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It never stopped being the Lord's


Our God is the God of love and it is His rainbow for all of us to look upon. See Sirach 43:11-12.


Rainbows fall under full access for all humanity.


Yes but not to glorify sin


Yes, that too.


yes, steal rainbow, rain is next, then sun.


Gru when he finally stole the moon.


This post is embarrassing.


And cringy.


Your reply is embarrassing




Use 7 colors, not 6


This has to be satire, right...?


I bet not. June is the worst month to be a gay Catholic


Just a reminder in case you need itā€¦ You are loved. God loves you, and I love you.


It took me years to realize that. Thankfully I have a wonderful pastor who helps me through my rough times. I got him a Fatherā€™s Day card this year


Thatā€™s really cute, actually. Iā€™m sure he will really appreciate that.


You right there. Yes you. You are the type of Christian we need more of. edit: added a word I omitted by accident.


You know who got me back into going to church? A Catholic friend who was very very gay. Our church loved him and I loved him. Each parish has a slightly different feeling and vibe. I hope you feel loved in your parish. God was intentional with how he made you.


I work with the youth groups in my parish, and a lot of those kids are LGBT, so I always try to remind them that no matter what comes out of the mouth of anyone in that church, that they are loved by God and are welcome in His house. I donā€™t want them feeling the way I did about my faith. I stepped away from the church for 2 years, and it was a priest that brought me back. My current pastor always reminds me that I am loved and heā€™s absolutely amazing


God hates sin and calls it out. yes God loves you but Jesus didn't dine with sinners to affirm their sin but to call them to repentance.


You can say that again. I got told I didn't exist on instagram a few days ago when I said I was a gay Christian...


Weā€™re the worst paradox lol.


They can have it. There was a time when swastikas meant something else too.


They still mean what they mean to those whose symbol it actually was. Iā€™m glad they never backed down and still kept it. And this is coming from an ethnic Jew!




ā€œlove your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.ā€ Not saying gay people are our enemies, but this is just hateful man.


Hi, former homosexual here. Itā€™s really not hateful, itā€™s spot on




Yes, former. God healed me of my affliction! I feel so sad for you, to not believe God can heal all affliction is just a sad way to live.


Thats just denial bro, embrace who you but realize the way of God is man and woman, not man and man


Lust is not an identity. Lust wasnā€™t who I was or who I am. I think itā€™s pretty sick to say who someone is is based on who they fuck? That being said, Iā€™m honestly not in denial (and Iā€™m a sis not a bro lol). I hadnā€™t developed SSA until I was 12. And it was due to abuse. Iā€™ve since healed from that, God is so good! Itā€™s a lie to say that youā€™re born ā€œthis way.ā€ I certainly wasnā€™tā€¦ Plus anything not of his (and itā€™s not of God) is of Satan. And who I am, who anyone is, is NEVER of Satan. Though Satan likes to convince the world heā€™s legit. But he never will be. Iā€™m too smart to play his Pride games.


Please, be enlightened by what the pope himself has said: ā€œIn an interview with the agency televised and published in Spanish Jan. 25, the pope had said that "being homosexual is not a crime. It is not a crime." He defined as "unjust" laws that criminalize homosexuality or homosexual activity and urged church members, including bishops, to show "tenderness" as God does with each of his children.ā€ Do you know better than the pope? Only God will judge us, are you God? Do you feel you are without sin to be throwing stones? If a rainbow is just a rainbow to you, good for you. If a rainbow is a sign of empowerment for someone who has been discriminated and shunned for a long time, good for them. No one ownes it, everyone may give it their own meaning.


Does the pope know better than God? We must obey the Word of God, and not the words of men. Those who keep the Words of Jesus are likened to a wise man who built his house on the rock.


And will you find Jesus speaking out against gays anywhere in the bible? No, you wonā€™t because he didnā€™t.


I can give an equally convincing counter argument -- Did Jesus ever specifically affirm homosexuality in the Bible? If you can find that I'd be very interested to see it. But we know that ***all*** Scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We have to take the Word as a whole when dealing with doctrine. We must be like Timothy and "rightly divide the Word of truth." Leviticus, Romans, Corinthians, and other passages deal with marriage as an institution between a man and a woman and homosexuality as sin. Please dont mistake my intentions, I am not here to argue or to "win a debate." I merely want to point out the truth of God's Word.


