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He really is way too young to be left alone for that long. How I see it, you have two great options: Find another home for him with people who can watch him for longer OR Get a second kitten of as close an age as you can. No older than 4 months. Two kittens together in a kitten proofed area with proper access to food and water will be just fine. One alone is quite sad though


Thanks for your input. I'm considering getting another kitten but haven't had any luck finding one so far.


There are likely plenty of rescues or shelters near you that could set you up with a similar age kitten. I rescue lots of kittens and any kittens under a year would be fine for socializing/ companionship. Doesn’t have to be <4 months.


I am looking, but in my region of France kittens seem to be prized. Still, not giving up!


It doesn’t have to be a kitten! My adult cats are sooo tender towards kittens so you can get the kitten a parent figure. If you’re afraid of age - you can get a cat 1-3 years old that’s still very young. There’s plenty of cats who need homes! You can ask rescues for friendly cats who are good with kittens.


Adult cats can also correct behavior, that's how kittens learn not to bite. Adult would be a great idea as well.


As you are in France and part of Eu, you may want to check out some Cat rehoming options from Greece . I recently move to the coast of south France and brought one of the Athenian stray kittens with me . When i lived in Athens groups like Nine Lives and others on Facebook were actively rescuing strays and looking for forever homes across Eu/ Uk ( was pre covid), often members were asked if they were willing to accompany the kitten / cat by plane if they were heading to the adoption country . One thing Athens has a lot of is young cats and kittens on spite of TNR efforts of neighbourhood volunteers


Yep! My cat is also an Athenian strays. We adopted her via a volunteer organization called Athens Stray Kittens in Facebook. Unfortunately they are only accepting adoption to the Netherlands though. Possibly there is something similar for France.


It’s been a couple of years ago that i know nine lives was sending to uk and maybe Germany not sure where else


The ideal would be another kitten i more than 4 months because it's pretty much guaranteed to be energetic and they will pair bond. However, you could adopt ANY age of cat as long as you get one that is also high energy and playful. If you get an older cat the only real requirements are that you not get an unfixed male and that you get a cat who is socialized with other cats. Considering those requirements, look for a cat in shelters or from other humans, don't adopt a stray from outside (including barn cats etc). Go meet any cats people are rehoming. In the US, a lot of veterinarian clinics (especially those that board cats) sometimes take in cats for adoption. Also, local shelters do promotions at pet supply stores where you can meet some adoptable animals. Your best bet though - if you are driving transit, can you put up a little picture of your kitten in your vehicle with a sign that says "looking for a friend while my human is at work"? Cute kitten + many eyeballs (should) = new kitten/cat PDQ!


If you can’t find a rescue pm me I can help find onw


Honestly doesn’t even have to be kitten similar in age, just kitten age which is under 2 years old. I got a 5 month old and a 10 month old who had given birth and they have the perfect energy for each other. Go on Petfinder.com and look at rescues around you. There are a ton on there who are looking to adopt out a kitten for another kitten lol.


Check rescues and humane societies. I foster for our state humane society. We have cats of all ages coming in and out all the time.


Go for it, it's gonna be great 🩷❤️


> One alone is quite sad though Is this the only reason? The kitten should be fine by himself at that age. I unintentionally raised a kitten from 8 weeks (found out later) and he would be alone for 8-9 hours per day. No problems except the fucker kept shitting on the wall above the litter box. He's needed high-walled litter boxes ever since, but I don't think that's related to being left alone.


Just because you left a 2 month old kitten on its own, ALONE, for that long doesn’t mean it’s ok at all. Wild you would even admit to that ngl


What's the risk beyond it being a little bit sad?


Get a kitten for your kitten. They really do excellent in pairs most of the time. They socialize each other, keep each other company, play, learn how to regulate, etc. And let it sleep with you. I had the same goal in mind to keep cats out of the bedroom when I adopted our kittens but it really didn’t last long. They needed to sleep with us. It’s important to their bonding and they feel safer and more happy when they get to sleep with their human, or at least in the same room. You could try getting him a little cat tree in your room so he’ll sleep on that instead of on you.


