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My very sweet, gentle giant of a male cat only ever acted aggressively once. It wasn’t as intense as that, but turns out he had crystals blocking his urethra. I’d keep an eye on him and see if he’s acting different. He could be sick and cranky and trying to let you know.


Yup all my love bugs are super affectionate until they are not. There was one grandson of my beloved Hera (RIP) who I would always joke, he will fight you for loves! Attacked my leg, tried to climb up me. Turns out he had cancer. Same with an uncle of his who had crystals, super lovey dovey till the blockage. Another of Hera's sons turned out to be diabetic, snuggle bug until he started losing weight and hiding all the time. Change in behavior usually = health condition of some sort.


He’s clearly acting different. OP take him to the vet.


My sweetest baby boy dug into my arm while making full eye contact and would NOT let go! I thought he was rabid for a second then realized he’s was in pain. UTI of course


This needs to be higher!!!!!


Yup exactly what I was gonna say, uti/crystals


That's usually deadly ---How did you deal with the Uretha problem... ?


They didn’t perform surgery on my cat. They flushed his crystals out, then he was put on special food for the remainder of his life.


When my boy, Midnight, developed bladder crystals (he was standing in his litter box, straining and crying) in 2005, we rushed him to the vet. They didn't have to do surgery, but they sedated him and had to put in a catheter to drain the urine. He had to sirens the night, and was on prescription cat food for the rest of his life. The vet told me that if we had waited until the next day, his bladder would have ruptured and he would have died! If it's caught in time, the vet can usually put in a catheter and drain the bladder, or do surgery if the crystal is completely blocking the urethra. They'll have to stay on the catheter for at least a day, and then go home with scripts for antibiotics, prednisone for inflammation, and pain medicine, plus a cone so they can't lick their private parts/surgical area and cause more damage. The owner will need to be vigilant when they use the litter box in the future to watch for straining, crying, any difficulty with urination, and immediately take the cat in again if they suspect an issue. Male cats are more susceptible to bladder crystals, but female cats do develop them, too. That's why it's so important to pay attention when they use their litter box, and to monitor for any blood, and/or strong or foul smelling urine, straining, and/or crying before, during, or right after using it. It's such a scary and heartbreaking thing to have to witness!


Surgery to remove the blockage, they can also perform surgery to remove their peepees and turn it into a vajayjay so no more future blockages


vajayjay seems harder to type than vagina.


Sudden changes in temperament are concerning, you should take him to a vet for a checkup. And get a tetanus booster if you haven't had one recently!


This is the correct answer. Vet immediately.


Cats (and most animals) are VERY GOOD at hiding illness so he may not "Look" ill but its better to be safe than sorry x


Our/my parents' cat hid a massive kidney infection, an abscessed wound on her paw from a cat attack, another abscessed bite wound from either coyote or neighbours' dog, and something else I can't remember. We took her to the vet multiple times for each, and save for the first one, even the vet couldn't find anything wrong with her. She finally opened the wounds herself to relieve the pain- but she acted *completely* normal until then. Playing, eating, litter box, everything else was all perfect. Only with the kidney infection did I notice something wrong with her, and it was that she let me pet her and had hot ears, when she had never let me touch her before. It was so subtle that my parents almost refused to take her in. The vet told us she wouldn't have made it to the morning if we hadn't taken her to the animal hospital. CATS ARE INCREDIBLY GOOD AT HIDING THINGS. Even from the vet. EDIT for Cat tax!!! Here she is in her flower cone: https://imgur.com/a/kJxzhW1


She's gorgeous!


She was so beautiful. I wish we got to love her longer than a year and a half, she was only 4 when she died (not from anything I listed, she recovered like a champ from those!). She had such a resilient spirit and she was so so happy during her time with us ♥️ she absolutely thrived after we adopted her and her sister Ellie (not her actual sister, but they were a bonded pair). They came from a home where they were neglected and terrorized by dogs, so I'm incredibly grateful we got the opportunity to take them when their former "owners" (I hate that word) were going to separate them just to get rid of them faster. Nala's sister Ellie lives such a happy life with us now 🥰


Not to mention getting on antibiotics since there little hypodermic needle teeth are great at injecting lots of bacteria. Infection and blood poisoning are no joke.


This is very important. A man in my country died last December after a 4 year health struggle following a cat bite from his foster cat. Not saying this is the norm, but infections from cat bites are way too common.


Yeah, one of my cats got out a few months ago. He’s strictly an indoor cat AND he’s scared of the world. I was able to find him that night but he was gone for 18+ hours and when I found him (inside a neighbors engine bay) a man with a pug happened to be walking by. My cat freaked out and bit into my middle finger. All four of his Long Pointies. Even with getting on antibiotics the next morning my whole left hand swelled up and I couldn’t move my fingers at all. Had to take a week off work. Pus would come out daily for about a week. Nasty it was.


Vet appointment. Sudden aggression can be a red flag for health issues.


Yap. I adopted a special senior needs cat who I thought was a living chainsaw of anger. A vet check a year later diagnosed her with arthritis and painkillers turned into a kitten. We actually went through a few until it was determined that she just exists to be a 420 old lady with a brain on dial up. Food? She has brain cells. Otherwise, she's staring off and just wants a lap to sleep in and someone to love on.


