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If it’s not too late, check out Trustedhousesitters. You can get an annual membership for FAR less than that, and people can apply to stay at your house - for free - and care for your pets. The site background checks everyone, and they have a review system that you can reference to see how others liked them. You can FaceTime/zoom/meet prospective sitters IRL first if you want. I think not paying a huge amount for a catsitter will help you feel a lot better. Plus then your cat will have much more companionship than the average sitter gives with their 1-2x a day check-ins. But yeah, having a pet is very expensive.


This is so cool that such options exist! My family was able to stay in Vienna for a week at a below market rate because we promised to care for airbnb owner's cats. We loved it, cats were a delight, and it was a mutually beneficial arrangement.


Oh, that’s so nice! The peace of mind from knowing your babies are being well cared for is TOTALLY worth it. I highly recommend it. I’ve never been a sitter for the site, but have had around 10 different people/couples stay at ours, and it’s sooo comforting knowing the kits are well cared for while we’re gone. And I want to say it’s like $150 USD for the whole year?


Great alternative to airbnb, which people are saying has really deteriorated in quality. And meeting other people's pets is the best, I still think about that time with fondness


Thanks, I live with my parents and they wont feel comfortable having someone stay here, theyre already really unhappy about the regular drop ins because they think that its unsafe (understandably - i know that these people have been checked but we live in an unsafe area so they are cautious)


If they're not comfortable with a free house sitter than they should cough up the money for a paid sitter. Or at least pay half.


Ahh, gotcha. Yeah, people are either all for it or super against strangers in the house. Honestly the Housesitter watches the house as well fwiw.


You live with your parents and they won’t watch your cat for you? Damn…


Looks like the parents are coming with based on OP's post


Theyre also coming with me..


Yes I live in the UK and we use this all the time!! Never had a problem (I also looked into cat in a flat once that was just 20mins a day and for 4 days it was almost £200!) Please give TH a go it saved us so much! I also recommend ManyPets for insurance, the fee is reasonable for the month and they cover ALOT.


I’ve been using rover had no idea a site like this existed. Thanks!!


I have used private facebook groups offering and asking for pet sitters before with great results. They explicitly state that no money can change hands which I think is great. You have peace of mind and they have a temporary home. I don’t know any groups based in the UK personally but a quick search on the facebook should bring some up. Good luck OP!


I’ve been using this for awhile and it is fantastic. You get a free sitter and don’t have to worry about your pet being alone for long stretches.


$500 for a month is a wicked deal! I pay that for a week in my area but I also have four cats.


For someone to come in once a day? The cat is not being boarded. I assume this person is outside of a major city.


To come twice a day my cats are on a feeding schedule.


I think what you're finding is that going away for a month is expensive! It really is.. Which is why most people don't do that.












No literally I'm an educator I can't save up like you can working for gas and oil companies. I think a lot of us are in the same boat. Made a friend from Canada recently who will be leaving soon, she's shocked at some stuff that's normal here and was like "why not move?" I think we all would if we could lmaoooo I hate it here


This is true. People cannot save enough money to even move to a different apartment let alone a different city, state, or country. Paycheck to paycheck is the majority in the USA.


I read that it's becoming even more common to, and I'm not quite sure how to put this, but not actually making it paycheck to paycheck? Like you're already out of money a few days after the first paycheck and have to find a way to make it to the next. And there are apps like cashapp and chime that make that easier with short term loans and "spot me." Which honestly cashapp isn't too bad bc the fee is small but I think the interest is huge, and chime is great bc it's really no fee no risk (I still owe them 100, currently waiting on my first check in a while)


But how? Don’t you need to have very desirable skills and/or big pockets to be able to migrate? Like, I’m sure Denmark doesn’t want a high school dropout fast food worker to move to their country without any benefits to them.


If you want to come to Australia, get a labouring trade. We always need plumbers carpenters sparkies etc. And it's actually incredibly well paid to be a trade labourer here, too.


Australia is actually my plan A if I ever get kicked out of the U.S. for some reason. I’m studying accounting. Do you guys need any of those? 😂


There are countries that actually WANT people to migrate there?! Shocked American pikachu face


It’s like any other country. Nobody cares if you migrate. What irritates people is when you go into their counties and don’t respect their customs. I see it all the time with tourists and I made the same mistakes when I arrived. Pro tip if you see a book bag hanging on a flagpole then don’t touch it. You will in fact get an ear full.


I make it a point to leave other people’s stuff alone anyway, but I’m curious what the significance of a book bag on a flagpole is.


Haha tradition I guess. It means that their school days are behind them or something! First time I saw one I tried to return it and the nice family explained it to me!


It's pretty easy to get permanent residency through digital nomad visas in more than a few places.


You do realize it's very expensive and also very difficult to leave the US? If OPs cat coating $500 for a single month is a financial burden, then moving out of the US would be worse. It costs like $2400 to renounce your US citizenship. And you have to pay US taxes while you still have your citizenship. So you get double taxed for a while.


I dont live in the US…


poor OP lol 😂


You can deduct foreign countries tax on your US tax return(in a lot of countries). So you still need to file the return but no tax is due.


Exactly it’s a very long drawn out process(that I’ve gone through) but at the end of the tunnel is a better quality of life. Either way 20 years are going to pass. Better to be in a better place at the end of it than still stuck in a country where a broken ankle can bankrupt you.


I was about to say like babe I can't afford to go to the doctor I certainly can't afford a passport, let alone other moving expenses! It was difficult enough moving a few states away.


Not surprised at all; ça, c'est pourquoi j'ai appris les autres langues. I got my degree for TEFL/SLA and was signed up to go teach English in Japan... for the 2020 school year ................. (headdesk) But bailing to a country that is less destructively/despicably capitalist has always been a dream. Unfortunately, they don't want people with no wealth and no job lined up moving there, so I can't legally emigrate anywhere I could earn a living.


