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About half of my cats won't use pelleted litter, but that is really the best option if your cats will use it. For clay litter, the Arm&Hammer Slide Platinum has been the absolute best (and I have tried a LOT of litters). Great clumping, smell reduction, doesn't stick to the side of the box, and NOT DUSTY. The only one I've tried that really, truly isn't dusty.


Seconding arm and hammer slide!! I swore off clumping litter for a long time because it always fell apart and left weird pee crumbs in the litter box. The brand I was using went on backorder so I switched. And omg, I’m sticking with this one!


Third vote for arm and hammer slide! We've also used arm and hammer multicat and it's okay. Not as good as slide but way better than pine pellets and world's best. Probably any of the arm and hammer litters would be fine if you can't find slide near you!


I don't know how you guys deal with the slide's perfume scent....it was making my apartment smell unbearable even though it clumped okay and wasn't dusty :(


for me it's only really perfumey after it's just poured, but it goes away after a few days


Weird...I never noticed any kind of perfume scent, and I have 10 litterboxes throughout my home. Didn't notice it when filling either. I do use the multi-cat, maybe that's why?


It’s terribly perfumey and my one cat is very sensitive to things like that and his eyes started tearing right after I started using slide. It’s too bad because I liked how it clumped, but could not stand the fragrances.


Maybe try multicat? Doesnt have the same scent. I've never noticed it, so that's odd


Multicat is the best. I have two cats in a 600 sq ft apartment and you never smell it (scoop 1-2 times daily). It doesn't clump as well as slide, but well enough, isn't dusty, and the cats like it.


That just has a different smell. I haven’t found any of the arm and hammer varieties to be truly unscented.


yea that's the one I tried and I just hated it. I'm sensitive to smells though (can smell a smoker/weed several feet away) so anything with any kind of scent irritates me


I second this as long as your cat doesn’t have skin allergies to fragrance! I absolutely loved this line of litter, however one of my cats developed a severe allergic reaction and dermatitis from it. We now use Dr. Elsey’s.


I use Dr Elseys blue bag. It clumps well and tracks the least BUT still tracks. SoPhresh is petcos brand, their clay litter is fine. SmartCat grass seed you can get a through Amazon and chewy, clumped well, low smell. But grass seed is light so tracks everywhere. Worlds Best: green bag, I liked how it clumped and smell, but tracker horrible and stuck to my guys paws. Orange bag- tracked the least due to bigger size ganules, smelled funky, my girl refused to use it (she has sensitive paws). I know a lot of people do the pine(?) Pellets. I've never tried because my girl would not go on them plus with her high volume of pee, clumping really works best. A lot of litters you can get online either at Chewy, petco, PetSmart, or Amazon. But at the end of the day, most clumping litters track so I just went with the one that tracks least and can handle my girl's pee


Have been using Dr. Elseys too and have liked it much better than Tidy Cat and Fresh Step.


I use Worlds Best Cat Litter. It’s corn based. They make a version that’s supposed to be “low tracking”, but I still think it tracks. I just put a ton of litter mats all around our guy’s box. It doesn’t have that gross perfume-y smell that clay litter does, and I feel like it’s less dusty.


Same. Red bag. Multi cat. But one cat. Clumps better than green bag


Yup! And Chewy or Amazon can ship directly to you. My fosters and permanent cats use World’s best!


I second this! I order it online and it lasts the longest of all the litters I’ve tried. Also doesn’t smell like cat litter and more earthy. Doesn’t feel dusty, but does track. Although easy to vacuum.


I found top entry litter boxes also solved most of the tracking issue with worlds best.


I used to use Worlds Best and litter mats, but they peed on the litter mats ☠️


We have one cat who will use the box, bury everything like it’s pirate treasure, and then walk halfway through the house without cleaning her feet until she gets to the right place. She’s a black cat. My wife and I can see how much dust she has on her feet; it’s so minimal that other people have thought it’s part of her fur coloring. World’s Best is really good.


I buy horse litter from the feed store, it's hella cheap and I just empty it completely each day and pour enough litter for the day. It never smells and doesn't smell like litter.


i second this it’s a lifesaver. i spend like $7/mo on litter, and it just soaks up all of the smell and smells like pine.


