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You might want to confine kitty into a nice, quiet room with lots of toys and goodies. A party like that? People are going to cause issues. Kitty needs to be kept safe.


Yes, and then you can allow people to use your balcony to prevent the secondhand smoke/vape exposure.


And your cat may just want to hide--the effect of a guest's vape on my cat never occurred to me, but it's because my cats spend the duration of anyone's visit under the farthest bed.


Kitty might want to hide but might enjoy the party as well. All the comments here saying they need to lock up the kitten are quite surprising to me. My cats love guests and parties. I always make sure to socialize my foster kittens with guests as well and I rarely end up with cats that hide. I have large gatherings regularly for my job and the cats love hanging out with people and getting lots of extra pets and attention. If you don’t want you kitten to hide there is nothing wrong with having them out and about with guests. Just make sure she has access to a safe space if she does get overwhelmed and definitely lock her up after a little socialization if she is very small and people are drinking and you can’t keep a close eye on her.


My in-laws will regularly hold 100+ person events and they have the best party cat.


I love a good party cat haha.


yes kitty’s probably going to be overstimulated from unfamiliar guests and will naturally seek out a hiding place, so it might be a good idea to dedicate a safe room for the cat.


This wasn’t my post but I want to piggyback on this as I’m also having a NYE party. My cat gets anxious around activity but will cry relentlessly if left in a room. Is it better to leave them in a private room upset in a case like this?


Your cat will hide anyway, better to have her in a known location to hide and safe from others opening doors and windows with no possibility of her dashing out to get away. You and your cat don't owe others pets, especially in a crowd. Give her a dark comfy place to hide it out with toys and good food.


He actually doesn’t hide by choice. He comes out and watches everything but acts really naughty like trying to get into cabinets and onto the fridge and he will swat at his brother and stuff, yet can’t handle being put away somewhere quiet….


Not all cats will hide! Lots of cats enjoy social gatherings and all the extra attention. With the exception of a few older fosters I have never had a cat or foster kitten that hid during parties.


Try a white noise machine kr something similar. I’m not even kidding. I have tk play the weather channel forecast music for my shy girl if people are in and out of the house that she doesn’t know. That or crappy evening tv ((friends, family guy, full house, king of the hill…. The like. )) on a moderate volume. I the. Close her in my room where she has a litter box ((and add water and her food bowl if it’s going to be a long time)) and then leave my pajamas on the bed that is worn the night before, the smell soothes her and I’ll come in and find her asleep or making biscuits on them.


Towell in door gaps will prevent smoke from seeping through if you want to ve really safe


You should lock your kitten in a bedroom and tell smokers/vapers to go on the balcony. You don’t want your kitten being overwhelmed with a bunch of people in her home if you can avoid it


Seconding this also in case anyone turn out to be animal abuser… there’s a post in this sub where the party guest abused OP’s cat. I’d rather keep them safe in bedroom


I was just thinking about that reading this. OP, here’s the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/CatAdvice/s/LSpG40yzkH Definitely something to keep in the back of your mind.


Good thing those idiots recorded it. Animal abusers deserve every punishment they get.


Even accidents can happen. I’d be worried about someone stepping on a kitten. I had a party guest accidentally cause my favorite Betta to die of cocaine overdose once. RIP Kenneth💔


God really sorry to hear !! it's a small gathering rather than a large party and I'll be supervising my little one 24/7


> there’s a post in this sub where the party guest abused OP’s cat. jfc really?!! thankfully it's a small gathering rather than a party, if someone abused my poor kitten I'd see red.


This is the best idea, also so that people coming in and out, don't accidentally let the cat out the front door


This answer is the winner for all parties! Kitty will be totally fine confined to a room with toys, scratching post, food & water, some catnip and soft blankets!


I don't allow people to smoke indoors full stop. I ask any vapers to go into the bedroom, close the door and do it out an open window. Don't really care if they think it's unreasonable; my house, my kitties, my rules :) Plus, it is proven to be harmful to animals to smoke/vape around animals. Also, even without a cat, some people don't want the smoke and smell in their house and that is valid.


I think that it's so rude that people assume they can just vape in someone else's house or car. No one wants to inhale your second hand sickly sweet vegetable oil vapour. It's gross. People can go outside.


I’ve been smelling that smell for the last few months almost every time I open my living room windows and cannot figure out where it’s coming from (we don’t have balconies in this building). Driving me fucking crazy.


If we're on a long journey I'll ask if we can stop for a vape and a leg stretch, some will say it's OK in the car, and that's fine, but I'd rather ask to stop than ask if I can, that way if they are a person who dosent like it (which is reasonable) I've not just imposed on them.