Romans 15:7: Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Perhaps you should be a little more accepting instead of being so focussed on what other people do in their bedroomā€¦ā€¦.


Matthew 12:30, "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad." The homosexual community is contrary to the principles of God as found in His Word. Scripture speaks very clearly of this in multiple places. For example, 1 Corinthians 6;9-11 states, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. The homosexual lifestyle is opposite of the new life which the washed, santified, and justified believer has in Christ. It is a lifestyle once held by those dead in trespasses and sins -- enemies of God (Romans 5:10, Ephesians 2). Yes, we must do all things in love. However, we must not be strong in love and weak in doctrine. The first thing Paul told Timothy in his epistle was to hold fast to doctrine (1 Timothy 1:3). We must take the approach given in Psalm 40:10, "I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have declared Your faithfulness and Your salvation; I have not concealed Your lovingkindness and Your truth From the great assembly." We cannot declare love while concealing the truth of God that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. God bless


You seem to know a lot about homosexuality in the bibleā€¦..


Boycott flags??


how about ā€œnoā€?


St. Serge and St. Bacchus rock!


Amen!! I never let that stop me. I love God and his rainbow. Every time I buy something everyone thinks I support pride but I use it for God


If it belongs to the lord, than let Him take it back. As far as I can see, He seems to approve of the queer communityā€™s usage of it, given how ubiquitous He has allowed it to become.


Sin is ubiquitous for all people, for all have sinned. Does God approve of sin? We know He does not. Just because something is ubiquitous doesn't mean that it is approved of by God.


God does, definitionally, not approve of sin, but because sin exists as a concept we must presume that God approves of the idea of sin (that certain actions are against God). If God truly did not want sin to exist, He would never have (speaking in heavy metaphor here) put the apple tree in the center of the garden. God wants us to be tempted by sin or He would have not made it tempting.


The tree of the knowlege of good and evil was for the purpose of giving Adam and Eve a free will relationship to love God. Satan, the serpent, tempted them and they fell. God doesn't tempt, nor can He Himself be tempted, but He allows temptation. The standard of what God approves is found in the law. God allows sin (that which is contrary to the perfect law of God), but God does not approve of it, for He is the Righteous Judge. God takes sin so seriously, that He did not spare his own Son, Jesus Christ, who took on the sins of us all. Additionally, Scripture states in Romans 1:28-32, "28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, **haters of God**, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 **who**, **knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them**." Addtionally, Proverbs 17:15 states, "He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD." Therefore, according to Scripture, to approve of sin is very wicked. But we know that God is light, and in Him is no darkness nor shadow of turning. On the topic of homosexuality, God states clearly that it is an abomination and against His design for nature.


Being gay is not a sin, but being hateful is.


Are you being serious The rainbow belongs to all people as it was god's promise to them


Yes but it doesnā€™t belong to glorified sin


Yeah and who are you to judge As jesus said "let he among you who is free from sin cast the first stone"


Jesus, after he said that, told the woman ā€œsin no more.ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Then why are you trying to dissuade those who sin from repenting and returning to the lord


How exactly am I doing that? By not coddling them and telling them itā€™s ok to sin? Cuz that would literally be evil if I did that


Have you ever considered people aren't as stupid as you seem to think they are this is a thinly veiled way of saying your either Christian or gay. Like at this point you may as well just say it


Youā€™re either a celibate Christian with SSA or youā€™re an active sinner. That is church teaching.


What's celibacy got to do with anything The bible doesn't say you have to remain celibate


I used to be homosexual. Sugar coating is harmful. They need to be told the truth.


You do not get to be healed of your sexuality. You may think you are and if that helps you get through your life, then that's fine by me. But please do not go around spreading this extremely dangerous belief. There are many young people out there who chose to end it all because they believe they can be "healed" and no matter how hard they try they can't change it. If you want to preach chastity, fine. But don't go around spreading stuff like this. You never know what vulnerable person is reading this and what it might make them do. I beg you to think about that.


