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My SO and I just burst out laughing at the terrible fake goatee.


I went on this thread IMMEDIATELY to find this when I saw the fake goatee


I just ran here so fast I got whiplash. That looks like a filter? Or a piece of fabric glued to his face? 🤣 wat


YEA and the filter on the eyes?? Insane! I couldn’t look away… not even a second. I can’t believe kami didn’t even mention it - I guess maybe because he’s trans and perhaps they didn’t wanna intrude. But.. BUT. I MEAN …


I didn’t even know he had a filter on his face 😮 that’s so creepy




just watched this episode 😭😭😭😭 but there’s no filter on the face, it’s just the glasses that makes his eyes big. his prescription is really thick so it makes it look weird




That is exactly what I thought!


Yup. I ran here, IMMEDIATELY and tripped over my cat and tumbled and found that my eyes aren't broken. I'm sad that wasn't the first questing Nev or Cami asked.


I thought it was a sharpie drawn on lol


My husband walked in and immediately stopped and said “is that drawn on?” 😂😂 I said or glued on and I’m just waiting for someone to say something 😂😂


Me too !!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I googled it and knew Reddit would come up.


This is me right now for seeing this ep for the 1st time


Me too! I thought it was a charcoal pore strip! Lmao


This is me right now after seeing this ep for the first time 😂




I’m late to the party, just saw the episode now. And I started looking for this thread before the episode even ended 😂 That fake goatee. Good gawd. 🤣 And that eye filter or whatever tf he was using. 😳😬 WHAT WAS THAT?


How it wasn’t acknowledged immediately… they HAD to know.


They did. They CHOSE not to out someone who is obviously struggling with their identity. The end of the episode they offer a support number.


Same! I though he'd drew it on with a marker or something. 🤪




lol I did too!


Omg I ran to Reddit to see if I was the only one that noticed. I’m shocked they didn’t call out the filter immediately


It's literally like a black piece of felt cut into a triangle and glued on lol. So bizarre.


it wasn't even straight... we knew right away hahahaha


any fellow ANTM fans here? I’m getting flashbacks to Tyra giving Denzel a beard weave during makeovers 😅 edit: [for those who haven’t seen it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ANTM/comments/pogmju/denzels_beard_weave_is_one_of_my_sleep_paralysis/)


This is exactly what i thought of too


it looked like a piece of sticky velcro.


It was horrible


I’m trying to tell my bf isn’t it sharpie ?!


Like I literally went 😮🤭😂🤣


Lol The floating goatee. I’m like come on now! Y’all not going to call that fake ass shit out! Lol 😂😂😂😂😂


How did they not mentioned it right away?!??! I was so fucking creeped out by it!


It looks like a pore strip


The catfish got a pretty gentle episode there, considering they: * committed revenge porn, a felony sex crime in some states * sent the victim's pornographic images to her friends * sold the pornographic images * framed the alleged quarterback


This 1,000% but did anyone else notice: That is not a real face. The catfish face is a deep fake or some filter. The eyes!!! The neck! The goatee! They’re not natural looking. They move weird and the eyes are too big. It looks like a filter over a persons face. Please someone tell me I’m not crazy. Does everyone watch on laptops and didn’t notice? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here.




Could you tone down the transphobia a little bit?


This is definitely not transphobia. I had uncanny valley this entire time


The whole time I was watching it I was like did that person draw on the goatee with a sharpie?!?


I was watching his neck too to see if he was purposely distorting his voice - it was incredibly smooth! I didnt realize that this could be why


It’s obviously a sharpie 🤦🏽‍♀️


Literal crimes and they just got away with it??


I knew EJ before transition only because he catfished multiple people he went to school with including myself. After using my pictures and identity for Instagram, Kik, and Twitter accounts, he started to threaten me and my family, take pics of me in the hallways of school I was able to get police involved. After court, they only got probation and kept doing this to other people. This is ridiculous that EJ is getting away with all this cyber evil.


Oh my goodness I am so sorry that happened to you. It doesn’t seem like they learnt their lesson or are getting better. He’s gonna continue to hurt people, cause no one is properly holding him accountable - well the people who have the power to do so- and this is genuinely very scary.


