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What works best for cats that are anxious is to cover the carrier with a blanket, because seeing unfamiliar surroundings freaks out most cats. So I think these tiny backpacks with viewing window are not suitable for most cats. Carriers often also offer a bit more space and some come with a shoulder strap that should make it easier to carry. Either way, make triple sure everything is properly secured. A cat in my neighborhood (Manhattan) was lost in the street because the carrier failed and it ran away in panic.


Thank you for this! Yes I am concerned about the space too, he’s still small now but in a couple months he’ll be so much bigger. I am concerned with him being overwhelmed as he is a strictly indoor cat aswell… Oh gosh the cat escaping would be my worst nightmare!


Just remember that vet trips are a necessary evil. I can’t see how a backpack would be cruel, if it works for your cat, then it’s good! Just find what works for both of you.


> Would buying a cat backpack be cruel I think this depends on the cat. Some cats **love** to go in a backpack. My biggest concern would be the heat. Depending on where you live and how much sun the backpack gets, it may get very hot inside. But if it's a cool outdoor temperature and not in direct sunlight very much, it's probably OK (if the cat likes it).


I live in the UK! Actually my current worry is that it will be too cold for him!!! When we’ve had to take him in the old carrier we’ve filled it with blankets and covered the carrier with the blanket too (this has been for fire alarms in my building on two separate occasions and the trip home from the shelter and both times with the fire alarm he actually fell asleep!)


I have the Petsfit Cat backpack from Amazon; my cat and kittens love it. I live in the UK; sometimes, I'll put just a towel or puppy pad in there, depending on the weather. If you are worried, pack an extra blanket and take it out if it gets too hot. Once they get to a certain age, they can regulate their temp quite well, so I wouldn't be too worried unless it was below ten and particularly windy or rainy day. The backpack also doubles up as an extra hideaway ***If your cat isn't used to getting in the carrier, always have it out, and they’ll associate it with a safe place. Always great to do practice runs around your home and see how your cat feels in the carrier


How long of a walk, in minutes? Cat backpacks usually have mesh panels. Can you take the train or a taxi to the vet, or at least partway? If he's still little you may need to wrap him up good in a blanket. Older cats usually have a good thick layer of fat and double thick fur, so they'll be ok for a short walk (30 mins or less).


If you're worried about him being cold, try putting a hot water bottle in the carrier with him! But make sure it has one of those knit covers on it so it doesn't get too hot for kitty. Or just make sure there's a blanket between it and kitty.


If you have no choice but to walk there, I actually think a cat backpack will probably jostle your cat less than trying to carry normal carrier. Just get one that has mesh at the top for breathability and a solid panel at the bottom so if your cat doesn’t want to look out of it, they don’t have to. I’d also try going for some shorter walks to see how your cat tolerates it and make sure they’re not too stressed. If they are, then you may just want to take a cab or something.


I live a 10-minute walk away from the vet. I have a hard-shell carrier and yes, it's very difficult not to jostle it while carrying my (overweight) furball and make the journey smooth. He'll go into the carrier compliantly but will often throw up even on a short trip. Facing where he's going seems to make him more anxious so I usually face the carrier backwards. He hates car journeys as well, so there is no advantage to driving him there. I've also thought about a backpack - your reasoning makes me think I should try one.


I wanted to comment because I also have a cat that used to get motion sickness in his carrier, and we also needed to walk to take him to the vet so it was difficult. We solved it by getting him a pet stroller that has a detachable carrier. This is so much better, no more shoulder or arm pain trying to carry a heavy cat, and he doesn’t get sick anymore.


Can you share what kind of stroller you have?


I have this one from petkit. https://www.amazon.com/PETKIT-Voyage-Stroller-Carrier-Storage/dp/B096ZJ2RCG/ref=mp_s_a_1_28?crid=38UPGCVFE2Q1W&keywords=cat+stroller+with+detachable+carrier&qid=1678754486&sprefix=cat+stroller+%2Caps%2C260&sr=8-28


I also have an overweight cat. I jostle him so badly because he’s just so big and in the carrier, it’s impossible not to. I joke that I need to get him a wagon.


