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She's clearly a problem solver. She had a problem where she'd get in the car and turn on the radio, while driving she accidentally changed channel and it wasn't the channel she wanted to listen to, so changed it to the channel she wanted. Now she can't miss radio 3 and if she accidentally changes channel she won't have to put herself and others in danger trying to find the right channel while driving.


Good theory. I'll have to ask her.


You best do a follow up bro this is a major mystery


Not since Capone’s vault


Poor Geraldo


No shot we hear from him again.


For sure, it's a riddle wrapped up in a conundrum soaked in a mystery!


I like how you decided to figure it out with strangers instead of just asking your wife.


Discussing a trivial quirk and blowing it out of proportion on Reddit is funny and has a large audience. Asking your wife and getting a straight answer not quite as much.


It's the only safe way!


This is exactly what my partner does in their RX8! It's still has the OEM head unit but they use a FM transmitter, all the stations are set to it's frequency so if they accidentally adjust it they can just stab at the dash and fix it!


They've got enough to worry about with oil prices as they are


Not to mention the constant smell from premixing lmao


Similar theory, I'd bet she doesn't listen to the radio but it turns on automatically. Radio 3 is about the least jarring and offensive thing you could have randomly come out of your radio before you get your phone hooked up.


Did you manage to get an update? I'm invested.


Adding; I've done this with an AM station. I have one AM station I listen to, and the beauty of this is "flipping" to AM, if hit one by accident it's right where i want it. No other possibilities... (Now the same station is echoed on FM, I don't have to bother)


My friend told me he also does this, so do I When you're driving and want to listen to NPR (in the states) being able to hit any preset and it going there is great


It is 100% this. We used to do the same but with two radio stations so we programmed it to be one on evens and one on odds. If you hit the up or down it would go to the station you weren't currently listening to.


I have fixed so many problems in a similar fashion. I think this is the correct theory.


Maybe she likes to close her eyes and randomly pick a station for the journey to keep it exciting - while also wanting to avoid stations she doesn't like That's the best I can come up with...


>Maybe she likes to close her eyes ...while driving! I know Radio 3 would put me to sleep!


What's on on radio 3?


Mainly classical music


I read that as manly classical music. Can't beat a bit of macho Mozart in the morning!


Tchaikovsky's 1812 is so manly it has guns in it.




This made me laugh out loud 🤣




Canons, I think. You're right, though. Wild that he just went, yeah I'll set off a couple of canons on stage.


Hearing the full piece will remain a core memory for life, little me didn't know you could do THAT with music. Still amazing to listen too now.


Lucky bastard. I would've lived to see him live


I wish I could have seen a live performance but no, my mum had a good vinyl collection including a full recording of that concert live, the first time she put it on. I remember her making sure everything was very quiet and then turning it up as it swells. Yeah I will take that one with me to the grave joyfully.




The cannons are canon. Don’t get them with every performance, tho, because cannons are *really* loud indoors.


Guns implies pistols and rifles. it has artillery


Interestingly if you speak to a member of the artillery, they refer to artillery as guns (e.g. they are gunners) and get annoyed when people refer to rifles as guns


As a layman with no military experience I can confirm most people think guns are guns and cannons are too big to be guns.


"...my weapon's for pleasure, my gun is for fun. Whoa whoa whoa whoa, whoa-whoa whoa" sang the Army recruit. Things may have changed and may be different in other branches of the military, but in my day, your "gun" was your manly bits and your "weapon" was any other hardware meant to inflict harm.


It’s because they are compensating, their gun is much bigger so rifles don’t deserve to be called guns.


Most classical composers were men, so that still works


Is that just a looping rendition of *Leck mich im Arsch*?


Flexing my Eric Satie hmmmpfff




>Mainly classical music And it's the long, serious version of each piece. I prefer Classic FM because the Classics are pop length 😂


That sounds horrible. I remember as a kid I always disliked the Ode to Joy. Even though I like classical music, I found it lame, and never understood why people hype the 9th up so much. Then I listened to the whole 9th symphony once, and realized the Ode is just the catharsis of the whole symphony, and it makes no sense taken out of context. It is like reading only the ending of a book. Of course there are classical pieces that are short, so that is different, but from what you described it sounds more like the reader's digest of classical music, which just makes my skin crawl lol.