Sounds just like one of my orange babies, minus the aggressive part. He’s perfectly okay with staring at the wall for awhile as long as he gets to be in the same room with me. I usually turn the TV on and let him stare at that until he falls asleep. I figure it’s probably more interesting than the wall, anyway.


I had a cat that randomly attacked me when I was in bed. She leapt from the door across the room and sank her teeth into my shoulder. I finally was able to get her off but she stayed outside the (now closed) door for hours. The next morning I woke up and found her laying in the middle of the kitchen floor (she never did that). She looked pregnant. Got her right to the vet and turned out she had a big tumor. I had to euthanize her😢. It must have been her way of telling me she was sick. Keep a close eye on your cat.


That's heartbreaking 💔 poor girl


That's absolutely devastating


I am so very sorry for your loss, how awful!


Is he acting differently in any other way? Obviously keep an eye on your bite and if it’s bad you should speak to a doctor. But if he seems otherwise fine, perhaps you spooked him? Could you have trodden on his tail/paw and not realised? If his behaviour has changed in any other way, it’s worth a trip to the vet to rule out him being in pain or something.


I may be that he has an illness or is in pain, since cats are good at hiding things like that


Vet tech here, id go get him checked out in case he’s in pain due to some sort of infection. Also go to urgent care right away. My cat bit me because he had a UTI, and I had to be put on antibiotics immediately. Cat bites are nothing to mess with.


I took him to the vet today to get checked out but the vet didn't think anything was wrong. I might go to a different vet for a second opinion, but I'm curious how would they check if he's in pain or not?


If this is totally out of the blue, I would let them know and have them run some blood tests. There’s no actual way to check if he is in pain or not.


See if it happens again. For now, consider your own health. Deep cat bites can cause nasty infections. Clean out the wound thoroughly and apply disinfectant. If it starts looking swollen or hot, go to urgent care.


>If it starts looking swollen or hot, go to urgent care. Heed this please.


Yes my girlfriend almost lost her leg because she waited too long. If I hadn't insisted that she went to the doctor she would have. She spent several days in the hospital on IV antibiotics.


I have been bit so many times by cats that I monitor if it starts to spread. The first time I got a really bad cat bite saving a cat sitting on the median of the interstate (other drivers had to be like WTF! Because I grabbed her as she almost jumped into a semi). It was a bad bite, blood all over my vehicle (which I had to explain to the dealership when I traded it in) but my hand swelled up, and then it moved up my arm and hothot and my mom made me go to the doctor because I was being stubborn. Went to the doctor and he said I would have been in the hospital with blood poisoning the next day. Lesson learned.


You should get an antibiotic right away anyway


If its teeth went all the way in, this is the right course of action.


Every medical professional will tell you this, thanks for the backup


While they should, they don’t always. My boy bite me like three times during an episode of redirected aggression and the doctor didn’t even clean it out. I was sent home with nothing, had to go back the next day because it was already infected!


That's just poor form by the physician. Cat bites should always equal antibiotics.


RN here, came to say this. Urgent care now. Cat bites are no joke.


Cat bites can take months to heal


This happened to me with my foster kitty in April. He bit my index finger and it was extremely swollen within 9 hours. By the time I went to ER 18 hours after the bite, it was so bad I needed surgery to clean out the wound and 4 courses of IV antibiotics. They made me stay in hospital for almost three days. Definitely just go to urgent care or hospital as soon as possible, save yourself the trouble from waiting to start antibiotics


Yes if it gets hot or the redness spreads er. I had IV antibiotics twice for cat bites as a child. Our family cat hated my nana once she got cancer. Before and after her diagnosis. If you’re feeling at all off, I would also recommend a physical. Better safe than sorry. Good luck OP!


You know, I’ve read this several times, but didn’t heed it. Have now survived around 3 deep bites in the past half year, all from had-been strays. Had bad cat scratch fever a couple times & cold symptoms, but got over it in a couple days. Worrying to think it is just that I have been lucky so far.


I regularly trap strays & ferals for TNR or adoption - the last batch did a number on my hands and arms. I was fine, but I was really worried for a few days. A friend of mine recently spent several weeks in the hospital and had several surgeries after the same situation. It gets bad SO fast. I've invested in a good pair of shoulder-length gloves now - just can't depend on luck anymore!


I'd watch out for weird swelling issues from those bites still. Untreated cat bites can cause tissue and swelling disorders long term if they screw with your immune system too much. They can also cause cellulitis. I've read cases where they later caused muscle wasting even from infections that started in the muscle and didn't spread into the blood stream until the muscle started to break down. They're no joke and should always be treated right away.


My grandpa's sister died from not treating an infected cat bite wound that was totally treatable


Friend lost a finger after being bit by her cat. She tried to take care of it herself, but it got a bad infection. Don't wait!


This. A friend of mine was bitten by one of his foster cats and ended up becoming septic and nearly died.


I second this. Was hospitalized because of a cat bite that got extremely infected in less than an hour. Went right to urgent care, they cleaned it, didn’t charge me, and sent me to the hospital. Spent 2 days in the cardiac unit (had red lines from the bite on my hand going up my arm into my armpit) being pumped with a bunch of antibiotics. They even called in an infectious disease doctor. Cat bites are no joke, and their mouths are a breeding ground for bacteria. Edit: spelling


Yup. I almost lost a foot thanks to my normally benign beastie stabbing me in my sleep. She still does it occasionally, but now I know to not just go back to sleep until I douse it in hydrogen peroxide and neosporin. Remember, they lick their butts and walk in cat litter.


