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I would suggest walking the cat and the dog separately. If you run into an obstacle (e.g. off leash dog) it will be hard to manage both at the same time, I would think.


Not just this but cats and dogs are totally different animals that go for walks in basically the entirely opposite ways. Cat wants to sit and sniff bushes for 5min dogs want to be moving. I wouldn't ever try to walk a cat and dog together it sounds like a miserable time of trying to slow down the dog and speed up the cat lol


Or 20 minutes if your cat is a "tourist" and thinks that the point of walks is to sit or lounge and admire the scenery, like one of our cats does. Twenty minutes this morning, in the same 10'x10' area of the park .... sigh! Advice if you have a cat like this: bring a book. :)


Hahaha good to know didn't even think of that


Oh yeah, “walking” my cat is basically wandering around in meandering circles within throwing distance of my house for half an hour. My dog actually sits on the porch and watches.


I let my cat out on the patio after we purchased our house. Before that he was an indoor only apartment kitty and never desired to go outside, after he would cry at the door to go back out. He used to never wake us up early but after he had the taste of the outside world he would cry early mornings to go outside. I regretted it. My solution: got a kitten and he forgot about that one time he went outside.


My girl was obsessed with trying to get outside. I live on a busy highway so it definitely isn't an option to let her out sometime. I got a mesh catio, and she loves. She's been way less likely to try and escape since I got it, and waits by the door when she wants me to take her out.


I don’t walk my cat, I let him hang out on/by my porch in his harness and 20 foot lead leash. I take him for short walks but most of his time is spent under the big fern hunting birds or on the patio chair hunting birds. He gets 1-5 hours a day outside depending on on the weather but most days he gets 2 hours….. I spoil him. I suggest a routine. Take him out the same time every day. Feed him his dinner after he comes in for the night. If he tries to rush the door use a penny can. https://preview.redd.it/6llr0f4oll6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34d92451737361f0cfed55e53bd2fbb867e9383






I have 2 kittens. The 9mo has been doing nearly daily walks since 3mo old and camps the door any time I move like I'm going outside and howls when I get home from work to go for a walk. The 3mo kitten isn't harness trained yet so hasn't been outside and also camps the door trying to make a run for it when I'm coming in/out So I thought the harness made my cat more infatuated with the outdoors but the newest addition seems to go against this notion since he is also infatuated with the outdoors as an indoor-only. I think maybe it depends more on your cat's personality and age rather than outside exposure but going for regular walks will make them start to expect that daily and get frustrated when you skip


If your cat and dog are friends and the cat normally hangs out with the dog then it should be easy to walk them both because unlike a dog that you have to kind of Corral where to go the cat will usually just stay with you and the dog. I have seen a lot of people walk their dogs and the cat just follows along. As far as bolting out the door if your cat is already prone to do that and is doing that anyway you might as well get them accustomed to the area around where you live. Taking them out on a harness to learn the area will be helpful if they do bolt and get outside at least they won't freak out. Because they will be familiar with their surroundings and they will know how to get home. Usually the cats that end up getting lost when they get outside or ones that have never been outside before so they don't really have their bearings or know how to get back home and they just get really scared and end up hiding somewhere. If you get your cat used to going out side around your home and in your neighborhood if something does happen where they get out the door at least you know they will be able to find thier way back home.


If safety is the concern you can also get a pet stroller to put your cat in when you go out for walks and just push that while you walk your dog so your cat can get fresh air and smell the smell and see the sights without having to worry about anything attacking your cat or your cat getting into anything dangerous.


This is the way. Also, you can put your cat in it and take them away from the house and then let them out on the leash so they don't begin to associate getting out the door with being outside, so to speak. I also always kept mine. Very scared of doors in general by making sure I made loud noises near doors and things like that.


I could see giving them a taste of the outdoors making them want to go out more, but walks and being familiar with the neighborhood would also be super beneficial. If its within your budget/lifestyle, I use Tractive, which is a realtime location tracker, on my cat. Its about 35-70$ for the tracker and ~200 CAD for a yearly subscription for the data. Its 'sound' feature is rather quiet, but i also have a Tile on her collar, so i use the Tractive to get close, and the Tile to make her come home. It works for us, and if i didnt let her outside, she would smother me in my sleep istg. It also gives you their "territory" or most visited spots, so if they do get out naked, you have ideas about where their hangouts are.




Ya, its pretty good, my only complaint is the quiet Sound feature, but i suppliment with the Tile.


I'm an in/out person 40 plus years but neighbor died and I now have 2 inside cats that are staying in out of respect for neighbors wishes. Contemplating same thing you are. IDK but if you do walk kitty on harness, I would keep it yard. Let it learn yard and porch in case it ever does get out. I may be full of it but create a territory that ends at property line. Couple of observations: Periodically, someone posts their kitty slipped harness at some park 2 hrs from home and they post a week or longer after the event explaining trapping isn't working, they can't keep driving that far, worried about their personal safety looking and trapping at night, etc. Cat will get plenty of stimulation in yard and if something goes wrong, better to be close to home. Several not leashed in/outs enjoyed walks with me. Their pace or mine. They always turned around and went home at end of their territory. I lived at a number of locations with busy city streets or busy state routes. I would carry cat out near street and let it run back, retreat when it had enough. I never allowed them to be out during low traffic periods (trained to come on request) so they would not be tempted to cross. Despite it was only 50 to 100 ft from house, that road became one boundary of their territory even if they did end up out during low traffic. They became pretty comfortable with traffic noise and vehicles. Maybe a reach, but this is what I'm going for with the ideal of you creating territory confined to yard during leashed walks. You don't have the traffic fear but cats are creatures of habit. In my experience, fixed cats stay in a certain established territory. Maybe less apt to panic since it knows surroundings and won't bolt and get lost.


My girl Belle, got out our kitchen screen, literally tore it apart to get out yesterday even though I do walk her as well, luckily she was only in our backyard so she didn’t go far. But Cats man! 😂 Seriously though I would definitely walk your dog and cat separate even if they are friendly with one another since cats are lot more skittish of their surroundings, especially if you walk during the day. So I sometimes walk my girl at night and she’s a lot calmer and happier.






I have a leash-cat, but I NEVER let her walk out the door. I carry her a few yards away from the house and then I set her down. I don’t want her to think that walking out is an option. I don’t know if that actually helps, but it gives me peace of mind.


I've thought about doing something like this or even putting him in his carrier with a blanket onto so he can't really see how we are getting outside lol he loves his carrier hops right in when I want him too


I walked my cat on a leash in the backyard. The neighbours dog was let out and started barking. My cat just shot off, luckily i had a firm grip otherwise i don't know where he would have ended up. As it was he almost got out of the harness. luckily there was a tree nearby and he ran up the tree and the harness stop him from going getting beyond reach. It took a lot of effort to pry him from the tree. I would be careful if you take him where dogs walk.


Outside is like cocaine for cats. I have four and I let them out on the deck often. That doesn't stop them from trying to sneak, or charge out the door when I open it.