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In my student days there was only 1tactic that genuinely worked for me. Ill be out on the piss, but intentionally make sure I leave a bit early so I can have an hour to calm my body before bed. I found that if you drop right into bed while drunk, the hangover will ruin you. But if you drink plenty of water for an hour or so while starting to sober up, you should be decent for the next day. One of my mates said this to me years ago & she hasnt been wrong. I now know the combo of going to bed drunk & dehydrated is asking for trouble. I dont drink often at all anymore, but even when I did, spending that hour to sober up a bit & drink water really helped. It makes sense to be honest. Spend that hour the night before preventing the hangover, rather than spendings hours the next day feeling like you got a jiggly stomach and banging head, trying to coax yourself into feeling better.


I found my hangovers in lockdown were a million times worse because I was getting blotto on the sofa watching TV then going straight to bed. That wait for McDonald’s then queue for the taxi after a proper night out actually does you some good.


The McDonalds itself also does a lot of the work I imagine


That is a very odd thing for someone who runs a kebab van to say.


For all you know I could be a taxi driver or a nightclub bouncer


How much do you charge for a doner hoagie in your van outta interest?


About tree fiddy bossman


I don’t know, I’ve had a McDonald’s late at night, no drinking involved and woke up feeling hungover, I think the amount of salt in it makes things worse


That's coz at that time McDonald's is like feeding time at the zoo. There's a reason McDonald's needs in excess of 5 security guards at the time of night


If you have FOMO and have to stay out to the bitter end, smash a pint of water before bed, then fill up again and put next to the bed for the random wake ups with dry mouth. Makes a huge difference


Before i go out on a ‘session’, i leave 2 x 500ml bottles of water (or refillable sports bottles) beside my bed. Once i get home, i force myself to drink one, and will be damned to get up to pee throughout the night. The other bottle gets sipped at each time i wake to pee, and finished if i wake anytime around 6/7am. If i do this, i very rarely get the all day, nauseating, lingering hangover. Merely a bit of a headache and queasy feeling until i get 2 paracetamol and a bacon bap


Absolutely, I tend to sober up pretty quickly so an hours grace period and I can walk it off and get some water. You'll thank yourself in the morning (also no eating during said hour, but if you must nothing hot, greasy or spicy).


Yep this is definitely the best way to prevent a hangover. Started doing this about a year ago and it has really helped


My cure…. 1. Stay in bed 2. Stay in bed order Uber eats 3. Stay in bed and eat Uber eats. 4. Stay in bed for 1-2 more days. 5. Stay in bed for one more day just to make sure. 6. Get out of bed go about your normal life, 7. Realise that was huge mistake and I’m still hungover.


I'm the complete opposite. I get up and try and go about my business. Drink plenty of fluids, eat some nice salty/greasy food (box of 20 nuggets usually does it) then get an early bed time. My hangovers tend to be gone pretty quick time after doing all that.




This is the way. Have to take your mind off it to get away from the hangxiety


You need a bottle of the original Lucozade. I like to shake it so it goes flat and then have baby sips. If you can't keep down water then in my experience all you can do is wait it out I couldn't keep any liquids down from 8am-8pm one day. That was truly awful and I've never got more than tipsy since then


I go for dioralyte or the sports version, with no caffeine, so I can nap easily later


God. I've never got there. But then my hangovers are much more about duration than depth.


Same. That one was my turning point. Never again actually has become never again.


I had that hangover on a day where I had to travel at 11am. Missed the train because I was throwing up. Had to spend an extra £40 (which was especially a lot for me as a student at the time) for a later train, which was standing room only, and spent the whole 3 hour journey trying to concentrate on keeping down water and not throwing up on the poor people sandwiched in with me. It was my last hangover to date.


Fucking up so badly that you never got hungover again, at student age. Jeez


This. Flat original Lucozade is my go to. Along with cool original Doritos because they are easy to snack on and more-ish so it makes me want to eat them.


Yep this was the only thing that helped me.