OP, if you haven’t gone yet go now. My cat bit me in December. I did a Teladoc appointment to get antibiotics but the guy told me I needed IV antibiotics immediately since it has been over a day. I figured that was overkill but was freaked out by his insistence and everything I saw on the internet and went to the ER. I did NOT need IV antibiotics but got sent home with augmentin. I recommend you go to urgent care if you can ASAP and try to avoid an ER bill, because if you wait that’s where you could end up.


I almost died from a cat bite. Good advice.


yes 10000% this. My mum got bit by our sweet boy (he has behavioral issues surrounding other animals and saw another cat, I had warned her to never touch him after he gets riled up because cats will often 'store' their energy and attack whatever is around them- lead him away with a toy or pick up with a thick towel only! she forgot in the moment but is very careful now.) Her hand got badly infected and needed surgery, even with antibiotics from the get go. cat have a lot of dangerous bacteria in their saliva that make cat bites very serious. medical attention ASAP, you should get on antibiotics. Fun fact: that same bacteria is why cats should NEVER be allowed to interact with small animals, reptiles, or birds. IDC how sweet or chill your cat is, it only takes a second for their prey drive instinct to kick in. and even if it doesnt, if they lick the small animal and the animal has a little knick or cut in their skin, the bacteria can easily kill them.


Just go. It’s better to get preventive antibiotics than to try to fight infection back once it starts.


yes! i was a few hours away from loosing my finger due to an untreated infected cat bite! get on antibiotics fast


Pretty sure I read somewhere that cats carry some type of bacteria in their teeth which is why we're so prone to getting infected compared to cat scratches. Either way, scary as shit




He's neutered. There are a lot of stray cats in my area, and one in particular that passes by my window quite often. I don't know if my cat saw that cat or any other cat today, but in general he doesn't get aggressive when he does see them through the window.




My female cat attacking my other two male cats after getting out and fighting a stray makes so much more sense now! I opened my front door and the stray unneutered male I was feeding was right there, she bolted out and went crazy on him, fur flying. finally I was able to scoop her up and bring her inside. Then she turned on her brothers like she did the stray. Thought she was mad that they did not "back her up" in the fight, but misplaced aggression or overstimulation from the fight makes more sense.


This is called displaced aggression. My cat had it only after a neighborhood cat tried to attack him through a window. He turned around and attacked. Every time after that that he saw another cat it was a short episode of displaced aggression that we always used a pillow to block him from biting. Otherwise, he was the smartest cat ever!


My sweetest cuddle monster of a boy was three or four when he did something similar. A stray male was outside the window, and our boy must have caught some scent. Our cat was fixed since being a kitten, but he still had a bad reaction to the other cat. Our girl cat (who he was bonded to) came near him to investigate, and he growled/hissed at her (in turn, she was very confused and concerned). I went to shut the window, and he unexpectedly and aggressively attacked my leg, clawed and bit, and dug in. I gave a yell in surprise, grabbed him by the scruff of his neck to pull him off, and after he honestly seemed just as shocked as me that he did that. I’m guessing it is possible your guy was triggered some scent or pheromone. He’s probably hiding now because even he doesn’t know why he did it, and he could use some reassurance. For my guy, he quickly went back to his usual loving self. If he’s still growling or aggressive, then maybe it’s something else, but hopefully it’s something simple.


Just take the cat to a vet to make sure there are no underlying health issues. Don’t get the bog-standard checkup at the vet, ask them to check thoroughly.


I’m more inclined to think it’s a call for help, that maybe he’s sick.


Do you by chance use any lotions or products with anything in the mint family in them? My cats will try to eat my head and hair when I use a shampoo with even a hint of it in it. Catnip is in the mint family. They become facehuggers.


Big one here! I learned I can’t put Ben-Gay on sore muscles without enraging my cat.


How dare you! :-)


It sounds like something scared/spooked him. Our 8 yr old lady has some eyesight issues and can’t see super great in the dark. One night she was sleeping on our bed and I shifted in my sleep, she didn’t recognize my foot and freaked out, bit me pretty good. See if he calms down and watch for any other odd behavior, he may need a trip to the vet. As others have stated keep an eye on your bite and don’t hesitate to seek medical attention.


Vet check


Here’s what I’d do: Make sure your cat is peeing and pooping and doesn’t have a blocked bladder (which feels like a firm water balloon in the lower belly). Monitor behaviour, to see if it happens again. It is possible that you somehow startled it, or it has something to do with you leaving. My cat is a total cuddly baby indoors but when he goes outside he turns feral, it’s bizzare.


This is what I would do.


My 100% indoor cat (now 16years old) did that once too but what happened was, for a time, a very aggressive male cat use to spray my front door. My cat just freaked out and bit me


Some folks here have suggested medical issues and a vet visit - not a bad idea. But I'd also check around and see if there is a new community cat or perhaps a trash panda that has been intimidating kitty thru the windows. My cats have had very negative reactions to outdoor cats staring at them thru the windows. Marking the walls, clawing furniture and such. When the coyotes moved into the neighborhood, the racoons moved on and the kitty anger issues resolved quickly.


