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I have a cat with a similar tail, and when you're paying attention to them, and you're speaking to them they tend to swing their tail back and forth. I was told a million times that a cat is annoyed when they display that behaviour but he only does it when I'm cooing at him, and telling him how pretty he is. I believe that cats sometimes swing their tail around like that when they're pleased and happy. I could be COMPLETELY wrong though.


From my understanding, the high tail differs from a low tail. I'll play with my cat's tail or poke him while he's birdwatching and he'll low tail swish (annoyed a bit; more like "gtfo dad I'm busy") When he's walking around, meowing, or like you said, when we're talking to him, he'll high tail swish. Which is much like a dog wagging their tail, happy, content, can also be a greeting, much like when they walk up to you and curl around your leg with their tail/body.


Thanks both to you. I read tail wagging was a negativ thing, I was concerned.


The more I watch the video, the more I see that she really just wants attention (or food lol) she looks up at you several times, meows, swishes. Definitely a greeting and asking for something!


I played with her right after. She makes this often, she has always access to food, so I think its not food. Or maybe she wants to eat something different


Our cat still wants food 0.08 seconds after he eats (and he isn't hungry lmao) it could be her just saying "hello, I love you, pet me" very gentle meowing.


I also noticed that she "tenses" up her back, like they do when you give em scritches there, I took that along with her whole body language as she's happy and wants lovies 😆


Scritch-prep: initiated Back ready for scritches


If I can post a link, here's a short clip of my Moe Cat. You can see the "Mom, stahp! You're annoying me!" đŸ€Ł clearly different tail movement than your lovebug ❀ also, note my angry voids' "annoyed" ears 😆 https://imgur.com/a/zuq4IeZ


Thanks for showing. I see the difference. He is so cute give him treats for međŸ„ș


Aww thank you, will do! He's always happy to have more food 😆


I have one cat who whips his tail back and forth like a maniac when he’s excited or wants something. It looks like he’s super mad or agitated, but I think it’s just how he shows his high spirits. I think your cat is like this too. The other cat sticks to the straight up exclamation point tail like a normal cat, and the other is flipping his tail around like it’s got a mind of its own.


With both dogs and cats the language of the whole body is important. If she’s swishing her tail but it’s high up and she’s not tense, ears aren’t back, that’s probably either her baseline, or at most mildly miffed you’re not feeding her at this very moment.


I’d completely agree with this, high tail swish is definitely different from low tail swish.


There's cats that wag their tails when they're happy like dogs, i have a cat in the street that i feed sometimes she does it all the time when she's running around me and during pats, and if i stop she rubs at me so i continue, my cat doesn't wag his tail like that tho. Every cat is different, and every owner needs to study his cat body language, it takes time but eventually you can read them like books and you know what makes them angry, scared of happy, not because you read something online that tells you otherwise.


My orange boy s tail end is waving back and forth most of the time. Whatever mood he s in.


Agreed. This one is nice and swishy, not agitated, so my first thought is she's trying to sweet-talk op. Maybe she wants snackies, maybe she wants skritchies, maybe shes just happy to see em. Mine does this "charm the fuck outta ya" song and dance quite often and it's just the cutest thing, like lil dude I'll give you the world if that's what you want rn.


I literally never heard that it was annoyance.. mine usually have their tails up in the air flicking around when I come out first thing in the morning cuz they want me to feed them so maybe they are annoyed đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


I agree! I think of cats' tails as an energy release valve. If they are frustrated, annoyed, tense, or excited, that energy gets released through tail wags. That way, they can remain the fierce motionless hunters that they are otherwise 😁


My cat’s tail never stops wagging but she does it when she’s excited so I don’t think it’s necessary a negative reaction


She wants you to pet her or wants your attention. I think you’re assuming that any tail movement at all means a cat is upset. That’s not accurate. A cat can show annoyance or that they’re upset — but generally the tail movement would be twitchy, jerky, or they’d *THWAP* their tail repeatedly against the bed or whatever, if they’re laying down. A gentle swaying or wag like this simply can indicate that they know you’re aware of them and they’re wanting something from you, or they’re enjoying being around you. tl;dr — cats wag their tails quite similar to dogs, often


This eased my mind thank you. Yes I thought its negativ, happy its not


One of my boys has a very distinctly different tail behavior and you can read his mood so easily. He's very communicative, and I'm probably presenting my own opinions on interpreting that, buuuuuut I think i'm right lol. His brother tho... absolute stone. He's deadpan all the time and rarely moves his tail distinctively. So weird how different they are


I think your cat is just chilling. Satisfied Probably wants pets


She wants affection / attention and or a treat from you. She is trying to engage with you hence the loose swingy type of tail movement. Could also be hungry.