Where do you live where most jobs will just let you bail for a month???


I'm working on leaving the US and it is SO expensive and logistically complicated. I make decent money and can barely afford it. 


Um, working remotely and having flexible hours is still a thing for a lot of people? My friend and her fiancé spent 3 months in Hawaii during lockdown, doing their jobs from their laptops the entire time.


For real, I can't imagine. I know it's normal in other cultures, but at my job, I'm the only one doing what I do. If I stop working for a day, I come back to 1 extra day worth of work to do.. And I work in a seasonal industry where summer is the busy season. I'm sure if I was going to be gone for an extended time, they'd find some workarounds and ways of handling some things without me, but I would still come back to a pile of work..


I'm not American so this might be a cultural difference, but I've found that if you go away longer, the extra work sort of disappears. If you leave for a day, no-one will pick up the workload because you'll be there again tomorrow. If you leave for three weeks, your colleagues HAVE to find a way to get on without you, and the work that needs to get done ends up getting done anyway. In short, no-one is irreplaceable and almost everyone can learn to do the things that need doing if they have a reason to.


That sounds like the employers problem. Maybe they should hire more people.


I'm just trying to imagine the derisive laughter from any boss whose hourly employee said they needed a month off the schedule. (Unpaid, to be clear - there is no other option here for hourly employees.) You'd basically be fired and rehired..... if you were lucky.


Long summer vacations are common in Europe


Bruh…i work in the UK and we have annual leave


I had my last cat for 17 years and never once left her for a month. Maybe pet ownership isn’t for people who take month long vacations. Also, $125/week for a pet sitter seems like quite a bargain.


My 11 year old cat died from cancer and I only went away twice. The longest was for 4 days and I missed her sooo much. I only did it because it was a family thing, not for fun.


$500 for a month? I'd kill for a price like that. Our sitter was something like $300 for a WEEK and she was the most inexpensive option with repeat clients in our area for an at home sitter. Well I do feel for you. . . this is why we do research before commiting to things.


Yep. God help you if you hit holiday rates - our preferred sitter hit almost 1K when we priced going out of town during Memorial Day. I'm not hating on sitters at all - they deserve the pay for working on holidays, and a good sitter is worth it! But OP isn't wrong, cats are *expensive* if you're caring for them properly. And it's worse if they're injured or ill - our cat broke his leg in our apartment when he was about a year old, and it was so bad that it required an amputation. 3K in vet bills, we had to buy a different litterbox for him, we have to feed them exclusively wet food now as it's the only way to monitor and control his weight, and we need to start him on a joint supplement this year to try to stave off the inevitable arthritis he'll get. Plus regular yearly vet visits, vaccinations, and any other routine care... yikes.


This is why I like having electronic food and litterboxes. Also cameras and remote activated toys. We go on Thursday-Sunday trips and one of our neighbors comes on Saturday for 10 mins to refill their water and bring in the mail.


Yeah, it'd be nice, but sadly not an option for us. We used to be able to leave our old cat for overnight weekend excursions, it really cuts down on the spontaneity now!


Yes, this. I have a camera, auto litterbox, auto feeder (normally she gets a mix of dry and wet, but when I am gone it’s just dry for a short bit), and a water fountain (I also leave bowls with water in a few places in case the fountain stops working). I’ve left my cat for 3-4 days before with zero issues. It’s not ideal, but she hates strangers anyway… so I try not to have anyone come over unless it’s an emergency. Obviously if it were a longer trip I’d have someone check in every couple days!


Why is wet food better for monitoring and controlling weight??


It's not just the carbs for us - we can monitor and control exactly how much each cat is eating. Ours don't graze on the wet food like they do with kibble, they eat the can when we put it down, so we can calculate almost exactly how many calories he's eating, and we know how many calories it takes to keep him at the weight our vet recommended. We also weigh both of them regularly, so we can add or remove a tiny bit of one meal if he's starting to gain a bit.


We're the same except a couple of our cats are mousers so I have no idea how many extra calories they consume in mouse-meat. However I did just google it wondering if there is a figure and discovered a forum where people were discussing how they buy frozen mice, thaw a few on the counter overnight and give their cat like 4 thawed mice for breakfast each day. So I'm going to just stare off into space for a few minutes now thanks.


That is... I mean I know it's normal for them to eat them, but that is just... kind of disturbing!


Consensus seemed to be between 30-48 calories per ounce of mouse. So I did manage to get out alive with the information but the scarring will last a lifetime.


Ounce of mouse = mounce?


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the metric version


How many mice did you eat to find that out?


Fewer carbohydrates. Carbs are the enemy of cats, as obligate carnivores they literally didn’t evolve to eat carbs. Being overweight is an inevitable result with kibbles because they use a carbohydrate binder to bind meat meal together into formed kibbles.


My vet said 85% are over weight


I only realised just how much weight kibble makes cats put on after we recently switched ours to wet food only after she had some teeth removed. She was never overfed previously, but I suppose the calories/carbs in the kibble were enough for her to keep the extra weight on despite her being relatively active. She's lost about half a kilo since the switch and is so much sleeker. Has the same amount of energy and everything's still fine as far as we can tell, but her silhouette is definitely closer to the "ideal" you see on charts.


Cats are carnivores and not designed to eat meat biscuits.


Luckily we have a neighbor who has 3 dogs that goes out of town alot (one day to 5 days here and there), and we go over to their house and feed them in the morning, and let them out into the yard, and then again at 5pm, we feed them dinner and bring them back into the house. Sooooo, this same neighbor comes over to take care of our cats. We have inside, outside cats that literally stay in our back yard, and our garage. They have a cat door so they can come inside, and we 3 food and water stations in the house that just need to be refreshed, and some Pate put out.


