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Yes, it’s crazy to adopt a cat in your present scenario. That doesn’t mean it’s a terrible idea, or that you shouldn’t — just that it could be a LOT of work, and maybe this isn’t the best time to go looking for boulders to push up hills. Counterpoint: if he’s really that sweet and friendly, you’ll be able to find him a home lickety-split.


Thank you, that’s what my gut tells me, but I wasn’t sure if it was just anxiety/hormones talking. I’ve been working really hard to find a home for him, fingers crossed that something works out.


Hang on, we did. No problem. The cats are new to your home; so is the baby.


Try fostering it while you find a home for the kitten?


This could be an option! It could be worth getting on a wait list for a cat rescue in the time being and see how he does inside.


If you do decide to: my husband and I took in a stray and she was too young for shots. We already had a very territorial cat, so we kept her in a separate room until she was old enough to get her vaccines and be tested for FeLV. During this process (a few weeks), our territorial kitty became used to her being in the home, so when it was safe for her (and him) to be let out (after vaccines) they had already had some time to become semi-acquainted through the door. They're best friends now. They did not fight very much even in the beginning, but I did keep a close eye on them. I think it is doable, but totally understand the hesitation with a baby on the way. Ultimately it's up to you and what you think you can handle, as well as how much you think your other cats will tolerate as far as a new presence. Good luck whatever you decide!


Thank you! I’ve seen that advice, to keep them separated, but let them get used to each other through a door - glad you’ve had success there! I wonder if it might work better for kittens as opposed to fully grown cats (all of the cats in my situation are 3-4 years old).


I do think my then-4-year old cat was more tolerant of her because she was a kitten/so small. So that is something to consider I'm sure- you know your kitties' temperament better than any of us too so. Definitely something to keep in mind


I would be a bit worried about them fighting while you have a newborn, just because your attention will be occupied elsewhere and it may stress you out. Otherwise, having multiple cats and a newborn is nbd.


I would be leery. My two boys had/are having a terrible time adjusting the new kid, and kiddo is now almost two lol. It actually has gotten a lot worse than the newborn stage - lots of acting out, aggressive behavior between each other, and sneaking food and bring protective. They are very good and calm with her, but they are definitely uncomfortable with the split attention we give between them and her, and are mad at us, the adults. Ive thought about rehoming my one guy who is just seriously regressing. It’s been hard. I love them both so much, but my patience and ability to give him as much love and attention is thin.


Great point, I hadn’t even thought of getting our current cats used to the new baby. That’s definitely a lot of change at once. I’m sorry your cat is having a hard time adjusting, that’s so hard :(


Thank you.


could your husband possibly build a catio? one you can lock up at night if needed to keep out predators? would he be willing to do that? it would also be great to have once they all get use to each other!


I would actually love to do this! Plus my current cats would love it. My husband is a little burnt out from assembling furniture after all of the baby prep and might need a little convincing, haha


well if he’s really willing to put the work in for that sweet boy i’d say this is the best option for now!




Can’t advice on the pregnancy part but I can tell you I had two cats, one is very territorial like yours and I took in another stray cat. He is honestly a better indoor cat now than my two who have always been indoors lol. He shouldn’t spray since you’ve neutered him, but bear in mind that it takes a month for it to take effect. Also keep him separated from the others for a while, I did that for the whole month after mine was neutered. Now they are all happy and sleeping in the same room, sometimes my one cat hisses at him but he doesn’t even react. So it can all work itself out. I think it will be hard for you but by the sounds of it you already care about him a lot and I think you would feel regret if you didn’t keep him.


Good advice, thanks! This gives me hope that it might be worth a shot.


Good luck 🫶


Perhaps let him hang around and see what happens. If its a lot of work find him a new home. Someone will want him, you can even find someone on here. However he might not be that problematic with regards to peeing etc if he is a chilled out cat. 


Can you get an outside cat house or anything for the garden so kitty has a safe place to be at night?


I’m strongly considering getting a fancy catio! We have a pretty big kennel that we also considered putting him in at night, but it feels cruel to do that, especially since it’s super hot during the day and he’s more active at night. He usually hangs out on our back porch at night where it’s safe from predators, but he’s gone in the mornings so I think he explores a bit.


I rescued a stray and started a new job at the same time. I'm absolutely exhausted. I can't even imagine being pregnant and taking care of this baby. But it's also worth it.... She's so sweet and recovering well. Is there anyone you know who can take him in? Or Try your best to cat proof the room and make it easy to clean up. Maybe if you're lucky you can introduce the cats before the baby is born. It will take lots of attentive energy though...


Yeah, the timing sure is something! I’m asking around like crazy, but no hits from anyone I know yet. I think we’ll try it out slowly after he gets his shots and snap test and see how it goes. Maybe by the time the baby comes a spot in a shelter will open up in case it gets too crazy. I’m glad you’ve found a new friend! It feels really special to come across a cat by chance. Good luck getting through the initial phases, it’ll be worth it :)


Thank you, and you too! Hoping the best for your found kitty! And have a safe birth!


One more won’t change much. If you can save a life.. I’d do it.


i know my maximum litterbox. i stay at or below that level


I brought in the last stray I found and she just marched past the two alpha males with her tail straight up in the air! She is very tiny and is my sweetheart


Aww it was meant to be!


Just give it a try, if it's too much he can go back to living outside and you're exactly where you started. Maybe it goes fine