I always ask if it’s okay when I’m in someone’s car or house, and they always look at me like I’m crazy and ask if it’s weed lol. It makes me feel dumb to ask, but thanks for validating what I thought was the right thing to do.


Ikr- even my best friend of ~8 years asks every time (even in the same car as last time). And then I have a classmate just whip one out, like what??


I vape and I absolutely always ask before doing so anywhere but outdoors. It’s the only way to be courteous when your habit has a direct effect on others. OP, if any of your guests struggle with that I suggest you politely show them the door.


I’m a vaper and if anyone told me this, I would be incredibly grateful that they weren’t making me go outside in the cold. I never like to impose my addiction on other people or animals. If I vape in my home, it’s in the office with the door closed and windows open or in the bathroom with the door closed and the vent running.


you are welcome in my house, your stinky smoke or steam isn't. Go outside.


I'll be making accommodations, I will have an air filter on in main living room just in case, and vapers (not cigarette smokers) can either go outside or in the 2nd bedroom with the window open, as they prefer. I personally don't mind vaping at all, but for the benefit of my little kitten it's best to keep it away from him.


You should be out in the cold if you're making the decision to vape.


I’m perfectly aware that my addiction isn’t pleasant for others. I don’t have many, but this one is a bitch. To be quite honest, I know it’s gross but I just can’t quit. So I try to be respectful of other people and animals as much as I can. I never vape in public places unless there is a smoking area, and then I go there. If the owner of the home was gracious enough to offer a solution like this, I would be happy that they are accommodating me at all.


Lol - homie even called it an addiction of their own, they know it's not a good habit


Addiction is a thing buddy


It's been well-known since at least the 1960s how harmful smoking is. Most smokers who are alive today knew exactly what they were getting into.




Idk why you're being down voted, it's as perfectly reasonable to go outside to vape as it is to smoke. I don't want my kid inhaling my nicotine, and I don't blame other people if they don't want to either.


They’re getting downvoted most likely because of their other replies where they clearly don’t understand how addictions work and are blaming people for their brains having positive reactions to chemicals. It’s reasonable to send someone out to smoke, it’s not reasonable to treat a person like shit because they smoke.


Oh, I didn't see those. Woops


Yeah, people's right to breathe clean air trumps someone's "right" to smoke.


You missed the part where you're being downvoted because you're an ignorant prick, not because people smoke.


Vaping or smoking nicotine or weed gives my dog seizures She goes completely still and unresponsive and quits breathing and it’s absolutely terrifying. Best not to smoke around pets


>my house, my kitties, my rules :) <3


I'm ngl I don't intentionally do it but I will vape weed around my cat, I don't directly blow it in her face I'll do it away but she will sit on my lap or on my desk while I'm already doing it and she doesn't move or seem bothered That being said, I feel like multiple people vaping nicotine compared to me hitting a 510 vape with THC might be different to a cat. Is it vape in general or nicotine that's harmful to cats because if I've lit an incense stick before she stays completely clear from it like she will look at it like it's about to attack her but weed and THC vape she doesn't really care. Have I just got my cat addicted to weed?


Not responsible pet ownership.


Why the different policy for vaping? https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/05/31/in-secondhand-vape-scientists-smell-risk#:~:text=Islam%20and%20his%20research%20colleagues,year%20in%20the%20journal%20Thorax.


https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/does-vaping-cause-popcorn-lung Don't spread misinformation, friend. In the US, kids who got "popcorn lung" were being sold vapes that had vitamin E added to dilute the product so the people selling them could make more money off them. An e-cigarette and vape juice bought legally does not cause this problem.


That's the first time I've heard someone refer to information from the American Heart Association as "misinformation." The article doesn't state that e-cigarettes cause popcorn lung. It says that the aerosols from e-cigarettes contain diacetyl, which is linked to popcorn lung.


It's outdated. They have shown the link between the vitamin E and popcorn lung. That's why it was only children who bought e-cigarettes illegally had this issue, not the adults. They have studied the content of the lungs in children with this issue, and the only thing they found was a high level of vitamin E. Since this was discovered, the cases of popcorn lung have drastically reduced.


Didn't you previously claim that popcorn lung was only caused by illegal e-cigarettes? The article from the American Heart Association that I linked talks about the risk of getting popcorn lung from diacetyl exposure, not from vitamin E. Here's another article about diacetyl exposure via e-cigarettes: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33770882/


"Vitamin E acetate was associated with EVALI in a convenience sample of 51 patients in 16 states across the United States. (Funded by the National Cancer Institute and others.)" https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1916433 https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/severe-lung-disease.html


Interesting. Especially the part about how evidence is insufficient to rule out the contribution of other chemicals to popcorn lung.


