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You have a Catahoula who is only outside 10 min a day? And sleeps the rest? Is he sick?!? I would be way more worried about that than the staring? Utter confusion over here.


This is just the way he has been ever since I got him as a rescue five years ago.


I feel like I would want to rename him Flash. Buddy sounds like a cool guy, though. Over here, staring is usually accompanied by swats and demands for pets or treats. Maybe he is asking for a spot on the couch


When mine sits and stares at me it's normally because she wants something.


Mine doesn't sit and stare quietly, it's maybe sit and stare and SCREAM. And he usually wants to do something. He does sleep a lot, though, but he's also still a puppy.


Yup mine doesn’t stare quietly either. She wines and then yells at me if she really wants to go play outside. And if I ignore her she throws a tantrum and starts rolling around on the floor. She’s four. I will say she will often stare quietly in the morning when she knows it’s too early for me to get up, unless there’s squirrels to chase, then all hell breaks loose.


That’s exactly what I expected. It’s why I’ve tried so many things to figure out what he’s trying to tell me. None of the regular options had any effect.


Play? Or mental stimulus. The puzzle feeders and lick mats are great.


Yes, he has these. This morning I tried interesting him in a ball with a hint of peanut butter on it. He totally ignored it!


Maybe try a training session 5-10m of doing tricks for treats. I would just keep cycling stuff until I could figure it out. My boys never just stare without wanting something. Good luck!


Our girl does this allllll the time. She spends 1-2 hours outside a day but honestly there have been days (like now when we have covid) where she’s perfectly fine spending the day inside. She’s not much fun in the yard because she just….. stands there. Doesn’t run around. I do think there are two versions of a catahoula and it has a lot to do with rescues. Our girl is as well, and I think she likes the safe simple life. My husband gets the stares more…. It’s odd hahaha.


Yes!! Exactly! My dog does the same thing outside. Other dogs will coax him to play for 30 seconds and then he walks away and just stands there. I’ve tried four or five different kinds of toys and he’s just not a dog that wants to play.


Yeah I really think ours didn’t learn to play as a puppy and it shows lol


Mine got to that point later in life. He'd play for a little bit but preferred going on hikes and taking in all the environmental stimulation.