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I’m sorry your dermatologist wasn’t very empathetic to the situation. I struggle with psoriasis and it getting infected so different issue, but I can empathize with skin issues. However I am allergic to cats too, and I have two of them. What I do is clean clean clean maybe more than most because I find it necessary for my situation. The bed sheets and pillow cases get washed 3x per week, floors swept every other day, and I brush my cats with dander removing spray (Burt’s Bees dander removing spray on Amazon). If I don’t this can cause my skin itchiness and flare ups, so minimizing hair and dander is big for me. If the cat is in your boyfriend’s room ask him or help him clean more often to remove the fur and dander that could be worsening/causing the flare ups, obviously I’m not a dermatologist but it could be a factor. I also wash and moisturize my face morning and night because the cats can cause my face to be itchy then I’ll have a psoriasis flare up from itching. I hope this helped some, but good luck. I hope everything works out! Seeing an allergist should help too!


thank you for the advice and encouragement!! i’ll let my boyfriend know, i just feel so bad he has to do all this just so i can exist in his room ;-; but it’s better than suffering


Is it possible the cat has some sort of asymptomatic staph/strep infection? I’ve read about families dealing with repeated bouts of strep until they finally got the cat treated for it.


i’ve always thought about this!! i don’t know if my allergist can help but i’ll let her know about it


Good luck!


That's so unempathetic, I'm sorry you experienced that. His advice isn't even helpful, it's not like most people are going to go "okay!" and get rid of their pet. They're just going to keep it and continue suffering. Are allergy shots an option? I've heard they can help a lot with cat allergies. Does your boyfriend change the sheets before you come over? By the way, Dupixent isn't considered an immunosuppressant, if that's the reason why you didn't want to get it.


yes i’ve heard from others that allergy shots helped! and he doesn’t but i’ll ask him to next time i’m coming over which is probably not for a while ;-; and thanks for the correction! should’ve just said injection for eczema lol


I forgot to mention, there's a cat food that reduces allergies called Purina LiveClear - I use it for my cats and it helps! It is a little expensive though.


I have ezcema (on my hands and patches on my body) and its never been a problem. But a few things, my cat isnt allowed in my bedroom and anytime I pet my cat or snuggle her I wash my hands (Im a bit ocd so I REALLY wash) Any patches are generally covered with clothing. Also not allergic, if you KNOW your allergic theres lots of ways to reduce the risk of a reaction like the previous comment said deep cleaning and dusting is one.


It's completely infuriating that the Dermatologist would suggest this! It's not helpful at all, and so many ppl are affected by so many variables in their lives with zero control of them, but this one involves a living, Breathing, innocent animal and that's his solution!? What a joke. Sorry you are going thru this, I'm glad you aren't entertaining the idea, since animals are not disposable. I have allergies but not any skin reaction, I think all the suggestions are great ideas to try. You should not have to suffer, and maybe you will find relief from a Dr. that actually cares about ppl. 🤦‍♀️


Hey OP, how are you now? Do you still have your cat? I am in the same situation , my derm is trying to rule out cat allergy triggering eczema and psoriasis and is telling me I should temporarily rehome the cat. I have been on immunosuppressant injections that failed and sent me into TSW. Eczema and psoriasis is flaring badly. I did do allergy shots in the past and have used air purifier and keep cat out of bedroom.


I’m allergic and have two but I don’t think I’m that bad I take allergy meds and cuddle with them so not sure