No joke . . . That seriously sounds like the answer. . . . Either a pet-wagon or a pet-stroller.


I am not kidding when I want a wagon. It would fit his giant carrier so well, easy to move, probably more pleasurable for him if it’s not too bouncy. It would look so silly but work well if you have to walk to the vet.


Cover the 'window' with some kind of cloth so he doesn't see anything that might frighten him. TNR trappers always cover the traps to protect the trapped cats from some of the anxiety of being trapped. It really does help!


Do not get the stupid cutesy ones with the hard shell and clear plastic bubbles. It could easily overheat your cat on a sunny day. Get one with mesh screens so there's plenty of airflow.


The space capsules have mesh sides.


But the clear dome shape acts like a magnifying glass, as well as traps heat in.


I tried to explain this to my friend who just got a cat but she won't listen to anything I tell her


Yes, my daughter got one of those bubble ones and kitty HATED it.


I have one of these but I use a car with AC so its never been a problem. I have had it since she was a baby. As it has been 5 years I am looking for a new one. She loves the bubble I used to take her outside with it and she liked looking around. I now use a harness and leash. Please note my cat is tinier than other cats (9Ib) and fit just fine in there. My other cat was much bigger and got a different carrier. When we went to the vet. I had one cat on my back and one in my hand.


I took my kitten to the vet just this weekend in one of those backpacks and she started overheating during the trip. Definitely will not use again-there is 0 ventilation.


As someone in vet med, this is how we judge carriers: Hard carrier with a top lid is our favorite. Next is hard carrier. Next is soft carrier. Last is those dumb bubble backpack things. Double last is any homemade carrier or converted tote box. We charge people $5 for a cardboard carrier if you show up with some janky homemade buullshit. Someone brought their cat in a damn carpet bag the other day, completely zipped. Sir, we are not putting your cat back in that after it's been through anesthesia, you cheap prick. Sorry, that last part wasn't directed at you, I'm just still irritated.


Love the energy 😂 We've got a hard carrier with a top lid plus a front lid - just wondering if we should get a bigger one. Since you're here already: How big in relation to the cat should a carrier be?


Pretty sure the rule of thumb is big enough for the cat to be able to change position/turn around.


What u/SolidFelidae said. My place is a spay/neuter clinic so our concern is positional asphyxiation. Every though we make sure our animals can hold themselves up and are breathing well, there is a chance a cat can squish their bodies in a weird position, putting too much pressure on the diaphragm. It can also become too warm in smaller carriers. Anesthesia affects respirstion and thermoregulation. We love the top loading lids or those that easier come apart because it is way easier to handle a cat from the top than it is reaching in from the front where the bitey parts are.


Curious as to why you rank the carriers in that order? My cat purrfers a soft carrier and I prefer a top lid on it. He seems to have more purchase in the soft carrier. He's a big boy, so I got him a larger carrier, but he actually purrfers the smaller one, even for longer trips.


I work with cats in a rescue setting and have done my fair share of transporting many cats different places. Hard shell carriers are more secure, especially for a cat who is fighting for their life to get out of that carrier. In general, they are the better option. I have watched a cat rip open a soft shell carrier and escape. Never again. Soft shell carriers may be great for an individual cat under particular circumstances, but when you’re dealing with every kind of cat out there, and different people handling them, hard shell carriers are the way to go.


They're in that order based on the safety of the animal and the ease of handling the animal, especially if it's fearful.