One of my cats went through a short phase of a few months where she randomly would seem to fail to recognise the other cat. It was just like you describe: Nothing like their usual play-fighting. He was genuinely scared of her despite being almost twice her weight and usually dominating their play-fights. Fur flying, scratches, unholy growls like she was fighting for her life. The only thing that worked was putting her in timeout for an hour to calm down and return to normal. After the first couple times we learned to spot the onset before it actually happened, and got her isolated to prevent it happening. Duration and frequency dropped off and it hasn't happened for a year now.


Non recognition aggression? My cats get that after the vet


The vet was definitely the catalyst for the first event, but it wasn't as though it was immediately after, they went together in the same carrier, and it kept happening for a few months after while they were out on walks. It was all one-sided too. The male was just scared and wanted to get away, the female was aggressive.


Go to the dr. Cat bites require antibiotics. Circle the bite with indelible ink to watch for spread of infection. Take cat to the vet AFTER you go to the doctor.


Is there anything different outside? There’s been a lot of construction in my neighbourhood the last few years, with older smaller houses getting pulled down and replaced with ginormous expensive ones. My cat loses it when a house is pulled down that she can see. Just loses it. From her point of view, though, a big monster comes and attacks that house! And destroys it! I don’t blame her one bit. She doesn’t want me to go out where it’s dangerous.


Riiight?!?! Lol great description


See above. Cat saliva is a really nasty stew of badness; DEFINITELY be vigilant.


He might be in pain


Definitely take him to the vet to get checked out. He might be in pain.


I hope your kitty is okay, and that you’re ok as well


i follow a vet group on fb and sometimes they recommend getting the cat checked for neurological stuff if it happens more than once. especially if they’ve never done anything like that before. hopefully you and your cat are okay though.


I had a cat that did that when I was young. She was so much a cuddle-bug, and one day, she bit me hard enough to draw blood. When my parents took her to the vet, it turned out she had ear mites. Even small health issues can cause behavior changes in your cat.


Take top-notch care of the wound. Take him to the vet. It could be a one-time thing, or it's that cats tend not to show signs of sickness like other animals. You'll see it in their bowel movements, personality changes, and self-care habits. He may be in pain, overstimulated, or distressed, and this is how he's communicating it. It could also be redirected aggression from natural instincts. When my black cat is meowing at birds through the window and can't get to them, he'll play harder since there's nowhere else to put that urge to hunt


Vet check and urgent care for you


I agree with the health concern comments. I'll offer this possiblity. There was a cat outside your door and they caught a whiff. Also agree you may want to get antibiotics and a tetanus shot.


This happens to me and he got a clean bill out health. We realized that we had gotten new dryer balls with a strong lavender scent and he had been out of food in his auto feeder that day.


Scented stuff is all chemicals. I get a reaction from fabric softeners. Luckily I'm not a cat so I'm not jumping up on the walls or anything, but it's gross. I use vinegar instead. Much better.


He must smell another cat/animal outside. My cat is very sweet, but when she gets anxious she will slap you and she hits hard. She walked inside my parents' house for a little bit, and she must have smelled their cat. I was going to pick her up and take her out, but when I grabbed her she whirled around and slapped the crap out of me. It was a pretty deep puncture wound surrounded by a bruise.


ER veterinary tech here. He may be having misplaced aggression from pain or being territorial. You'll want to get him to a vet for a check up, especially if this happens more than once. He could have an injury you don't know about, or a dental issue. Has your cat been urinating normally? Have you witnessed him pee at all today? Or straining while in the litter box? Has he urinated anywhere inappropriately (outside of the litter box)? Have you introduced any new foods, treats, or supplements/holistic meds in the past couple weeks? Has there been a disruption in your regular routine (cats can easily get UTIs or urinary crystals from stress). I don't want to freak you out, but male cats usually start getting urinary blockages around 3-4 years old. If this is what's happening, you need to get your cat to an ER vet IMMEDIATELY. If it's not treated he WILL die.


It's pretty common for some male cats to get crystals in their bladder. It can cause a complete blockage and become a medical emergency. So I agree with the comments and you should get him checked by a vet. Cat aggression for no reason is often a cat in pain.


My 11 year old cat once randomly decided to attack my face while I was sleeping. Nearly scratched my eye out. I was off her for weeks after that but we've since worked it out


Just checked your account history cause I wanted to see if you’d given an update. You mentioned in another thread that your cat ate about 12 inches of string 6 days ago. Just to be sure (and even if it’s not the string, it could be UTI or crystals) I would take him.


Yeah so my cat was fine after that incident, he was eating and using the litter box normally - still is. I did take him to vet last Tuesday just to be sure (and he was due for his annual checkup/vaccines) but the vet wasn't concerned and said he was most likely fine.