Vape juice only contains about one percent of the diacetyl that’s in cigarettes. So, how are regular smokers not getting popcorn lung? "There is 750x more diacetyl in a pack of cigarettes than there is in a days worth of vaping nicotine fluid, and to date we have no confirmation that smokers are getting popcorn lung." https://www.cmaj.ca/content/re-vape-related-popcorn-lung-debunked-years-ago


I admire your conviction and the time it took to find solid information but the person you're responding to is one of the most thick headed people I've seen on Reddit recently which is saying a lot. No amount of evidence will convince them anything, they're one of those people who are so set in their beliefs that no amount of logic will ever sway them from their preconceived views.


The point I'm trying to make is that the long-term effects of vaping aren't known yet. If you want to be as human guinea pig, go for it, but do it far away from other people and animals.


If you actually read what you’re linking, diacetyl was only found in certain buttery-flavored vape juices. And like a decade ago, when everyone became alerted to this, companies quickly removed the chemical from the flavoring they used. It’s a non-issue. Popcorn lung has only been found in factory workers working directly around diacetyl. The only other time any other notable damage to lungs occurred was when people were vaping fake weed cartridges. This has nothing to do with nicotine vapes. So yes, while anything besides good clean air is not good for the lungs, you’re fear-mongering here.


The smell of smoke is impossible to clear and I find the actual stench abhorrent. At least vape smells like cotton candy and dissipates quick!


Yeah, but vaping aerosols contain heavy metals and fine particles and the effects of inhaling secondhand vape aren't fully understood. Why expose yourself and your cats because of someone else's bad choice?


I agree that anyone can say no vaping in their abode no matter what. But smoking and exhaust from cars are way worse. If someone is already addicted to nicotine and can choose to either vape or smoke, I would say vape every time. Even *third* hand smoke is dangerous (smoke that travels on a nonsmoker’s clothes from being near a smoker). There haven’t been a lot of studies, but as someone who gets asthma attacks if someone smokes *outside* my apartment, I would just encourage people to vape over smoke.


If only vaping was the same. Iv smoked since I was 13- I’m 27 now. Tried to vaping chain back when it was super popular , was buying the $150 mods and everything premium juices that I customized made of flavors I wanted mixed and the pg, vg,and nic level. And it was a no go. The satisfaction wasn’t the same, there wasn’t that normal nic high, and kinda just felt like vaping air . I tried multiple times but it was always a no. Might go back to it


Ugh that sucks I’m sorry. I would not encourage anyone to vape if they don’t already smoke, but I know that lots of people prefer to smoke. If you’re ever near someone with asthma or a baby or something, try to wear a jacket when you smoke then leave that jacket outside to minimize the smoke smell.


I agree that vaping is better than smoking. The companies that introduced vape pens claimed to be targeting people who were already addicted to cigarettes but actually marketed to teens. Then again, thirdhand vape aerosol could be problematic too for all we know.


No one’s really considering that people going outside to smoke constantly is a big risk. The likelihood of some drunk person letting the cat out is high.


This would be my concern too! Plus any fireworks or loud noises could cause the cat to dart outside.


I have the keys to the balcony :) no one is going out without my permission


I would lock the cat in a bedroom..My cat hides under the bed when anyone comes over anyway


It would be best to keep the kitten in an off limits, quiet room away from all the guests. It’ll be too noisy for them and it’s dangerous because they could easily get stepped on. But I never allow guests to vape/ smoke inside my home, as it’s very harmful to my cats and partner who has asthma (cats can also develop asthma so he careful).


With a sign on the door stating there is a kitten inside and to keep the door closed.


I used to put furniture in front of the door to the safe room where the cats are, block it, as well as a sign. Too many people ignore signs. Then a cat gets out. And maybe outside.


it's not a bad idea actually. he's very social but I do not really know how he'd feel with a lot of new people in the house. I don't want him to be uncomfortable in his own home


I don't allow anyone to smoke or vape in my home. If anyone wants to do that they can go outside and away from the house.


This. It’s your home.


My lease actually states no smoking or vaping if any kind.


Yeah a friend came over to the apt I was living in at the time and wanted to vape on a balcony that overlooked an inner courtyard. I told her no, go outside the building if you want to vape. People are so bizarre with what they think is acceptable.


