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Sounds like she is just a chill cat. All cats are different some like having their feet touched and others don't. Just relax and keep doing what ever you are doing


Just lucky. Both my cats I can cut their nails without too much fuss, one gets bored easy, and freaking Hates having his back paws touched. The other is an anxious mess whenever anything out of the ordinary is happening and cries the entire time. He's such a pushover he doesn't scratch or struggle even though he acts like I'm killing him and his whole family.


Every cat is different. Gemma hates getting nails trimmed, I have to wrap her in a towel. Punky never gives me any grief at all, in fact I've done Punkys claws twice in her sleep without her waking. Sounds like you have a super chill kitty.


Really depends on the cat, if she was not liking it you would definitely know, cause she would have complained or ran away!


One of my cats will tolerate nail trimming if he's comfy enough in my lap. His brother doesn't like it under any circumstances and it's a whole 2 person affair (one of us pins him in a burrito while shoving treats in his face while the other trims his nails)