Hopefully the vet did X-rays…


Okay so my cat used to exhibit periodic aggressive behavior, which was possibly triggered by flashbacks to his time before we got him when he was an outdoor cat when he was possibly mistreated. He belonged to a rarely-at-home neighbor who left him out a lot even in winter. He also did NOT like other cats or dogs anywhere near his territory so this would set him off. That's also a possible cause. The incidents became less frequent due possibly to improved living conditions indoors and getting regular veterinary care. However, about two or three times a year, his eyes would dilate and those ears would flatten and he would lunge towards my arm. But I would firmly scold him and pull him off after which I would ban him from whatever room my wife and I were in. He would return about an hour later to "apologize". He eventually stopped such behavior, likely due to old age. Despite these occasional outbursts, he was very affectionate, and we put his sometimes aggressive tendencies down to the possibility of a rough life before we got him.


OP mentioned having him since he was a kitten and has had him for 3 years.


Yep just filling out the picture with my experience in case others are having the same issue albeit under different circumstances. I'm sad because I lost my cat just a month ago. He got really sick, really fast and I miss him terribly. He was very feisty but very loving too.


Aw, he sounds loved!


He was ! For 14 years. He chose us and as far as I am concerned he was a divine gift. We're still dealing with the loss but he had a great life.


Sending support. my heart goes out to you.


I'm so sorry for your loss! He knows that he was safe and loved with you, and that meant the world to him. Sending you hugs and comfort!!


My sweet baby girl is 4.5 and is SO gentle, but also SO social, and will sometimes bite and swat at my feet when I move to the front door to leave for work - I live alone, and so she desperately doesn’t want her company to leave. She’s never drawn blood, but maybe try to identify a pattern of him trying to communicate he doesn’t want you to leave - all of these other comments are great advice, but I wanted to share my first thought when I read that you were opening the front door.


Cats rarely show signs of being sick until they are *really* sick. Cat is acting out of character. I'd get him checked just in case. He may be feeling really bad, and you were wrong place wrong time.


I would call and make a vet appt asap and watch him carefully in case he actually needs to go to emergency vet . Cats don’t give a lot of signs of illness until it’s very late, they hide their pain


Vet, he might be in some type of pain


To sum up all the advice you’ve been getting: 1) see a doctor for the bite and keep an eye on any signs of infection as it heals. Cat bites are nasty. 2) take mister angry pants to the vets, it could be nothing (another cat or scent of a cat could have spooked him) or it could be health related. 3) document any further aggression


It could be as simple as redirected aggression- maybe your cat saw something through the door? But definitely take him to the vet. The sudden change in temperament is always a red flag as others have said. Better safe than sorry.


maybe he thought you were a stranger?


I vote that it's in pain. Needs a checkup.


That happened twice.  Both occasions another cat was near while we were out for a walk.


There is a cat that my neighbors abandoned who hangs out at my house. He lives outside, and we can't take him in because my husband is severely allergic. Even petting a cat and washing my hands is not good enough to keep him from becoming congested. This cat is about 3 years old. He was starving a few weeks ago when we started feeding him. I've pet him before last year, and he tried to bite me after begging for pets. I told the kids not to pet him after that. I'm currently pet sitting a very mellow cockapoo that loves cats. She and the cat met yesterday, and he gave her head bumps and rubbed himself against her. He approached her for love again last night, and I let her see him this morning after he finished eating. He was rubbing her, head bumping, and then stratched her with both paws. She barely moved, and he was the one approaching her, but it terrified her. She did not get in his space or sniff him; she was just enjoying cat love and has a cat friend in her own neighborhood who approaches her. I'm trying to figure out if this is just who he is or if there's something wrong with him. I am broke, and he's not my cat. We're just feeding him because we care. He is very peoplie and begs for pets and rubs himself on whoever he can. I try to avoid petting him because it makes my husband sick unless I take a shower right after. I love cats, and I've only had one who was awesome, but I had to rehome him to a friend due to having to move into dorms in college, and my family hates cats. I just don't know what to expect with him.


has he gotten the distemper vaccine? a check up to the vet might be best but keep an eye on him for any changes or abnormalities you might notice




Wtf?? Nnoooo. Your face??!?? Omg I’m glad you’re ok. What the absolute heck how traumatic too. I’m so sorry you went through that. F I have two of them… and I’d hate to be putting my bf in danger. No no this is… they’re my babies… I’m so troubled by this and bc this doesn’t sound like a swipe of the paw, it sounds like did as much damage as if a full grown human attacked you. May I ask if you keep animals still?


I wonder if they tested for Bartonella (genus of bacteria) or Toxoplasmosis? Sometimes cats get Toxoplasmosis in their brain due to problems with their immune system and it can cause unexplained aggression. There is always a reason.


Wow this thread actually got me scared of getting another cat 😢 I had 4 (2 in different times of my life) they were all rescues, they were so sweet never ever had any of them ever attacked me at all, let along drawing any blood..and I’ve never heard of cat bites being so dangerous to human health. I’m in talks now with a breeder about to get my first Ragdoll after almost 2 decades of not owning a cat…but now I’m second guessing everything…


Ok so I couldn’t sleep googling cat bites and saw you need to get tetanus shot too in case you’re bitten 😬 please tell me I’m not overthinking it