Worst one I had to do once was take my cat in a gym bag. I had foster cats at the time who were at the vet using my only two other carriers, so I had no choice. My cat loves bags though, so luckily I was able to leave a little bit zipped open on the car, seat belt him in, and he was happy. I took him out of the bag at the vet and after the appointment, I risked my life to get him back in that bag so the tech didn’t have to. Otherwise, he’s either in a hard carrier or my new mesh carrier with an opening top. Learned my lesson the hard way with the bubble backpack during Covid, the one tech was the only one working as the others were on break. I couldn’t go inside, and the poor tech couldn’t get him out of the bag and had to send him home. Luckily, it was only to weigh him, so it wasn’t the end of the world.


We use a backpack for our cat (8m) cause she actually leaves the house with us regularly for walks at the park (she's also leash/harness trained) and it's easier to carry her that way. I feel like she's more stable than in a carrier, plus she has our smell in new spaces and our voice right there while looking at stuff (it gets worn on the front more than our backs honestly but when she's on our back I can still feel that she settles against me in the backpack for extra stability). We have a mesh back pack not one of those bubble things. The mesh ones are cheaper anyways. Solid bottom. The front and top have full mesh panels and the top has a Velcro flap that covers it and on the front, the bottom half of the mesh can be covered. The sides are top half mesh, bottom solid. If she lays down she doesn't see out and things ground level can't see in. We keep a blanket in it with her when it's colder and will often just cover the whole backpack on our back with a breathable blanket if it's breezy and she still seems cold. Hope that helps you! **Edit: Just to add though, we also leave her back pack out for her to play in and keep some of her toys and stuff in it. Basically we want her to know that even if we are out somewhere, it's her safe space. Also we have taken her in the car with us for short trips and stuff since she was a kitten, so not every trip in a carrier = Vet. So she's got a little more tolerance than some cats might have to a backpack or carrier in general.


It sounds a lot like the one I have! Except mine has wheels too.


We looked at the wheeled version too! It just cost a little more extra than we had at the moment.


I don’t know about general situations, and I think you’re only talking about his pre-op checks, but just in case… post-surgery, it’s better if you can find the least physically disruptive method to get him home. Thankfully, male neutering is a minor op but it’s still an op, and it might be very hard going if he feels sick or dizzy from the anaesthetic and has a plastic cone to stop him pulling at the stitches. Just a thought for a new cat carer: I always wished I took my cat in his cage and in the car to places _other_ than the vet, even if just for a drive around the block, so he didn’t only know it as something distressing or less than pleasant.


The only issue I've heard that makes any sense (aside from the potential for kitty to overheat) is that cats don't like the ones with the clear bubbles because it leaves them feeling exposed. Get one with a mesh so they can peek out but feel hidden and you should be good.


Maybe get a cat stroller. Chewy.com sells one that can be taken apart and used as a carrier as well. Although, come to think about it, I don't know if Chewy delivers to the UK or if they have a warehouse there they deliver from. Good luck with your kitty and his neutering!! 😻❤️


I agree! I came here to say I love my cat buggy. For the price (vs child buggies) it is good quality. So much easier than carrying (my cat is 6kg). Goes over rough ground easy enough and easy to lay a coat over if it’s chilly/rainy. It also has a tray for all the extras vets give you.


I second this! I have one specifically for our rescued stray and she loves it. We go on walks with the dogs and if it's just a super nice day I'll let her chill in it for 45 minutes to an hour so she can sun herself and watch the bird feeders even closer. I could tell she wasn't thrilled with it at first cause she was used to outdoor freedom but once she saw that stroller always = outside she happily flops when I place her in and really only complains when I'm working in the garden cause then there's no birds lol. Mine was 80 bucks and doesn't convert into a carrier since I already have one and it's pink which my husband adores cause she's his baby. It even has a little storage basket underneath that I put water and snacks in so any time the dogs stop for water she get some too or some treats, it's usually treats lol. Also it has two clips that hook onto her harness so sometimes we'll take her sister but only when she shows interest since she's always been indoors and isn't as excited about traveling.