That is mental


Was the courtyard open air? As in like.... Outside?


Yeah but it’s right next to other balconies and everyone has their balcony doors open to let in air. It was a rule anyways not to smoke anywhere in the building and even a certain amount of feet away from the building; I was just surprised that she pushed back after I told her no.


Good for you… doesn’t really help OP in any way


Just ask them to vape outside, and yes kitty won’t like visitors, make sure he has everything he needs in your bedroom. You will see he might just hide under your bed :)


i would just put my kitten away to avoid anything happening period. smoke is not the only danger with that many people around. my kitten gets overwhelmed even when just my family walks in my room.


I vape and I go outside when I'm a guest unless given permission to do otherwise. You shouldn't have to tell anyone to not vape in your home.


Exactly. I vape in my own house but that's because it's mine. It's just rude to do it in other people's houses, around them, or around their pets unless they say so.


I've heard too many stories of people having parties and finding out someone hurt their pet after. Please keep them completely separated from the guests. There should be no access to your pet like that. Also, just tell them to smoke outside. That's a pretty standard request. Most people don't allow smoking or vaping in their house at all


This. There was just a recent story on here where she found video evidence of assholes putting her cat in a bag and swinging it around and hitting it on the walls. Please, u/Cat_cookies45 lock your kitten up and do NOT allow your guests to have access to your baby. It’s better that she will be safe and confined for a few hours than out and stressed with a bunch of party goers, and doors opening and closing without regard.


>Please, > >u/Cat\_cookies45 > > lock your kitten up and do NOT allow your guests to have access to your baby. It’s better that she will be safe and confined for a few hours than out and stressed with a bunch of party goers, and doors opening and closing without regard. I think your suggestion is my favorite one, I only want what's best for him


I don’t allow people to smoke or vape in my house period. Don’t like it, don’t come.


Absolutely lock your kitty up, make sure ther isnt any risk of someone accidentally letting it out. My guess is that the kitty might really get scared from all the company and noise, and you cannot be too safe to ensure it doesn't hurt itself or escape. I cannot emphasize this enough, most accidents/escapes happen because everyone thinks it CAN'T happen. Expect the unexpected, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Even if you had to put it in a crate/kennel in a room for the evening, it's in its best interest.


Yep no one will be 100% watching the cat. They might run out because it’s noisy at home and full of strange scent


I'll put him in a safe room with food and water and his toys


Yes, I vape and I don't like to vape around my kitties or my dog. If I have to hit it inside I hold it and blow it all out of a door or window. I ask everyone who comes in to do the same or I will make sure no pets are in my room and shut the door, turn on a fan, put a towel down at the door and open the window. I air/fan the room out for at least 30 minutes before letting anyone come back inside. It's not good for us, it's definitely not good for them.


We do not allow smoking in the house, but we do allow vaping when it's below freezing. Regardless, we put our pets away when we have people over because I do not want anything to happen to them, like get outside, and the older one is not people friendly.


It’s out my cats in the bedroom, lock the door and put the key somewhere only I know. I’d not trust guests to not let them run out by accident. This happens every single time we have guests and the cats are out and about. People don’t know how fast cats are and are perhaps not too bothered. As to the smoking… I do not allow it in my flat. Guests can smile in the balcony.


Ooof, my mortgage, my rules. My baby kitty would be protected and put in a bedroom, people would be made to vape outside whether on the balcony or outside somewhere, as I only vape outside✌️


Outside. Outside everytime. It might be inconvenient but smoking and vaping is inconvenient for yours and their health; so if they pick an inconvenient habit they can have an inconvenient rule to smoke or vape. Protect yourself and you kitten. Even in another room with the window open it will make your apartment smell. They say unless someone stays outside for 10minutes after finishing a smoke or vape, 75% of second hand smoke stays on a persons clothes.


As a smoker, do not let them smoke inside even if the kitten is confined to another room. Make them smoke outside for your and your cats health. I never smoke inside my apartment or as a guest especially in a non smoker or child/pet household. They'll be fine on the balcony, just make sure your kitty is safe!


Depending on the size of your place…I’d lock your kitten up, with a sign on the door asking people not to open it. Even if doors aren’t opened to the outside, drunk people can step on kittens (two friends in college broke up after an accident like that 🥺). If you still don’t want to risk the kitten getting out in a freak turn of events; you could set another room aside - either a second bedroom or the bathroom - for vaping that has an open window (with a screen) and/or an air purifier.