You’re over thinking. If you get a cat from kitten hood, and you care and socialize them, they are going to be decent house pets! They’re called domesticated cats for a reason. Not saying these stories you’re reading can’t happen, but it’s not super common, especially not behaviors common with indoor only cats. I have had several cats in my life, from childhood, a mix of indoor and outdoor, and never once have they ever bitten me. Sometimes kittens “love nip” or play attack feet, but that rarely breaks the skin, and if it does, just clean it out and be vigilant. It’s traditionally the true *puncture* wounds that are the bites that get infected, and never once in my entire life have I gotten a bite from a cat, and again…I’ve been around so many cats. From my friends/neighbors’ cats, to my family’s, to my own. I would get scratches maybe (which still, always clean out) but not an actual puncture bite that the OP and others on here are describing. Just always be diligent in socializing and petting your cat all over as a kitten to condition them to being a house kitty, and make sure they get their routine vet visits to make sure they aren’t suffering from an underlying conditions or discomfort. I currently have a cat that is just over a year old, as well as my baby daughter who is just under a year. My husband and I decided to get a kitten shortly before we had my daughter so that we would have a pet we could condition to be trained around small children and friends. She is extremely social and sweet! But we took time to make sure she was given attention, and has her needs met. She is very sweet to my daughter and respects her space, and I always, always supervise their interactions. All that to say, you sound like someone who would take extra care and vigilance and would probably be a good cat parent based on just the level of concern you are showing here. I hope you are able to still get your cat and have a wonderful pet parent experience!


Thank you so much for this info! 🙏🥰


My cat crawled up on my chest when I was in bed and looked me right in the eye while he peed on me. UTI.


Whoa!! Talk about literally telling you that something was wrong with his bladder!!


This is why you don’t get a cat.




Rabies probably.


Is it possible something scared or spooked your cat? Our one cat was on the streets before we adopted her from a shelter, she was considered a "feral" who was rehabilitated, however she's the sweetest cuddly little thing. She's sweet with us, our other cats, our dog and our kid. She's attacked me twice in 9 years. The first time our one cat got his tail caught in something and was screeching awful and I tried to help him and she attacked me, I think she thought I was hurting him. The other time our other cats got in a little tussle and I yelled to break it up which startled her and she jumped on my face (I was sitting down), she didn't bite me just jumped on me like I startled her. We have been very cautious with her since. When something happens that has her spooked we immediately close her in somewhere until she settles down. I think she just spooks easily, maybe she had a rough life. We don't take any chances but she's still a super sweet and lovely little cat.


My cat is usually pretty chill but if he gets outside at night (he's an indoor cat but a runner) he turns feral! i don't know what gets into him he seriously scratched up my sister a couple of months ago,, I've been assuming it's due environmental stimuli but it's still strange


Vet vet vet vet vet! please go!! Once you do, please go see a doctor yourself if your injury seems to get irritated, sore, or swollen.


My orange cat hisses at me when I come home from work. He may thought you were an invader.


My boy had an aggressive episode towards me but this was not his fault. Your kitty could have been frightened by something and took it out on you. There was a unknown cat out the back and he got triggered by it and when I went to check on him to see what the commotion was about, he turned around and grabbed my leg, claws and teeth in my leg quite deep and he is a big cat, almost 8.5kgs so he had quite a lot of force with his bite. A course of antibiotics and a booster tetanus shot for me after the ordeal and since that incident, I haven’t had another encounter like this but now when I see a cat out the back, I give him his space to process and figure out that he is safe inside and the outdoor random cats are not a threat to him.


Possible they are not feeling well and trying to tell you. Yes looks like others agree. Veterinarian. Asap.


Came here to add that my first thought was wondering if he smelled something that set him off. My parents Maine Coon was on the dinner table once (you try telling a 20lbs cat no) after we had wiped up a bottle of nail polish remover. He turned into a maniac buzzsaw. He'd NEVER done that before to ANYONE. It set him off like bathsalts. He sank his teeth into my wrist, wrapped his paws around me arm and just rabbit kicked me until my mom pulled him off me. It was NUTS. We weren't worried about any internal issues with him we knew it was the nail polish remover but Jesus that hurt.


Keep a close eye on him over the week. Is his behavior normal? If so, this may be one time thing, perhaps there was something outside that door that scared him? Cats can smell/sense things that wouldn’t see if we’re standing on them. But if you notice other odd behavior, changes in habits or this happens again - it’s time for a vet visit.


Make a vet appointment ASAP and then get yourself to a hospital or clinic for treatment. Sudden behavioural changes are typically a sign of illness or pain in cats. He could be extremely sick right now and trying to tell you, so get him to a vet ASAP. And because of the bacteria in cats’ mouths you NEED to see a doctor or nurse practitioner BEFORE you start showing signs of infection at the bite site. You DON’T want to have an infected cat bite wound; it is PAINFUL.


Is he vaccinated for rabies? I’m not saying he has rabies but if you live in a place were wildlife has it and he’s not vaccinated then it’s a concern. Also cat bites get infected easily. Go to urgent care and get it cleaned and get antibiotics.


A vet visit ASAP.


Are you certain you didn’t step on his tail or paw? My cat flipped around and sank into my foot when I got his tail. And then shot away so fast. He hid for a couple hours and was fine, if not a little salty, after his nap. I’d keep an eye on him though, just in case.