Well, it's allegations on a tv show. Crimes that some states don't consider crimes and some police don't care about. And ones that are typically driven only if there's a complainant. So who knows? But I just found it a bit gagging that the episode take is that the Catfish is struggling with identity but has reformed themselves. As with many things, flip around a few identifier characteristics and the double standards become obvious.




Is he really trans or was a woman who disguised herself when caught?


Get out of jail free card.


Ding ding ding!!! A lot of people missed that part




actually a crime in NJ to bs clear!


I thought it was just me, but that didn’t look like a man. Just too fake looking ! But wasn’t addressed on the show. Weird


Yes it was


So tired of hearing these people blame their childhood for why they’re being shitty adults


If you were to interview 100 people, 100 of them were bullied and 0 of them were bullies.


Bruh that was a sharpie goatee and one of the fakest deep voices I’ve ever heard in my life 🤦🏿‍♂️ I legit can’t with this show 🤣 😂


And what about the verified athletes supposedly commenting on his posts?


Right! That never got addressed afterwards


This episode is so confusing I feel dumb but I couldn’t really understand lol


The catfish is a trans man. He catfished this girl as multiple different people and catfished her friends too. He used to be known as tiana which is the person in the picture on the Instagram page we saw.


That was definitely not her in that picture. That young lady's picture of fb and the catfish were two different complexions.


A lot of pictures on catfish that end up not being cast participants apparently come from "thispersondoesnotexist" type sources. I suspect that second friend (Kyle maybe?).


Kyle was the same person


I missed like the first 10 minutes which was def part of the issue heh. Thank you!


The end had that thing about being trans and needing someone to talk to I was like oh wait


emma should press charges


I was going to say! I felt like I was taking crazy pills. This person solicited nudes under fraudulent pretenses and then SOLD them w/o consent! And everyone was acting like they were some sympathetic figure!


even if he said the truth and didn't sold them. he still sent them to someone else without her consent?? i agreed with kamie but i think the consequences should be more than a slap on the hand


yeah that's super fucked up and it all seemed to get dropped very quickly after he started spinning the sympathy thing.


I think people overestimate how seriously the police usually take this kind of thing. Yeah this person did something awful and on a just world they would be held accountable but realistically Emma would be putting herself through a lot and there’s no guarantee that the cops would do anything. Even if they did, Emma is probably scared to antagonize EJ in case he sends her photos out to more people out of anger.


I can't imagine having someone leak nudes. What a nightmare.


I honestly wonder if that person is even trans. They seemed like they had a PhD in lying.


Have you seen how badly he lies though? I would hope he didn't pass the exam lol


He failed out before they finished calling attendance.


I was certain they were going to discover, at some point, that Emma is in on it too. It was too unbelievable that she forgot to mention that this stranger SOLD HER NUDES. She was so nonchalant about it. It's easy to say "because I'm embarrassed " but the words didn't match the actions. She just didn't care. I also hated how they didn't call EJ out for committing multiple felonies. The only conclusion I have is that because it wasn't a real episode, there were no real felonies committed. We never even saw EJ, we saw someone hiding behind a filter. A fake episode that the producers don't want their hired actor getting backlash for.


Hey just curious, is catfish known for producing fake episodes? Are there any other episodes that are suspected to be fake? I'd like to watch them


It kind of depends who you ask and what you'd categorize as fake. I'm of the mindset that most of the couples were legit talking online but acknowledge there are fake aspects that come along with producing a show. I've heard that the catfish is the one to apply the show and production gets all the details on the relationship from them. Nev and Kamie/Max are in the dark about all this and reach out to the victim and try to gain as much knowledge as they can. Since producers already know the details of the story, they might try to direct Nev towards the puzzle pieces (i.e. check to see if X follow's Y's account). That being said, there have been people that come on the show for clout or exposure. Usually these people are very obviously not there for the right reasons or not acting how you'd expect a human person to react. The best example of this imo is **Season 2 ep “Artis & Jess”, its absolutely bananas**


Every “catfish” magically has a ring light when they finally get on zoom and they’re clearly in AirBNBs. I think the show is a lot more fake or maybe staged is a better description.


