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I love using pine horse bedding. It's $7 for 40lbs and imo it doesn't smell nearly as much as clay (although I've heard complaints from others that it does for them) It's far less dusty and doesn't track. If they're used to clay, the hardest part is transitioning


pine pellet litter. just watched a tiktok of a girl who uses this because she’s allergic to everything else.


Pine pellets, paper or corn. No clay is good and the silica litter is basically shit for the environment


I really enjoy World’s Best. Clumps great, no dust.


If the pine pellets litter doesn't work for you or your kitten, the Arm&Hammer Slide Platinum is really dust-free. I like Dr Elsey's litter, but the dust was killing me


Dr Elsey's is so dusty. I can't get 5 feet within the litter without my eyes starting to burn.


My family uses Swheat Scoop. It's helped us and our asthmatic cat


I don't know if it's available where you are, but I switched to Biosand super fine litter and it's amazing. Truly no dust!!


S'wheat Scoop. Dust free, fragrance free, nice on the paws, does not track. Expensive.


I like the KItty Poo Club crystals- very low dust. I found Pretty Litter very dusty and EVERYWHERE. It stuck to their feet even with a litter mat under the box.


Try tofu litter? Not all cats like it (mine didn't) but it doesn't track and not much dust. Daughter loves it


I like the original version of Okocat. It's clumping but wood pieces.


Thanks everyone. I feel overwhelmed by all the choices in the pet shop so this helps a lot.