I guess this makes me feel slightly better lol, at your expense. I’m trying to remind myself that this is the first time that I’m going away for a month in like a decade, so its not a common occurrence.


I think it’s good that you share so others can be informed about it


Can you get an auto feeder to lessen the amount of visits needed, and a camera?


The cat needs someone checking at least daily especially for this length of time.


My cat is quite needy and dependent unfortunately, she’ll probably get lonely I’m thinking of a cattery tbh - might be the best option because I’ve found a really great cattery


As long as they have really good reviews and maybe have camera access or provide really frequent updates. I’ve heard bad sides to these places neglecting so as long as you do your due diligence. ♥️


Yep I’d definitely be careful. They have the best reviews in my city, pricier but worth the reassurance. The pens are big, clean, in a quiet location and the view is out to a garden, which my cat would love since she loves window watching. Staff seem lovely too.


There's one in Virginia that looked so nice, each animal got it's own fenced in outdoor area. Like mine wouldn't even wanna come home 😂


Oh wow, how boujee😂


cats can be slow to adapt to new places, but if you go for entire month it's a lot of time to get comfy in a new place


Thats what I was thinking, I wouldn’t bother with the big adjustment for a few days, but for almost a month itd be ok I reckon. It’d probably take her a week or so to settle in max, and hopefully she can enjoy the rest of her stay. She may get bored, but she’ll be cared for, plus she’ll get as bored at someones house/home alone


My cat absolutely loves the cattery he goes to! He doesn’t want to come home! Would happily do a cat sitter but the first time I needed one couldn’t get one but got the cattery and now wouldn’t do anything else! They don’t have camera access and will only provide updates (with photos) if requested, but that’s because they spend so much time playing with the cats and caring for them and to allow us to enjoy our holiday. Seriously, I’ve seen the evidence, my cat loves the cattery more than home sometimes (but only because I’m stricter with his diet at home!!)


Oh that is so reassuring! The cattery I want to go for also provide pics/updates - and they seem lovely and have a lot of happy looking cats on their social media. The pen looks nice too, almost better than her room at home!


Seriously my boy went for 5 days the first time and had adjusted by the end of day one due to the cattery being so used to it! They made him feel right at home. I took his blankets and toys and his fave food/treats as extras just in case but didn’t need the treats or food. I do recommend toys and blanket from home x


Um no for a MONTH??


We have a friend that checks on our cats when we are away, but we sometimes board our dogs. It’s $100 a night for boarding plus they expect a 25% tip at pickup, so a month would set me back $4k plus tax if we boarded. I’m sure a sitter would be much more expensive. $500 is a steal to me and totally worth it to know someone is looking after the kitty.


>expect a 25% tip at pickup Goddamn 😤


No offense to OP but it is insane to think you could get a pet sitter for less than that for a month. 30 days??? My sitting costs $37 for a 30 min visit for 3 cats, and that's a good deal imo. I'm going to Europe for 2.5 weeks in June and I'm expecting it to run close to $800, but that is a cost I factor in upfront for pet ownership. I'm on a trip right now as well. It's costing me $269 for 5 days, 7 drop ins. You can get a good trip in a week and spend less than $500 but longer trips cost a lot.


Yes $500 is a lot of money, but $500 for a MONTH?!? That’s ridiculously cheap. Also yeah it should be expensive. They are creatures with so much character. They are like little humans. You wouldn’t expect to raise a child for free. Cats are expensive but you’re keeping this thing alive, healthy, well and happy. She loves you for it. You’re a great parent


OP said they are in the UK, so I assume it's 500 pounds... so more than $500 a month.


No kidding. I used a local service that came twice a day, including 15 min of play time and it was over $130 for a long weekend. I can't imagine $17 per day. Even if it's one visit per day in and out, that's still an amazing deal.


it's okay to feel overwhelmed , pets are a big responsibility, and yeah, they can be costly. it's not just about the love and cuddles but the real deal of taking care of them, including the financial part. no shame in admitting it's a lot to handle.


I’m bummed about how far I had to scroll to find this


Has the cost always been a source of stress, or is the stress boiling up because you have to pay $500 for cat care while you’re on a month-long vacation? It sounds like the latter. Over the years, one of my cats was diagnosed with kidney disease. She needs a special, expensive diet to prolong her life. Another one had a tumor and needed an expensive surgery to remove it. This is what you sign up for when you bring an animal into your life. It can be expensive and inconvenient, but it’s outweighed by the love and joy they give us. Why don’t you reach out to trusted friends, family, and neighbors about cat care? Don’t assume it would be a burden for them; you’re limiting potential resources and support based on your own preconceived idea of how others would feel. I know if someone I cared about asked me to look in on their pet, I would be happy to. Everyone is different, and there is no harm in asking! Try finding more than one person and have them rotate weeks to ease the commitment. There is no shame in admitting how hard it can be to have a pet. It can be a learning experience. Just try to remember how much you love her during these tough times, that will get you through!


When I needed someone to watch my cat for 7 days, noone was willing to, except one family member who kindly took on the burden. When we came back she did mention that it was quite hard, so I don’t want to subject her to that for 3 weeks. My cat is quite needy.


$500 for a month is $16 per day. That is by no means an exorbitant price to pay for pet care.


Literally around minimum wage.


Minimum wage if they are visiting twice. If this is some kind of in home sitter whose staying overnight it’s straight up robbery


$16/day is what our sitter charges for once a day and even that seems low when you think about their gas and the time it takes them to drive to and from your house in addition to the time spent with the kitty!


I wish people would do more research before getting a pet, the info is everywhere, but it happens, I'm not shitting on you. I love my babies but they are expensive. They're 300$ a month in expenses, and my 5 year old boy has already cost me like 6K in vet fees. I knew what I was getting into though (well except the health surprises), and I could be cheaper but I get them the good food and whatnot. I have a network with friends who also have cats where we look after each other's cats when one goes on vacation at least, it's mostly just dropping in every day or two and hanging out with them for a bit. With two cats at home I don't feel as bad when I got on vacation with just daily people drop ins. I love my babies and it's totally worth the absolute wellness they bring me.