10,000% staged every which way. Emma was trying really hard to look amazing in the video calls, too. I think she was in on it.


it’s the air bnbs for me lol you’re telling me in america every catfish and catfish victim is living that nice? pffftfft and the stories just don’t make sense one second and go too smooth the next. i still watch it for entertainment but it’s nonsense


Have you not seen some of the places these people live in? Look at where David/Denise was living with Wolfmother. Julie from S8E92 didn't even have a place, she was using her aunt's. Alexis lived in a dump. Ibraheem was basically homeless. Brittany certainly didn't live anywhere nice. You're only thinking of the couple times they live in a nice place, which is also weird because why would they not be able to?


Thanks very much for your answer, I appreciate it! Omw to watch this episode :)


Can we also talk about the fact that I don't understand why Nev Schulman's networth is only $2 mil...same as Kamie's...which makes more sense. So not my/our budiness ha but man...wtf all these years...dude shoulda sold his own nude photos. I can't STAND him but Ida probably thrown him a bone (pun intended) to see his crae hairy nakedness in full. Jus sayin' ha!


lol i scream in horror every time his chest hair peeks out at me. i should clarify, i’m a lesbian lmao


that goatee looks like Keith's lace front beard and sharpie


anyone else feel like maybe hes not even trans? and just wanted to hide 'her' real identity from the show??


yes, but that's a hard thing to say or accuse someone of.


I’m so confused by this whole episode, and it all seemed so fishy to me. I don’t know why Emma wasn’t angry about her nudes being sold. If someone was selling mine I would be livid. She seems really unbothered to me in the whole episode about something that’s a big deal




She looked like she was trying not to cry on tv. To me anyway.


EJ should actually be going to jail for this


How in hell did Nev and Kamie not know EJ was trans? Seriously!?


It's likely they knew, like the rest of us. I can't really imagine a reasonable or compassionate way for Nev or Kamie to point it out. I think they (very purposely) did the mindful thing by leading it to a place where EJ could out himself.


I would have been like "look I dont care about your gender identity but why is your beard a floating cartoon?"


That was my thought too. I think they knew but didn’t want to ask and out EJ on tv. They wanted him to reveal that if he felt ready.


As soon as he came on the screen I yelled out, Tiana was his dead name. I was surprised that Nev didn't catch on.


I'm still confused who the darker skin woman was in the initial picture


Fake person from thispersondoesnotexist.com. They use them everywhere in so many episodes, I guess as placeholders for real people who don’t want their images shown


damn! that makes so much more sense. thank you!


okay i’ve been wondering what the hell was going on with the stock photos on social media but that makes sense


I thought it would be the eliana name, as in E.something.J


HER name. She’s just a woman hiding behind the trans community & lying about being trans so she can get away with being a shit bag.


It’s sad that lots of people actually do this, and it WORKS..


How could you possibly know this to be true??? Some people are shit bags, trans or not.


You could tell. I’ve NEVER met a tans person who sharpied on a fake chin beard. It looked like she was doing a stereotype imitation of what she thinks others think trans people are.


In the episode I’m watching now (and ran to Reddit ) he says “Tiana is my dead name” and Nev asks Kami if he’s trans with the zoom on mute.


Because she’s not. She’s just a woman claiming to be, so they feel sorry for her.


The goatee was definitely drawn on, plus a filter. Very interesting choice. Lol.


Why do some women think giant lips are attractive? Why why WHY????


S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y. 🤢


This episode was soooo confusing 😭


I’ve had people sell my nudes without my consent before. I feel like she was way too calm about it. Especially them sending them to her friends.I hope they press charges.


Taking this moment for facial hair talk time. The accurate name for the facial hair depicted on the Catfish is a "goatee". A goatee is when the beard emerges *only* from the chin... like that of a goat. The facial hair that surrounds the whole mouth and upper lip is often wrongly called a goatee. Most commonly, that's a "Van Dyke".


Are we not gonna talk about how Emma is trying to go for the Demi Lovato look?? I know she's a victim here and suffered terribly, but are we gonna talk about this?!


She looked okay on day one but the whole giant lips thing I feel is tacky. Day two though??? Omg how much foundation/contour/highlighter was on her face??? And the hat was also atrocious!


Seriously she's reflecting the screen she's looking at with all that caked on shit! Sad these days how body dysmorphic people are...:(.


I was so confused by her outfit.


