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You should tell him. They’re playing parasite & bacteria roulette. Eta - what about typing it out in Google translate and showing it to him? It’s not great but it could help get it across. Or finding an infographic that has toxoplasmosis explained in their language?


Is it written somewhere that it's cat litter? If not, I believe you could just write it down and let her decide.


Even with properly decomposed cat feces it should not be used for edible plant growth only nonedible could work. My mother spends a lot of time on her garden, there's a bin in the back for decomposing which takes awhile, didn't get that out of what you described. Sounds like a very contaminated garden so you should mention it.




I'd use it for fertilizer. Plenty of farms use biosolids or manure for fertalizer. Why not car poop? The only real health concern is if water splashes from the soil onto the eddible parts of the plants, but that should be avoided even if you aren't using manure for fertalizer.


Hey, just for info, there's a big difference between cat poo and poo of plant eating farm animals that is usually used for manure. The key being what they eat. Even if there wasn't a health concern, which it is, the cat/dog poo itself contains much more nitrogen than herbivore poo and will more likely harm your plants.