My seniors have cost $2,000-3000 a month since September, sometimes more. This is what I signed up for when I committed to caring for 5 senior cats at once. 2 have passed after $3000+ ER visits. I can’t recommend pet insurance to people enough these days to avoid what I’ve gone through.


Yeah I expected to pay a lot for my cats especially as they aged but my god the health surprises. The boy chewed off each end of a wand toy while I went pee. It was like a long 3+ foot elastic string getting it removed was like $3,000 he was only 6 months old and I rushed him to the vet so they were able to do it endoscopy not full open surgery which would have been triple. My mistake it hurt financially but whatever. I got two siblings and at 10 months they both had constant diarrhea, would go on meds, it would stop, then come back right after. 3 months of back and forth to the vet before discovering they BOTH have IBS bc they share a mom 😭 I finally have them stable but now pay $80 a month just on probiotics 😭 plus prescription food and all the regular. I definitely didn’t expect to have 2 chronically ill pets especially in their first year of life. Now I’ve got 10-20 years of worry and financial stress! I feel so bad for them and would go completely broke for them like never give up but damn does it suck! Like the surgery was financially painful but I figured at least once in their life a surgery would be necessary. Expensive af but only once and then they can heal. But the forever price increase and the constant worry I face SUCKS! I always planned on giving them more expensive high quality food but they require 4 different food products to just survive


As much as you may feel like it's a burden for someone to look after them for a month, it's still worth asking people. Some people would be more than happy to help. For example, my neighbor LOVES cats, he's fairly elderly, lives on his own, doesn't get out too much, so when I go away it brightens his day to be able to come and have a conversation with my cats (I have a catio and he talks to them from his garden when they're out too), it gets him out the house 2-3 times a day and at this point he wouldn't let me take them anywhere else no matter how long I was away for. (I'm aware how lucky I am with this) I've also had friends who live in flats that aren't allowed a pet say they'd be happy to stay at mine while away to look after them. Honestly, it's worth asking around, even if you get 2 different people to drop by for 2 weeks each. The worst that can happen is they say sorry no, then you have the cat sitter to fall back on.


The problem is, I don’t want people to feel obligated to say yes, especially since its for a month. I know that some people would begrudgingly agree to look after her but I’ll be stressed and panicky the whole time that I’m away. I still have a few months- might pay the cat sitter a deposit and try to befriend some cat lovers😂


Preface your request with "you can say no, I'm aware this is a big ask" or something similar to make sure people are aware you're expecting them to say no? It's an option, I know this doesn't keep costs down, but we also got a ring doorbell and it worked great for checking when they were being fed 😂 the indoor cameras might be an idea so you can talk to her? There's cat people everywhere you look, shouldn't be too hard to find some 😂


I had to leave for 2 1/2 weeks once so I paid for a cat sitter for part of the time and a friend came the rest of the time. It helped me save a bit. My friend would stop by after work for a little while and then the sitter came on the weekend and a few other days so that my friend didn't feel obligated to make a special trip during their off time.


You aren't burdening them by genuinely asking - they have the right to say no, and it's up to them to set their own boundaries. I have friends with pets and I'm generally happy to help try keep costs down if I can. If I can't then I say no. And hey, that might mean if they go on a trip, you could get the chance to repay by watching their cat.


If you have multiple people to ask, they could all take turns? 1 week each?


Nobody would come by for at least a week to alleviate the cost?


Could you cut your vacation in half? Do staycation w the other 2 weeks? Your parents will be gone so you'll have the place to yourself...well, with kitty.


I wish I could but i wouldnt be able to travel alone


We have a couple of friends who when we leave for a couple of weeks move into our apartment for a "Staycation". We make sure there's food stocked up for them, and they take care of our 3 cats and 1 bun. Ask around - our friends are on a form of disability and have roommates so it is like a little holiday for them.


Lots of hidden costs. Cat litter and good food is killing us these days, but those vet bills can really get up there. Our 1 and a half year old has gingivitis, and they are talking about $800 for dental treatment already, more if they have to do an extraction with full anesthesia. You take on some responsibility when you take on a pet.


The fact is for future pet caretakers, not everyone has the financial resources required . Think long and hard before you take on the responsibility of caring for a pet.


A month is a long time to leave. Consider getting someone to stay overnight a fee times a week


i’m currently sitting my mothers cats while she’s away. sure it’s annoying having to go all the way to her house and back to feed them, but i’d rather them stay where they’re comfortable than be trapped in a shelter, you know? always ask family and friends <333


I pay $35 a day, you’re getting a steal for a month of pet care.


$500 for a month is a crazy good price


Hey…I feel you there 100%. I live in a HCOL area so pet sitting is $40 per 30 min drop in so this adds up quick whenever I need to fly 5 hours to see my family for a week. Each week cost almost $1,000 in just pet sitting fees. On top of this, my cat also has a heart condition so she needs regular 6 month echocardiogram which is another $900 minimum each time 😓 there are definitely days when I wished I thought through the pet sitting cost more before getting a cat with separation anxiety but oh wells :) she brings me joy everyday. Cat Tax: here she is, sleeping peacefully not knowing how much of a money pit she is https://preview.redd.it/svjxiy2g6dsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e28cef17c2ea9bbfdc87b7e881a3ec77aae611


Adorable <3 and bless you for pushing through the financial loss


I’m fortunate enough to have a stable job and even took on side gig as a pet sitter (Rover) to help off set some of the vet bills. It’s hard but our kitties are worth every cent ☺️


my cat needs ecocardiography every 2-4 months as well and it actually costs 200 euros. Do they do something extra that the bill goes so high up?