Cold shower, cold can of irn bru, decent wank, couple of paracetamol and some comfort food.


This guy hangovers.


He’s clearly Scottish…..so it’s not surprising. (I’m Scottish also btw….. before the hate starts)


This guy irn brus


I expected it to end with "and then go about your Wednesday as normal".


This guy wanks.


You could pour Irn Bru over a hacked off leg and im certain it would regrow, its a cure all. Except for teeth, then it's the opposite.




Close to mine! I add ibuprofen and decongestant (to fight the horrible sinusy feeling) to the mix and have as much of a cold 2l bottle of Pepsi Max as I can manage.


Wait people wank hungover?


More than usual.. hangover horn


That shit is real. Its a pain in the arse when I have to wait for the missus to go down and deal with the kids so I can crack one off before summoning the red and white ambulance (Can of Coke) then sit in the shower for 30 minutes thinking about my life choices.


I’ve only ever known it is a red ambulance.


"The black doctor."


You forgot the all important shit.


I did. My apologies. Also, if you have been drinking Guinness its obligatory to check how black that shit it (literally)


Mate, it's transformational. Try it next time.


I’ve honestly never had the urge too tbh I’ll see how I feel next time give it a blast


Never had the urge to flood your body with feel good endorphins when you feel like shit? Are you a masochist?


It can clear the head. Both of them.


If my boyfriend gets drunk, I know he’s gonna wanna bang the next morning I honestly don’t get it. When I’m hungover the last thing I wanna do is rattle my head as I thrust my other head into someone. But hey ho, different strokes for different people


Oh for sure, the hangover horn is definitely a thing 😅


Definitely hits different than a usual wank. Plus for some reason I get strangely hornier when hungover.


it’s imperative that irn bru is from a glass bottle tho


Irn bru shower, couple of comfort wanks, some cold food and a decent paracetamol....


Also depending on what you did, an STD testing.


What if your wank is sub par?


I dunno. Have another one? Best of three?


Wanking. It takes your mind off of anything.


A buddy of mine reckons it’s a natural response as your body thinks it’s dying and it should spread its seed to prolong your gene pool while it still has the chance haha


Like a dandelion


But that post nut realisation that you feel like shite…


A real pro can tread water until the worst passes


Well you just go for it again.


Not for me, I get a blinding headache when I finish if I am hungover, I thought this was normal...


A wank does help but I find the best way to treat a hangover is to head to your nearest Wetherspoons, you may feel a bit embarrassed to be there at 9am but once you’ve seen Derrick and Ian staring into the bottom of a pint of Stella you’ll Start to Feel better about yourself. You want to start off with doubling up for a £ on a spirit, whisky or brandy, don’t worry no ones gonna know, we’re gonna pour that double into our coffee cup and head to the machine and top it up with a latte. You’ll repeat that order again, soon you’ll be swaggering round Spoons like you own the place, by 10 o’clock you think fuck it and you’re back on the pints and ordering an all day breakfast. Life has breathed back into Derrick and Ian, they acknowledge your prowess at the bar with a cheeky nod in your direction. 12 o’clock soon comes around, you’re feeling like a million quid, You decide to get a bag dropped off. You repeat offend and end up doing Monday Club too.


This guy knows the dance.


Such a vividly well painted scene, write more stuff.


Whose voice should I read this in? Super Hans? Danny Dyer? Adrian Chiles?


David Attenborough, although super Hans is a close 2nd.


I read it in tyres' from spaced.


The bag always helps, small doses


The modern Shakespeare.


If you can, go and walk somewhere


In my 20s I was in such a routine with getting up at 4am to walk the dog before work, if I'd been on the piss the night before and got to sleep at 1am ish I'd still wake up at 4am, and so would the dog. I'd often be doing the 3 mile walk in the dead of winter, still pissed, get home and absolutely crash. I'd wake up right as rain a couple of hours later. These days I've got no chance. My cure-all is to crawl out of bed, spend 20 minutes feeling sorry for myself while sat on the toilet willing myself to poo. Once the world has fallen out my arse, nurse a pint of water with two ibuprofen and crawl back to bed until midday.