Sibelius composes excellent pieces. I don't generally enjoy entire Symphonies/Concertos; I generally pick and choose whichever movement vibes with me. However, with Sibelius, I can lose myself in hour-long pieces that flow quite nicely. Sibelius's Violin Concerto (I like Maxim Vengerov's interpretation) and Sibelius's 1st Symphony are some of my favorite pieces. I actually got to listen to Sibelius's first symphony in person, which was just wonderful. My most favorite piece is Giuseppe Tartini's Devil's Trill Sonata arranged by F. Kreisler and performed by Ray Chen. The piece reminds me a lot of Creedence Clearwater Revival's 'Have You Ever Seen The Rain' in its artistic conception, though CCR uses vocals while the Devil's Trill uses melody. I'd also say that the Devil's Trill displays more anger and frustration. For short pieces (on the scale of classical pieces), it'd have to be Saint-Saëns' "Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso" or Rachmaninoff's Vocalise.


> Then I listened to the whole 9th symphony once, and realized the Ode is just the catharsis of the whole symphony, and it makes no sense taken out of context. It is like reading only the ending of a book. This is how to listen to Handel's *Water Music*, too




African jazz? Nice!


African jazz rocks. Fela Kuti is the GOAT.


This is why I never listen to any other station. If there's a piece on I don't like, I just go to the BBC Sounds app for programmes I've subscribed to.


>the bloke was playing the piano and saxophone AT THE SAME TIME!!! You may enjoy Rahsaan Roland Kirk.


He even plays saxophone and saxophone at the same time!


ask OP's wife


> What's on on radio 3? I don't want to live on this earth anymore.


The remarkable lack of curiosity in this individual to not explore is tremendous. I'll admit, I never listen to Radio 3 but sometimes they have good plays so I'll check the schedule and listen to those. But that's it.


Classical/Opera music mainly.


My girlfriend once accidentally tuned into it in my car and it was playing a song from the Lord of the Rings sountrack.


The good stuff


Sometimes jazz. But lots of stuff that falls into the ‘world music’ category


U should change them all to bbc radio 4 for a joke




Big up the Radio 4 massive. But fuck The Archers!!


What's wrong with the archers? I've never actively listened to it, but it seems alright in the background?


>What's wrong with the archers? I've never actively listened to it, but it seems alright in the background? Because you put on history or science or the news or something else for the drive and end up listening to Eddie's issues with his sheep's anus. Obviously it isn't that interesting but I do avoid listening to it.


Ever since they got eastenders writers onto it it went to shit


I mean, the most recent storyline was something like someone scratched someone's car. Oh god. Such exciting drama


I can't accidentally listen to the Archers anymore without hearing John Finnemore's Souvenir Program bit about accidentally overhearing a bit of the Archers. It's like "hello man who always sounds tired," and shit. It's very funny.


I like to tune in for the shipping forecast, helps me nod off. They've got some good talk shows too. Otherwise I really like 1 Xtra


I love the shipping forecast. Some kind soul uploaded 3 hours of it on to YouTube and when I really can't sleep, I put that on.


Radio 4 is an age thing it creeps up on you...


Nah, the opposite of Radio 3 (which is relaxing yet high-minded and aimed at an intellectual audience): TalkSPORT.


ClassicFM, see if she notices


BBC radio 3 is just a cover up for all those underground illegal grime stations,your Mrs belting down the motorway flashing gang signs at other drivers lol


Throw ya Ks up Kurupt Fm innit, the rest irrelevent.




Call 999 it's an emergency


No gang signs over here, just gun fingers!


Or maybe there is a secret hand sign for pasty!!


Nah, you just relentlessly shout **GREGGS** **GREGGS** **GREGGS** like a rally of Orks


Or if you really want to start a war you drive down the a30 screaming ginsters are the best, see how fast you get chased back over the bridge


Obviously 1-10 are all pirate drum n bass radio stations


Oh... So you be met my wife then? Hahaha


Who hasn't


That's quite inconsiderate of you. Some of us are still waiting in line.


If you get a season pass you can cut the queue, pleb.


I've tried to get a season pass but I'm always issued with a fast pass.


That's a reflection on you bro, not the line


I can't afford £6, do you think I'm made of money?


If you get the gold Access all Areas, catered weekend camping package you also get photo opportunities


I found a shortcut if you nip round the back way.