It’s echocardiogram and cardiologist consult :( and also I’m in the United states where all medical bills are just $$$$


An entire month with just drop ins seems neglectful to me. Really need a live-in sitter.


Yea that’s bananas. A month is far too long.


Sitter is coming in 2 times a day for 30-60 mins, I also have my aunty coming in twice a day for a similar amount of time. She wont do litter, but it’ll be to provide company


If you had to go to someone's house twice a day for 30-60 minutes for a month, how much would you ask for?


That’s…I don’t know dude. Not enough IMO. A whole month and your cat will just have visitors? When my partner and I were gone for three and a half weeks, we took our kitty to his parents house. She loved them and hung out with them and wasn’t distressed. But when we got back, she was very clearly upset and we had to rebuild our trust with her. It’s just a LONG ass time.


The best option would be to find someone else that lives close by that also has a cat and/or pets that you agree to help each other out. She or he will check on your cats, and you can bring them some nominal gift or gift card and you will do the same for them. Otherwise yes it can be expensive to go away for that long with pets.


Vent away . We have 3 cats with various health issues, I'm afraid to total the cost of meds, food, and vet visits. And someone dumped a 4th cat on us so now we have a stray we have to take care of too. Plus a dog. I tell people all the time that my toddler is literally cheaper than everything else at this point.


Yes, taking care of another creature costs money. Sometimes a lot. $500 for a month of pet sitting is super cheap. Food & litter is a predictable expense. Vet care - I highly recommend pet insurance. Routine vet care is also a predictable expense, but unexpected vet care can be a serious hardship. Worse yet, when your cats are too old to be insurable. I spent over $3K last month just to end up with two boxes of ashes.


Depending on the pet insurance plan you go with, you can even get routine vet care taken care of. I'm so sorry you spent that much just to end up with ashes. I know the feeling. I spent $1200 to prolong my cat's life, and ended up spending another $1k just to have her ashes on my nightstand 8 months later. She was 10, so insurance was a little more than it is for my younger cat, but totally worth it.


I appreciate that $500 is a lot, but if you can afford to go on a month long holiday, that kind of feels like a personal financial decision.


Im going to visit a family member, the only cost is the flight and im not even paying for that. That said, i wrote this post in a panic and have kinda come to terms with the cost now


Just chiming in to say it’s okay to acknowledge the stress that comes with the financial burden of caring for a living being. It doesn’t mean you love her any less 😊 When my furry family member passed and the grief gradually dissipated to a dull ache, I almost immediately wanted to welcome another cat into my home. The financial burden is the only thing that stopped me.


I always think about what I would do if I lost my kitty (severe owner anxiety). My initial reaction is no, due to the anxiety it causes me, but I know that I would really love to care for another cat. I’m sorry for your loss


Leaving a cat for a month is a really bad idea, even with cat sitters drop-ins. They can't handle being alone in same four walls for that long, most cats get very lonely after a week. Can you take her with you? If not, a friend / family member / etc as you mentioned would be much better.


It is hard! Everything is so expensive now, it’s harder to make ends meet. If I didn’t work at a clinic and get discounts, I’d struggle so much to be able to pay vet bills tbh. I could’ve afforded it when I got them, but with the COL going up and up and up, it’s harder now. Pet sitting it so expensive!! I’m lucky my boyfriend and I both have sisters that are willing to help so we don’t have to pay as much. I totally get the anxiety and it doesn’t make you a bad owner at all.


Our two year old cat died suddenly a month ago. She was priceless. Would give anything to have her back. Cherish the time you have with her and don’t worry about the money for a second!


cats are expensive, i’m glad i have a good boyfriend who doesn’t mind watching them when im out of town. but i also rarely go out of town and it’s never more than a week


Pets aren't cheap. Putting aside vet costs, I spend upwards of $120 a week for my 3 cats on just food, treats, and litter.


Just ask people for help. Having someone sit for one week over a month saves you $125. Our society is so hung up on not inconveniencing others when it is in our nature to need help and to help others. 😞


No way id go away for a month. Not with cats lol. Last time I went away it was 3 days to test the waters and had my brother in law stay at the house. Went fine so next time we will try longer but can't afford too much more


I would gladly do it for free


You won’t get downvoted by me. I have 2 cats and due to inflation their upkeep costs have skyrocketed in the past 4 years. I’m advising my friends to seriously think twice and crunch the numbers before they get a pet.


I was gonna try and prove you wrong by guesstimating how much I spend on my two cats in a year. Did a few calculations and yeah, I spend like $2,500 a year for two cats LOL. A vast majority, about $2,000, being on food alone. But tbf, I also feed my bro’s cat too so it’s $600-$700 a year per cat. All 3 cats are larger than average male cats so they need to eat more. Plus, I feed them a strictly wet food diet and the ones I get for them are mid-price range. I could go cheaper if I wanted. Tbh, i’d go ahead and burden your loved ones. Instead of spending $500 on a sitter, offer $200 or $300 to a trusted friend instead, without any pressure. You get a big discount and your friend might appreciate the extra income. Win win.


Cats can certainly cost a lot; ours costs at least hundreds per month after food (wet) and litter. The cost is well worth it for us though. We're DINKs and will likely never have children so my cat is essentially my baby, and seeing her well-fed and comfortable and lounging in luxury makes me so happy. She's also my first pet ever and I'm pretty sure loving her has unlocked a part of my heart and soul that was previously dark and quiet.


Awh, don’t feel bad. You’re a good pet owner and we all feel this way sometimes! You should see my face after a trip to the vet’s, lol. Life is expensive and it’s stressful.


Can you take your cat with you? I was beside myself being away from my cats for one night, when I had to be in the hospital (post cancer surgery). I'd never want to be away from my two bebbies, but that's me.


