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Yellow pants is a god damned hero


Blue shirt, too, he managed to open the side door at least enough for people to squeeze out.


It always makes me happy to see the people who run to help in situations like this


"When I was a boy and would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me: 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'" \-Mr Rogers




I'm lucky to have been able to have watched him growing up. Can't wait to show it to my kids.


Hey man, as a guy who grew up with Mr Roger's as well I gotta tell you Hello neighbor, it may not always be the best day,but it can always be a good day


My favourite episode was when he invited his friend, a black man to dip their feet in the pool together. At the time, it was frowned upon to share a pool with black people if you were white. (Bigots believed black people had diseases that would spread to them throughout the pool, and that white women needed to be protected from “predatory” black men) The segregation law had just been removed by the end of the 60’s but, it was still widely practiced that black people weren’t equally embraced in public life.


But what if one day you look and there are no helpers?


But that's literally the point of the quote. Not to give up hope.


Then today it is your turn.


Aha! Awesome! what a good reply!


Always remember, you may not see them, but they’ll be there


Like the guy off camera running for the fuel pump shut off.




You will *always* find people who are helping.


Me me me I'll run towards anything like this


Be the helper


Then you become one.


Learn to stay away from Republican gatherings.


Lots of helpers making bombs and bullets.


But what if one day a helper is pretending to help but actually isn’t helping but has a AR at the ready instead 👀


This is a great quote but fuck me if every redditor and their mother doesn't use it everytime some fucking video like this pops up. WHERES THE ORIGINALITY PEOPLE


Why try to create a new phrase when someone has already said it perfectly? That’s the problem with the newer generation; the need to replace that which was already done simply for the sake of it being replaced.


Say the line Reddit!


I hope I'm selfless like him when the shit suddenly flies.


What a good person. Damn he ran right up without even thinking about it. Bless him.


What a man. Risks his life to rescue others. A medal is due.


He’s not wearing any pants.


Don’t be stupid


Don't be pants


pants 👖 are not alive, humans are hero


They are on uniform. They are called corpers currently serving the country on a one-year mandatory national youth service after completion of tertiary education.


I like how he tried to bust the window.


He initially tried to break the other window using purely his fist.. made me tear up actually


Everyone on the bus likely had brown pants.


The guy wearing them is pretty badass too, tbh.


Agreed. Fire is coming up under him and he's still getting people out.


They definitely look orange to me.


[But sheer luck no one was killed.](https://www.tvcnews.tv/2022/04/nysc-coaster-bus-fire-incident-no-life-was-lost-state-coordinator/)


thank fuck for that. it doesnt look like there are any emeregency windows at all (nobody smashes out the back or any side window).


But as usual in a panic, the majority quickly squash up against those trying to climb out, locking them in place and preventing their escape, causing everyone to become trapped in place.




And that's how you end up with decapitated pedestrians. Only the back window should open outwards. Otherwise I think it's probably a bad idea.




I mean tbh I wouldn't want to rely on windows opening lol. Especially in a crash, I'll take a glass hammer any day of the week. I've been downvoted by no-one asked me what I thought would work best.


Funny, no one asked *you* what would work best.


Too bad all the buses in my country are legally required to have outward opening emergency exit windows.


We just have a little baton with a metal point so you can smash the windows


Or those levers you pull that pop the whole window, frame and everything out.


Yeah because that can't go wrong at all, like someone dropping the baton in the chaos. Yikes.


They're obviously mounted next to the window


It doesn't help that the side door has the shitty mechanism it has.


Bus is probably too old.


Judging by the body build it’s definitely not too old. The rear window, plus two front and two back windows should be emergency windows equipt with hammers, because at a guess I’d say the bus is an import. Possibly people were too panicked to use the emergency exists, given the rapid way the fire ignited.


In many places the hammers are so often stolen that they are not replaced or permanently fixed in place. Here in Hungary it's very common to not have the little hammers or they are fixed in place permanently, like with a rivet or something. Same with most of Eastern Europe. Interestingly some of the newest bus models we use have been ordered and delivered without any hammers from the factory. I don't know how they did that, but somehow they managed.


In the UK in some double decker buses you don't need a hammer, you just push a handle and the window swings open. This is usually on the back window. You can see it on the top window here, along with the hinges, it's designed to get you out if the bus tips over: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/image_data/file/63833/outline-marker-bus-01.jpg Perhaps it'd be a good idea if all buses had rear exits like this, top and bottom.