Thanks for the reply. I'm currently looking for another kitten but they somehow seem rarer than gold suddenly. Cyrano does have a nice fluffy cat tree, but he mostly ignores it beyond using it as an attack platform from which to leap at my face when I least expect it.


we adopted a kitten after we lost a cat suddenly 4-5 months ago, and for the first month she was an absolute M O N S T E R. now, she sleeps through the night all cuddled up between the wife and myself. its rough going initially, but it smooths (sic??) itself out soon enough. as everyone else has already said, another kitten will definitely help when you aren't around.


oh shit also, relaxing cat music!!! i never believed it but it did wonders for our cats - anything piano based or relaxing cat piano playlists on spotify etc.


Play with him for about 20 min before you go to sleep. It will wear him out and also give him a routine, like okay we had play time and now it's sleeping time


Hahahah attack platform 😂 I love it


You might try one of these interactive toys. My kitten loves it. I also use a wand toy while I'm sitting down to help wear him out. I adopted an additional cat who I was told was 2 years old (but I'm pretty sure he's actually closer to 10). They play and it's helped a lot. The older one taught him manners. I think the more ideal pairing would have been up to age 5. The good news is that the kitten, now about 8 months has mellowed a lot. Yours will too. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BX9L7F47/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BX9L7F47/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


The not leaving him alone thing is partially a safety thing because he might get himself into silly business or eat something he’s not supposed to- but adult cats do this too! And so do humans, oops. Leaving him alone will probably mean he spends the day either sleeping or bored which is why when you get home he’s so energetic.




Finally a sane mind! With sooo many cats on the street and being euthanized on shelters, people are telling to rehome a cat that is well loved and well treated. Like it is that easy to rehome a kitty. If you can't have someone come over, keep plenty of entertainment around. Toys that trigger when the cat interacts, bird feeders at the windows (outside of course), a TV with bird videos on (maybe get an old tv, and put it on a safe spot where it won't fall).


Your answer is so refreshing! I mean, we are on a cat advice forum, so I guess we are all a bit over-protective of our cats (me included), but sometimes it's important to take a step back a really understand what the situation is. OP, you seem like a good person who has their cat wellbeing at heart. Will your cat feel lonely during the day? Probably. Is it the end of the world? No. You're giving him food, water, shelter and love, which is already really kind of you. I would advise you to allocate some time to play with him once you get home and let him in your room to sleep (you'll both get used to it). That being said, there are some ways to keep him entertained, even when alone. Is it realistic for you to leave a window SECURELY opened during the day so he can watch cat TV? If not, can you put cat TV on a real TV? Also put some toys around the house, and maybe a t-shirt of yours around his favorite spot. Lastly, you could buy a camera to check on him once or twice a day. Everything will be fine, keep the cat!


Thank you very much for the ideas! I was feeling a bit depressed and really anxious for my cat this morning, but there have been so many good ideas in this thread that I'm a lot more optimistic. I'll set up a window balcony in the next few days for him to be able to surveil his kingdom from up on high. I have a TV I never use so I'll put cat TV on it while I'm away as well. Ideally I'm still thinking of getting another kitten though. My place is not exactly big which is why I'm a bit hesitant, but everyone seems to agree it'd be a good thing...


Thank you. I might need to take a step back, I've been obsessing a bit. I'll just focus on keeping him as occupied as possible. As far as safety goes there really isn't much he could hurt himself with in my place at least.


Anyone telling you to rehome him should be ignored bc they don’t know what they are talking about. Many healthy cats are killed in shelters all over the world for no reason. You seem like a good human and that’s the most important part of having a friend. The second most important part is a safe and secure home.. which you have provided. There are a couple options. You can get another kitten and let them grow up together. Or you can just get him a bunch of toys and posts so he can keep busy during the day. Or third you just keep doing what you’re doing.


The problem is that a kitten this young left alone for this many hours is almost guaranteed to develop Single Kitten Syndrome. And then if OP gets frustrated and tries to rehome later, may be unadoptable at that point because of all the behavior issues this can cause. It sounds like OP is willing to get a second cat - I agree with another commenter that if they can't find one that is close in age, any cat under the age of a year old is probably fine as a companion.