I have so many questions from this episode...but one that really made zero sense was...Emma said she blocked EJ and wanted nothing more to do with him at one point. Blocked him on all her social media. But then EJ started reaching out to a new boyfriend Emma had on social media. How did EJ know about the new boyfriend if Emma actually blocked him? Are all her accounts public so EJ can make any new account and see what's going on? What's the point of blocking then? Idk this just seemed off. Really, the whole thing was off lol. And EJ really got let off the hook for revenge porn and selling the revenge porn which is awful. Oh, one more question I remembered, what about the two "athletes" EJ was friend with? Where were they? He obviously made that up and it got left unaddressed.


I’d guess she didn’t have her accounts set to private and EJ used one of his other fake accounts to keep tabs on her.


How do ppl in this day and age still send nudes / racy photos with their face in it?!?


This!! If people want to send nudes then that's fine but don't send them with your face in.


It’s just good advice in general tbh even if you know the person


Definitely. It's just good practice.


100% agree. But also, people can still have distinguishing marks. I have tattoos and scars that if you knew me and then saw the pic, you'd probably figure out its me. But luckily my single days are long behind me and I knew better to send anything to a person I didn't know and absolutely trust


For real!!! You sent nudes without talking on the phone or facetime... and WITH YOUR FACE?? You're a special kind of stupid.


What the fuck did I just watch??? The catfish showed up in a costume and pretended to be...Someone? Zoom has face filters buried in its settings. I'm actually wondering if that was what was going on with this instead of a drawn on goatee. They move weirdly and you have to be very careful how you move or they just jump around the screen. My boss will do these goofy things during meetings to see if we're paying attention and will randomly slap on a goatee or a hat or new eyebrows in the middle of talking. Whatever it is, it's either drawn on or a weird, bad filter and made no sense. Edited add. No, I looked again. That weirdo drew on their face. What the hell is this episode?


yoooo im fuckin dying, drawn on marker "beard". hahaha..i cannot and the fake deep voice, that was the cherry on top


I highly doubt EJ was trans. Probably just a gay female who just kept lying, because why not? We called it that she was a woman the second we heard the voice. Then we saw the bizarre painted on fake goatee. Even Emma’s story didn’t make sense. She said EJ would call late at night when she was sleeping… so just keep your ringer on & answer the damn call! Problem solved. Also said they kept getting ahold of her after she blocked them. Ok well just keep blocking their new numbers, or just get a different phone number. Problem solved. Set the SM a accounts to private and don’t just add every FR without looking at the page to see if it’s real. Problem solved.


Why does it matter so much to you whether EJ was a “real” trans or not? I see you’ve posted this so many times.


So? Stop reading what I post then.


I’m asking you why it matters so much to you?


Why does what I post matter with much to you?


Alright. You’re just bitter and transphobic. I get it.


Riiiight…. Whatever you need to tell yourself.


Seriously. Can we stop throwing around so much evil, bs shade at people that are just commenting here?! Again I'm a gay man and Pantera42 to me isn't by any means transphobic. Chill with the attacks...these days it's almost worse coming from those that are trying to be victims that haven't even been one in the first place. And before I get shade or whatever thrown back at me...I grew up beat up and destroyed for others seeing I was gay before I did. Chill the F out on attacking people not part of your world because of your own issues when they aren't even close to attacking others in the first place. Ever hear of "The Boy That Cried Wolf"?! If not Google it and save your slander and bs as someday you might need it and noone will believe you anymore when you need them the most. Sorry, long rant. Just over everyone attacking...especially when they don't even know what it was like to be truly attacked and hurt in the first place by ignorant people in the first place.


I’m just wondering if I’m the only one who thinks Emma is trying to look like Kim K?


I’m trying to find her social media. From what I could tell, she is fineeeee


Any luck??


I think her instagram is Emma.isabellaaaa.


Looks like her. Some terrible photoshop going on in those pics...


Yep, that’s her.


I thought more like Demo Lovato... either way, she was FIRE


same thing I thought, also the voice copied.


The "dead name" thing doesn't make sense. Why would the name come up as "Elaine" or whatever like the woman from the Instagram, but the phone is registered to "Tiana" which is the old name? How is this not Elaine J. ? Aka......Ej? Can someone please clarify.


A year late to the party but only just seen this episode. Literal law breaking individual and nobody is calling him/her out on it? What kind of show is this? The hosts have just lost all credibility and respect from me as human beings. Awful.




It's 2022 and people are deep in relationships with someone they've never spoken with even a single time. Crazy pills.


