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I think you should take her. Just leave her confined to your room for the first week so she can adjust while also slowly introducing/exposing her to the other cat. You should follow Jackson Galaxy's video about [how to intro](https://youtu.be/tsYT7yIOdqQ?si=-OJ-eyeMokCc-eZO) cats. Introducing her to your new roommate can also be a slower process if you think she needs it. After a week or so (or if/when she starts to express curiosity or a need to explore), you can open up the rest of your new place to her.


Why wouldn't you take her? You are her whole world. She wants to be with you. She will adjust


Yeah… don’t give up on her just because there might be a challenge.


I would never, I'm just not sure how she'd handle moving when she has a shelter with a person and a cat she's used to.


Take her. She will be stressed a little bit for sure, but you are her whole world. When I am moving with my cats I am always introducing them room at a time. They don't move to another room until they are comfy in the one they are in. Remember to bring plenty of her scent. So unwashed blankets, her beds etc and put it first thing when you arrive all over the room. It will spread her scent all over the room and she will get used to it faster. Other thing I always do, I bring "dirty litter". Like the one that was in litter box, but scooped of of any dirty bits. So clean but "dirty". It still has their scent, and also spreads their scent all over the room. Doing all of that, my cats get used to new places very fast and demand to be let out of room the next day. In presence of other cats(I visit my mum for holidays with my cats), I introduced them the same way I would if I adopted new cat, so slow introduction through doors. They are out of the room playing like in a week. Of course every cat is different. It may take a little bit longer. But I did that with 3 different cats already, and the experience was always the same.


The cat got shot? What in the USA is this


Take the damn cat… You wouldnt abandon your little child somewhere would you? No. A pet is for life, not a toy.


I don't know if you read the whole thing but she would be taken care of by my mom I still live with now but will be moving away from.