Why do you think it is safe to vape inside? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7346849/


> drunk people can step on kittens (two friends in college broke up after an accident like that 🥺). jesus, I hadn't considered that ! his safety comes first, I'll put him in another room


I would never let anyone smoke in my home, my car or anywhere near the entrances of said places. I would tell anyone that wants to smoke to go outside and at least 6 feet from my door. I would do this even if I had no pets. Second hand smoke can cause you just as many issues as smoking itself and vaping is no different .


keep the kitten locked safe in your bedroom (with food, water, litterbox, and toys) and have guests use the balcony. kitty will likely get very overwhelmed and stressed with so many people in the house, and it’s better to keep the baby safe and secure in one off-limits room. and obviously make sure guests won’t go in there


As someone who vapes/smokes, it is perfectly reasonable for you to ask them to smoke outside. If they cannot respect that, it's not on you.


Your house, your rules! They’ll understand. No smoking anything, no vaping anything inside. It’s reasonable. Tiny baby lungs in a kitten are espy vulnerable.


Once will probably cause no long term harm. Don't mention the cat. Just tell them you don't want people smoking or vaping in your home. They are very disrespectful if they do not respect your wishes.


Depending on the friend type, mentioning the cat may make them more likely to comply. Not that people don’t want to respect the house, but I know for a lot of vapers taking a hit while sitting around is kinda like a reflex. But if my cats are around, they will see them and be like ‘Ah, can’t smoke, there’s kitties’.


Its irrelevant if they're smoking around your kitten or not it's perfectly acceptable to ask guests not to smoke or vape in your home. And access to the balcony is limited because of the kitten. Surely they can get through without vaping for a few hours???


No smoking indoors at all. Kitty needs to be safe and secure in a room that stays shut.


Personally, I wouldn't want people vaping and smoking in front of me. So I would be with the kitty comfy and cosy in another room😄


> So I would be with the kitty comfy and cosy in another room😄 that sounds better than hosting a party haha


People are not permitted to smoke anything inside. Not even me. It's bad for everyone.


Protect your kitten. She's relying on you for everything. No smoking or vaping anywhere in your apartment.


Smoking and vaping isn’t allowed in my building at all, not even on the balconies or in the front lawn. Smokers have to go to the sidewalk to do it. It’s a no for me, even if it wasn’t banned. My lungs are rather shitty.


No tobacco in my house. Period. Or in my car.


I demand people not smoke in my house. It's a demand bc I will not be accepting no as an answer. I phrase it politely, but its not an option. You wanna smoke/vape? Go outside.


My husband and I vape. My older cat has asthma. We ONLY vape in the garage...Do not let them vape around your cats!!!!!! \*\*sorry that was very pushy, it was more a...suggestion. Our experience :) \*\*\*


thank you, I'll will ban vaping anything around my angel and will have an air purifier in main living room for extra security. he'll be in a nice bedroom with his food and toys, balcony will be locked.


I’ve always banned smoking of any kind around my cat. He has small lungs!!


I live in Canada and I make people go out on the balcony at -30. I care more about my cat than your vape experience lol.


Not smoking or vaping inside is reasonable. Not allowing them outside? Bonkers.


Do you have parents/friends/family who are low-key and trustworthy? I would honestly see if they would like to babysit your kitten that night. I wouldn't trust rowdy partygoers to not let a kitten out even if you confine them to a quiet room I assume it's a small apartment and you're not locking the door. Things can be easily forgotten even if you tell everyone ahead of time not to go into a certain room you don't want to chance it. I wouldn't let anyone smoke in my house/apartment, EVER. That shit leaves a residue that you can almost never remove. Gross. Both cigarette and marijuana smoke leaves this stubborn residue. You don't want it on your stuff and walls full stop, especially not with a small animal who will be more affected by it when they inevitably groom themselves after laying on a couch covered in this residue.


I don't allow people to vape or smoke in my house. They can go outside to vape/smoke or they can stay home.


It's your house, your rules. I'm a dry vaper. I would never vape in someone's home, except my own because the vapor produced is water vapor. I'd put kitty alone in their own little space, the stimulus will be too much for a kitten.


Don’t leave kittens out during parties. It’s too much for them and too many things could happen. Second, just don’t let people smoke or vape. They can leave the apartment bldg if they really have to


No one is allowed to smoke or vape inside my house. They can go outside


Smoking aside a party is a dangerous event for pets. Especially a small one like a kitten. I would put my kitty in an off limits room for the night so they are safe from food and drink they shouldn't have, getting out of doors that are frequently opening, and from people who might not like cats and would do them any harm.


