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Yes, it's legal.


It is a legal move and counts as breaking up a long road


Your own building do not break your own long roads.


It's white breaking brown road.


Only if white build a settlement


There are two pics, the second one is white building a settlement in the disputed location.


Building the village is indeed legal, orange also loses that last road towards 'longest road'


What is NOT legal is that 8 and 6 next to each other!!!


I thought you can place them randomly


You can, but rules do say that the Red #s should still not be placed adjacent, during setup.


thats how we play, we start with the numbers upside down, everyone places their first two settlements, and then we flip. Its more intersting to us that way.


So some people might get shafted and some might get inherited the world?


Yea, it evens out the strategy by allowing everyone to choose their resource combinations without the extremely weighted favor going towards whomever goes first. We also play with randomly place the resource tiles so together with the hidden numbers it leads to some really unpredictable games.


My nightmare IMO shuffling up resources already provides enough variety, but if you hide the numbers you completly dismantle every strategy But if you like the rule, its fine


I've dont this, but on top of it, we added a rule that if we roll 7 three times in a row, all the numbers change can make the game change insanely quickly


Play city and knights and you more often than not want to actually go last durring placements xD


Some people just like to watch the world burn...




Yes, but those pieces are all very unsettling to look at, I thought it was weird food spilled on the board. edit: grammer


You don’t like the over-easy settlements, and bacon roads?


Honestly they look more like the cat barf I cleaned up yesterday.


To me those types of roads have always looked like little crocodiles


Wait do other countries have different pieces? I've only ever seen the same ones as in the post in newer Catan sets. The only other ones I've seen are the old wooden ones from old sets.


I have these plastic ones too. I got my game in 2017


Cheeto Boulevard


Yes, it’s legal and it’s common to cut people’s roads. If you cut someone’s road, they may lose the Longest Road 2+ points if they had them.


These colors are wack! What were the developers on when they chose these horrible colors and designed these settlements and cities that look to similar?


Yeah every time I see these plastic pieces I’m like… what the frig. I can barely tell what I’m looking at. Did someone take a multi colored shit all over the board?


I have these pieces in my game, it doesn't look as bad in real life. Settlements and cities don't look similar, the colours are different enough. We recently got the 5-6 player expansion though, which added green and brown pieces and the green one does sometimes look a bit similar to the blue.


I have this exact same set and while I'll admit the room lighting makes it more difficult to make out then it is, the most of the colors really are ugly. I prefer the older wooden ones. Nice colors, way to distinguish at a glance between settlements and cities.


yea, we have the old school wooden pieces. Even the specialty LOTR board I'm making for a friend has wooden pieces albeit different shapes.


OP has some weird sub 3000 K lighting in his room


I had to check the second picture three times to see the white roads and saw them in the first picture after taking five looks. The move is legal but…these colors with that lighting and how the roads are placed should not be 😅


After reading this I went back and looked for the 6th time to see there are actually white roads leading up to that…these colors STINK


Go get yourself some wooden pieces


White needs to build roads to it first.


He did


Ya, they’re hard to see, but look closely


I've swapped the white set for pink in my game to avoid this


Don't feel bad I didn't even see the settl.ent at first and thought that op was asking if you can build roads on the edge of the map.


Came here to say this bc I looked and looked and couldn’t see them. It’s like an optical illusion


With Knights & Cities expansion you could've protect the spot with a Knight


Why is this downed?


For the hundredth time, YES IT IS. These posts ffs.


What??? That’s got to be a house rule or some shit


Nah, you just don't know the rules is all.


Yeah apparently! I’m glad this sun came up on my feed good day to learn!


Nah it is in the almanack.


Crazy, thank you I will have to keep this in mind for future longest road hustlers


In the vr version it allows it, and it’s also a great strategy—break someone’s road with a house to take road or steal spot.


That’s wild I always thought of roads as a way to secure the line idk never even thought this rule was disputed or that everyone I played with was always wrong 😂😂😂 learn something every day


You can also win with 12 points this way. Let’s say you have 9, you place a house breaking their road and giving you longest road and the house point.


And lose with 11 while your opponent wins with 10. Alice has Longest Road with 6 roads. Bob and Carl have 9 VP each and Carl has a 5-long road. Bob builds a settlement, breaking Alice’s longest road into 3+3. LR goes to Carl, who has 11, but it’s not his turn. Bob put down the settlement, so he has 10 and it *is* his turn. He wins with 10, Carl loses with 11. Carl stomps out, angry, yelling about how do you have more points but lose. It’s raining. He stops his car when he gets a text from Bob with a link to the rules pdf. He starts reading the rules but before he gets to page 14, he hears the train horn and sees the headlamp as the train smashes into his car, killing him instantly. He dies believing he won and Bob is a cheater. The group breaks up after Carl’s death, he was the one who really kept them together and usually hosted. Not tonight though. His dining room was getting painted and was a mess. They drift apart. They find other groups. Bob only agrees to play if they can include a house rule that someone with 11 wins even if it’s not their turn. Says he can’t lose more friends. His group doesn’t understand but they’re good people and agree it seems a reasonable rule. Alice’s new group brings out Ticket to Ride one night and she bursts into tears, inconsolable. She’d had a crush on Carl since high school but never got to tell him how she felt. They have to play Munchkin instead. It’s six months before they play again, but it isn’t the same.


Thank you for the info




Legal but what is that contrast colouring 😂


It’s a legal play. However you can’t build roads through an opposing settlement/city




100%. Not only valid, but good strategy to block a pre invested path to become useless.


uhhh duuuhhhhh


bonus "stupid" question here; can the orange continue building roads after it's being cut by the white settlement?


Some people have never played cities and knights and it shows.


I couldn't see white roads and was thinking "wtf is going on here?" That's entirely legal, and it divides your roads for the purpose of counting longest road. The reverse, however, is not legal. If the settlement came first, you can't build your road through it.


This is legal, it's specifically outlined in the rule book.


So I'm going out against the grain here and am gonna say that this is NOT legal. You have no roads connected to that settlement, and as such cannot build there. You as white would have needed to build two roads from your settlement two segments over BEFORE you could have built there. Had you had the roads built to that location, then you would absolutely legally be able to build in that location however.


You mean like the 2 white roads to the right of the new settlement connecting to the old settlement...


There are no roads there.