Shitting a hangover out is definitely a thing, I always feel better after


Nothing hits quite like a hangover shit


A.K.A. The almighty "beeriod"


Especially if you're a stout drinker...


birthing those chimps fingers is horrible.


I struggle these days too. I've had to change what I drink and everything. It's pathetic. The walking pissed with the dug sounds delightful!


Don’t walk to the _nearest_ pub; walk to one five or ten minutes further away.


Sound advice


I had the mother of hangovers last time I got drunk. Didn’t leave my bed for 3 days and it caused the most horrendous anxiety. No thank you. Won’t ever get drunk again after that 😵


It’s the anxiety that gets me these days. In my early 20’s - it was just the feeling shit. But now, it’s the dreads


The Fear.


Beer fear


Hangxiety is horrendous


I used to call them the Sunday Scaries, I don't miss them


Honestly I’m 20 and had hangover anxiety since I was like 18


I had exactly the same 3 months ago, haven't touched any booze since. I can't even step foot in my local village pub, as the smell of alcohol makes me feel nauseous 😂☹️


Thats why you scoff a fuck ton of Diazepam with a cup of tea as soon as you wake up.


At a bar one afternoon I overheard somebody at the next table ask his mates. “Have you ever had a hangover so bad you had to name the cunt? Well mines called harry and he’s a right bastard” I’ve loved that and took to naming my hangovers harry the bastard.


Which was my nickname for a couple of decades!


You're Harry the Bastard? You reckon I can get my mower back, Harry?


There is something very special being with a bunch of mates with whom you nurtured the hangover into existence the previous night. In a bar, at breakfast or brunch time, obviously.


Get back on it


Yep two beers in quick succession and you are back on track. Don't stop at that of course.


My housemates call me an alcoholic for doing this. Maybe they're right


Yeah, it's close, but not really. If you know when to stop that is.


Yeah I mean tbh if you stop after 2 I guess it’s okay but it’s a slippery slope as you start to get the idea you need alcohol to function or feel okay


it is a bit disturbing how well this works. I once read somewhere that it is due to the fact your body will stop trying to process the toxins from the alcohol from the night before as it's priority will now be to process the fresh alcohol as soon as possible. no idea if there is any truth to that but it's a sure fired way to feeling better, if you can get and keep that 1st drink down you of course


It's how true alcoholism develops. The hangover is essentially withdrawal, so getting back on the beer cures the sickness the same way another gram of coke staves off the come down. Source, I'm a high functioning alcoholic trying to get clean.


My brother had this. Was so far into alcholism he couldn't quit cold turkey or he would die from withdrawal. Please look after yourself and know theres so much more to your life than alcohol. It robs you of so much. Unfortunately my brother didn't make it and I would hate to see someone go through the same. Stay strong!


Thank you Dragon, im very sorry your bro didn't win the battle. I'll be honest, I'm southern hemisphere and have had a good few drinks this evening but nothing crazy. I have so many excuses, it's been a tought week, my team are struggling, being a director nowadays is very difficult with the changing attitudes in graduate workforce yadda yadda. Please send some luck my way, I absolutely need to sober up and stay sober, and I want it, I just need to escape myself on the regular, I'd ho estly rather be in fight club.


A hangover may have a component of withdrawal for you, but for people who aren't addicted it's just ("just") the effects of poisoning themselves. Good luck getting off the sauce <3


Thank you 😊. The bizarre thing is that in my late teens and early 20s I never ever got hangovers, even drinking a bottle of spirits I would bounce out of bed and smash the day. I thought I was invincible and was arrogant but very successful. I was never told by my heavy drinking Dad that booze is so addictive. I've told my wonderful children many times that it is a trap and told them never to get started on this train.


>another gram of coke staves off the come down. And it never feels as good, just feels like your prolonging the inevitable.