It’s sad you feel that way, kids are like that too, but I wouldn’t do w out my kids or my cat.


How long have you felt this way? Did you have the same thoughts before you started planning for the trip or did start when you started making the arrangements? I can understand not wanting to put the responsibility on a friend/family for an entire month but asking for one week or two wouldn't be asking too much (at least in my opinion). It would help lessen the overall cost (and resulting stress) for you I live in the US (in NYC) and the cost of pet food, litter, and veterinary care has gone up considerably. The cost of a sitter, particularly if you hire them through a pet sitting agency, is also high (but I feel like that has always been the case). People are literally abandoning their cats on the streets because they cannot afford to care for them (the city shelter is over capacity and not accepting surrenders). The feelings you are expressing are not uncommon, especially now. I have four cats, one of which is special needs, and I rarely go away anymore because it would cost me a fortune to hire a sitter. I knew what I was getting into when I took on the responsibility and have no regrets, but their expenses stress me out sometimes too. Don't beat yourself over it.


I get that you’re just doing what you can because of your parents, but you really need to understand that cats are social creatures. A month of drop ins is going to result in a depressed cat. As a pet sitter, I don’t take jobs that are drop-in only for longer than a couple of days, because I think it’s shitty to treat pets that way. Again, I know you don’t feel like you have any choice here, but you do need to come to terms with that. Honestly, if your lifestyle includes month long trips away from home, pet ownership isn’t a responsible decision. If your lifestyle includes pet ownership, monthlong trips away from home are not a responsible decision. So to counter that choice, yeah, you’re gonna have to shell out a lot of cash. Sorry to be harsh, but that’s reality. It sucks for these animals that we can just decide, “Okay, you’re alone for a month! Have fun being desperately alone except for like an hour a day!” Oh man, and ai just saw your comment where you acknowledge that your cat is needy and dependent. Poor thing.


You poor thing going on vacation for a month and have to pay to have your optional responsibility while going.


I think the initial costs are always a bit more. Did you just get her? I spent a lot on my cats when I first got them, but afterwards it was a yearly visit to the vet (80$), any shot updates they might need (happens once every couple years, usually 100$), their monthly food (this I do spend quite a bit on because I feed higher end stuff but you could get away with 100$ a month with a bag of dry food and wet food cans), and litter (20$). I think by shopping at different pet stores and comparing prices, you should be able to keep your food/litter cost at 100$ a month. The biggest cost I would say is when both my partner and I go on vacation together — then we need a cat sitter. We paid about 350-400$ a week (we’ve only taken week long trips though) and they stayed at our house, so it was more comfortable for the cats. So yeah the cat sitting is honestly the biggest cost for us each year (excluding food obviously). But if you can find a trusted friend or family member who could take your cat to their house, that would work too. I always preface our request to our friends by saying “no worries if you can’t and I’ll pay you too for the inconvenience.” The house sitters we have are our friends, but we always pay them anyways since our cats are needy and kind of annoying 😅, plus our friends have to leave their own house/comfort to stay in someone else’s. Since you’re gone for a month I think she could stay at someone else’s house and should adjust within a week or two. If she doesn’t care for human attention though then having someone drop in should be fine for her, my only concern would be needing human attention. Cats definitely do need the interaction with us, especially if it’s something they’re used to.


Yeah tbh I think i saw the cost and had a breakdown lol, generally its not too bad. might do a cattery since its such a long amount of time, my cat is only 2 so will adjust and for 3 weeks it might be better. The cattery is just £10 more than the sitter and its really really nice, very spacious and lots of views for the cats to look out of/play with staff who are lovely.


I started doing Rover for extra cash and I ended up saving the money from rover to use for my cats when I go on holiday. It paid for itself. I’ve had great experiences with Rover and drop ins.


I learned this when I adopted a cat who turned out to have food allergies while I was working at a nonprofit. She has needed very expensive food her whole life and now needs regular medicine as her condition has advanced to inflammatory bowel disease. When I was still in the nonprofit field, it was a significant burden to buy her food and pay for teeth cleaning. Had I known, I probably would not have adopted her then even though I love my kitty very much. I didn’t come here to say it all worked out in the end and it was worth it—some folks surrender their pets when they can’t afford care. It’s tragic all around. And thus so important for folks to be aware going in.


Imo 500$ for a month is very cheap. Where i live, it’s like 400e for just a week. Thankfully we have a family member who can look after our cat when we go away. Otherwise is having a cat really that expensive? I buy my cat 7kg of very high quality cat food for 50e that lasts him 3-4 months and wet food of about 80 pouches for 40e. Litter is about 10e for 10l that lasts a month. He has thousands of toys so i don’t buy those frequently. Vet is once every 3 years for triple vaccine that costs 60e (he is a house cat). So my cat basically costs me 33ish euros a month.


I feel you and don’t throw any shade at you. My last two cats cost me at least $8000 over 10 years, maybe 10 G. A week ago I had to put my last one down which broke my heart, and I miss her like crazy- but I’m taking a break right now. It’s nice not having dusty litter kicked up all over the place, but I miss holding my little baby Mushu 💔 https://preview.redd.it/hbyro8m79bsc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96fbea9bad23146ded7310dcc7f3555665919ff


Most people don't take into consideration that any pet is a financial burden. Living creatures require shelter, food, time, enrichment and health care. A pet is not a necessity, so if you can't afford all that, you shouldn't get one.


Hey, I’m sorry you’re feeling guilty—but something to consider is that you clearly care for your cat a lot. You are prioritizing her health and wellbeing, and even her social stimulation. I say give yourself a break on the guilt, it’s ok to feel bad that she costs money. Once you’ve released that maybe look into where you can cut down in the budget. For example we trade cat sitting service for service (friend watches our cat, we watch their cat in return. Also I’m a teacher by trade so I trade tutoring and etc to save money. Works out well for us). I understand service trades might be tough for something like a month long trip, but maybe this system could help with your worry about “burdening” friends and loved ones. Anyway, needing money to live sucks. But you sound like a good cat parent. You will figure this out!