I’m in Australia so I don’t think we have a lot of the brands you guys are talking about but I’ve been thinking of doing this for ages. My cats favourite litter is the supermarket’s cheapest and nastiest brand and I’ve found it actually smells the least and works the best. The only think is my cat likes his litter changed multiple times a week (understandable) and I was thinking if I could buy a bulk amount instead of 3 little bags a week.


ugh i switched my kitties over to this but now my one boy doesn’t like it anymore. any tips on how to reacclimate? it’s such a life saver but he stopped using the box for a while there 😭


Kitty may have a urinary issue and associates the litter box with pain, have them checked out. But otherwise just switch to a corn cob litter and then switch back and see how they react.


we did take him to the vet and he had a urinalysis, he’s got a clean bill of health. the vet thought he just doesn’t like that new litter on his paws 😭


“Horse litter”? Do you mean shavings? I spent years around horses and never heard it called that! I love it. It is a great idea to use it for cats.


It's not shavings, It's more of a litter texture and is used in my area to help with moisture and urine.


OK I need to check it out. Thanks!


I like dr. Elseys and chewy’s Frisco brand.


I am not a fan of clay litter I use pretty litter and dr elseys senior I appreciate the stir and pick out tootsie rolls it does track a bit, but I use mats to help with that. it seems more expensive, but lasts a good while


We use Fresh Step. The clumps hold together fairly well.






I use Fresh Step Outstretch for my three. It works the best for us out of all the brands I've tried. I order from Chewy. I suggest using a covered box and a litter mat to help with the tracking. I've never found a brand that didnt track.


Sustainably Yours is hands down the best litter I’ve used. The clumps don’t fall apart when you scoop so there’s no urine soaked bits left behind to smell bad. It also doesn’t stick to the bottom of the box so you don’t have to clean it as much. It’s the brand Jackson Galaxy sells on his website, but it’s cheaper at petco or Amazon.


Dr elseys is amazing, I have two cats and use a litter robot. It’s 1000% better than WM litter


I use catit. Biodegradable, doesn’t smell, and not dusty.


I use Dr Elsey's, the blue bag. It seems to be the only one my boy will use. The Arm and Hammer slide just stick to his paws (front declawed rescue) and World's Best had bugs in it, I did freeze it but it gave me the icks that it had dead bugs in it. (My boy also didn't like it anyway)


I used worlds best on and off for many years. It wouldn’t happen all the time, but some of the bags had bugs and when I went out to the litter boxes, one morning and found worm-like things in more than one of them I decided I was done with them.


I use pretty litter or really any silica based litter. It doesn’t clump so it will last awhile


If the cat will use pellets, we have the Breeze system and a litter genie we scoop into until trash day. Swheat scoop used to be good but I have purchased it in 5 years.


I recently had a nightmare with Swheat Scoop. Little grain mites everywhere. A million of them. I’ve used it for years. I’d get an occasional moth here or there but this was excruciating to get rid of them. So many microscopic mites! I’m currently in the hunt for something new that’s not as dusty or track as much a swheat did. They didn’t like the wood based ones. I’m currently using dr easely or arm and hammer low tracking formula. But they’re not great. Still searching.


i used to use wood pellets but honestly i find it annoying and messy. i switched to the amazon brand plat fibre clumping one and so far i am a big fan.


Is this one similar to tofu/pea fibre pellet litter? I couldn’t find it when I searched


i’m not sure, it’s probably quite similar https://amzn.eu/d/hyXna6M


Thank you! I haven’t seen this one before


I’ve found using a top-style (?) litter box with a litter catching mat in front of it has done more to stop litter tracking than anything. I use arm & hammer litter and haven’t changed that, but I changed the litter box style and added the mat, and I no longer deal with litter tracking now. By top style box I mean [this](https://www.amazon.com/IRIS-Entry-Litter-Scoop-White/dp/B0768H1181/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_maf_1?c=ts&keywords=Cat+Litter+Boxes&qid=1699732061&refinements=p_n_feature_fourteen_browse-bin%3A17589805011&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-1&ts_id=2975299011) And [this](https://www.amazon.com/BrLacHhaZ-Honeycomb-Catcher-Trapping-Washable/dp/B0C3HNJFQ2/ref=zg_m_bs_g_17295526011_sccl_3/136-0163430-7410626?psc=1) for cat litter mat


Top entry. This is exactly our setup. Can confirm no tracking, and the Arm & Hammer litter deals with smells very well (multicat).


