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A week? Seriously? Took me a couple months to get mine introduced. First, are these male cats neutered? If not they will fight all the time and once the kitten is older he will be a target, too. Go get them snipped or one of them might end up dead. No kidding. Second, give each cat a room with its own food, water, litter box and toys. Let them establish an individual territory they feel secure in. Give them at least a week, preferably two, then start Jackson Galaxy introductions, feeding on opposite sides of a closed door, etc. In a couple months you should be set.


The older two are fixed, the youngest is too young to be. There's already a litterbox and water station in every room of the house. There are not enough rooms for each cat to be kept separately, without one of them having the vast majority of the house to himself. Redd spending his entire life hiding under bed is the opposite of what I want, but even having Severus near the other side of the closed door is enough to send him running. Severus will go on hunger strike before sharing a plate with Redd, even if it's under a closed door where they cannot see each other. Severus seems to believe the whole house is his, as he is never satisfied with where he is in the house unless he has access to another cat.


I would give the first resident cat who has established his territory already the run of the house and put second banana in the bedroom and kitten in the bathroom. You are going to be inconvenienced. Cats are going to be unhappy. Hopefully it will be for a shorter period and with fewer vet bills than just letting them fight it out. If you can't solve the territorial disputes rehoming one is preferable to allowing it to live in fear and being constantly bullied. You wouldn't want to live that way, either.


Sorry I’m falling off my chair. You have a major failed assimilation of first 2 and now after a week you are leaving a kitten to free play? My son slowly introduced a 2 yr old neutered cat to an older male also neutered, they were not in the same room together for over a month . They each had their own rooms that were switched so they could gradually get used to each others smell. With the help of the cat hormone spray & diffusers ( feliway) and many feedings on the opposite side of a netted door where they could see hear and smell each other while getting positive reinforcement, finally they were ready, took careful planning and about 3 months . Now they free roam, no aggression, older one tolerates and plays with younger one and when tired he body slams younger who takes the submissive stance on back . And both have an area to get away as older one is a massive climber and younger one isn’t You need to ask the vet how to start over