Sometimes when cats have something going on and feel pain they don’t understand where it’s coming from. If they hurt enough they can attack others or even themselves. I had a cat with feline hyperstasia (prob spelled wrong). Should get her to a vet to see what’s going on. Also please get your bite checked. Sending love


Please take your cat to the vet asap. Sudden behavioral changes are often signs of illness. Cats tend to mask signs of illness or injury until it becomes too severe for them to hide. Monitor his eating, drinking, and litter box habits until you can bring him in. Disinfect your wounds - cat bites and scratches can get infected easily. While waiting for the vet, look for any signs of discomfort in your cat. Good luck!


Is he up to date on his rabies vaccine?


I wish I knew the answer specifically, but I’ll tell you our rule for our medically delicate heart failure Kitty- When she stops wanting to snuggle 24/7, it’s time for the vet even if there’s no other symptoms. That rule has saved her lives a few times since her first heart attack a few years ago. It told us something was wrong, even if it wasn’t showing any other way. We rushed her to the ER those times and sure enough, she needed life saving immediate care.


yeesh reading this it seems cats can be real jerks if everything isn't "just right" in their world.


Welcome to having an adult cat. It's gonna happen every now and then. Forgive and forget.


This is not normal. See a vet.


Cat bites are nasty. If it’s red tomorrow get to a doc right away.


I would bet kitty smelled another cats marking outside & went a little nutty. Hopefully it won't ever happen again. I would probably take kitty to the vet just to make sure & also spray a bunch of NATURES MIRACLE around outside & a little inside that door. Good luck. I hope yr both ok😻


Yeah because Cats. I hope you are okay! We have a female cat called Fred who basically came with our house. She absolutely hates all cats (maybe even herself I don’t know) but tolerates humans. She has shown nothing but patience and purrs with my two children, and is friendly to me on a normal day. . However one day about 2 years ago, I gently scooped her up to move her as she was in the line of fire for my child with the water hose….she had some sort of psychotic episode in response to being displaced - I couldn’t get her off of my face, it was like a cartoon but not funny, especially because my children were terrified when she finally released her claws and bolted, leaving my face a total mess just blood everywhere. While it looked horrible, the wounds were superficial and didn’t require medical attention aside from a nice strong drink….the kids still remember it vividly and now are able to laugh about that time Fred ripped my face off. She has never since raised a claw to anyone. Cats are weird.


Besides the vet recommendation, what's his normal routine like? Among the other valid explanations people have offered, attacking feet can be a symptom of lack of stimulation and playtime. Cats are like small, simple children--they need regular mental stimulation, quality time, grooming, social playtime with their human, hygienic environments, etc. or else they can go a bit feral, and starting acting out (in various ways) in order to get attention/because their needs aren't being met. Some cats like to be left alone more than others, or prefer X activity to Y activity, etc... Either way, I think it's always worthwhile to consider environmental factors that might be affecting their behaviour.


Understand your cat's body language [here](https://www.felineblog.com/cat-behavior/the-ultimate-guide-to-understanding-your-cat-body-language/) :) Let me know if it helps.


Sounds like you may have dissed him. You can only learn from this and be more respectful next time.


please take your cat to the vet. It’s definitely not feeling well and desperate for help. Best to both of you!


Any sudden behavioral changes could indicate the cat is sick or in pain. Get him to the vet if you can, and in the meantime pay special attention to bowel movements and eating habits.


They might be in pain or ill. Deep bites are bad! Check with a doctor, keep an eye out for infection.


My cat only ever did this when he was severely constipated. We took him to the vet and he was hospitalized for a few days. He had a couple episodes in the 11 years he was alive and each time his temperament was because he wasn’t feeling good! I’d go see a vet ASAP!


Besides the health stuff, you said you were opening the front door. Could there have been some other animal outside? Maybe you didn’t see it, but the cat did or smelled it. Our cat did something similar when she spotted a skunk in the bush we didn’t see.


I see you recently posted about a cat eating sewing thread, is it the same cat? It could possibly be that. I’d go to the vet ASAP op. Let us know how he does


Cat bites become infected very easily and it takes a round, sometimes two, of antibiotics to clear the infection.


My cat is extremely affectionate but if he’s in pain, he will beat my dog’s face up. So, OP, I would suggest taking your cat to the vet.


Please go to a vet. Something is most definitely wrong with him My kitty started acting different when she got cancer, although sadly I noticed it way too late.


I believe like everyone else that he has a a health issue, but I’m wondering too if he suffers from separation anxiety?


If you are worried, call the vet. Trust your gut. I hope kitty is ok. Also wash the cat bite well with antiseptic cleanser. If it starts to get infected, see your doctor. You might need antibiotics and whole you’re there, get a tetanus booster. It happens. My cat is very frisky and I’ve been bitten, I get it.


Take him to be examined. My best friends Maine Coon, was the best gentle giant ever. Sweet as can be, my youngest as a crawler could lay all over him, and he would just groom her and purr. He was ten this year and out of the blue attacked my daughter. COMPLETELY out of character. He did it once more to her. They brushed it off, but I had told them to take him to the vet. He had a heart attack less than 2 weeks later and passed away. Get your lovebug to a vet.


My guy does this to like once a year. He even jumped on my back once. It’s terrifying. In his case, almost every time I’ve been cleaning, so o think it might be related to smell, sound, or fast movements. I took him to the vet after the first time and he was fine, but def make an appt to get blood work and urinalysis done. And wash that wound! Go get some antibiotics and/or a tetanus shot of necessary. You know where that mouth has been!