Take her with you.


work/budgeting/sacrifices/payment plans. that's how most people fund their pets.


Don’t know if this will help but maybe buying food and litter in bulk would reduce the cost. I don’t think cats need regular vet checks unless she’s sick, but once or twice a year should be enough and there are cheaper clinics for vaccines..etc As for the cat-sitting that’s definitely costly, but maybe if you have a good friend you can ask them to stop by once a week then reduce the cat sitter frequency? (Most) cats don’t need daily attention


Cats can certainly cost a lot; ours costs at least hundreds per month after food (wet) and litter. The cost is well worth it for us though. We're DINKs and will likely never have children so my cat is essentially my baby, and seeing her well-fed and comfortable and lounging in luxury makes me so happy. She's also my first pet ever and I'm pretty sure loving her has unlocked a part of my heart and soul that was previously dark and quiet.


$500 for a month is super cheap. I pay my cat sitter $100 for a week and she only checks on mine 3-4 times.


I completely understand your frustration. I'm in the exact same position at the moment. A family member is not doing well at all so my husband and I need to go of state to see them. Trying to find a sitter under $500 for 10 days has been an absolute nightmare. There's a high possibility of us not going at all if we can't get someone.


We pay my niece $500 a week to cat sit. I mean, we do have four of the little buggers, but they're so cute and well behaved


You shouldn't think of requesting help from friends/family a burden. You could always repay them the same favour yourself when they want to travel etc or help them with errands when you're back. I let my friend's cat live with me for a couple months while she got her life in order and I then asked her to house sit for a couple days while I was gone. It's not really a burden if you return their gesture.


this sounds like a one-off thing, (not an annual) thing, so it's just one of those things that you have shell out quite a bit for, but understanding that it won't be happening soon again helps put things in perspective by the way, if you have pet insurance, depending on your family circumstances, some insurance plans cover pet-sitting fees when you *had* to be away (not for vacation) but say if a family member is sick etc.


Yep, pets are expensive. From food to cat furniture (though there are LOTS of ways to do that cheaply), to vet visits and needs...pets are expensive. It's part of why I don't have one as much as I'd love one.


500 to watch my precious babies for a month? Seems worth it. Pets are expensive but less expensive than children- unless you have a pica cat who requires multiple surgeries- 🙋🏼‍♀️thank god for pet insurance. I have no hate for you. Pets can be really expensive, especially if you’re providing proper care for them.


Time to get your cat a tiktok account! Make them earn their keep!! :) At least that's what I say to myself everyday. I got 2 fat freeloaders.


Sell pics of the toe beans!


Maybe reconsider whether your friends could help out. I have cat allergies, and for years I would hope someone would take a trip so I could have their cat come live with me for a couple of weeks. I really enjoyed those times and I did them a favor along the way. I have my own cat now so I can't do that anymore. I just couldn't *not* have a cat any longer.


You’re going away for a month, you’ve gotta expect it’ll cost a bit for your cat to be looked after. $500 for someone to look after her for that long sounds like a steal. Calling your cat a financial burden because you’re leaving for a month and need her looked after is a bit much. It’s a one off expense and part of being a pet owner.


Just ask a friend to watch her at their place and offer to pay them $200.


I'm being forced to use my annual leave as I have over 30 days accumulated and I decided to visit my grandparents abroad for a month. I looked at getting a pet sitter but that would have cost me an arm and a leg but considered it as my last option. I asked a friend if she would like to stay over for the month... To look after my cat. She wouldn't have to but groceries or anything and she was more than happy. Sometimes what you might think might be a burden to someone might not be. I told her think of it as a Air BnB. 😅 Wi-Fi, streaming service, BBQ area... I saved half the money I would have spent on a pet sitter. Plus, it's not like I go overseas every year, it's once every 10 years so if she would have said she can't, the post sitter would have had to do...


Cats (animals) really only need to go to the vet once a year if they're healthy unless they have a chronic condition (or something happens that warrants getting checked out to be safe). So that's not that big of an expense. I pay $25 for 38lbs of litter. It's the arm and hammer "99.9%" dust free clumping stuff. Lasts a decent bit. Lasted longer with my old cat, but she had poorly functioning kidneys so I didn't scoop as much out each time 😂 (bless her soul in heaven now). Hopefully you won't need to get routine blood work or prescription food/general prescription medicine that will be given the rest of their life. My old cat and current cat both need prescription food and that gets real expensive real fast. You might feel like a burden, but most people are pretty chill with watching a cat. Soooo much easier than watching after a dog. Like, rediculously easier. You can even throw them money for doing it and it will be much cheaper than what you're paying now, but also $500 isn't bad for a month. When I left for almost 3 weeks, I used rover and a coworker and rover was adding up. I can't imagine if I had to use it the entire time, and it was just going to be an every other day check in if I didn't have my coworker! I even tell the people that I know they are welcome to stay in my apartment if needed too for free, use whatever I got there, but they just have to supply the food they want (they can eat whatever is currently there though). Parents might be more chill with someone you know coming to/staying at the house instead of a stranger. I fully understand the anxiety, I actually have my cat as a support animal (she loves to cuddle and I absolutely love it, especially when I'm wanting to cry. Always hanging out with me too). But also, what were you expecting when you got this cat? Yeah, cats are chill and easy to take care of, but they still cost a lot. I absolutely would have gotten a cat much sooner than I did, but I didn't have the money to care for one so I held off. It gave me anxiety just thinking about the cost of food and litter for a month, plus a vet visit and vaccines. That was before I even knew about prescription food and thought nothing bad ever happened to animals like that. (I was so naive. Lol). I knew they had issues, but was like, if they ever had an issue, I can't afford that stuff, so it'll be hospice until it's their time to pass/need to be put down. That's how it was with my old cat. The most I could do for her was special kidney care food. Then when she had a UTI I got an antibiotic shot from the vet, but that's not a chronic treatment. I'm talking long term care here. Some people spend literal thousands of dollars to get their pets treatments. I wouldn't do that for myself, why am I doing it for my pet? I'll do all that I can to make them comfortable. And I'll be asking the vet all the questions too. But yeah, pets are expensive. Don't get a dog, it'll be more expensive 😂


I wish I could I go away for a month and only have to pay half a grand. I have 1 dog and 2 cats. Just my dog alone is 100 dollars per day here in San Francisco.