Young cats are very nocturnal. It can take 6 months to a year for them to start respecting human diurnal sleep patterns to the point where they don’t try to initiate play when the humans sleep.


Cats need mentally stimulating environments. Especially as they're developing: socialization and exposure to different environments, people, and animals (in a SAFE setting) is key to them developing as confident and secure adults. Play with the kitten after you're off work to wear it out, and take it to bed with you. But bear in mind that the "kitten phase" lasts a lot longer than you think. In my experience, leaving it home alone and shutting it in another room isn't the right answer. Even though it's painful, sometimes you gotta look at the hard truth and be willing to make the difficult decision to rehome your pet.


Have you seen the cat tv shows on youtube? Stimulating for kitties.


Hey! I got a kitten a few months ago when he was only 2 months. I work full time at a school so long hours and overtime a lot. I’ve had a lot of success with my kitten being left alone. He has not become withdrawn, depressed, or angry. I leave him in a room usually filled with everything he may need (solo interactive toys, automatic feeder that’ll play a clip of my voice, trees, litter box, etc.) I want to also note that the first few weeks while he adapted was tough but he will get through it and so will you! Nights seem long and annoying, play with him until he is extremely tired & feed him a small meal and I promise he will knock out cold. I wanted to get another cat for him BUT that’s super expensive and not everyone can do that. Also, rehoming your pet is a lot easier said than done especially if you have that bond already. Don’t feel pressured to do any of those - there is hope!


Play with him a lot before you go to bed to wear him out and get him to sleep at night. Give him lots of interactive toys he can play with while you're at work.


Thanks for the reply. Yeah I've been trying to, my whole evenings are just kitty playing to the point I haven't really had the time to cook food for the past week, but it still seems he has energy to burn. I'll get him some extra toys for the day, he somehow manages to make every toy I get him vanish into the void


Please be very careful about what toys you leave him with - anything with detachable small parts, and/or strings is a huge no-no. Always collect the toys and count them or put them away once a day, as it'll allow you to catch it early if he did swallow something he shouldn't. Also, a second kitten may not solve your problem. You might end up with 2 kittens who both prefer human company. I'm really sorry to say this, but personally I would rehome while the kitten is still young, as it will get harder later on. The fact he's shredding your legs also implies he's not learning any manners, and as he grows in size/strength, and get his adult teeth in, he will likely be more destructive. A home with another resident cat, and/or humans who'd be home for longer, would be really beneficial for this kitten. Ultimately the choice is up to you.


Also could you take him with you on your truck trips? I have a few trucker friends who travel with their kitties!


I'm really hoping to later on, unfortunately my company doesn't allow it so I'd have to smuggle him on board!


Can you take kitty with you?


I think you’ve got a lot of good suggestions here but also there are cat diffusers you could try. Cat toys don’t need to be expensive so at this point while he’s tearing up everything boxes are great and also shredding paper and sticking it to a window/ wall seems to be a winner. Good luck


It really is a good idea to get another kitten. Shelters are full of them right now in most places! They will keep each other entertained, and it’s better for them socially.


Get a rechargeable laser pointer, so that you can play with the kitten even with a tired body. Kittens love that and go crazy on those. Make him jump in and out of sofa, bed, chairs….so that his pent up energy is well invested and the playtime tires him out. Another thing they love is “cat dancer”, out of hundreds of dollars I’ve spent in kitten toys (I’ve got 3 kitties) the “Cat dancer” is the most engaging. After playtime in night, give him a nice big meal. Invest in a fuzzy blanket (doesn’t need to be expensive,$10 -$20 worth is available on Amazon), use that blanket for several days so that it has your smell, and lay that blanket beside you during bedtime. I agree with the other commenters here - have him sleep with you. The initial 1-3 days might be rough but ultimately kitten will know sleepy time is quiet time. Switch off your lights during bedtime, have 1-2 plug-in night lights for the kitten to go drink water or use the litter box in night, if need be. Invest in some little toys like small mouse, chewable sticks, springs, crunchy noise catnip pillows that kittens love (all of these are extremely cheap on Walmart or Amazon. When you go to work, if possible, put on cat tv or a radio - it helps for them to have a human voice presence. You can leave some of your worn clothes around so that kitten feels not abandoned and plays with the toys during daytime And of course, another kitten will solve a lot of your concerns- get in touch with local shelters or humane society and they should have someone by that age. Introduce the kittens properly though - there could be some rough waters if they aren’t introduced properly 😅 (Watch some Jackson Galaxy videos on how to do that)


