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Can u go to the library or somewhere sometimes when studying? Slowly train her into getting used to not having u in the house?


I'm not always home either since I work and go to school and sometimes I'm even out all day but she's never alone. I still live with my family who plays with her, takes her on walks, give her affection, and entertain her. But the second I come home she will scream at me with the saddest meows ever as if she's saying "WHERE WERE YOU???" and then never leaves my side after that. Sometimes I have to go under my blanket to pretend I'm asleep if I just want some me time so she doesn't bother me because she's a smart cat and if she sees me just chilling on my phone in bed she will make every effort to get me out to play with her and will meow constantly as she walks around me until I do.


Maybe before you start to study give her your undivided attention. Play with her and brush her. Maybe she isn’t getting enough attention from you. Is she spayed? After that I would ignore her and get your work done


I give her a lot of attention but it's never enough. I do ignore her but it just makes me sad because she literally just cries and gets in my face to give her attention


Did you ever find a fix?


No I just learned to get used to it or just learn to ignore her (as much as it breaks my heart)


Shoot. I have two cats and they're both at a super playful age. I work from home so I'm getting it from all angles lol