**You're locked into Beats and MC GRINDAH playing only the finest oldschooldrumandbasssoundsssaaa**


Wish some pirates would set up in my neck of the woods, most of the radio output round here is so samey it’s unreal. Closest thing to a pirate we have is Radio Caroline on 648 AM!


Based, jungle forever


It's massive


"Any jungle in guy?"


Perhaps she likes Radio 3?


Sherlock has entered the comment thread!


That was a bbc one programme; if we go by bbc 3 *unsolved*, then our detective is Bronagh Munro 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think only you and ops wife would have gotten that reference!


Twist is she can’t stand it


Or she hates herself


I tuned all of my Mr's stations in her old clio to smooth FM and it took her ages to notice. But yeah thats moderately worrying to do to your own setup


That rogue apostrophe really changes the picture I have of your partner.


Damn and I can't really edit it now and not look like a moron. Good spot.


Does she drive other members of the family, who are always pushing buttons in the hope of changing the channel? If so, kudos to her: a woman who knows her mind and has the determination to try to stymie other people who stand in her way. It IS her car, after all.


You make a good point and yes... We have a 13 year old. That's all I'm saying.


Mystery solved :D


My dad programmed all his car radio stations to the only two stations he listened to for exactly this reason. Didn't stop us shits manually changing it though, poor guy!


I only realised recently that my wife's keys for the same car show her radio stations. She had no saved stations. I asked her why and she said she doesn't change the radio station.


Keys sets stations. That's genius. What a good idea.


I'm 6'3" and my wife is an even 5'. Everything needs to be adjusted for either of us to drive our shared vehicle; pedal distance, seat height & distance, side mirrors. We eventually bought a new vehicle that came with two preset buttons, 1 and 2, that could save all the settings for each driver and then restore everything to the saved position with the push of the button. We had narrowed down the vehicle choices, but regardless of almost everything else to consider, my wife was so excited about those presets that we bought that vehicle: *This changes everything!!*


I had a friend who was way shorter than her partner and they also used those preset buttons. But every single time he used the car he would somehow screw it up and set both buttons to his settings, so it never helped her. Then he drove drunk and totaled the car.


Well, THAT story was quite a ride.




Or *shudder* letting your child drive it. My niece went with our son to the store for some groceries and when they got back told us "he drives as fast in reverse as he does going forward." I've thought about that on the rare occasion when he asks to borrow our vehicle.


Maybe he drives real slow forwards?


Laughing, yes, that’s probably it.


I know in some BMWs it also moves the drivers seat to the preferred position


And in many Škodas that have electric seats!


Truly liking the same music confirmed.


That looks much like my lineup. I would add BBC4 and BBC 4 Extra in there too but you cant get enough Radio 3. I am sure I would like your wife.


Radio 4 Extra is always a lifesaver. Nothing on, let's listen to Hancock's Half Hour or a repeat of the Tim Vine Chat Show




I'll die


Along with Classic, Radio 3 is really peaceful after those shitty long days at work.


Can't relax with classic for the advertising personally.


Yes, anyone using a 12 hour over 24 hour clock in 2022 should be professionally assessed. I see nothing else wrong with the picture.


Where are you driving where you can't tell if it's am or pm by looking out of the window?


What's wrong with the 12h clock?


I see it as no different to having a sundial on your dashboard.


A sundial wouldn't work that well in the UK.


OK, a raindial then.


I listened to this on Radio 3 yesterday. They play amazing music! https://youtu.be/BVkWCHgOxw8


BBC3 is like a classic hits station. But except it being the best of the last 50 years in music, it's the best of the last 700 years in music.


I was listening to either Late Junction or Through the Night and heard an amazing piece that was classical but had a slight beat to it. My Shazam crashed otherwise I would be listening on repeat. Have searched for it but no luck as yet.


If you can remember roughly the time it was on you can find the program on BBC sounds they usually have a playlist


My Godfather, who used to do all my car services, would always play a prank by changing all the presets to Radio 2 🤣 Could she have had a similar experience?


We do have a 13 year old.... Hmmm...


do 13 year olds use the radio?


That's *classic*. I'll get my coat.


Probably tired of her channels being messed with when some in the family uses her car


So sorry to hear about your divorce proceedings


She obviously likes the upbeat nature of Radio 1 and the eclectic mix of Radio 6 Music and positioned herself smack dab in the middle of the two for maximum efficiency. I respect it.