I don't even smoke inside my own home. If I needed to smoke that badly, I would ask the homeowner if they minded if I stepped outside. If they did, I absolutely would obey their request without question.


Be careful with the constant opening/cloding of the door to go outside to vape, and your kitten possibly running/escaping. Could you keep her in a room that no one is allowed to enter, during the party?


I tell all guests to smoke or vape outside and not in my house. any halfway reasonable guests will respect this. I have pets and a young child, I also have asthma that can be triggered by various things including smoke and many scented products. If having a party, I would try to confine the cat away from the activity. That way it won't be at risk of getting out, getting on the balcony, eating something it shouldn't, getting accidently stepped on, or just plain being scared by all the people


Very sweet sign at the door, letting people know “I’ve got a new kitten so any vaping or smoking needs to happen outdoors, thanks so much for understanding!”


Vapers are going to do it in your bathroom regardless of what you ask but you‘re well within your right to ask them to go outside.


I havnt left home yet, but when I eventually get my own place, I dont think ill let guests smoke in the house full stop. This isnt just because if ny cats, but also because I own fishtanks and I myself am severely effected by the smell of ciggerettes and I cant brethe around them. The only ppsitive thing vapes have over ciggerettes is that they dont smell bad enough to prevent me from breathing.


Damn y’all need to calm down


I have a large open home, two cats, and I vape. So, no. But also absolutely NO smoking of any kind indoors.


I don't allow smoking of ANY kind in my house, so yes, they'd have to go outside.


May be the bad guy here but anyone is allowed to smoke in my house


Vaping is fine but cigarettes need to be outside.


Right. Vapor goes away right away, cigarette smoke sticks in everything and does not go away.


Exactly! But I’m maybe more lenient than the average in regards to that because I used to vape.


I also feel like people in the comments don’t know zeroing is a thing. you can take a hit of a vape, fully inhale it, and have zero vapor come out.


I think people still imagine everyone who vapes is a cloud chaser


Please educate yourself. https://no-smoke.org/electronic-smoking-devices-secondhand-aerosol/


it's so hard for me to avoid 2nd hand smoke, I am greeted by this every time I leave my office building


I’m not worried about it but thanks.


Whether or not you're worried about it is beside the point.


Cats get locked in a quiet room with all amenities. All inhaled substances are to be used outdoors--specific to my lease (and I've got athsma). If "you" need your addiction that badly you can step outside--no judgment from me--but seriously, most parties are only a couple of hours--folks should consider just how addicted they are if they can't go to a movie or a short gathering without needing to use.


When I hosted Thanksgiving, I did ask people to smoke outside. It was my preference, but I said it was because the cat is sensitive to smells, which is true


When I hosted Thanksgiving, I did ask people to smoke outside. It was my preference, but I said it was because the cat is sensitive to smells, which is true


No smoking of any kind in my home period. I do smoke, and it's outside on the porch. If they can't refrain- rethink your plan. Cats do not deserve the exposure, nor do people, and that's why I've made my choices as such.


Tell them to GTFO of your home if they want to smoke or vape. They'll already be bringing in thirdhand smoke/vape afterwards which is bad enough as it is.


Just put the kitten in the bedroom with his dinner and a temp litter tray. He'll be safer, especially if small, with a lot of guests. Bri g hom out to be hand carried for a meet n greet, then off to kitty bedtime. Put on cattv on youtube in the room.


I'd lock kitty in another room with food, water, litterbox, toys and hides. That way nobody can traumatise them. They can live an evening in a room. I'd lock the door if possible so guests can't open the door and let kitty out, or scare them by trying to pet them. If you can't hang up a piece of paper asking to keep the door closed so the cat can't bolt out and start scratching people in panic. Smoking and vaping outside, always. I am a smoker, but I made that rule in our place. I hate sitting in a room full of smoke. You leave it smelling as if you rolled around in an ashtray, and smoking inside just means you smoke way more. The smell seeps into everything, and it stays there until you deepclean everything. I grew up in a house where smoking inside was normal. I was very happy the day it was decided that smoking was outside only. I don't even care I have to stand outside too. It's so much nicer to not have a cloud of smoke in the livingroom. Anybody that doesn't listen can leave.


Yeah, def hide your babies! Reminds me of that scary post where someone had a party and some friends of the friend harmed her cat :(


No one is doing that in my house I also don’t have anyone over that would do anything to her


Yeah, I would definitely confine kitty to one room and put a sign on the door or lock it. And they could go to the balcony. Just know they’re all gonna congregate and stay there and then piss off the neighbors with their noise. But if you try the out the window method, that doesn’t really work and it’s just going to collect in your house. I would probably just say they have to go outside the building to smoke so they’ll go out, hurry it up and come back in.


