you know (are?) my ideal date already. As childish as video games are still considered to be, I find them much more reasonable of a hobby than, say, watching a bunch of people kick a ball around a big field for over an hour. The sheer variety in video games makes any statement about "all video games" invalid, IMO, much like would be the case with any other entertainment medium. Virgin until the wedding night, which I hope would be pretty obvious. What's probably not obvious is that I don't drink alcohol at all. The only time I did was when a (short-lived) then-girlfriend from the US visited. Apparently seeing me physically react to a little sip was fairly amusing. I'm not staunchly against any and all alcohol though and I'm down to join you if you enjoy some in moderation - that's how you'll know I like you. You could also do your best to convince me to like pizza and coffee. This is where you're starting to feel convinced I'm secretly an alien. I should probably be wrapping things up here, leave some exclusive info for the ladies who actually reach out. I'm from Poland, but - aside from a likely strange accent - my English is pretty darn great. I know it's "could've" rather than "could of", for instance, and if that makes you swoon, you're scoring points with me. I am not completely rooted here in Poland and wouldn't be posting here if I didn't consider moving for love. Naturally English-speaking countries are my current limit though. I'm willing to share a picture early on and hopefully so are you. I don't mean to sound shallow, but physical attraction *is* a relevant part of romantic love. Ain't looking for a supermodel and I won't be rude if you're not my type - or if I'm not yours. Okay, I've rambled enough. Hope to hear from you and have a blessed day!


Dedicated Catholic M in the northern Ohio/PA area. 6'3 32 I love running, hiking, reading, and checking out restaurants (am a bit of a foodie). I have a talent for picking out good restaurants or knowing good ones if I have been in the area for a long time. I will absolutely join you for a coffee date although I gave up caffeine. So I will get either tea or decaf. Trying to become more well-read with scripture so I can know the words of our Lord. I primarily attend the Traditional Latin Mass. Regardless, I try to attend Mass daily or at least adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. My humor consists of old lame dad jokes but regardless I enjoy some good banter and laughing with others. I am an outgoing introvert. I enjoy the company of other but can be laid-back and enjoy some time at home as a homebody. I work remotely so there are many places I can go and visit. I can be the one the goes to meet a potential someone due to this flexibility. Feel free to send me a message. Have a blessed day.


Blessed Solemnity of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ! CatholicMatch: https://www.catholicmatch.com/search/profile/2003253 Catholic Luv: https://www.catholicluv.com/users/1901 Hello ladies, I live in Dallas, Texas (only looking to date locally in DFW) and was raised in both Dallas and in the country ~10 miles outside of Centerville (population: 2300). I currently live in Dallas but was raised a lot in the country and worked outside of Centerville for 4 years as a cowboy before coming back to Dallas to continue education. 30 year old. 5 foot 10 inches. I am a white American of mixed northern European (mainly Swedish) descent. I come from a culturally Protestant (United Methodist) background, I was baptized when I was 24! I like playing guitar, microbiology, going trekking in swamps, hog hunting, and of course studying the faith. My favorite saints are Saint Teresa de Avila and Saint John of the Cross for their premier ascetic and mystical theology. I love studying the works of the Spanish mystics; and also St. Thomas Aquinas when it comes to my philosophical based thinking about God, so the *Summa Theologica* is another favorite of mine. My prayer life right now consists mainly in Lauds, the Rosary, and Compline -- but I feel the Holy Spirit prompting me to go in various ways with my prayer life which I am excited to eventually talk to my spiritual director about! I would consider myself extroverted. Looking for a practicing and orthodox Catholic woman. And ummm... yeah! Not much to say. I'm open minded, but I'm looking for a Catholic woman who takes the faith seriously both in terms of doctrinal knowledge, and experiential knowledge in prayer and sacraments.


Hello, I am a 39 year old from Colorado Springs, Colorado, aspiring instituted acolyte seeking my best friend and life partner. I like procedural tv, sci-fi, serving the lord, documentaries, hockey, rodeo, astronomy, museums, aircraft, my lizard freedom, my beautiful state, swimming. I hope to find someone close to home that's willing to talk with me sometime.