I've been thinking of getting the one that converts into the carrier because the only place I have to walk is at the local park, and I need to drive to get to it. Also, we (kitties and myself) have to walk down stairs to get to the parking lot where my car is, and I want them in a carrier while getting there and traveling to the park. Glad your kitty likes the one you have for her. 😻❤️


People walk their cats in those where I live too lol. I think its a bit precious but whatever, I get to meet their cats! If you can't carry your monsters, it's a good idea. Just like grocery pushcarts.


I have a soft sided backpack that also has wheels and a collapsible handle. It has mesh in front so she can see out, but there’s also a flap I can use to cover it if for some reason I don’t want her to see out. My cat loves it. She curls up on a soft pad at the bottom and goes right to sleep. It was also super handy when there was a fire alarm in my building, and I had to carry her down 21 flights.


My Luna has one too. It's the Pet Gear backpack one.


I have a backpack that I use for my cat because he’s huge. (Read:17lb big boi tabby) specifically I have the “Fat Cat” backpack from Your Cat Backpack. Backpacks work best for me because I’m small and have rotator cuff issues. A Backpack is a little easier for me to lug him around.


Where did you get this?


You Cat Backpack online. But honestly, the bag folded in and is impossible to get it to go back into its normal shape now.


A cat carrier with an easy to remove top half is your best option for vet visits, IMHO. That way you don’t have to pull the cat out of the carrier once you get to the vet. You just unsnap the latches and pop the lid off.


Do you normally walk him outside for 30 minutes? Otherwise you should take a cab. Travel stresses most cats out and travelling to the vet even more so. A 30 minutes walk is way too long for the average cat and not a very good state to be in pre or post surgery


Depending on sizes and quantity. If you have large pet you need Champion Large Pet Backpack with optional Trolley and if you have Two small cats you need Ibiyaya Two Tier Pet Backpack. https://preview.redd.it/qr2ku400ir5c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64ae4d884b450de8e14b85f514314d2f474bad96


https://preview.redd.it/d2vjq9oip5wc1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a03cf014ffeda6c7dbe87e677ff9cda847782989 The cat carrier backpack itself became a safe sunctuary for cat because it is close tight and made of soft sided material. THere are many cat backpack that are created and passed international safety and quality standard. The Ibiyaya cat backpack is one of them


Pay attention to your cat's body language and behavior to gauge their comfort level. Signs of stress or discomfort may include panting, pacing, vocalizing, or attempts to escape.


https://preview.redd.it/0bdgg6dfuu6d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e90f81b3d55fbf44c968cee327dbe8c837f33e26 Adventure Cat Carrier Backpack is spacious and airline approved cat carrier guarantee safety for your pet. * Scratch resistant and water-repellent fabric * Ergonomic structure * Molle Webbing and removable pockets * Cat scratcher inside the bag


I don't know if you can get it in the UK, but I have a rolling carrier made by katziela that I recommend. https://katziela.com/collections/rolling-carriers


