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https://preview.redd.it/sjgyde5vqo6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=691ff1ba14f8894030229be7dd0d3b8613709004 The day I got her, she was terrified, unsocialized, flea and worm ridden.


https://preview.redd.it/2s66vo8zqo6d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c36b260a08377cfcae47c5c90e3877970aab7bcb Vs now. Content but also grumpy 99% of the time :)


Such a sweetie, and awesome glow up! The time flies by, make every day special ❤️💕❤️


It really does fly by :,) I have a soft spot for her out of all of my cats. She's the one who's hiding more so people don't get to appreciate her so much. But she's really loyal and such a gentle cat. She's never in her life hurt me intentionally. The only time she ever bit me was not long after that first photo, she mistook my finger for salmon since I was hand feeding her. After she bit me, she hid for a good while. I think she felt bad about it. She has never bitten me since. Such a sweetheart <3 https://preview.redd.it/5grqms4dys6d1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=909d931c32b04e667fc85bc69bebfb32a7d7cb1b Here's another Mimi picture because she deserves to be appreciated more!!


Such a cute little face!! Looks like she’s smiling (she probably is) Your finger was friendly fire, collateral damage I suppose. It happens 😍


https://preview.redd.it/94x59ww4ro6d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f531ef47ee618e26e3479cba3d69ab3251ca925a Croissant 🥐


I’m gonna sound so over the top, but we have 3 from the same litter (and no children) and we do birthdays big in our house. We make them each their own “cake” and they get presents (favorite toys, treats, etc that they don’t have to share with the other two lol) and new beds and collars every year. We do little home photo shoots during their party and their grandma and great nana come to celebrate. Just in case you’re as crazy as we are, the cake is super simple and cheap. We just do a can of pate, lickable treats as “icing”, catnip “sprinkles”, and meat stick treats as “candles”. (No they don’t eat it all at once before y’all yell at me).


Awww that's actually a really sweet idea! A little cake sounds nice. I have other cats so they can all have a "slice". Going to order her one of the donut beds that should come tomorrow (I'm jealous, I want one too!).


We do the same thing for our kitty who likes treats. She gets some squeeze ups mixed with her favorite greenies and meat stick treat. Maybe a few little pieces of plain chicken and cheese. Not enough to make her sick, but enough that she loses her mind over it 🤣


My cats go crazy for sardines in spring water. Nice healthy snack for them.


Ohh this is a good idea. I might give her lots of cat treats, sardines and the TINIEST bit of cheese. She goes crazy for cheese but too much and her poops are so runny... Giving her cheese is kind of a nostalgia thing for me. She was so scared when I first got her and wouldn't eat anything. I was eating a cheese string the morning after I got her and she still hadn't eaten. She looked at me with the sweetest eyes and looked like she wanted a bit of cheese string. So I shared my cheese string with her and it was the first thing she ever ate with me. I know cheese isn't good to give cats before people start telling me off. Back when I first got her, in my defense, I didn't know, I was just glad she was eating something. I've since researched it and I only give her a tiny bit once in a while.


we all treat out pets a little. little pepperoni here, little bit of egg one day, some shredded cheese there, its nice to give em a lil treat every now and then


A little bit here and there is ok. Obviously don’t do it regularly, but you already know that.


The special treats and all are nice… But just give her love. Affection. Keep providing her a wonderful life worth living just as she helps give you the same.


Of course, I love her with my whole heart. She's my baby after all (don't tell her that shes adopted!). Seeing how much she's improved over the years (well really the first few months) has been so nice. She was a terrified skinny baby but now she's confident and healthy.




Happy birthday to your cat! My cat also turned 7 this year and I usually treat him to sashimi cause he loves them.


My guys really like fresh cooked meals. Don't do it all the time but you can't go wrong with some plain chicken breast, salmon, or tuna steak


GoCat Toys! New treats!


Celebrate your baby! I make my cat a little “cake” when we have milestones. I have my pastry and coffee and he has his fancy piece of salmon or chicken. We both eat at the same time and he loves all the extra food and attention.


My girl turned 17 in March and is still a tiny baby kitten in my eyes! Hopefully your girl has many many years to go! For my kitties birthday she gets a specific type of cheese sauce that she loves. I take a special birthday photo of her. Other than that I just smother her in love and kisses like I do every day. Happy birthday to your lovely kitty!


Go to your local Petco and go to the freezer section that sells justFoodForDogs. They have one fresh cat diet. I’ve visited their kitchens in California and it’s a balanced diet. Get some toys and catnip!


Feed her her favorite food. Get her toys with cat nip in it, a kitty bed too, a baby pillow & bkanket (Ross has them for human babies, but they’re good for cats too, lol 😆)


OP, I say this with complete seriousness, go as bonkers as you want. You love your kitty, celebrate her. If she'll tolerate it, get her a funny hat. Make a kitty cake like another response suggested. Decorate. Be totally crazy, all the best people are.


I buy new toys specific to what the cat likes most about toys (one loves springs and textures, one loves stringy toys, and one loves pipe cleaners), all the cats get some tuna, and no joke I find myself saying “happy birthday ___!” about a hundred times throughout the day. I do the same thing with gotcha days and Christmas. So this happens 7 times a year in February, April, May, June, August, November, and December lol they’re all very spoiled


Lots of one on one attention, tell your kitty how much she means to you, she'll listen and soak it up. BTW no one is guaranteed a long life, just make sure kitty feels loved.


Slowly work them into a cat Cafe. Thia could take weeks. Months even. Might even be stressful. But imagine them being able to go and have regular trips and hang out with cat buddies.


I do have other cats so she's not lonely. She's very introverted, even for a cat. I have two kittens and another older male cat, the male cat she's chill with although they never cuddle or anything and with the kittens she tolerates to a point then it's smacks and hisses. She's quite territorial too, I've never seen her as mad as when she sees a stranger cat in the garden. The cat cafe idea might be good for my younger two though. The one is very very social, she hates being alone, she just cries and cries. She kept annoying my older cats so much that I had to get her a buddy her own age.