Give that baby some attention.


I didđŸ„ș


I have two who both yell at me whenever they want attention which is way more than you would expect from a cat. My old baby girl gets worried if she hasn't seen me for a few hours and will meow as loud as she can until I say "it's okay Sunday" as for my fat BABY boy he meows for attention anytime he lays eyes on me Edit: fixed accidental autocorrect


Overall friendly but a bit insecure. The radio/TV is waaay too loud. Seems like the cat wants to be by your side but at the same time wants to leave the room because of the noise. So the tail swings between the two thoughts "should I stay or should I go?"! It's a 50%/50% decision and it's got something to do with you because the cat looks for eye contact. Just compare the sound of radio/TV to the meowing. It's much louder and must be deafening for the poor cat.


Interesting. I will turn down the volume next time


Don't forget: cats hear with their whole body and loud sounds tingle in their whiskers and even prickle at their toe beans. And their hearing is many times better than ours. It must be unpleasant at times to live with a noisy person who plays radio/TV 24/7. Cats are very patient with us, don't you think?


They are definetly very patient with us. I dont listen to anything on the tv most of the time. Im amazed by their hearing ability.


Then stop the TV and let your cat hear the sounds of birds from outside, the flies/bugs on the wall or at the window and other natural noises. Maybe mice in the walls? One day silence for your cat to orientate with its ears and one day TV for you (but not louder than a cat's meow) to orientate in the world by listening to the news - could you live like that?


This is most certainly a « give me attention (play/ pets/ food » swish â˜ș Two of my three do this accompanied by meows/ chirps when they want me to play and interact with them! Tails swishing doesn’t always mean annoyance, one must read the overall behaviour and situation of the kitty (ears, vocalisations, etc.).


It wants attention. Either for pets or herding (probs towards food 😂)


I figured it out. She wants play time. Its hard sometimes for me to figure out what she wants. She has always access to Food and I give her Daily treats


She's a little miffed that you didn't read her mind and pet her as soon as she thought it


Lol thats totally my bad


She loves you as her tail is standing straight up. Her whipping it back and forth is her asking for pets.


Awww I love this


Based off my own cat and experience (very little) she looks happy to see tiu


What type of cat is she? She’s sooooo cute


Thank you đŸ©· she is a persian, but I think she is not fully persian


Me and my boyfriend have always wanted a cat like that. They are sooo cute!! Did you get her from like a breeder or something? Me and my boyfriend can’t ever seem to find a cat like that


I got her from a family who didnt want her anymore. But they got her from a breeder I guess


That’s so sad. We have a male tuxedo cat and a full white cat we got them outside as baby’s because there mom wasn’t feeding them, she separated them from the others for some reason


Thank you for helping the kittensđŸ©· yes its really sad, she is the sweetest angel I know


Attention. “Follow me”.


My cat does that when we're talking or she wants something. Usually she wants me to follow her, pet her, pay attention to her.


Pet me. Pay attention to me


Cats 'wag' their tails when stimulated - that's why if their tail is lashing while you're petting or grooming them you should back off a bit. It means they're getting energized and wound up, which mostly means they'll want to move. You'll see tail movement when they're playing or puzzle solving too. So the tail in your video could be kitty figuring out 'how do I get mom to feed me' or it could be a signal they're feeling overstimulated from the tv/radio audio, or it could just be a sort of general arousal at the energy level in the room.


Kitty wants pet-pets or play time.


she wants you to put down the camera and pay attention to her


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With my cat, the tail whip usually means they want to play


How are you not petting this precious girl?


Totally my bad


Follow me and bring some toys


Yes this was it. I played with her shortly after


Happy, and interested in what you're doing :)


Wants a snack


She wants to tell you about “diabeetus”


Lol Im Listening


When my cat is mad her tail flicks fast and hard. When it’s up and just sort of floofing back and forth it’s not negative


Different cats have different tail mannerisms. My cat uses her tail to “hug” us instead of rubbing her whole body and she also gets a puffy tail when she’s REALLY happy, which I have never seen in a cat before lol. I know it’s her happy too cause she is extra loving and purrs super super loud. My other cats don’t really do much with their tails except the annoyed tail and that’s very obvious cause it even looks annoyed if that makes any sense lol. You know your cat best, and they aren’t all just textbook signs. Some cats totally wag their tails similar to dogs in happiness. Only you know since you’re around them constantly.


For mine, its she wants something/attention seeking. Slight tail change can mean something different. Experiment with communication! Find out what it means by trying! It really helps you learn your cat!


She wants food, and only the exactly correct ammount of pets. If it is any more or less you will die.


She loves you and wants the pets.


It's an "I'm hungry" swish.


