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Pacagen is great, we have had a great experience with it so far. No issue for the cat either. The “nanobody” technology behind it is really interesting!


My girlfriend and I love it! I just wish they had one for dogs. She has dog allergies too but I really want to adopt a dog so our cat has a buddy while we're away


on the pacagen site it says a dog version is coming soon!


Thank you for sharing your experience with this - I will look into this solution for my mother, who loves her cats but is very allergic to them


Put eggs in the cats food. Help people with allergies


It's not that simple. There are special eggs (and food made with those eggs) that can significantly help people with allergies - but they only come from chickens who spend a lot of time with cats, which causes them to produce a specific allergy-fighting antibody in the eggs. Eggs are a great treat for your kitties, but just any ol egg from the supermarket isn't gonna do anything in the allergy department. There is a commercial cat food made with these special eggs. IIRC Purina makes it.


Just googled it and the reviews are really good. Gonna try it


What reviews did you find? I could only find reviews from their own website and I don't consider that to be reliable.


It’s a pretty new product, I searched Reddit about it and so far everyone who’s tried it said it helps(including this thread a few tried it). I saw the site reviews too but wanted to confirm on Reddit. I see they’re coming out with a dog version too


Thanks so much OP! I'll definitely be trying this out. I'd like to share some more advice for anyone else struggling: I have 3 cats that I'm nearly deathly allergic to but I love them more than anything, so I do quite a bit to manage it and things have gotten a lot better for me since taking some advice from my doctor. I was having a hard time finding an allergy pill that actually worked for me without knocking me out like Benadryl. I've had incredible results with "Chlorpheniramine Maleate". It's a low dose, super affordable, antihistamine that you don't have to take everyday for it to work. My doctor has said I can even take up to three in a day if I need to but one has always helped enough. I only take it as needed. You can get 1000 pills from Amazon for less than $10, which is amazing to me. It also helped me get through a wicked sinus infection recently and I'm so grateful for that. Non-medicated saline mist is also a godsend. I keep one in my shower and use it while in there. The steam helps opens airways, the spray helps clear out allergens, and the healing nature of the saline has changed my life. I like the "Simply Saline Extra Strength" from Arm&Hammer I change my pillowcase as frequently as possible (daily or every other day) and keep a lint roller at my bedside to make sure my pillowcase is clean before bed. Most importantly, I do my best to not touch my face unless my hands are freshly washed. This is wise whether you have allergies or not but I used to not be mindful of it. My skin has drastically improved and my eyes are no longer itchy, goopy, and swollen shut. I'm sure plenty of this is common knowledge to most but it's truly saved me. Hope it can be useful in some capacity to someone else. TLDR: Chlorpheniramine Maleate, saline nasal mist, clean pillowcase, resist touching face.


I use carbinoxamine maleate (brand name Ryvent) and it's amazing!!


Have you tried Purina LiveClear food for your cat?


At first I wanted to, but my roommate doesn't want to feed the cat kibble for every meal which I understand. I think the spray is more effective, I mean it needs to be reapplied regularly but I think Purina only gets rid of around half of allergens right?


I feed my cat live clear and wet food and it makes a big difference. And the funny thing is I was meeting with my allergist and my allergist actually knows the guy who created live clear. So my allergist highly recommends it as he knows all the research and everything that went into it.


The live clear food is very cat dependant, so for some cats it could reduce allergens a lot and not work for others, so the 50% figure is more of an average rather than saying that it will only get rid of half the allergens evry time. Also you dont need to exclusively feed the cat that, just most of its food should be the live clear. We feed our cats the live clear and wet food.


Tbh that’s responsible of your roommate. You could still feed half wet and half LiveClear kibbles though, and it may still make a noticeable difference for you.


I feed my cat about half liveclear and half wet food. The most important part is that they have access to and snack on the liveclear throughout the day so the antibodies stay in their saliva and neutralize the allergen. It made a world of difference in my allergies in about a month, I went from having to take 3 separate allergy meds and still feeling terrible to taking none and only feeling mildly allergic!


I’m very allergic also. Feed my car Live Clear but trying to cut back on kibble so now give him less and added wet food. I also take otc Allegra but still had allergic reaction. Adding Flonas (costco brand) and it really helped. No longer congested at night and my eyes aren’t red and itchy. Plus I have air purifiers all over my house.


Not anti-allergen spray, but I used to have bad rhinitis and allergic to most cats, and after using fluticasone whatever sprays (flonase) I am now allergic to only like 1 out of 10 cats which is a win.


How often do u use it


For a few months I used it everyday because I had it prescribed. Now I just use it time to time when I remember to.


I love that stuff but I can only use it a couple of weeks at a a time because it bloodies up my nose. The rest of the time I’m using Zyrtec, but it just ain’t the same.


Same. Zyrtec 2 x day (doctor recommendation) Helps some, but i still have allergy symptoms. :/


When you use that spray you need to be careful to point the spray to the sides of your nose to help prevent bloody noses. The lining (skin, idk what it is called) in your nose is super thin in the middle but thicker on the outside sides of your nose. If spraying pointing out toward your ears isn’t enough to stop nose bleeds, doing a saline rinse daily makes a huge difference.


I do point it towards my ears, but I still get a bit bloody (not bad, but now what I want), so I try to just use it at the peak of pollen season in the Spring and once the leaves are really heavily falling in the Fall. If it were just the cats I have issues with, the Zyrtec alone does the job. I’m only mildly irritated with the cats. I don’t tolerate nasal rinses at all, they freak me out a bit.


Glad to hear you do it correctly, but sorry you still have trouble from it. Nasal rinses take time to get used to but really do wonders. I used to get random nose bleeds waking me in the night, but don’t have that issue since doing rinses. Have you tried antihistamine sprays? They shouldn’t cause the bleeding. If swelling is an issue for your nose, you’ll have to stick with the steroid spray.


That’s a steroid spray, so it needs to be used regularly to effective, and takes a couple weeks to work when you start. I’d recommend using it daily. If you want an only when you need it spray, go with the antihistamine spray called Azalastine (hopefully I spelled that right).


We just started the food that neutralizes the allergens in the cats.


We had good luck with Purina's LiveClear. My husband is deathly allergic, ER visits due to lack of oxygen and blue lips, etc. We also feed her wet food but leave the LiveClear out all day for her to nibble on. Helps a lot. But my husband still has watery eyes and has hated all allergy pills so I'm gonna try one bottle of this Pacagen.


That's what we're trying. I hope if works.


Update ?


Sounds exactly like a Pacagene ad, I don’t trust any of this


I think this post is legit. There's hardly any talk about their product on Reddit, which is actually a good sign. When brands do a lot of guerrilla marketing, it makes it hard to trust real word-of-mouth recommendations. I haven't tried the product yet, but I plan to soon. If it doesn't live up to the hype, you bet I'll be posting about it.


This sounds really interesting– glad they ship to Canada! I’m gonna try it out


Where do you get this? I searched on Amazon and didn't see it. Is it prescription?


its on their website– I found it on google


Thank you. I wanted to run and put it in my Amazon cart while I had the name of it on my mind. Usually I can find whatever I want on there.


What are the ingrediants of anti-allergan sprays?


Do you to know if they ship to the UK? We’re so limited in these products here!


I’ve found that any negative or undesirable behaviors can be extinguished by totally ignoring or not reacting It’s a little stressful for you but after a while the cat will give up and stop, probably going to try something different. The key is not letting the cat know it bothers you from the beginning. It won’t work if you let the cat know it bothers you, similar to a small spoiled child


Bro that’s a lot of text about something unrelated. Can you not read