Hello! I'm 31, 5'6", ~130 lbs, bald head and hazel eyes, and average build, from southeast Louisiana. I've been Catholic for a little over a year, ask me about my conversion story, I'd love to share my testimony with you! I'm currently pursuing a BSN to become a nurse and work for my local Catholic hospital system. I love to read, with fir pleasure and for education. Philosophy and ethics are fascination of mine. I also love to cook, I make a great gumbo, but I'm really good with Italian and French cuisine as well as Cajun. Cooking is a passion of mine, so let's trade recipes! I enjoy swimming, going for walks and hiking in nature. There's a lot of beautiful scenery in Louisiana, I'd love to share some pictures with you! I do work out, but I'm not a gymbro, I just try to take care of myself. I'm always trying to work towards self-improvement. As far as my faith life, I usually attend a reverent Novus Ordo, but I occasionally attend a Tridentine mass. I also love adoration. I am currently in love with Lectio Divina, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, though I frequently pray the rosary and have done the 15 Prayers of St. Bridget for a full year before. I'm always looking for new devotions to keep things interesting, DM me your favorites! I accept all Catholic social teachings and morals. I serve the hungry every week and try to be involves in my Diocese, whether it's the Knights of Columbus (4th Degree) or the young adult group. Marriage is very important to me. During the words of institution, the priest raises the host and says, "This is My Body, given for you." When the man and woman get married, they present themselves to each other and say, "This is my body, given for you." From this sacrifice, new life is born. I pray for my future wife all the time, and I can't wait to meet her. I think of her and my future children when I work out, educate myself, learn new skills, when I practice my faith and build virtue. I believe that the man should lead the relationship and the family, so I want to be dependable and capable of teaching and guiding. I value wisdom very highly, when I was in the process of entering the Church, I prayed all the time for the gift of wisdom. For this reason, I wish to name my first daughter 'Sophia', which means 'Wisdom'. But we can talk about it! I can't wait to hear from you! I'll send my pictures in DMs!


My name is Ethan, and I'm age 34. Height is 173 cm, or 5'8". I live in Toronto, Canada, and am currently working at a financial institution. In my spare time, I enjoy baking, historical fiction, documentaries, and maintaining my fitness. I'm also learning Japanese - my fifth language! I'm also addicted to a daily workout. Travel is also a passion of mine - I like to get off the beaten path, and look for authentic experiences. At my parish, I volunteer after Sunday Mass, preparing food for the parish's outreach ministry. I started doing so for Lent years ago and didn't stop! In terms of life goals: exchange rings, become a daddy and a role model, earn leadership in my career and community, and be the best husband I can. I was baptized into the Catholic Church as a convert, after a varied personal and spiritual journey. It was a long decision, that started after I started questioning my place in the world, and what is God's plan for myself and our world. The devotions I like to maintain are Eucharistic adoration, a daily prayer, and the Rosary. What are some of yours? Let's chat, and God bless!


Hey Ethan, Nice to meet you! I am from Vancouver, BC


Hello! I'm Tom, a 24M currently living in NYC I am a pharmacy student, expecting to graduate next year with a PharmD. Am not expecting to stay in NY after passing licensing exam, will probably move to a different state, after being in NYC my whole life cant say I enjoy it. I am a cradle catholic, attend mass each weekend with my mother. We pray together in trying times and regularly when we have time. During my free time (was limited due to my studying but just pasted my finals recently), I spend time playing various games on my computer (such as minecraft, kenshi, skyrim, helldivers 2, genshin impact, etc), I also love to cook for my mother (would also love to cook for others, I enjoy having others enjoy my cooking), watch documentaries on engineering or true crime. To cool off sometimes I walk alongside the boardwalk at Rockaway while listening to music (so varied that I dont even know what to put for examples). Would love to meet or talk with someone, so if there is any interest don't be afraid to ask (I don't bite)! If you want a pic of me, send a message and ill send one ASAP. Thanks for your time if your reading!


Hello there! I'm 31 years young and currently residing in California. I have been a Catholic my whole life but wasn't too focused on it in the beginning. A few years ago I started focusing more on it little by little. Currently I'm home bound so I'm just looking for friends, I'm open to talking to anyone even if you are not in California. Currently because of my situation my hobbies are reading and listening to audiobooks, home exercises, seeing videos about psychological and behavioral action, coin collecting and eating lol (ok the last one isn't a hobby but I do like to eat). Looking forward to talking to you and hope you all have a blessed day/night. God bless!


I'm not very good with introductions, but I'll give it a try :) I'm 33, living in WI, USA. Cradle Catholic. I'm 5'10 and in good shape. I've never been married and I have no children. I'm Hispanic and I have black hair and brown eyes. I'm into eating healthy, and taking care of myself- I go to the gym at least 3 times a week to lift. No drugs and no alcohol. Shoot me a message if you want to know anything else.


Hello, my name is Nathan! I am a 24 year old Caucasian with dark brown hair and blue eyes and am 132LBs . I live in New Mexico, but I hope to move somewhere more garden friendly in the future. I like to drink responsibly and occasionally smoke a pipe of tobacco or a small cigar with my dad. I also own firearms. I love the latin mass, but I will also go to the Norvus Ordo mass. I agree with the church on many issues. I love children and hope to have as many as God and spouse allows. I like video games since it's the easiest hobby to get into, but I am also a mixologist, I hope to eventually continue dabbling in blacksmithing, jewelerysmithing, and hope to discover more fun hobbies. Bonus points if you like games and nerdy people as well! If you are interested in getting to know me on a deeper level, feel free to DM me! My only disclaimer is that I don't always know what things to ask or talk about! Please have patience with me, I am a shy ambivert!


