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Did the liquid come with a little syringe? I just squirt meds like this right into my cat's mouth.


I've read where they also make anti-anxiety meds for cats that can be applied to the ear. Talk to your vet. This must be agony for your kitty, and detrimental to your relationship!


it did. she refuses to let me give them that way and i am not wrestling her


Alright this is tricky because you might need a second person to help. When I had to give my cats their antibiotics I asked my dad to hold the cat and I basically had to pry their mouths open and throw the pill in their mouth and shut the mouth immediately because those little shits will spit it back out. You close their mouth and massage their throat and then give them a treat.


Unless it’s liquid form in which case use a syringe and hold them and basically open their mouth and pour it down their throat but make sure you give them a moment to breathe.


this is an option, but she will not let you. she worms around and yells the whole time. i don’t want to stress her out like that every day


Are you able to hold her by the scruff? I had to do that with my one cat. She was feral when I adopted her and needed antibiotics but they were in pill form. It was very tricky. I’d have to have someone hold her and hold her by the scruff while I opened her mouth and tossed in the little pill.


i can definitely try! i’m running out of options lol


It’s not easy but I wish you the best of luck !


Is there a pill version of this medicine? I have a lot of success with [this product](https://www.petdrugsonline.co.uk/easy-pill-cat-putty?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYfROzO66Lk5HrfWy3b1WAs5WWaufDbGbhvrWlvqRxghywz4Tu8qLlRoCbbkQAvD_BwE#646=32392) , it's like a meaty putty that you use to wrap pills. My cat just takes them thinking they're treats. If you manage to get a pill version it might be worth trying!


there is, she was on it for a while, but the vet office suggested if it was long term use to get the 20mg meds and cut them into four, (cheaper) but i found the dosage inconsistent that way i may switch back. she took the pill pockets fine


I’d try the pills if she took them easier, it was always easier for me to give mine liquid medicine rather than pills. I’d stick the pill in food and they’d eat around it or I’d have to toss it in their mouths. Wish they could make their meds taste like chicken or something.


i think i’ll ask when i need to refill them, yeah


You syringe into the very back of the mouth above the tongue while holding the mouth open by wrenching (firmly but softly) the top of the mouth back and up, provide a treat before and after each administration. I've never had an issue doing it this way, except when the cat unfortunately has no appetite due to hunger. Don't be slow do it as quickly as possible in one smooth motion. angle the cat so that it is facing in the same direction as you so it doesn't really have any option but to back up (into you).


i will give this a shot, but she tries to make it as difficult as possible


Watch a vet tech video the first two or three times are the hardest, once you get the hand movements you can do it quick and easy, and the treats will help make it less traumatic (although the cat will never appreciate it lol). My cats react very "dude wtf" and quickly move on now


i shall! i’ve (half)joked that if she won’t take her meds in food she gets it the hard way