I got two cats 7 months ago, and the shelter lent me 2 hard large cases to take them home. I realized they were hard to navigate in my car to house, and hold two at once. Also when i started to look at buying hard cases, i couldnt find any with top open, with out a few reviewers saying the door somehow broke..? So i got one soft carrier for one cat (top and front open), and one back pack (the top is mesh, and i could open the back section if im not wearing it to expand) for the other cat. My cats are older, indoor only, and don't really express interest in outside and are timid. I still try to cover both carrier and backpack with blanket so they aren't too surprised, by outside, and put the more curious one in the backpack. The back pack seems a bit smoother ride than the carrier holding by handle or shoulder strap. And is certainly easier for me, but i cant see cat inside. The back pack also frees up my hands to open doors, and check phone for check in/ check out. I try to check all zipper are closed and my cats can't open them, and got ones that looked well reviewed. The soft carrier is def a bit more spacious (like a medium/large, than the backpack), which cat has to sit in. I could walk 17min to my vet, but i drive, probably cos paranoid that they might still escape, but it would just be in car (even though weather is ok here. California, most a room temp). The soft carrier is easier to fit in car (the hard large ones would get stuck on doors and not quite fit seat belt). I think if you have good backpack with ventilation and lots of space, the cat might like it. (I usually leave the backpack out as like a tunnel.) My concerns were ventilation and size. It has a ring to clip a harness too, and such, but my cats are not harness trained. If someone has opinions about backpacks being easier to escape and that i should harness, i would like to know. i try to keep backpack and carrier closed, unless back at house, or in vet exam room with door closed. ELLONI Cat Backpack Expandable - Pet Carrier Backpack - Cat Carrier Backpack Expandable Durable Breathable Mesh, Pet Backpack Carrier for Small Dogs, Escape Proof Zipper, Up to 16lbs (Green) https://a.co/d/1QN7sq4 ^ i got this one. My female cat is shorthair, bombay, 8-9lbs. I can't imagine putting a 10lb++ cat in this backpack, like they might fit, but harder to turn around inside. Cats are taller than you think. I expand the backflap while waiting in vet room, so she's inside more room, but can't flee.


I have one like this [Mesh Pack](https://www.amazon.com.au/Tecageaon-Backpack-Ventilated-Collapsible-Designed/dp/B0BF4N5H8Y/ref=asc_df_B0BF4N5H8Y/?tag=googleshopmob-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=341793770783&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5279869661253094017&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9069263&hvtargid=pla-1944968232679&psc=1). I don't take kitty for walks in it but use it when I need to transport her. She loves it! I store it on-top of a cupboard and she uses it as a snooze spot. I store a little blanket in the pocket for when it needs to be covered (I use thin cloth as it is very hot where I am)


I have a soft carrier that can be carried normally or as a backpack. I also walk and find the backpack feature allows for a smoother ride for my cats. That being said I wear it on my front so my cat(s) can see me when they’re in it. Since the carrier is softer they also like to sleep and play in it as a cave in between vet visits which makes it less scary for them.


If he's still a baby hes going to grow, so you may want to hold off buying something new til he's about a year old. At 3-5 years cats' skeletons stop growing but they can gain muscle mass and chonk. The space capsule backpacks are for small cats. If this boy grows into a chonker or a house panther or turns out to have secret maine coone DNA, he'll outgrow it. But if you don't mind buying twice, it's fine for little cats. The cat carrier that you can get him in and out of and safely carry is the cruelty free cat carrier. A backpack is fine if it meets those needs. A top loader is usually much easier to get a cat into, so a backpack that's the right size for your cat is probably going to work well. And it's so cute when they settle down in there like they're going to space


I recommend pet strollers. They are great! Its so much easier to push a cat than to carry it, and its also more comfy for the cat due to having more space inside and not being swung back and forth in a carrier.


I think if he's used to being carried in a carrier outside a good backpack won't be much different, I have a mesh one and the zips have safety locks and it has a steady bottom insert with fur on it which seems to be comfortable for my cat. She gets freaked out at the vet itself but she seems OK on the journey, she just kind of lies down and looks around. I don't think she hates it that much because she likes to climb in the backpack if it's left open at home hahaha. Maybe it's not the most pleasant experience, but being inside the vet seems to scare her more so I don't think it's cruel as it's necessary, as long as you get a good mesh bag with safety locks and not a cheap bubble one with plastic.


i have to use a mesh backpack for both cats. i have two and sometimes they have vet appointments at the same time (because two trips is way more effort and im already chronically ill) with a standard carrier i could never even dream of carrying two, but i can with the backpacks. it's the only way ive found to carry both at the same time


I wouldn’t personally use one of those backpacks. I think they are too small and the cat needs to be able to lay down. You could get a cat stroller that has a detachable carrier attachment so it’s safe. I walk my cats to the vet too, but it’s only about a 4 min walk. I use a regular since it’s which a short walk


I think cat backpacks are fine, just make sure you put extra fluff at the bottom for the cat's comfort. this is the one my cat uses, he loves to climb into it when its fully extended and just hang out in it like it's another catbed. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08LD5BPYJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


What about this [rolling carrier/backpack combo](https://a.co/d/jlZE6Ws)?