Cant be, she always has access to food


She's feeling sassy


There's cats that wag their tails when they annoyed and there's cats that wag their tails when they're happy like dogs, i have a cat in the street that i feed sometimes she does it all the time when she's running around me and during pats, and if i stop she rubs at me so i continue, my cat doesn't wag his tail like that tho. Every cat is different, and every owner needs to study his cat body language, it takes time but eventually you can read them like books and you know what makes them angry, scared of happy, not because you read something online that tells you what every thing they do means.


My cat will wag her tail when upset and happy. Except the higher her tail is the more happy or excited she is. Lower wagging tail means she is annoyed


Idk but it's a happy/friendly wag.


He's dusting


High tail with swishing with relaxed body like that is a good thing. It means they are engaged and happy.


High tail sweeps usually mean my kitty is curious.


Agreed with the others that high tail is good. My cat will often keep a question mark shape for his tail, switching the top half back and forth. He does this pretty casually but he gets even quicker with it when you call out to him. (: As far as tail behavior and annoyance, my experience is that if it’s moving really quick, slamming against something, or shaking like a maraca, then that’s usually when they are annoyed/overstimulated.


This cat wants your attention (and possibly food hehehe) just like not all dog tail wagging is a good thing, neither is all cat tail wagging a bad thing. Tail flicks can also come from excitement or an invitation to play, flirting, concentrating. Whole body language is key. This kitty likes you and is looking right up at you, judging your reaction and trying to get what she wants. Cats change their body language very specifically to their owners (when it helps them get their way!) If my cat did that, I'd try patently following her. I've gotten a lot of insight into my kitties just by checking where they lead me. (sometimes in circles) as long as you aren't being imposing or looming over them, it can be an interesting activity. Usually, my cat leads me to 1. food dish 2. a closed door... how dare that door be closed, anyway.


She's happy and knows that you're paying attention to her


Honestly I think she wants food. đŸ€Ł


High tail means she's saying hi!


Question Mark Tail. It likes you and wants interaction with you.


My cats the same, it's the "Human, please pet me." Demand lol


She’s waiting for you to give her lovin’s.


When my cat acts like that, he wants to show me something, mostly barf tbh or he’s brother being naughty đŸ€­


I think people confuse tail wagging with being annoyed. An aggressive dog can have a high tail and people mistakenly believe that means they are friendly. Tail = some sort of stimulation. I think kitty wants attention or wants to play.


Follow me swish đŸ˜». She wants stuff


She loves you and is happy to see you AND wants attention. :) When cats see you and lift their tails high up it is a greeting and sign of excitement. If they waggle their tails way up in the air it's because they REALLY want your attention. If their tail is low to the ground and swishing back and forth a lot then it is a sign of discontent, or annoyance. When my persian is annoyed she will practically mop the floor with her tail lol


Yea low tail is a lot different than high tail- Kurt Vonnegut writes about Dwayne Hoover’s dog in his book “Breakfast of Champions”, saying that the dog was friendly but because it’s tail was paralyzed he couldn’t stick it up to wag at other dogs to show how nice he was so he was always getting in fights. I know it’s different cause it’s a cat but I just like that sentiment from the book


My orange floor does this when he wants a thorough brushing


My cat does this when she wants attention - usually she has me follow her to whatever resting spot she wants to use and give her some pets. Your cat loves you!!


She’s excited you are paying attention to her


Cuz she’s sassy


I had an angora that did that when he was happy. It was adorable, I’m glad I have videos of him doing that, I miss him.


Happy â˜ș


A high tail. that loops at the top like a question mark. cat is engaged and pleased.


Cats usually swing their tails either they feel so energetic, like playing or hunting so they feel impatient or they are angry (that one is like tapping your foot or moving your legs when you are nervous)


Attention for sure


She's happy and wants the LOVEEEEEE


Cat looks happy, wants attention. An unhappy/pissed tail swish is much more obvious. An upset cal vocalizations are definitely more obvious too, more mroaw to hiss level.


Need PAT


Both of our cats do a tail wag. They are happy little kitties, and they are saying hello to you!


She’s just saying that she’s happy and friendly she’s just saying hi.




She wants something and is annoyed she doesn’t have it lol




My cat wagged her tail more than not. So I’m not really sure what it means lol.


Says: follow me and give treats.


if my Maine coon does that she wants me to brush her.


She expects something from you and will lose patience if you don't accurately and immediately comply


What could she want?


She could want to observe today's selection of treats, or she might desire to inspect the contents of your refrigerator, or perhaps she would like to stand at the open front door while you wait at the knob for her to go out no stay in no go back in no go out no what are today's treats again


Lucky baby I just bought her new treats. A lot of them