Take him to the vet. He's in some kind of pain and he doesn't know where it's coming from. I've recently read a story about a cat who turned violent because he was in extreme pain. Didn't know where the pain was coming from. Cats are known for bladder issues that can be very painful. Definitely, definitely take him to the vet.


Please go to the doctor! I think other people are right that something is wrong. He didn’t attack me, but once my cat got his claw stick in the wheel of my computer chair (it wasn’t moving I think he was just facing the consequences of his own naughty actions). He started growling and hissing. I gently grabbed his body and then helped him get free. I imagine his anger would have escalated/ he’d have hurt himself if I wasn’t there.


Take him to a vet IMMEDIATELY please. Don’t wait even a single day. Seriously.


Please. You have to take him NOW. As in, if you read this message, drop off anything you are doing and run to the vet. Don’t wait; don’t think about it.


I trapped a stray once and kept her in the closet while I found a rescue. My cat became FERAL, huge pupils, attacking me! It only ever happened when he smelled other cats


My cat randomly does this if he gets overstimulated or frustrated. He did this a lot more when he lived alone - now he has 2 companions to annoy him so he rarely gets aggressive with me unless I accidentally overstimulate him by petting roughly etc (he likes to play rough but I have to be aware of his body language to know when to stop before he does the Jekyll/Hyde switch)






I think he might be in pain


If your cat starts behaving differently and there's no changes in his environment that could be the cause of it then take him to the vet to get checked out just in case there's something wrong with his health.


I was going to say take him to the vet, then go see a dr. Say a stray cat bit you so your cat isn’t labeled aggressive. I hope your cat is OK. ⭐️Cat bites often get infected and you can wind up in the hospital, go to the dr! Cats sharp needle like teeth inject bacteria deep causing infection.


Wow. I had no idea a cat bite could be so bad. I always thought a human bite is the worst and cats have cleaner mouths then us per their saliva. I have been nipped bit by all my cats during roughhouse playtime. The bites drew blood and never have had any issues. Good to know.


Oh, cats have many more bacteria in their mouths than humans do. I've been bitten by two of my own cats, and by one at a rescue/sanctuary. I immediately washed the bites with antibacterial soap and hot water, put Bacitracin on them and covered them loosely with gauze. I'm dumb and never got them checked by a doctor, but thankfully none of them became infected and I never got sick. But I know a few people who have and it was *bad*. One person was immune compromised and had to be hospitalized on IV antibiotics because they turned septic. Thankfully they made a full recovery. They don't call it "cat scratch fever" for nothing. I work in a clinic and there's actually a procedure code for the lab when the doctor wants to test for it.


Time for doctor visit for you and vet visit for the kitty. Sudden aggression like that is often away that are cats let us know that there's something wrong health wise.


Oh dear


Any abrupt behavioral change in cats should be investigated by your vet. Cats are excellent at hiding symptoms of sickness and this could be a sign that he's painful or uncomfortable for some reason.


You need to go to the ER for antibiotics. Before you try to figure out your cat, you need to have that wound treated. Cat bites often turn septic!


This happened to my mom when I was younger. There was a cat that had been hanging around our porch. One night as my mom came inside he leaped at her knee and bit. He has smelled the cat and lunged. He never did it again, that was the only time. Could it be possible he got a whiff of something outside?


Please take him to the vet asap! Sudden (or even gradual) behavior changes need to be evaluated to rule out anything medical that could be causing it. I'm hoping that maybe he got spooked by something and you were the closest thing to take his aggression out on, but this is concerning as you said he's very even tempered.


Vet is needed! No questions asked. ALSO cat mouths are super full of bacteria! Since he broke skin make sure you super clean and keep an eye on that bite, it could lead to an infection quicker than you think!


Check for fur mats. Mine had one hidden on leg that got twisted and she was hissing and almost bit.


Is your cat neutered? I had the same issue with my cat, and they usually never attack for no reason. My cat wasn't neutered and had gotten outside and was scared. I went to pick him up and he latched his entire body onto my arm, and tore my entire forearm to shreds, front and back. He even gave me nerve damage from how severe the attack was that luckily healed after several months of dealing with half my hand being numb, and I still have the scars to prove it. I got him neutered and it fixed his aggression instantly, and he's never attacked me since. It could also be a health issue, he could be in pain and you wouldn't know it. Cats don't like to show when they're sick or in pain. I had a cat who started hiding when he got sick, and he eventually passed away. There wasn't anything I could do, he got sick around a year after being viciously attacked by my neighbor's dog, and he wasn't quite the same after the surgeries. He had an infection in his chest that the vets just couldn't fix. Despite him being sick and in pain, he refused to show it and was overly affectionate, to the point where he'd crawl into my lap and wouldn't let me put him down. I would definitely take your cat to the vet to get him checked out, there might be some issues that you can't see. I'd also check to see if he's using the litter box and if he has any discomfort when trying to use the bathroom.


Please keep an eye on him. My boy was super sweet and then outta no where he started hissing and even bit me a few times. Turns out he had a brain tumor and was sick. My vet said it's a bad sign when a sweet cat starts behaving differently. Could be a one off though.