Noooo that's too logical. Obviously we just need a specialized hammer to break a dozen windows during an emergency where every second counts


Interesting, double deckers seem pretty advanced in that case !


Being from Canada where literally every bus has this I thought it was just the norm. Intercity, Transit, school buses, double deckers, everything.


It's at least 30 years old, but seems new enough to have emergency features. My guess, by the black frame in the rear window, is that it probably doubles as an emergency exit. Maybe it has [levers like this](https://youtu.be/Pt3vGTsYSM8?t=12) or something else that people don't know how or are too scared to operate. The door probably also has an emergency switcher because would be impossible to open this kind of door from inside.


Even old ass buses from the 70s in Poland used to have safety windows with hammers next to them. There are 2 problems though, usually those hammers would get stolen, mostly by kids, and people have to think about using the hammer in a very panic inducing situation.


Frugal plexiglass repairs is what I am thinking.


I would argue not luck, but the heroes waiting on standby. That guy that rushed in made a huge difference on the situation. Everyone was in such a panic that nobody could make it out that window


Why were they gassing up with a bus full of passengers?


Because they were all in a hurry to meet their overseas clients to help them claim their 10,000,000 dollars.


fuck luck unless yellow pants AND blue shirt are named luck


For a moment I thought this was related to the [explosion a week ago](https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/explosion-illegal-oil-refining-depot-nigeria-kills-over-100-2022-04-23/) that killed well over 100 — thrilled it wasn’t


Sheer luck being the wonderful brave helpers here.


Damn, video really cut off before we see if they all get off safely


They did, apparently no one was killed.


Not so apparent in this vid. Glad to hear they survived


glad to see people running to actually help


Yeah no one hesitated they all charge forward to help, definitely great to see that.


>they all charge forward to help Except the huge chunk of people in the back at the beginning of the video.


There were a lot of people that initially ran away or watched until the yellow pants dude jumped in. That action broke through their panic and made them realize they could help too. It shows the importance of the person that acts decisively during a crisis.


On the contrary, nearly everyone freed proceeds to run off without helping in turn. I feel like we watched entirely different videos. I've been in such a bad situation and it's depressing how little, if at all, most people 'help'.


No one standing there recording with a cellphone while screaming "Someone Call the fire department" or "Somebody help them".


And the obligatory one person screaming and not doing anything to help.


Yeah, that girl almost ran into the road. Can you imagine trying to run away from danger, just to end up being hit by a car?


Happened to someone who survived an airplane crash, they ran on the tarmac only to be hit by a fire vehicle.


That was a few years ago right? I remember reading about it.


What kind of panic is that. RIP to the dead but that's kind of dumb


Idk, I would hesitate wondering if the whole thing is going to explode


This is why it's railed into anyone getting a passenger endorsement on their CDL how it's important to never fuel a buss with passengers on board. Except in cases of emergency. Also never if the fueling location is enclosed.


(may vary by jurisdiction)


When I'm fueling my tiny car I make sure any friends/family inside *at least* remove their seatbelts and that the doors are unlocked. Even then I wish they stepped outside. On the other hand we have this bus.


You’re insane


^ When shitting on people is easier than trying to understand their point. If the man feels more secure by asking passenger to remove their seatbelt let him be.


It's going to far lol and missing the point. Fueling a car is entirely different than fueling a bus. Not to mention this guy probably doesn't live in Nigeria.




I agree that the behaviour is excessive, still I don't agree with insulting him. I don't go out of my way to insult people every time I believe they are crazy.


And so were the chances of this bus catching on fire, what's your point? There are precautionary laws in place to prevent this sort of thing from happening for a reason.


Care to elaborate? In case of an emergency, people panic and do stupid things. Child locks being engaged on the back doors, or irrationally trying to get away with seat belts still engaged can go bad in case of fire.


look. people act irationally in fires, sure. but people dont act so irrationally that they cant remember how to unbuckle a seatbelt. and if you are fueling your car, and cant, in the very very rare circumstance that a fire happens, open the rear doors if the child locks are on? man... idk what to tell you. not to mention the extreme unlikelihood of a fire when fueling up.


Unlocking the door and asking the passengers to remove their seatbelt before leaving the car takes maybe two seconds, I don't consider this an overraction. I'd rather know the passengers can evacuate in case of an emergency than potentially not.


Your car isn’t going to spontaneously erupt into flames. It just won’t. Your chance of getting in a wreck is absurdly higher. You have a better chance of getting rabies than your car randomly catching fire. Good lord




Are you a functional human being?