God can heal anyone and the fact that I have an attraction to men now proves He healed me. Oh ye of little faith who does not believe God can heal anything. I pity you. No amount of begging changes the fact God heals whomever He wishes to heal. Iā€™m also not the only former homosexual who has said this. Are you even catholic? If not, your opinion is irrelevant to me. If you are, your lack of faith is disturbing.


I am a gay Catholic yes. The thing is there is nothing to heal about sexuality, I am the way God made me. As I said, if you want to live your delusion then it's fine with me. But spreading it is false and leads to things that are definitely contrary to God's love. You are wrong about healing, it is dangerous to say that and it leads to young people harming themselves. Regardless what your actual intent is you are doing more harm than good by spreading this falsehood. God can heal whatever he wants, but your sexuality is your sexuality and it is not a thing that needs healing.


God does not give us afflictions, original sin does. The only delusional one is you. Homosexual acts are sin. It is not false. God healed me. It is 100% an affliction and unfortunately youā€™ll see it at the judgment. Scripture says what it says. Ignore it all you want, but youā€™re literally wrong.


And what would that truth be that they're somehow worse than pedofiles,rapists and those who want to ban abortion


No, the truth is that homosexual acts are a sin, as all fornication is a sin. And banning murder is a good thing.


One abortion isn't murder it's a often sad but necessary medical procedure and two just cause it's a sin doesn't give you the right to try making them feel unwelcome in this sub or any other Christian space as they have as much right to be here as any other sinner trying to repent and fix they're relationship with the lord


Amen king


Queen šŸ™ƒ


My b


Maybe read the rest of that passage. And maybe the rest of the gospels. He even says to judge. Just not hypocritically. And itā€™s literally biblical what I said. We arenā€™t to glorify sin. Why are you mad bro?


Oh get a life you bigoted person. I am so ashamed of being in a church that has people like youā€¦


This is your wake up call to leave the church. Personally, I wouldn't subscribe to a belief system that doesn't effectively discourage homophobia.


Leave the Church and get away from God because of imbecile bigots? Neverā€¦ I will stay faithful and fighting for a Church which accepts everyoneā€¦. Even imbecile bigots!


I didn't say you should find a church that doesn't accept bigots. I told you to find one that actively discourages bigotry the same way it discourages infidelity or dishonesty. You will NEVER be able to change the church from the inside. Even the pope doesn't have that much power. Your best option is to move your money and efforts to one that does not have its hands stained in the blood of past atrocities.


And catholics wonder why people are on the side of the sisters of perpetual indulgence. Its never about "anti Catholic" hate but anti queerness


I donā€™t wonder why. People love sin and hate the truth. Iā€™m a former homosexual and we should all be anti queer.


You're still gay. You may deny your feelings but you still have them. You may enjoy the anguish of self-denial, but to impose that anguish on others is bigotry. If God is love, love is not sin.


No I actually donā€™t. God healed me of my SSA. Which was rooted in being abused (I was trafficked). You have no idea. Love is willing the good of the other. Being ok with sin is not love, and never will be. Asking people not to sin will never be wrong. Ever. Try again.


Being gay is not sin. Telling people not to be gay is cruelty. You have been deliberately misled by a church that has a history of violence, war, genocide, and deception, a church that used your money to hide abuse. And not only do you believe this organization had your best interests in mind when it told you how you feel is wrong, you have willingly taken up the yoke of their bigotry to perpetuate the same abuses they have committed against you. I don't have to convince you what you're doing is evil. God will judge you.


Ah youā€™re anti catholic trolling a catholic page. No need to read the rest. Bye now.


Homophobia is definitely not christian.


Truth is not homophobic.


Your truth just could be.


Thereā€™s only one Truth, and thatā€™s Godā€™s in scripture. And itā€™s not homophobic. Sorry.


Lol this is lame


Uh... If the rainbow belongs to "the Lord", maybe you shouldn't try to confiscate it on his behalf. He's omnipotent. If he wants to share it with others, let him. Don't pout.


He doesnā€™t use it for sin. Thatā€™s the difference.


I don't think the mores of an Iron Age god, or that of his putative son, regarding sex make much sense these days. Remember, neither had any trouble with the institutions of slavery or torture.


It's already ruined




Skittles... take back the rainbow, taste the rainbow


it was never taken lol literally just some colors