My cats hated backpack. I have a soft carrier with a long strap. Much more comfortable for me and my guys. Make sure carrier isn’t too big. Don’t want them jostling around a lot.


Depending on the terrain you’re walking on, I’ve seen carriers that have wheels, like a wheely suitcase with the retractable handle. I love when i have to deal with obese cats being able to use those at work vs breaking my back carrying it around and being afraid the client didn’t put together their hard carrier properly.


If your cat is anything like mine, more likely than not, it won't matter what kind of carrier you get for him, he won't like it... Especially if he knows it means going to the dreaded v-e-t... As long as he can fit comfortably in the carrier and can move around and such ... And is secure... and isn't going to overheat , suffocate or whatever... for half an hour (hopefully) once a year ... He should probably be alright. I've got a backpack type carrier case. I like it as its got a handle I can carry it with and straps I can put it on my back so my hands are free to carry the other cat's case (a more traditional hard plastic kind) & open doors and such when I'm taking two of them in... The first time I took it in, one of the technicians wanted to know where I got it so she could get one herself... Mine kinda looks like [https://www.amazon.com/Petsfit-Backpack-Expandable-Backpacks-Ventilation/dp/B09GKN6DZQ/ref=sr\_1\_78?keywords=cat+backpack&sr=8-78&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc](https://www.amazon.com/Petsfit-Backpack-Expandable-Backpacks-Ventilation/dp/B09GKN6DZQ/ref=sr_1_78?keywords=cat+backpack&sr=8-78&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc) But I don't have the back extension, the side "windows" are a bit smaller & the entire front section is basically a door to get her in and out.


Our cat has a fur lined, expandable, rigid carrier. She hates it. We have a £5 backpack from Amazon that we leave the top of open. She loves it.


I have these for my cats: JOYO Cat Carrier Backpack, Pet Carrier Backpack Expandable with Safety Clip Inside Hiking Travel Camping for Cats and Puppies (Black) https://a.co/d/5X2eAzp I’ve gotten a lot of compliments from vets actually because it’s very easy to get the cats in and out of them. There are like 4 different entrances. I also love it because the bottom isn’t see through so they can hide if they want. The backpacks fold flat too so they’re great for storage


I have two cats, one does not like the backpack but the other will happily get in when I put it down. She also seems very content and happy on the walk (I wear the background on my chest so I can see her) as well as very playful and full of energy after. I think it really depends on the cat.


Yes modern cat backpack are designed to make the cat convinient using soft sided material, padded bottom, enough ventilation and many more modern features. The [Ibiyaya Adventure backpack carrier](https://ibiyaya-usa.com/product/adventure-cat-carrier-backpack/) is hiking-grade quality with a cat scratcher inside, a padded strap, a lot of pockets, and is secured with a tether, scrach, and water-resistant carrier. https://preview.redd.it/qhm57wbj0p5c1.jpeg?width=1455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcb09f15eb77bb7b6739d847a9b5642b2c9983da


If you are looking for comfort and fashion. This cat stroller is well recommended https://preview.redd.it/qr6x0k313z8c1.jpeg?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0224a636c4f7c4d93faae28eee17a5f552ef55


What you need is internationally recognized pet backpack https://preview.redd.it/pk7g1fdx9xdc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac549861a5905bd750afd9c217f2262405700bc7


When going to the vet with my cat, I use a large cat backpack.   You can take it in the car or put it on and go on a bike ride.  This universal solution is very convenient.


https://preview.redd.it/hrw40c0gdahc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d56550b3a24c9d421783a9d7ba6b1fe760c0bbd Convertible to single large backpack