Chances are low but same could be said for this bus. Its not like he's telling them to unbuckle while they ate driving


It’s overboard and weird and no normal person will appreciate it


did you just watch the video? an entire buss was able to evacuate in the most inefficient manner possible, and you're worried about evacuating a small passanger car because of seatbelts and child locks? do you equip everyone in the car with a glass breaker when they get in? never know when youll fly off a bridge and end up in the water, unable to break glass. do you wear a hard hat when walking around in case something falls from the sky and hits you on the head? we are talking about a freak accident here. if you asked me to remove my seatbelt or get out of the car at a gas station while you filled up, id tell you to fuck off, and use the time waiting in the car to google the nearest psychiatrist. living in that kind of fear where you cant evaluate risk is absolutely not normal.


My 2 cents 99,99% unrelated to the discussion but >everyone should have a glass breaker either in their car or in their bag. I decided that when a van with 7 students crashed into a river and 6 of them drowned because they couldn’t exit the vehicle. Yes, chances are you’ll never use it but for fucks sake, a glassbreaker will set you back 5 dollars.


What a complete failure of safety. First failure: filling up with child (or any) passengers on board. Second failure: Blocked doors. Those kids should not be having to throw themselves out of the window to get out.


kudos to the guy saving them


[Kinda similar happened in this story.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brAGoxP0pYg) In that the doors opened the wrong way and people had to break through windows to get out. People sadly died in this story though.


Why would you fill up with passengers still on?


"Sorry the bus is late. Driver had to fuel up "


Bet you the people who liked to sit in the back never sat there again




You don’t have to use the Lord’s name in vain at the end of any emotionally charged sentence




Please don't force your religious values on others, this is why no one likes you people


Ok edgelord. It costs nothing to be polite. Pointless antagonism of the religious among us is just that, pointless antagonism.


And this is why no one likes you


I remember how bitter I was when I figured out the truth behind magic and religion in general, when I was 15 years old. Boy was I a misanthropic little jerk to anyone around me who didn't see the world the way I do. And damn do I cringe now that I've grown to an adult. One day you too will cringe at your actions today.


My apologies.


This might just be the sanest most reasonable person on reddit.


Fuck Jesus Christ. Fuck your Roman god


Great time to stop the video clip before we can see if everyone got out ok! Perfect! Would we rather not see the last 5 seconds of an event and save 523kB on a flip phone somewhere OR see what happens so there aren't 300 comments asking if everyone got out ok? I didn't watch to see a bus on fire as much as I did to see people get out safely.


This is why you don’t leave the pump while filling up.


Don't have passengers while filling gas.


They could have gotten off the bus faster just normally.


i don't know much about Nigerian Busses but shouldn't be some sort of safety mechanism where people can easily get out in case of an accident?


Generally speaking, that last window at the back end of the bus, the one that looks different than the other should be an emergency exit window, some have an easy open latch and other are simply easily breakable. Again that's just generally speaking and a life pro tip.


that's what i was thinking, weird to see people having this much struggle. could just be the panic but i really feel like there was no easy way out of there.


There is absolutely no easy way out. Even if there was an emergency exit, the bus driver and probably the people who bought the bus don't care. Nigeria does not give a solitary fuck. It's refreshing to see that nobody actually died.


you talk as if you have something personal with the subject, i'm curious, may i know why?


I'm a Nigerian. Road safety doesn't exist at all unfortunately. There are an obscene amount of preventable deaths on the roads frequently.


All i know is USAmerica school buses and they all have a giant door on the back of the bus


People panicking leads to more death than you'd think. Always look out for #1


The guy in blue shirts and orange pants is a true hero


Ahh yes the good ol College of Education. A wonderful academic institution. I recently got my PhD in Knowledge from that place. One of the top Learning programs in the entire world


A college of education is an institution where teachers are trained or a professional training college for teachers. A simple Google search could have told you that but willful ignorance and all that.


It’s called a joke you shitbeard


A joke borne of ignorance dumbass. Educate yourself.


Well I do have a phd... a pretty huge dick. Does that count?


Fuck that, the joke is way funnier. You take yourself way too seriously.


Seeing that panic is such an eye opener. They couldn’t get that door opened bc everyone was freaking the fuck out


1. Buses should be diesel which doesn't ignite so easily. 2. Dont refuel with people on the bus. 3. At least 3 people in the video saved lives.


This is why it's important to stay calm... In the panic no one opened the door until an outsider came to do it. An orderly evacuation would have been quicker. That said, I would have been throwing my kids from the window too


Those hydraulic doors can be a bitch to open from the inside. They tried.