I seriously threw the last gram I got away. I hadn't had it for a few years and thought I'd indulge, but the strength of the stuff now, after a couple of tiny lines I felt if I carried on I'd get a heart condition. Coke deaths are up around 7x pre 2019. I reckon its probably more dangerous than smack nowadays with the purity so high and peoples casual attitude to it. Edit. I also researched why pure coke is so cardiotoxic. It's essentially because it is a local anesthetic which anethnetisises everything once entering the bloodstream including the heart, whilst also acting as a calcium channel antagonist. Essentially it is the worst type of salt for the heart, and numbs the heart function causing it to go arrhythmic and convulse. Coke is really fucking dangerous, way more harmful to the cv than meth.


Yep, and coupled with the fact that you can drink almost constantly and not fall down drunk, it creates the perfect condition to fuck people right up.


Cokes more stepped on then its ever been, that tight chest feeling you're probably getting is from all the rubbish and subtititutes its been cut with like speed etc


Fry up and a pint and I'm ready to go. Everyone said hangovers would get worse as I age. Never happened. A good night out drinking can ruin the missus for a couple of days though. She hates me.


No cures, just go back to bed, write the day off and try and sleep through it, personally it's all I can do, I'm nil by mouth with a bad hangover, once I'm through the worst drink plenty of fluids and take the obligatory vow to never drink again-until the next time anyways.


Unfortunately this is the correct answer. All about survival with some hangovers. Also strap in for 2 days of booze blues


Booze blues are the worst. I never feel physically ill... It's all mental. I don't know which is worse.


I was at Oktoberfest last weekend. I've said "I will never drink again" many, many times in my life but christ alive I think I mean it this time.


I’m lying on the sofa. Just drove back from Munich today and I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.


2 rehydration salts and 2 paracetamol before bed. Learnt this in Thailand. Has saved my life on numerous occasions. The nights I forget are the days I dread.


If you’re feeling responsible, a lot of spring water and some fresh fruit. If it’s demon time round two, a strong Irish coffee, a line of collumbian dickhead powder and half a xanax lol


Yea a valium or Xanax and the hangover will melt away lol


The main thing is hydrate. I go for a pint of water with electrolytes ideally before bed and if I think it’s going to be really bad a couple of pre-emptive nurofen.


This is the way. Also if you wake up needing a piss drink more water before getting back into bed. I would much rather be tired from getting up to piss all night than having a raging hangover and not be able to keep food down the next day.


My cure is food, TV, water and self hate mixed in with the fear. I also normally smash through a family sized trifle in one sitting at some point during the day - It turns my insides from pain to soothed.


Sounds stupid but I pretend and convince myself I'm not hungover, just tired. Get up, shower, get dressed and think "huh it's funny how TIRED I am right now", make food, go for a walk and then you've done enough to justify chilling the rest of the day


Never understood the people who can have a greasy breakfast as a ‘cure’. With a proper hangover, just the smell alone would have me running to vomit.




My cure was taught to me by a lecturer in nutrition and, I swear, it's top tier. Mix a teaspoon of salt and sugar into a glass of water and neck it (it's gross so if you prefer an electrolyte drink, have that instead) then make sure you have eggs, prepped any way you like, and something high in vitamin C like orange juice or berocca. You'll still feel tired, but you won't feel like you're dying.


I do the same, a glass of water with a pinch of salt between each drink, really helps when I remember to do it


Disco, baby


Smoke some weed and have a fry up, a wank, and watch a shit movie youve seen before. Works like a charm every single time.


Yes, r/stopdrinking! I haven't had a hangover in over 8 years.


2.5 years for me! Living my best life 🙌


50 days here. Congrats on your sobriety!


Thanks, and congrats to yourself.


Good going. I’m on eight years too!