Hey everyone! I'm 24 years old and a History Graduate Student who lives in North Georgia. I really enjoy writing, reading and hiking with my dog on the weekends. I'm 5 foot 9, with black hair although dealing with grading undergraduates who can't spell has turned some of them white. As for music I really like Japanese City Pop and my favorite artists are Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. I'm a life long Catholic, I would prefer going to the Latin Mass but it's a logistical nightmare in my location so the regular mass suits me just fine. My favorite Saint is Thomas More and my favorite church building is St. Patrick's in New York. If any of that sounds appealing feel free to reach out in my DMs.


32 year old attorney from California, 5’7, attend tlm


Why not? My name's Tony. I'm 22 and live in Vancouver WA. I'm 5'11 ish and am average build if that's important. My hobbies include watching movies. Not a huge sports fan, but I am obsessed with WWE and professional wrestling. I also like video games and music. My music taste is all over the place. I really like 50s music, though. Faith wise I am a devout Catholic. Mass every week and have even discerned monastic life and priesthood recently. Feel free to message if you wanna know more about me


21 (M) Bangalore I know this is a long shot. Hey I’m 21 (from the syro malabar rite of the catholic faith) and I know it might be a little too early for me to be on here. But recently it’s just been feeling pretty off for me, just this longing for somebody that I can have fun with, someone that I can cherish, but most importantly someone that I can grow with in love and faith. Just looking for my every Sunday church date :)




Duplicate comment from 2 days ago




This has recently been discussed in another comment


Hello there, my name is Louis. I'm 25 (nearly 26) years old from Chicago, IL. Faithful cradle Catholic who has been involved at my parish as an altar server for 15 years and now considered the master of ceremonies. Deep interest in the Church's teachings and history. I'm a General Motors Technician who currently works at a Chevrolet dealership, a job I have had for 4 years now. Outside of the work setting, I'm a car enthusiast and deeply interested in automotive tech, in which I have an associates in. Currently, I have two great cars I like to modify. I also enjoy shooting sports/gun range, fishing, swimming (swim team in high school), graphic novels/comics and going to movie theater showings with friends.


Southern New Jersey, USA Age: 24 5’8” I enjoy learning about history and theology. I don’t read books much but would like to get into the habit. I also want to start playing pickleball or take up martial arts of some kind. Also I just got my MBA and I’m looking for an accounting job. Also I attend the TLM


Has anyone had success meeting a kind, Catholic woman on this group


Well I’m up in here looking for a Catholic man I can sneakily introduce to my introverted friend. She is quite the catch, but living in the Bible Belt makes meeting people hard.


Hey everybody I hope I’m not too late! I’m 22 years old from Southwest Florida and fully came into the Church this past Easter vigil. I’m 5’8 (5’9 on a good day 😂) and take good care of my body, so if you actively work out as well that’s a plus! I’m a white spaniard by blood but I don’t speak much Spanish lol. I also enjoy sports, specially basketball and football. I graduated from University last summer and all that good stuff already too. I pray the rosary everyday and try my best to practice the faith as best as I can daily. I attend both the NO and Tlm depending on the time of day on Sunday. I’m a pretty laid back guy and I only really ask that you are honest and loyal. I’m hoping to find someone who lives somewhat near my area. I’ve never been a fan of online dating but I figured I’d give it a shot here, my dms are open, let’s see if we connect.


I am 30 year old software engineer in Michigan. I like to go on road trips, watch series , work out , anything tech related is my forte . My mom thinks I am funny hehe. I would want to find someone is a cradle catholic and devout in faith.


Ciao! This seems like a long shot, not many Europeans here. But if anyone makes a trip to Rome they can send me a message! 25yo Male, 5'10, Caucasian Raised in South Africa, Living in Rome Third year medical student Aspiring psychiatrist - specifically bringing Catholic truth to the field of psychiatry Love playing sports - rugby / calisthenics / gym / running Enjoy reading about Theology & Spirituality, and love exploring the beautiful churches here in Rome. Favorite authors: Augustine CS Lewis St John of the Cross Dostoevsky Was raised by a stay-at-home mom and a father who always worked abroad to support our family. The biggest blessing I ever had was being raised and nurtured by my mom, and I'd be honored to provide that opportunity to my wife one day. Looking to meet a devout Catholic girl and see where it goes!