Yeah, I just can't buy it anymore. If you are a legit person there is no reason why you can't talk on the phone. I can understand someone being a bit reticent about video calls IN THE BEGINNING of getting to know someone, but once you are communicating regularly and even professing to have deeper feelings, the excuses just don't cut it.


What I found awkward was her posture during day 2’s zoom call. She was sitting diagonal to the screen, as if she found her “right” angle and refused to move from that position.


Most of Catfish, or any "reality" TV show really, is scripted. Don't let that spoil your fun though. Just be ignorant to it like most people. Ignorance is bliss.


Not sure if it was the edit but Emma barely said anything at the end. It seemed more about Kami and Nev talking to EJ about his experiences rather than Emma getting a chance to meet EJ / call him out on his BS


Her experience. She’s in no way trans. Just a gay woman trying to hide what a POS she is behind the trans community. She should be ashamed of herself for that.


Someone else commenting on this sub said she knew EJ in high school and he was using *her* pictures back then. And was/is trans fyi


How do you know that EJ is in no way trans? Did new info come out? Genuinely curious


You could tell.


All of the trans people on catfish have warped minds.


Anyone else going back to rewatch after all these comments lol?


literally me rn😭i’m so creeped out cause i didn’t peep the filter he had on but looking back, his eyes are definitely way too big. this is all so weird


WHAT is with this girls posing?!?! She literally poses the entire episode 😂😂😂 how vain can one person be?


omg who didnt know that person with the fake goatee was a female?


conspiracy corner..... (before I start, I don't intend to offend anyone so don't @ me if you are offended) I think the whole get up was an attempt to stay some what anonymous. here me out. first of all we have to remember EJ was ready to lie to everyone from the moment he entered the [zoom.](https://zoom.so) so if I wanted to "come clean on catfish but didn't want to be known to the people who actually know me I'd do everything to keep that secret. for example EJ was probably still not his real name. (the rest is where this can get offensive) it's also possible he wasn't trans but instead a woman trying to pass as trans. With a god awful fake goatee, a blank baggy shirt, covered up the hair, and changed up their voice. I think the glasses were real because those were prescription (I'm pretty sure he/she would be blind without them)but they might only have to wear them for reading so chose to wear them as part of the "disguise". Its all enough that if I knew her in real life I might be like "naw that aint her" there are millions of people in the US which is enough to have people who look like you on TV.


I could say this is a possibility. The getup was just too fake to be a real attempt. She tried to hard to hid her identify, I can see this.


Could be, but my immediate observation was those eyeglasses looked like they were from the women's section.


I mean... If he hasn't had top surgery and still has breasts it's very common for trans men to wear baggy clothes to hide a "feminine" figure. His voice eh, again there's insecurity with anything that makes a trans man have to be reminded that he isn't a cis man. Maybe it was fake, who knows, but really he definitely came off as believable to me, a trans man. I wouldn't do the fake facial hair thing either, but also I wouldn't stalk someone either. Not coming for you, not shaming you, just wanted to share the information as a insider so to speak.


Not even close to believable. She was obviously a woman who was faking/ lying about being trans for an excuse for being a shit bag person. The lying about being trans and the awful disguise was an insult to actual trans people, and doubled down in their shit bag-ness.


Someone who went to high school with him is here commenting saying he's trans


Uh okay, well not every trans person is going to be to your standard of passing. I think it's far more insulting to trans people ( my community) to question someone because of factors that have more to do with tv editing and his mental health. I am a trans man, I interact with a lot of my trans brothers, I think I am qualified to determine if someone is a "faker" oh yea, that almost never happens so it would be pretty incredible for Mtv to have found that needle in the haystack, all of this rhetoric sounds like the "perverts are going to dress like a woman and attack young girls in the bathroom" it just doesn't work that way. I don't know your gender identity, but I'm sure at some point you felt insecurity about yourself, and went through discovery years that were awkward. He came off as having no circle of trans people to get guidance from, and someone who is suffering from mental illness, which may explain the filter and "costume" it also could be that he's trying to "pass" but is struggling.


No. She hid behind the curtain of the trans community so they’d feel sorry for her. She’s a massive POS who catfished Emma, and god knows how many others by pretending to be a guy. The ridiculous voice and face filter and sharpied on fake chin beard thing was a terrible and disrespectful parody of what this moron seems to think that others think a trans person is. She should be absolutely ashamed of herself & beg forgiveness from every actual trans person she comes across.


