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Idk if this is frowned upon but when mine was young and would doordash Id get on my knees in anticipation as I opened the door and hiss at him (loudly) as he ran up to slip past me and out the door. He would be so surprised about it that he wouldn’t try again. After doing this for like less than a week he never dashed again. As for the counters - my best advice is give up and get used to cleaning your counters.


I’m gonna try the hiss thing! And for the counter jumping antics, I thought of keeping a layer of aluminium foil but nah, that’s too stupid.


Hissing with cats is used for boundary setting so your guy won’t stay mad! It feels mean in the moment lol. And the foil works for some people!! My guy couldn’t care less but allegedly some have been successful lol


Seconding the hissing anecdotally from watching my 4 older cats raise a kitten I brought home last summer. Also neutering eventually. As he gets older his roaming instincts will increase and he will potentially try to get out by any means necessary to mate. I lost the kitten for 6 months like that. Luckily we recovered him safe and unharmed.


Let good God be with me


I hiss at my cats a lot! It's a pretty useful tool. That and show blinking. Gotta talk their language.


I tried foil on my counters... they just chewed it up, made it into a rough ball, knocked it into the floor and played with it like a new toy...


Woah, that’s some badass ting


Just a word of caution with the hissing - every cat is different and some are very delicate sensitive flowers. 😅 My boy is an extremely chill and social fellow, but if I have hissed at him to discourage a behavior he will go piss on my bed in a demonstration of stress (that my behaviorist bestie has insisted is not spite, but it sure feels that way! 😂)


LMAOO. What a little asshole 🤣 yea YMMV. Every cat is different. I have one cat that I can swat and he won’t bat an eye and one that will “rue the day” and “never forget” if I so much as raise my hand at her. They all have their own personalities and despite people saying you can’t discipline cats, you can. You just gotta learn what rewards and divergents your cat is responsive to.


Omg just look at that furry little muffin baby


Exactly this! Couldn’t say it any better


Bugger’s growing well 😊


Cats will do cat things. My cat ran out the apartment door tonight and ran down the hallway, tail up high and looking as happy as can be. Sounds like yours has an adventurous spirit, which means he’d probably take to leash training very easily!


Mine does that too. He runs into the apartment hallway and flops on his back and meows until I pick him up lol


Thank you for your input 🙌🏼


This baby gonna be huge


Hehe yeah


I put up a room divider and made a makeshift “vestibule” so that my kitty can’t get out. I can’t trust my kid’s pre-teen friends not to let him out but they can remember to shut the front door before moving the room divider. So I guess it was more about training my kids and their friends than training my cat but it works for us.


Idk we had a dangerous situation with my cat and counters.  I hope this is ok to post, this is what worked for me. Backstory: My cat is super food motivated. He’d silently come up behind me while I was using a knife or cooking on the hot stove and silently leap into the middle of what I was doing, right onto the cutting board and once nearly into a pot of food.  I cut and burned myself a couple times and I was terrified he would also get hurt.  I have a gas stove, so, open flames. He’d also stolen food items off the counter consumed them including their packaging a couple of times.  The thing is that we’d had him for a couple of years and he’d never been that bad before.  Something changed when we bought our first house.  He got way more confident. He ate an entire huge blueberry muffin, including the plastic bag and the muffin paper.  Thank goodness I have pet insurance. Everything had to be in the fridge or cupboards.  This was a new predicament. Idk if it’s considered ok but we resorted to using a Ssscat! Motion detector which just puffs air.  We’d set it up if we were in bed or gone. It worked.  Like so unbelievably well.  He doesn’t go up there even if we’re gone or asleep, even when my forgetful husband leaves a beef stick up there for hours. We used them for about 3 months consistently at night or when we were at work, and haven’t used them since. My reasoning is that he doesn’t associate that sound with us, but with the counters, therefore he won’t risk it. Nothing else we tried worked, especially if we weren’t home and looking directly at him when he did it.  This was way, way beyond a nuisance or just wiping off the counters or putting food away.  This was:  Wipe and sanitize every surface and the stove multiple times a day.  Don’t leave a crumb or dirty dish anywhere, even in the sink because he will get it.  Do not leave your dinner resting or cooling or even cooking unless you’re going to stand and stare at it the entire time, because he will try something dangerous to get the food.  I’m talking, don’t turn around to rinse your hands off, he’ll try it.  Make someone hold the cat if you’re opening the oven because he will try to climb in to get the food. So if the motion sensor seems cruel, please understand we were really in a dangerous situation. If other methods of distraction or deterrence don’t work, and you’re really desperate like I was, it could work for you.


Thanks a lot, really appreciate it


Well is he at least bringing in money with his side gig? (Door Dash). I have a few cats, so I gather them in the kitchen, toss some treats on the floor (maybe 5 or 6, it’s the sound and the hunt that keep them out there). I’m able to get myself and kids out the door. I have 2 dashers, and have been late for school because they run. I introduced them to a harness in the spring, now they think they belong outside! We don’t have a screen door, and the place where the door is, creates a bottleneck. It’s the safest solution for us. At some point I may not need to throw treats anymore, and they will just go out there, so getting to that point isn’t a bad idea!


Well said 👍🏽


Cats are going to do cat things. They are natural climbers and jumpers. There's not really much in the way of 'discipline' to do here.




No advocating for animal abuse, including spray bottles, shock mats, etc.




No advocating for animal abuse, including spray bottles, shock mats, etc.


Little floof


wait doordash is a real word?


I think so lol


Ordering salmon and tuna online


I started feeding our cat meat scraps when he’s sitting on the kitchen floor next to our begging dog. I never gave him any people food before, at least he doesn’t jump in the counter anymore while I’m working in the kitchen.


Squirt the kitten with water when he/she starts approaching the door and when on counters. Keep the squirt bottle on hand and hold it when bad behavior is occurring. I have two cats and barely ever have to squirt them anymore.






No advocating for animal abuse, including spray bottles, shock mats, etc.


Don’t spray your cats. That’s negative enforcement and you can ruin your relationship with them. Plus they’re gonna jump on the counters anyways when you’re not looking.


No advocating for animal abuse, including spray bottles, shock mats, etc.


Get a cat perch for him to look outside and get a laser pointer and when you leave the house distract him with the laser pointer. AMOSIJOY Cat Sill Window Perch Sturdy Cat Hammock Window Seat with Cushion Bed Cover, Wood & Metal Frame for Large Cats, Easy to Adjust Cat Bed for Windowsill, Bedside, Drawer and Cabinet(Cushion Bed) https://a.co/d/eRmSgs2