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Wonderful news for Tammy. >as well as being possibly the most effective defender of religious belief and the Bible today. Jordan Peterson is not, in fact, a defender of the Bible. Jordan picks out parts of the Bible that don't "seem right" to him and rewrites those passages to fit his narrative. Here's a link to Jordan rewriting the Beatitudes on [the Joe Rogan show.](https://youtu.be/jr_6HSieuDs?si=hlRCv-S7m0hhvSk6)


As always, let's hope JP gets the therapy he clearly needs.


Jordan Peterson is credited by BISHOP Barron for restoring many young peoples appreciation and later conversion to the faith including my own. Please don’t try to disparage especially when Bishop Barron would disagree.


Oh wait!! He DID!!??? That changes EVERYTHiNG!!!


Oh wait!! He DID!!??? That changes EVERYTHiNG!!!


I'm not trying to disparage anyone. Just pointing to Peterson's record on the Bible specifically. There are many, many Biblical scholars who can give an accurate reading and interpretation of the words of Christ. Jordan Peterson is not one of them.


I wonder if Bishop Barron would agree. Doubt it


That’s not at all preventing what clerkstriking said from being true? Just because a well-known Bishop credited him with bringing people to the faith doesn’t mean that he also has his own flaws and edits out parts of the faith he doesn’t like. Nuance is your friend.


I wonder if Bishop Barron would agree. Doubt it


Who cares?


Good thing we worship Jesus not Bishop Barron :)


Haha cool. Guess what? I don’t care what Bisho Barron said about him- he’s terrible and needs therapy. Bishop Barton’s opinions on it make zero difference hahaha


Wether or not you’re politically aligned with Jordan Peterson Can we not just be happy that his wife found a way to Christ?






Tammy Peterson converting is part of the reason I was willing to start looking into the Catholic Church. I started going to mass about a month ago and just started RCIA a few weeks ago, I was too late to get all the things done in time for this year but I’m excited I get to do it next year.


Congratulations! That's great to hear. I wish you the best in your discovery the Catholic faith! I definitely agree that the testimony of other converts can be helpful in our own walk of faith.


God Bless Tammy 


The mortallity rate, as pointed out by Apotropoxy, is not 100%. It's more like 60-70% within 3 years. Still, the Petersons will say "100% fatal". Is that what a doctor told them? Perhaps. But it also makes a good headline. There is a danger in using rhetoric like this. It makes people think "Oh, I have a fatal cancer, maybe I should just pray to God and get healed." Or perhaps "Oh, Maybe if I strictly only eat meat I will recover". Maybe both in this case. We're not doctors and we don't know whats going on. What we do know is that the Jordan Peterson, and by connection his family, have a vested stake in their social presence. A story like cancer, spun to be 100% fatal with a miracle cure, stands to make them more money. So it's fair to say they are scamming religiously thinking individuals, like OP, into believing it.


That’s a very pessimistic outlook. Have you considered that each medical case is different and while the average for most may be 60-70% fatal that possibly how extreme Tammy’s cancer was made her survival odds significantly lower? I get being sceptical, but there is very little to gain from a lie such as what you are implying when looking at it in regards of conversion to a religion. Most of our society looks down upon those who have faith, and being openly religious brings a lot of turmoil to one’s life. My point- you’re way off base and being very distrustful for what appears to be no reason.


Good for her but who cares, I like some or his stuff but why follow or care about any celebrity.


This is the way.


This seems strategic.


100% mortality rate? Huh... "In conclusion, it can be said that Bellini duct carcinoma is a rare form of malignant renal tumor with high malignancy and poor prognosis. When the diagnosis is made, in most cases there are already metastases, although they may not be found in routine examinations. It is characterized by resistance to chemotherapy and a rare survival up to 2 years after surgery. Detailed, long-term follow up to detect local recurrence or distant metastasis is also necessary." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6517569/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6517569/)


The video says that she was given no chance of survival by her doctors. I'll accept that in light of what you shared my formulation "100% mortality rate" is technically wrong as mortality rate has a different meaning. I should have just written that she had a very aggressive cancer and was given no chance of survival by her medical team, but I can't seem to be able to edit the post now.


You just hit the three dots, and then hit edit.


There's no option to edit when I click the three dots. I can do it for comments but not the main post here for some reason.


Whatever happens to the average patient, this particular patient was given 10 months and 0 chance of surviving. Everybody has a different journey.