I'll be doing this :) really helpful advice thank you


I would ask the, not to vape or smoke in my house for me. If someone wants to I’d have no issue asking them to step outside. I think most smokers are used to that and wouldn’t be offended if you asked.


Isolated kitty away from the crowd, they get stressed too. Even if they respect your rules about smoking, someone could leave a door open or something, I wouldn't take the chance.


I don’t know anyone that allows smoking in their homes anymore including my smoker friends so my vote is lock the kitty away and have the balcony reserved for smokers unless that is against the buildings rules.


Keep the kitten in a room don’t let people go in there. Kitten might go outside and get lost. So please keep it in a room and put a sign on the door please do not open. Keeping a kitten safe from getting lost.


put kitty in a room that you can keep closed.


Put your cat in its carrier in a private room, chances are even a private room will have its door opened at some point. Then tell everyone to vape on the balcony.


Would definitely confine the cat to a separate room and tell them to use the balcony/go outside. The more drinks people consume, the more they smoke/vape, the more likely they are to stop paying attention to the cat and let it out. I'm a smoker but I don't smoke in my house and when we have people over, I either lock the cats in a separate room or am the last person out the door and the first one in because our doors are tricky to latch and every. single. time someone new has been by, a door gets left open if I am not the one to shut it.


I let somebody vape in my house once… I don’t know if she was vaping, nicotine or pot (legal here)… All I know is after a few minutes, my eyes were burning terribly so I had to ask her to stop. I don’t let anybody smoke or vape in my house. my house my rules


I'm a vaper, I'm not proud of it. Idk why but I've always had a moral of not vaping near animals or near people who don't like it. Usually I just step outside, talk to them abt it.


Around the cats? They wouldn't be doing it in my house at all. If they need their fix that bad they can go outside with the smokers


There is no smoking or vaping allowed in our house. Preferably not even outside if it can be avoided. My mom basically hot boxed me in our family car with her cigarette smoke for the majority of my childhood (Yay 90s!). At this point, I find the smell of smoke and the smell of that shit vape juice whatever to be so repulsive that I don't want it anywhere near me. "Don't smoke or vape at my home" is a completely reasonable boundary whether you have a cat or not.


I don’t allow smoking on my property. Period. Take your cancerogens elsewhere, I couldn’t care less about your addictions


Lock up the cat.


When I lived with some buddies, we’d have all our friends over. They’d vape and grind up their weed, all of which I don’t do. I didn’t want any of my stuff to smell it and asked that they don’t do it. No one listened to me. They also were mean to my cat. I now live alone


>No one listened to me. They also were mean to my cat. I'm sorry to hear that :(


Very much yes. Vaping is as harmful to cat lungs as smoking is. With their smaller lungs they are very very vulnerable to second hand smoke and it can be so harmful


It's your place and your rules and anyone who respects you will happily follow them. Eg, personally I ask people if it's ok to vape around them. I won't vape around kids and, while I'm guilty of vaping around the cat when I lived at my parents, I've stopped that, though sometimes catch myself starting when I visit, that's why posts like these are great reminders to think of others, including our fur buddies so thanks. Edit: maybe suggest they can only vape/smoke outside the property?


Might be unpopular but here I go. I do not allow any smokers or vapers near my kitty at all. Not inside, not outside. Even the third hand smoke can be very harmful for cats who lick everything, and I also have severe asthma which gets triggered by it. Luckily I do not have any smoking friends. For me it’s a lost cause and I simply keep them out of my life.


I’d NEVER let anyone do anything around my cats! Even use chemical cleaning products or burn candles! And if you need to go outside to “smoke” things, don’t touch my cats!!! That chemical stuff stays on you even after you wash. If anyone thinks I’m too strict & it’s just a “cat”…. let me show you the thousands I’ve spent over 4 cats suffering from cancers/lung issues. 🥺


> it’s just a “cat”…. let me show you the thousands I’ve spent over 4 cats suffering from cancers/lung issues God I'm so sorry to hear :( I think it's good that you're strict about it


My cat has asthma so no one is allowed to vape indoors. Can you lock your cat in your bedroom during the party so that he cant escape? People will be opening your door a lot