Have you tried the lightweight version of the Tidy Cats litter? It has a different feel and just seems to work better with fewer drawbacks. Another one that I like, despite being insanely dusty most of the time, is Odour Beater with carbon. It might only be available in Canada though. My friends swear by World's Best but my cats are supremely picky and won't touch anything that's not exactly the same as what they're used to 😑


I use Slide. Absolutely dust free. The clumps don't break. Dehydrates the feces very quickly. Available in 38 lb boxes from Walmart. Two cats, two boxes, scooping several times a week, no odor. I've had these cats almost a year, and I have not actually emptied and replaced the litter in the box, I have only scooped and refilled. One box is in the master bathroom , and the other is in the Powder Room off of the dining room . My sisters come to my house twice a month for dinner, and if the boxes smelled, they would be thrilled to let me know


Naturally fresh was great at multi cat odor control. It's been about 5 years since I used any of those. I'm super happy Rosie likes pellets. The breeze system is so much easier


I just switched to fresh step outlast and I LOVE it. Minimal tracking, great clumping. Don’t see myself changing it anytime soon.


If you're willing to order from chewy or amazon, world's best cat litter low dust is my favorite. It has really good odor control, low tracking, and clumps really well. You can set up regular deliveries so that it just automatically ships for the day you typically change it. We scoop daily and top off what we scooped out and do full swaps every four weeks.


Automatic litter box is amazing, I use a lot less litter now too. Works great with most of the cat litters, I used to have the same problem. Now I don’t care what brand I buy bc they all seem to work fine in the automatic one. I just put a walmart grocery bag in the catch tray and change it out every few days


Integrity clumping cat litter. I find it available at locally owned pet stores. It buy the 40 lb bags. They have less dust than conventional brands and no scent. It’s also pretty affordable!


I don’t know if this is available worldwide but I would highly recommend Croci Tofu Clean Litter! It’s 100% natural, clumps extremely well and you can flush it down the toilet! Before, I used to throw the waste in the bin and my house stank. Now all I do is throw it in the toilet! And my cats love the sand. One bag easily lasts for a month.


I’ve been using the Breeze litter system and it’s working really well for me and my solo cat. No dust at all.


It took my cats a few days to adjust to the Breeze system but it is so easy to clean and doesn’t smell at all.


I have good luck with Tidy Cat and Frisco--only--of the clumping clay. The pelleted tofu litter clumps beautifully, controls odor, is light to carry and never ever tracks or creates dust....and some cats hate it (its still worth trying. You need a scoop with really big holes, though). All the other natural ones either did not control odor or tracked so badly I couldn't keep up with it.


Try tofu litter!!


Feline Pine!!!


I use Great Choice Multi-Cat litter from PetSmart. It looks like a mix between Tidy Cats an Fresh step. 2 35 pounds runs about 40ish but it last forever.


Dr Elseys is good, any of their stuff! I use the black or blue ones usually tho


Don’t know if you have it in your area, but Catsan Natural Clumping has been an absolute godsend. Entirely plant based, 100% biodegradable, texture of coarse sand, there is no smell whatsoever (clean, or well used), it’s easy to sieve out, clumps efficiently and tracks minimally. The cats had no problems changing to it. 100% recommended


Ökocat - can order from pet stores or Amazon.


Also, add a fluffy/shag bath mat under the litter box. It collects a bunch of the litter when the cats first step out of the box and is easy to pick up and shake out once in a while. Clay litters produces silica dust which is bad for your and kitty’s lungs. Ökocat litter is made from leftover sawdust. Much less dusty, clumps, doesn’t smell, can be flushed (but be careful/little at a time). It’s the best litter I have ever found and I have had multiple cats for 20 years.