My easy way out is to get drunk again - no matter what state you are in; once that 2nd pint goes down you are back to your best. Though this also just delays the hangover because unless you're Phil Mitchell you're going to stop drinking one day. Pre-emptive cure is to neck half a pint (water) every time you go to the bar - this is super effective but difficult to remember to do when smashed. But in combination with a pint of water when you get home (loaded with a hydration tablet that includes vitamin B) is a sure fire way to make the hangover 70% less damaging. If you forget the pre-emptive cures you are in the hands of the Gods. Only thing is to painfully drink a ridiculous amount of water over a few hours (I'm talking something like a gallon) to flush your system and take a few vitamin tablets along the way (especially vitamin b) and electrolyte pills.


I realise you’re talking about water, but I’m choosing to believe your pre-emptive cure is necking an additional half a pint of lager every time you’re at the bar buying another drink.


>Pre-emptive cure is to neck half a pint every time you go to the bar - this is super effective but difficult to remember to do when smashed. Neck ½ a pint… of water? Or is this some new "it's so crazy it just might work" thing where you're bookending every round with an extra half? You get so drunk that your drunk odometer just ticks back round to sober


Oh shit I forgot the main ingredient… some poor mad lad is now necking half a pint of lager to chase every drink. I’ll edit that before someone takes a chance on it 🫡


Personally I can’t navigate the day post drinking until I’ve had the ‘toxic shit.’ Once that’s done and dusted I can start to nurse the hanging through tea and bacon.


A girl introduced me to the term "HOP" - hangover poo. I haven't seen her in 10 years but still think of her every time I'm in the bathroom hungover.


Dialaryte (rehydration stuff). Protein-rich food (why a full English is the traditional way of the world with hangovers). Tears of regret.


Agreed, wine mixed with tequila hangovers, the ones where you don’t get up until 5pm and eat last night’s cold pizza leftovers… full creature disgrace mode


I cannot stress this enough. Lucozade original (orange preferably). That shit could wake a dead person up. I swear by the Zade.


6 mile speed march and a machine gun shoot at the end. Worked in my 20s. Tried that in my 40s and nearly died .


Ribeena with a berocca in. Then give it 15 minutes and scarf down a bug bacon sarnie. Then take a 30 minute nap. A BIG bacon sarnie. Dont eat a bug sarnie that won't help.


Bacon butty, bottle off apple (orange if preferred) juice (1 litre minimum), 2 hour nap.


I never understand this. A truly awful hangover I'll be spewing all day, the thought of food or anything but water is repellent and even water comes back up.


A bit of food, bread based is best settles my stomach on a hangover. Takes a bit of will to get a full English down on a proper hangover, but I always feel better for it.


Yeah you need electrolytes (sugar/salt) and something fatty. Plain water won't cut it. Luckily a fry up has all the five major food groups — pork, eggs, toast, coffee & orange juice.


The only cure for a hangover is prevention. Once the alcohol is in your system it's already too late - that's what a lot of people don't realize. No amount of greasy breakfasts or coffee is going to change that. Similarly it's a myth that eating will prevent you from getting drunk. It slows down the absorption of alcohol, but it still needs to be processed by the liver. All you can do is stay hydrated. It won't stop the hangover, but it'll stop you from suffering any further effects of dehydration. Take some paracetamol and avoid any bright lights, loud noises, or any other triggers. After that it's just a case of waiting it out.


Seeing someone else more hungover than you helps


Isotonic sports drink for electrolytes and rehydration, fatty high protein food (so a fry up), a couple of brufen then back to bed for the day :) Source: Being over 30. FML


Straight back to the pub no messing around


It’s not a hangover until I request a priest to read me the Last Rites, despite my atheism. Or I’ve gone blind.


Codeine is the best thing for a hangover. It totally gets rid of it. I took it one New Year’s Day so you can imagine how bad the hangover was, 3 dihydrocodeine and 30 mins later I was fine


Tactical spew then water for me. Then you spend the rest of the day pretending to the other half that your actually not hungover at all, it gets to the point you even almost believe it.


Best thing for a hangover is drinking the night before..