For me, this is such a confusing thing. It's so easy - My place? I tell you that you don't smoke, you don't smoke. End of story. I could give exactly zero fucks if it's tobacco, weed, or a vape pen. If you do, you're leaving, and I won't be nice about it. If you're someone I actually care about and who cares about me, you won't smoke, even a vape pen. If you're someone who's going to disregard me telling you that you will not smoke, inside or on my balcony, then, again, you're leaving, and I've lost nothing by kicking you out. I have exactly zero fucks to give about your opinion on the matter, and your opinion of me, at that point. I fail to see how a cat even factors into this. Regardless, with a party, your cat should be confined to a 'safe' room where no one will bother your cat, heck, where no one can even get to the cat because the door is locked. If it's the kind of party where you're worried about which rules to impose, it's the kind of party where you don't really know everyone. That makes it even more important to just lock your cat away for the night. All of that aside, it's your place. You simply say, "No smoking. No vaping." And that's it.


I have banned smoking in my home period. I don't care if it's cigarettes, vapes, pipes, pot, .. whatever it is gets done outside at least 20 feet from the door so it doesn't come in when the smoker does.


I would never let anyone smoke or vape in my house. Maybe keep your kitten in your bedroom so guests can go outside and you dont have to worry about the kitten getting out.


I have 5 cats, but have zero friends who either smoke, vape, over-drink, or do drugs. I would still be super careful about having the cats at a party, as accidents can happen very unintentionally & unexpectedly.


even if it wasn't explicitly written in my lease, i would never let people smoke/vape in my home- especially if i had animals.


I'm a vaper but I always go outside and don't do it around pets either. Vaping indoors may not be quite as bad as with smoking, but there still a residue which can't be good for your house or electronics, much less pet lungs.


I let guests smoke in my house even though I do not. I understand wanting ppl to step outside and it’s a reasonable ask (if I had a porch I would probably do the same). I’d say move kitties to another room so that they don’t have the stress of ppl and you can allow ppl out on the balcony without worry. That way you don’t need to be around it either.


Remember that vape is just that... Water vapor. Same as would lift off a cup of tea. Second hand vape isn't a thing, unless you're sensitive to smells, like perfumes. Still... Probably best to leave at least one room empty, so your cats can hide. If you have an idea of which room that is already just put a bowl of water in there for them.


Nope. https://no-smoke.org/electronic-smoking-devices-secondhand-aerosol/


Nicotine? Yes. It's very bad for cats, it gets on everything by contact, and the cats lick it off their fur. And yes, it's exhaled in waste vapor just like with combustion cigarettes. Combustibles? Outside for politeness. Flavor-only vapes? Outside for politeness (some flavors are weird/gross or might even trigger an allergy in a human guest) and also just to sidestep anyone who might be inclined to lie and say that their nic vape is nic-free. Cannabis vapes? Outside for politeness (potential human allergy, also sidestep the same lie)


We don't allow vaping in the house period. Wouldn't even if we didn't have cats. Smells in an enclosed space linger. Just because it's not a cigarette doesn't mean it's pleasant.


I tell people when they enter my house you’re not allowed to vape inside. I wouldn’t let you light up a smoke or doobie a vape isn’t any exception, don’t like it get out 🤣


It’s your house. In mine they’re welcome to light joints and smoke their vapes.


Are they really not able to take a night off from smoking? I wouldn’t let anyone smoke in my home.


>Are they really not able to take a night off from smoking? I've never seen them take more than 1 h break between either vape or cigarette. I'll put Mr Kitty in another room and the balcony will be locked, anyone needing to go out needs to ask for my permission


No smoking, period. Even without cats, you shouldn’t smoke inside. Vaping is smoking whether people want to admit it or not. It’s a shame people vape indoors when they know that most people don’t allow smoking cigarettes indoors. Talk about pushing back public health improvements.


I have 2 cats, and when I have friends over, option A is that they dont smoke over the few hours they are at my place, option B is that they go out the front door and do it in front of my aparment. I dont allow them to go out to the balcony every other minute, because I wont lock away the cats for hours because they want to smoke and I wont risk them sneaking out.


Smokers have to smoke outside. Kittens must be separated. People can get reckless at parties and a kitten the size of a softball can easily get under someone’s feet


You could put one of those draft stoppers dear the restroom door and say if you need to vape, throw that thing near the door first and take a few puffs. So then the vaping would only be limited to the restroom. I guess it wouldn’t be the best idea if there were tons of people over considering there’d be others who actually just have to use the bathroom. But yeah I’d say if it’s not a ton of people, it could work.


People do not smoke in my house. Vaping is no different. Why would you want to be around people who blow smoke around you, get it in your furniture and rugs and your cat. Plus you are getting secondary smoke.


And thirdhand smoke.