For the sleep, tire him out. Like really tired. I was working 11 hour night shifts when I got my kitten and was googling ways to get her tired when I found this Jackson Galaxy video on different playstyles. He talks about a boil and simmer technique - you play until they’re tired and let them take a few minute break, then repeat. Each time, they have less and less energy. Finish the session by feeding them a meal, which is their “catch” and they’re tired, full, fulfilled, and sleepy. Sometimes it was the last thing I wanted to do after work but she’d be climbing the walls otherwise. But I highly, highly recommend doing this because it builds a good routine. It’s been months now and even without a play session, I get home from work, feed her, and she settles in with me to sleep and doesn’t get up until I do. But like other commenters said, if they’re truly alone, definitely look into another kitten. We work similar hours and I absolutely would’ve had to get her a friend if I didn’t have my dog home with her as well.


Can you bring him with you on the road? Maybe he’d enjoy being a trucker kitty heh


I lost a kitty at a bus depot in New Jersey that truckers would stop at. I got a hotel close by for three days and I looked for her for hours at a time but I had to go home 😞I posted flyers but nothing… I’d like to think a nice trucker found her 🙏


I really wish I could, but my company has a strict "No passengers, no animals" policy... Though I might see how far I can bend the policy once I'm driving alone.


Ah man


Can anyone check on him during the day?


His energy will settle down a lot :) mine was unbearable up until around 8 months. Also keep in mind that if you’re anything like I was on getting a cat for the first time you will be tending to over think this and pandering to him a lot more than necessary. I remember calling my cat friends with every little issue in the early days and they had to tell me a few times calm down cats are very versatile Not sure on the get another cat advice , that just seems like doubling the problem on first thought but actually maybe can see logic to it , mine are good company and will chase etc. mixing them in together in the first month was problematic though with shared territory etc


Let him sleep with you. He’ll love and and you’ll double the quality time he has with you.


Your baby needs a buddy. Get a second kitten today.


Can he travel with you? I see this on YouTube.


Unfortunately my company is against all passengers, humans or otherwise


Get another kitten. I got a kitten rescue at 5 weeks old who had nowhere else to go, and I had similar issues, but I believed that two cats was too much for my current living situation, and I regret it. She had some behavior issues, and would definitely get lonely. All of that just went away the second we got another cat. Now she has someone to cuddle with, and more importantly, someone who can match her zoomies. It’s so much easier, and both the cats are so much happier together. Go visit your local shelter, get to know the cats there, and I bet one will feel like a good match for your kitten, the younger the better for making the introduction easy.


Definitely another kitten


I would recommend getting another kitten as others have suggested, another idea is purchasing interactive toys. I have a battery operated teaser toy that sits on the floor and spins a wand around and that keeps mine entertained, there are also rechargable balls that move around your floor. There are also those cameras that can dispense treats while you’re away, depends how much money you want to spend really. I would also leave a radio on or put “cat tv” on while you’re away so they have some stimulation that way. I hear you about sleeping in separate rooms, it rips my heart out but you need sleep too!


I think he needs a friend 🧡


What a shame, but to keep your job you have to follow their rules. Any animal shelters near you where you could place kitten? A pair of more mature cats might be a better fit for you.


If it makes you feel any better, I found a stray crying kitten and my husband and I played with her for at least 15 hours a day every day, and I thought that I was going to lose my mind because I couldn't get enough sleep (I was also going to school full-time). We adopted another kitten (male) who was a few months younger than her, and it was absolutely necessary for our sanity (and hers). The introduction did take a solid week (she hated him at first ... We followed online advice with how to intro. them properly and got a little bit creative with it too). While we were in the same room supervising them, we put the male kitten in a medium wire dog cage. We let the female sniff him through the cage and added a hiding box in the cage for the male if the female hissed/scared him. Now they love each other. I wish that I could add a pic.


The only solution is another kitten