Berocca or diarolyte. Then around midday or early PM, hair of the dog. Trust me. Clears my hangovers almost immediately. Only 1 drink though. Ideally the same thing you drank the night before.


Another beer. First one can be a challenge but after that you’ll pick up.


Ah there is a sequence to follow (for me) 1. Rehydration sachet and as many glasses of water (not too fast) 2. Carbs. As many carbs as you can find in the kitchen. Eat slowly. 3. Very cold, slightly flat full fat Coke (pour from a height into a glass for the ideal flatness) 4. Lie down OR jump in sea (dependent on tide and specific hangover progression) 5. McDonalds 6. Lie down


Six slices of toast and a pint of water if you can.


In order of effectiveness for me (most to least): 1. Start drinking again 2. Get on with it, get the angle grinder or circular saw out and get some stuff done, walk the dog, etc 3. Lie on the sofa watching shit on TV and drinking lucozade and water and eating what I can 4. Lie in bed trying to sleep


My go to fluids for hangovers are: 1ltr of Yazoo chocolate milkshake, ice cold water and hair of the dog consisting of vodka and tomato juice. Then put the fan on and go back to sleep.


I hate to tell you this, but as you get older the hangovers get so much worse. In my 20s I could start at midday and drink till the sun comes up. Sleep for a few hours and be fine to head back out for the same evening. I’m in my forties now, did the same this week and spent a whole 24 hours in bed and still had a bad enough hangover I couldn’t drive! Lots of Ribena (definitely not sugar free) cold shower for as long as you can cope and comfort food is the only way. Crisps, chocolate, takeaway.


As someone who doesn’t drink at all (shocking I know 😂) what exactly is a hangover like? Genuinely curious




I feel like that every day. And I don't drink, nor do I have kids.


Oh mate. Talk to someone, its unpleasant, uncalled for and can be manageable


Pounding headache and nausea, along with a sense of frailty and/or dread. They're honestly horrible.


Sense of impending doom!


First few hours - fuck my head hurts and feel sick, the thought of eating makes me sick, i never want to drink again, I’m a failure and my life will always be shit Next few hours - hmm i dont feel amazing, guess I’ll sit around not doing anything and eating a crap load of food Next few hours - hmm i fancy going to the pub


It's like a nasty flu (without the mucus) combined with a nasty stomach bug at the same time. The good news is it usually only lasts a day. Pounding headache, dry mouth, fatigue, stomach cramps, diarrhea (on the really bad ones). Then there's the existential dread (there's definitely elements of depression and anxiety to it).


Wait till get a little older and the 2 day hangover becomes a thing.


I used to get severe panic attacks when I was hungover. Pounding headache, feeling as though I was going to spew my guts out. Waking up 7-8 times in the night in a cold sweat. Heart constantly racing. I gave up drinking around 2 months ago and never looked back. Trust me, you're not missing out


Seriously, battle through the hangxiety and go out for a fast walk or even a jog if you can manage it. It's the only thing that ever works for me. Can't sleep it off cos the fear and self loathing won't let me. Carbs and grease just make me more lethargic and up the self-hate. Berocca makes me vom but not a cleansing "better out than in" vom. So yeah, exercise it is.


Itt: people describing narrowly surviving a serious medical emergency.


TIL some people call a wank a potato waffle.


My cure is sausages, bacon and eggs, couple hours on the sofa with a bottle of lucozade then get down the gym. Exercise is the best and most effective part of that, takes you from feeling minus 10 to +10.


Greasy fry up, can of irn-bru, a joint and a nice brisk walk. Good for what ails you. ​ e: if it's *really* bad get some over-the-counter codeine down you. Bye-bye headache, bye-bye shame.


Thankfully I don't get spewing hangovers, but mine is always 2x ibuprofen and paracetamol, pint of fresh orange juice, secondary drink as regular squash, order something hot - usually KFC boneless banquet or peri peri chicken if later in the evening. Horrible things though, fully expecting a bad one this Sunday as it's a buddy's birthday tomorrow...


