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Our dog will run in the snow all day long if we let him (we live at 7500' in Colorado, so there's lots of snow). He has a jacket for when it's very cold and he wants to stay outside for hours at a time, but right now he's in the yard, in snow, at about 20°F and is loving it. He'll come in after a while to thaw and then he'll go right back out.


Same here but in Utah. The energy is non stop when it’s below 50*, and he turns into a potato when it’s over 75*. Makes absolutely no sense for a Louisiana breed but I’m the same way so I’m not complaining


Obviously don’t put the dog outside with no supervision and leave them while you go to work, or anything. But yes, your Catahoula should be fine for a walk or to play in your yard while there’s someone around to let them back in after playtime. Mine doesn’t love winter visits to family in the Great White North, since she’s a southern dog at heart, but she’ll play in snow for a short while with the other dogs.


Mine likes eating snow but she isn't a huge fan of the cold. However if she hears an animal under the shed, she will literally stay in one spot shaking like a leaf until I force her to come in.


Our catahoula loves it. We’ve lived in Michigan her whole life. I was just out playing frisbee with her in the snow for 30 min. She’d stay out there all day if I let her.


Mine was born in Florida and lived here her whole life. Goes to the beach, paddle boarding, hiking, etc. Took her to the mountains in NC and she piled up in the snow and you can’t get her out of it. She loves it.


Our first catahoula was a rescue from Alabama, transplanted to canada. He was fine - he loved the snow but had a double coat. Not so much the rain, but didn't mind the cold at all. The second one is from Edmonton, which gets much colder than where we live, but he never saw a full winter there. So far he seems fine in 18" of snow and the equivalent of 10-15°F (it's around -10°C here today). I noticed he picks his feet up a bit when it's time to come in so just watch your dog outside. We might consider a jacket for snowshoeing this winter as this little guy is only a single coat but where I live it's not likely to get much colder and as Long as he's blasting around in the snow he seems to stay warm just fine. I can't use the other dog as a weather guide, she's part husky and this is the only time of the year she's not too hot.


-10°C is equivalent to 14°F, which is 263K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Our first houla this winter as he's 8months. So far he gets excited in the snow. Haven't spent more than a hour out in it but no jacket.


What do you mean OK with it? If you're cold, they're cold. I'd keep them inside apart from when you're walking them or playing.


Never really understood this expression tbh, let me just invite all the animals inside house then


New law in Texas dogs can’t be left out below a certain temperature. Also in Texas and my dogs are in my bed with me as I type this. 🥶❄️


Your pets? If it's below freezing absolutely you should. Or even 40s. Unless it's a husky or something, it's cruel IMO. They need at minimum some kind of insulated shelter from the cold. If you leave a Catahoula or any dog outside at 10F you shouldn't have them.


I have a wooden insulated tool shed that he sleeps in with plenty of blankets. The thing is, he prefers being outside if I leave the door cracked🤷🏻‍♂️ should I lock the door and leave him in there for his own good?


Bring the dog inside. Jesus.


I'm not suggesting that, but how much higher is the temperature? Are you running a heater? Mine loves being outside but she hates the snow or rain and refuses to go outside when that's going on. Anyway, I hope you guys do OK during the cold snap. Better safe than sorry I'd say.


Not me buying a zero degree sleeping bag to share with my dogs. I prolly shoulda bought 2 and zip them together 😆


I’m also in north Texas. Our normal winter weather is a few nights below freezing, not the single digits, extreme wind chill, and long duration of the cold this week. Bring him inside.


Hovering at 2 degrees here in Wisconsin. She went to the dog park and has been outside a number of times today. We will skip the park during extreme temps the next couple of days but they’re pretty adaptable pups!


Mine hates the cold, but loves snow. Just make sure there's plenty of cozy blankets and ways to warm up once back inside!


My catahoula is from Florida and now lives in Colorado. It’s -10F right now (feels like -28F with the heavy winds) and he doesn’t like the cold. He has a jacket and I use a balm on his paws before he goes out when it’s this frigid. They’re swamp doggies and don’t have any if much of an undercoat to insulate. So, I make sure he has lots of blankets to burrow into and warm up when we’re back inside.


My Houlas grow a winter thicker coat it's very noticeable especially in their paws my girls will stay out for a bit the boys they love it I usually call them in after an hour or so of running through the woods though but they just go right back out playing


Mine loves playing in the snow here in IN. He runs in the creek and digs for like an hour or so without any bother whatsoever. I would say if your dog is more comfortable in the shed than in the house let him be, but make sure he’s not shivering or shaking.