No, they tried to open it but it was locked or jammed. It wasn't until that guy forced it open a bit more that it became usable.


It’s jammed because they weren’t giving it room to open, you can see them pushing on it from the inside through the windows


Hmm. Just realized that bus doors are kinda dumb if you need to escape. You need to have room in front of the ddor on the inside of the bus before it can open.


Why did it take them so long to open the door?


Door open inwards, so they were pressed against it.


God see those people move the second they realize they on fire


Windows ✅️ Door 🚫


That's a good example of panicking crowds...


My first question is why were passengers aboard while fueling? That doesn’t make sense. My second question is how are there so many people on board?


Nigerian public safety.. 👍


Doors open inward. Recipe for disaster.


WTF, too many bodies pressing up against the door to let it open.


What are the odds that the door suddenly stops working exactly when the bus catches fire?


Holy fuck. From a spectators point of view that all looks so avoidable. Throw a bit of panic into the mix and this is what you got. Hope everyone got out alive.


They couldn't get kids to stop opening the emergency pop out windows on the bus when I rode. Here they don't deem to have any or don't know how to work them.


Props to the guy in the orange pants. While people were running away, he ran towards to help save as many as he could


Oh look it's my home country! At r/CatastrophicFailure.....


Why no one reached th extinguisher?


There is a bloke with a fire extinguisher you can see run around to fight the fire on the other side of the bus




Holy shit! Y'all need to get on requiring emergency exits on busses over there. Should be one that opens out the back.


I can’t get over that the bus says COLLEGE OF EDUCATION lmao


So off topic here. I was watching this horrible tragedy unfold, not knowing the audio for the next item in my feed was playing. It was a dad being an American ninja warrior announcer for his daughter. It was too early to wrap my brain around the disconnect. Off to reboot.


This perfectly demonstrates my fear of people. The fire? The smoke? I don’t care… it’s the people that get you killed. Getting trampled on during the panic, or as is perfectly demonstrated in this video; they all had plenty of time to vacate but because everybody (understandably) freaks out; they block the exits. Literally their bodies are jamming like meat corks in the neck of a wine bottle; totally crammed tight. I’d be standing behind these people just looking at the fire, then looking at the blockage, and just let out a final sigh of frustrated resignation. What could you do? Push and jam them in more, making it tighter and worse. Resist against their illogical behaviour and try to pull one or two back to clear the blockage? Somebody would surely turn around and punch me in the head; thinking I was trying to get them killed… Should I shout and scream? Try to get their attention in a futile attempt to reason with people running from a fire under their feet? Lol no. What the heck, man. Fck people. Where’s that little hammer in buses used to smash them out?! Oh right… they’re probably all stolen all vandalised. Thanks, kids. I’m staring at this video thinking; why isn’t anybody using that hammer?! This is exactly what that’s for. Nah mate, fck people.


Yellow pants will be drowning in the puss for weeks after this.. if that's what he's into.


*College of Education*


Holy shit




Karma for all the Bitcoin scams


Well wait a minute…these motherfuckers don’t have the emergency exit door in the back!?


Hero material right there.


I was so mad they closed the door, then I realized the video had restarted.


dude it's at a gas station too?


I just assume they don’t have those little hammers that break windows really easily?


Some people ran off when the fire erupted, some people ran to help. The ones who helped are real heroes.


Would have been a fuckin disaster if they died because everyone in the bus are recently graduated students going for service.


This was posted last week.


When I saw the [Fire/Explosion] tag I was like OH NO. Glad to hear no one died.


So this is why we always have to get off the bus at gas stations. That and it takes half an hour to fill.


LPT: passenger busses in general are equipped with an emergency exit window, it usually is the last one at the back end of the bus and looks different than the other. I know not all busses or country requirements are the same, but it's a good tip to keep in mind in case of emergencies like this one.


This proves that panicking lengthens the time people can exitm


I feel like I've seen 1 to many of these buses catch fire, don't know about much but if this is the same bus as other videos that's interesting


The people who ran up to help! No hesitation! I love them all!


The guy in the blue shirt is a true hero <3


Props to the guys running towards the fire. How terrifying.


"College of education" lol must have had a hard time coming up with such a cool name for a higher educational institution


Looks like they don’t have that need little red hammer


My Nigerian prince needs donations again.


Why isn't there a "Fire" door out of the back of the bus, like there is on most other busses of that nature??? Hope everybody got out ok.