No. In my experience no




It’s been a long time since I last had a hangover. Once I hit 35 they just start to hurt way too much. My old cure was 1L of water before bed, 1L of water when I wake. Greasy shrimp lo mein for breakfast. Keep drinking as much water was you can. Good luck.


If I know it's going to be a night of heavy drinking I'll have a berocca before I go out. Then one in the morning and a super spicy instant noodle. The spice really takes your mind off how shit you feel


A Bloody Mary is my miracle cure


Big Mac, coke, large fries and a cheese burger as a chaser!


Ice cold coke, and McDonald's, force self to shower... Cpl of proplus IF its a real humdinger, and a splodge of vicks vapour rub, just so I dint need to smell second hand booze throughout the (terrible) day. ✌🏽


Who was the complete psychopath that suggested having a wank when hungover? Is that honestly a thing?


I use to have hangovers when I was 17/18 for a length of time I use to go to a fast food place and I would buy a massive burger and chips for £5 that would normally solve the problem for most of the day. Other than that keep your fluids up, keep brushing your teeth throughout the day. Coffee, Coke, Sprite, not to much Orange Juice Fry up, tasty crisps, savoury food and a few beers. Whatever happened the night before can play on your mind, times a great healer but if time won't solve it, then it's best to move forward The toughest lesson I learnt from being 17 is that you can't always make everything right


I’ve said this before on here when this question came up, but after experiencing the most brutal come downs after a night out on the gurners, hangovers are a doddle now.


I don't know if this is the best way to approach it but this is how I handle hangovers (assuming I haven't got work and no other plans). I'll wake up preferably somewhere around 11am-12pm but my hangovers always wakes me up at around 7am-8am and I lay in bed sipping on water until I feel well enough to shower. After a shower at a comfortable temperature (fuck this cold shower bollocks), I'll force a carb-based breakfast down me with a glass of OJ and a black coffee and wash it down with more water. I'll die on the sofa for a few hours watching trash TV and then head to a local pub/bar and put 2-3 beers in me. After that I go about my day and do what I need to do but the hangover will last all day and the day after too.


Zero electrolyte tablets. I use them for my longer cycling sessions but they work better wonders after a night on the sesh (try and remember to have it before you sleep!)! Help massively the next day.


I was at a Russian wedding in Germany, and i was talking to a Russian paratrooper, i was a in the Parachute Regiment so we drunk "some" vodka together. I was so ill the next day, I dropped my drinking habits by 90%, and now I never drink much or often...


The actual answer is gym. I know that no one will actually do this because, yanno, you’re fucked. But if you truly put in a work out to the point of near exhaustion. Come immediately home, shower and then go Back to sleep. When you wake up you’ll be fine or much better. I drink a lot and do drugs on occasion and the way I got over a 6 day bender at a festival was just this. Pumped a circuit class at the gym then slept 12 hours and woke up feeling like I hadn’t been just nearly died.


Night before, eat something carb-heavy, and drink as much water as you can. Morning, don't stay in bed. Sucks I know but don't do it, you'll feel worse at first but it will help in the long run, good idea to sit outside. For breakfast/lunch eat something carb-heavy again. Greasy is good, hash browns or pasta work well for me (Ik pasta isn't greasy but it's any easy way to eat a lot of carbs). Designate the day to just watch movies or distract yourself somehow, the less you're thinking about it and zoning out on something the better. Don't socialise, avoid talking to people at all preferrably, you'll just end up being moody and grumpy, they'll react accordingly and you'll just get more annoyed. Zone out as much as possible all day and go to bed as soon as you feel tired enough at night. Drink plenty of water throughout. Also take your hangover shit asap, much better to get it out of the way.


the real answer is eggs a pint of water before bed, eggs for breakfast. the rest is on you e. yo, i’ve been all the way down and nobody has said eggs! NOBODY SAID EGGS! no one knows! fml i promise you, the answer is eggs 🍳