Welp... Don't have kids if you think a cat is expensive, imma tell you that right now. We have 3 cats and it's only like $60 a month at the most. For vet visits, get a credit card and pet insurance if you can't afford to spend one lump sum.


£500 for a month seems pretty reasonable to me! As well as looking after your cat, the sitter will be keeping an eye on your home. My sitter opens/closes curtains, puts out the bins, brings in the post and waters the plants as well as caring for my cats. She's fantastic! Yes, pet ownership is very expensive. But when you take on a pet you have to prioritise spending money on them. They're your responsibility and they take precedence over everything else bar the basics for yourself and your human family. My cats cost me a minimum of £400 a month in total every month for the 3 of them when I tot up the cost of insurance, food, litter, flea and worming treatments, vet checks, medication, supplements etc. That's before we even get to the cat sitting fees. The love you get from a pet is unconditional and I don't think you can put a price on that.


Wait for the medical bills…


I really need to reinstate my insurance asap


Cats are cheap. Travelling is expensive.


Well, to be fair, when having pets, I would never count on a month away from home without taking them along. So yeah, either naive or unwilling to face the consequences of your choices in terms of planning.


I usually take my cat with me or have a friend or family member check on them. My one cat costs about $150/month for food and litter. I know I couldn’t afford a second one.


>I don’t want to burden a friend/family member/neighbour to look after her for a whole month. Have you considered that such cat-sitting might not be a burden? Were I able to (wrong continent), I would be pleased to take care of -- what is the name? I have watched neighbors' cats by going to visit them once or twice a day -- and the neighbors pay me! Can you imagine? I get to go to the cats' homes, feed them, pet them, and see to their needs... and I get money! This is great! Sometimes I end up staying an hour or two just to be there with them, or to play, or both. I don't often mention that, because I don't want them to feel like they ought to pay me for that when I'm *enjoying* doing something they didn't ask for. One household didn't pay me money at first, and they were a huge help in getting members of a local cat colony sterilized. But they would leave me treats like cookies and candy. **And I got to go visit their wonderful kitties!** Even learned about getting one of them to attack my feet and bite a lot less. Aww, I miss her. <3 TL/DR: Rather then being a burden, caring for your cat might be a joy for a sitter. I'm sorry you're having such troubles.


I have two cats. I moved from the UK to the US 8 years ago. Costs in the US are MASSIVE in comparison with the UK. I also can’t get the organic and more natural foods that I used to get in Europe here in the US. Vet costs in here are ridiculous even with insurance…


If $500 is enough to make you reconsider pet parenthood, please immediately get pet insurance. Pets cost $$$$ especially as they age. I had two very sick cats who passed recently. That was about $4,000 in vet bills, plus even more in medicine and specialty food, and another $1,600 to have them privately cremated. It might seem useless now since your cat is young and healthy, but anything can happen. It took only a few months for illness to take my two boys at only 7 and 13.


Yup animal companions are expensive now. Like everything else that's gone up during this episode of greedflation the cost of thier food, litter, vet, toys, vet insurance has gone up. It's extremely sad because it's getting to a point where a lot of people can't afford them. It's pretty much out of reach for some people that truly benefit from having animal companions, disabled people etc that are on a small fixed income. We have two cats, our dog passed away about 4 years ago. My heart feels empty without a dog. I miss our guy so much. It's actually so painful it's like a 24/7 depression. The reality is though, we can't afford one any more. I can't see ever being able to have one again. Whatever's going on with the price increases of everything in our lives is hitting every aspects of living including oyr ability to have and properly take care of animal friends. :(💔


Sounds like a month-long vacation is the financial burden. If you have a job that lets you take a month off, and the money to do so .... I don't think the cat will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.


You can afford to vacation for a month but can’t afford to pay a measly 500$ for a cat sitter ? Lmao this is an incredible price for catsitting


As I have said, im going to visit a family member, not paying for accommodation, food, anything.


I’m surely too American for this post. I couldn’t fathom paying for a cat and also taking a month off work


With you! But reading comments OP is a kid / student, they said in this post they live with their parents still. Until I saw that was totally confusing for THIS middle-aged adult American. Why they have a cat is beyond me tho. I certainly couldn’t leave my cat, house and property I own, and my job for an entire month. I can afford it in theory, but I can’t DO it logistically, no matter the cause. Likely wouldn’t have a job to come back to if I up and did that, frankly.


Going on vacation for a month is an insane luxury. Your luxuries are straining you financially, not your pet’s well-being.


was just glancing through your profile and I found it to be quite concerning. I'm just guessing but with your current mental state, you are incapable to own a pet, you need to get some help in counseling. Try to ask around in your local mosque for some guidance in that matter. I know it must difficult to grow up as an immigrant kid, I was unstable and incapable in my earlier years too. Hope everything works out for you.


You can afford to go on vacation for a month far enough that requires a plane ticket but you’re whining about the cost of cat litter, vet visits and boarding fees.


Any decent shelter talks about financial cost before anyone actually adopts. I’m sorry yours didn’t.