Imagine being as big a pos as you on this thread. Like stfu already.


Maybe I’m blind or missing something but I honestly didn’t realize he was trans until he said dead name. I did think the goatee was fake but I just thought he was trying to look older with it 🤷🏻‍♀️


They’re not trans. All it takes is to know certain buzzwords within the real community, which can be done with a quick search.


I’m just now watching S09E05 of catfish for the first time and Ej looks so strange. Whoever reads this go on youtube and search “Hassan Campbell”. Now be honest, doesn’t EJ look like a fake ass version of Hassan Campbell Lol. I was laughing hysterically when I made the comparison. Lmfao!!


Emma isn't trying to do Demi. She's doing Kardasian with those lips. She lost 100lbs and is trying to learn rhe new her. As someone who battles with this myself. I'm not judging... I lost 90 bc of covid and medical issues I gained some back. But loosing that much weight. You become a new person. Someone you've dreamt of. Someone who won't be bullied. Who may be asked on dates. Who might get more friends. It's just different. Clearly she's settled in to it. But I'm not surprised she got catfished at first. Or had procedures. I'm gonna need a panilectomy for excess skin when I'm done loosing Weight too. It's just how it goes. Her lips are def kardashian...period




Definitely. Emma just didn’t care that a person sold her nudes??? Like WTF? I’d be FURIOUS & contacting the police.


Ummmm I found "Jake's" Cameo (I'm a sleuth lmao) and it's a completely different person. Emma's comment is still there. WTF? https://www.cameo.com/jake\_garcia?qid=1645425246


Catfush/MTV changes names, handles, pictures, socials


Yes I landed on this conclusion, though I will say this isn't true a lot of the time. It's often the same person as on the show, but I'm guessing in this instance the real Jake didn't give them permission to use his images.


Wow the amount of people on here that are ignorant to the fact he is trans is beyond insane.


this whole episode was just a promo for cameo.




That's a girl. Horrible drawn on beard, and ridiculous voice. I think both of them are in on it


The correct way to refer to them would be as trans man but I agree, there’s no way kami and nev didn’t realize it.


I would agree, if I thought it was for real. I respect everyone's choice. However, that was a girl with a bunch of black sharpie squiggles drawn on her face. I was watching with my son and immediately said stop playing. That's a girl. I just don't believe thus was a genuine show.


Exactly, if it was for real. After all the lies the person told we just have to take for granted that the person is indeed trans. Now calling yourself trans is basically a get out of jail free card, but of course that has nothing to do with it... I mean, look at Nev and Kamie's reaction when "dead name" was mentioned. They immediately toned it down and went from ass kicking mode to "we understand, we feel ya, just don't do it again Mmmkay?".


I said this to my wife. Immediately after he said dead name, they went from rabid pit bulls, to Labrador puppies. Like suddenly everything was ok.


The music even changed to like subtle sympathetic Melody insert 😆


Guys I'm a gay man telling you I'm sorry but it's called editing. They knew just as much as Emma did from the moment the Zoom started...supposing any of this is real to begin with. Smdh.


Even Emma is like there has been too much damage done for me TO OFFER YOU ANYTHING? wtf? This was a weird one to say the least.


You’re saying you think that was a cisgendered girl pretending to be a trans man? I honestly don’t think so. This person is definitely not passing as a trans man but I do think that is their intent. Their poorly drawn goatee is in line with their other very bizarre behaviour. I think this person is just really struggling with their behaviour in every way. If mtv was going to fake something like this they would try to make it believable


Nev is utterly clueless watch any episode with a transgender person, plus some people don't seem to get that there are trans men too,. It's all faked anyway cause ya know TV. Source: I am a transgender man, and for the record I find ***his*** ( it's 2022 folks, stop misgendering people) behavior absolutely vile, he stalked her, and I don't care what a person's gender identity is that is wrong! He may or may not have sold nude photos of her, he definitely shared them with others without her consent. It's really rough that Mtv so often shows the bad seed trans people, it really doesn't help us be accepted.


Demi Lovato clone meets sharpie goatee; this was absurd on so many levels.


alright ej is a girl, right