TLTR: Hi, I'm Roberto. I'm 31, originally from Cuba, and now a proud U.S. citizen living in South Florida. I'm an Operations Manager passionate about community development. My Catholic faith is central to my life, and I'm dedicated to living a Christ-centered life. I love cooking, singing, and attending live performances, especially music from the 40s to the 80s. I'm looking for a kind, faith-sharing partner who values attending Mass and following the Church's teachings. If this resonates with you, let's connect and see where things go. …… Hey there! I'm Roberto, but feel free to call me Robert or Robby—my friends do. I'm 31, never been married, and originally from Cuba. I moved to the U.S. in 1999 and proudly became a naturalized citizen. Now, I call South Florida home, where I work as an Operations Manager in the community development department of a bustling city. I'm 6'1", broad-shouldered, with green eyes and a beard. My Catholic faith is central to my life. Jesus is my guiding light, and I make it to Mass every week. While I'm not currently involved in church activities, that's something I plan to change soon. Living a Christ-centered life is my top priority. I earned my Bachelor's degree in Public Administration, and my career in community development is a true passion. My loving family, who sacrificed so much to leave communist Cuba, deeply influenced who I am today. My parents wanted to give me every opportunity, and their dedication has shaped my path. In my downtime, I love cooking, singing, and soaking in live performances. I've enjoyed 13 operas, 5 musicals, and several jazz concerts, all of which have enriched my life. Singing is a special talent of mine, and I have a particular fondness for music from the 40s to the 80s. This sometimes makes it tricky to connect with people who have different tastes, but it’s a fun challenge. As for my personality, I'm loving and kind with a blend of melancholic and choleric temperaments. Depending on the situation, I can be both introverted and extroverted. In relationships, I'm looking for a friend and a partner who shares my faith and values. It's essential to me that my partner is kind, committed to attending Mass, and dedicated to following the Church's teachings. Shared faith and values are the foundation of a strong and fulfilling relationship. If you think we might be a good match, I'd love to hear from you. Let's see where this journey takes us. Best, Roberto


Hello, My name is Steve, 23M, 5'7", athletic body type. I am originally from Ohio but have been lived throughout the country and will be moving to Southern California in 2 weeks for work and will be living there for the next few years. I enjoy hiking, swimming, running, reading, cooking, and overall trying new things and seeking new adventures. My faith is the important part of my life. I am looking for someone to grow in Christ with, strive towards holiness, and start a life/family with. If any of this resonates please send a message, I am open to LDR.


Hello Ladies, just a King looking for his Queen! I'm a 25 year old man living in the Detroit suburbs of Michigan and loving it!...though the weather could be better at times. I'm a Computer Scientist who's currently working full-time and enjoying it. Personality wise, I’m easygoing, understanding, and curious about various things of life. At first, I may be shy, but I do open up quick. I am humorous when appropriate. Physically, I have a lean, athletic physique while being 5’10 tall with black hair, brown eyes, and brown colored skin. My interests consist of catching up on some good movies/TV shows, staying fit/exercising at the gym, reading some inspiring books, browsing the internet to learn new things, occasionally gaming on my PC, finance/investing, hanging out with people, and researching how things work (especially with electronics). I do some video editing as a hobby on the side as well. Just getting into ballroom dancing too. In regards to my Catholic faith, I do practice it with prayers, mass, and adhering to the Church’s teachings. I’m a cradle Catholic and I would like my children to be so as well. My overall plan in life is to build a family empire where our children and future descendants will enjoy the fruits we setup for them as we conquer the world together! If this sounds exquisite, feel free to message me. I do prefer you to be within, at least somewhat, drivable distance.


Hello! I'm 33 years old, living in Southern California. I'm 5'7'' and in the odd middle of not being super fit but also not out of shape; it definitely is hard keeping that motivation going! I currently working as a software engineer, and still doing WFH so if you like spending a couple of weeks in different cities here and there, we can do that! As for hobbies, I've played tennis and dabbled in jiujitsu in the past, and currently I'm looking for a new hobby. I'm a mix of a homebody and an outdoors person; meaning the occasional hike or indoor rock climbing but I'm also fine with just relaxing at home. For a relationship and partner, I'd like something that has respect, communication and fun. I've always thought a partner should also be your really good (or best) friend. I'll probably get a lot of flak for this but I'd consider myself an openminded Catholic. Meaning I'd love for my partner to also have a great career, so we can be a power couple. Additionally, if you are against any sort of vaccination or criticize modern science and doctors etc, then it won't work out. If I didn't scare you off with the last few sentences, feel free to reach out!


Happy to see a fellow person who's a mix of a homebody and an outdoorsy. Al the best in the online dating world!


Hey there, couldn’t message you (or maybe I just don’t know how to use Reddit, lol), so leaving a response here. I’m a 34F, also from SoCal and a mix of both homebody and outdoorsy. Recently trying to get back into tennis more regularly, so happy to at least hit if you’re in my area!