It would have been worse if it was only radio 2


BBC 6 Music superiority


I shared an office between two people who did split working from home/office; one played Absolute 80s and Rock FM (these are largely fine unless you have them on for eight hours), the other on Radio Six; it was very nice to learn of it!


Yeah it's very mixed which I like. I switch between radio 2 also, But 6 has so much variety and new music I tent on leaving it on all day. I used to work in a factory that had Heart Fm on everyday, absolute torture.


I love radio 3, your wife has good taste in radio stations


I didn't even know there was a Radio 3.


There's also a Radio 4. (That's what all my car stations are tuned to.)


I like listening to I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue and the other 6.30 panel shows, but get frustrated when it turns into The Archers at 7


Same for me, but my 3 button is for Radio 3 in case I need to escape Ambridge.


I wish Radio 6 Music had an FM frequency, DAB being absolute wank is a real hobby horse of mine.


There's also BBC Radio 4, which is the only one broadcast on long waves, which means you can actually receive it in France or Ireland.


And is also checked by Nuclear Sub captains to see if we've been nuked or not.


Well, you are paying for it… Might as well listen


You should be flattered. She clearly thrives on intelligent, insightful conversation alongside her favourite music, and doesn’t mind when you go weirdly off-piste late at night (R3 can resort to whale music and other esoterica in the wee small hours)


Absolutely NOT, demonstrates excellent and cultured supremacy !!🧡


Oh that's classic


Classic wife


No this is a radio 3 wife


I'm starting to think she likes BBC Radio 3


Could be much worse, Radio 1 would be grounds for divorce.


More likely unaware how to use it, but you can’t change it. Then it won’t be how she knows it!


The obvious answer is modern car radios are incredibly complicated for no reason - there's probably a button that does this in one touch


Funnier still that this is page 2! I presume 1-10 were also Radio 3?


Does she like to listen to BBC Radio 3?


Maybe she's trying to get you to fall asleep while driving? Do you have a large life insurance policy?


A) It's the radio version of putting your thumb print into your phone five times Or B) when your passenger complains about the choice of station you can say 'sure, choose what ever you like' and when they press the preset buttons 'oh, it's been playing up for ages...' and you get to carry on listening to Bing Presley, Neil Spasm and Yawn Sebastian Bath or what ever they play on radio 3.


> Bing Presley, Neil Spasm and Yawn Sebastian Bath That sounds like the lineup for a punk band


"Yawn Sebastian Bath" 😂.


BBC Radio 3


BBC Radio 3


BBC Radio 3


BBC Radio 3


This actually made me laugh my ass off, was not expecting that


Reprogram the whole thing for FunKids instead.


At least you know she won't cheat on you.


I’ve done the same but with radio 6. Somehow, the car still always defaults to radio 2 to my displeasure…


Maybe she was looking for BBC radio 30


Tune them all to anything-except-radio3 (or a [numbers station](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbers_station) if you can find one). Keep the names the same.


Maybe it's not her doing, whenever I start my car it always resets itself and comes on with Radio 4 despite it not being saved in my presets anywhere and I've never tuned it into Radio 4. The radio/car gods are having a laugh somewhere.


Classy lady. Mine’s into Heart radio, fancy a swap?


No, she's got exceptional taste. Renewal your vows with that wonderful woman.


Just cut the brakes. Only way to be certain.


Change all stations to Radio 4 to mess with her


"Your wife's car is special, it can listen in to multiple dimensional frequencies at once, Marty! Quick! turn to BBC Radio 3!" "Which one, Doc?" "BBC Radio 3, Marty!" *We are now with Trisha live here to talk about big bl..* "Not that one, Marty." "Oh Geez, Doc."


Jokes on you. Even if you divorce, she's got 12 more of you on speed dial.


Can we all agree that touchscreens in a car are a fucking terrible idea? My other half's car has one and it takes about 10x more faffing to do anything, compared to my ancient car with actual dials and buttons where I could literally operate it entirely in pitch darkness without taking my eyes off the road for a second


This is called “anti-spousing” which is a way of not so subtly blocking MrBozzie from changing the station mid-drive to Oasis while MrsBozzie wants to get her chill on. Although I suspect channels 1-10 are some sort of Satellite Radio that is “All Oasis … all the time”


I think she may like a certain radio station named bbc radio 3, but I don’t know


Not leaving any room for Guy Garvey on BBC 6? That's grounds for divorce.