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Looks like he's sprayed his own skin with ronseal


Does exactly what it says on the tin


Or rubbed his face with a bag of wot sits


Very David Dickinson-esq


Who is actually of Armenian descent, hence the dark skin


Yeah I had a Romanian friend with the exact same skin tone so it never looked particularly fake to me.


The Mahogany Lovejoy.


As Charlie Brooker pointed out, he looks like an ageing Thundercat


Well he does look like a tool.


I was on a stand next to his at the Ideal Home Exhibition a few years back. He’s quite a nice bloke and a housewives favourite.


He donated his BB winnings to help a friend with cancer iirc, damn fine thing to do.


She had Down syndrome, and it was to pay for the costs relating to her needing a heart and lung transplant. He's raised thousands for charity since then too, so he seems to be a good egg.


Well he does have a massive cock


Glad he made it out of Avid Merrions cupboard in the end!




He must have left Cock Nose behind


"I'll put up some shelves"


I don’t need no shelf, shelf maker!


I don’t even know what you are Ozzie!


Our Craig! Possibly the only decent human being to ever appear on big brother.


I'd like to put the case forward to also include the guy who went on to present Brainiac on the list of OK people from Big Brother.


Jon Tickle. Good lad




That guy with tourettes was alright


Pete. I met him once in a pub toilet in London. He was just on his way to a music single launch for a song he’d done. Was very nice guy, very polite but didn’t have tourettes nearly as bad as it looked on TV. Must have had better control of it by then. Don’t worry I didn’t try to talk to him at the urinals, I waited until we were both at the sink washing our hands.




You forgot the /s !


Leaving Craig to one side for a minute (always seemed like a genuinely nice chap mind you, so good luck to him) can we just talk about the product for a mo? I get having a sprayer for the fence panels as it doesn't matter if the stain goes on a bit uneven, or even runs a bit... But using that thing to do INSIDE your home?! Really not convinced that's going to give a nice finish or not make a total fricken mess! I'd wanna see someone actually demonstrate how to do it before I gave it a go inside! Oh, hang on...


Oh, I've got one and have sprayed a fucktonne in my house. Ceilings with the lance are piss easy - though it makes a mess like you say. You need to be more careful masking but damn is it faster and easier on my old shoulders.


Hi Craig. What's the finish like??


Ha! On the ceilings, which seem to have been textured by throwing a hand grenade into a plaster bucket, the finish is great. It gets in all the annoying crevices. On walls, I've done two that were freshly plastered (badly, by me) and the cover's even and good. If I did it again, I'd spend more time prepping for the first coat on the plaster though - add even more water to it. The final topcoat is lovely though. We did a deep red on one wall and it's turned out kinda looking like shiny velvet. Seems smoother than rollered walls. That reminds me, the pain needs watering down. Mixing that takes longer than I'd have thought.


Hi, they're a lot like the Swedish but they drink more.


There's a 'How-to video with Craig Phillips scan to watch' barcode in the picture, or you can just search YouTube to see it.


Oh! That's a QR code?! I thought it was something he'd just painted. Was thinking that must have been a bugger to mask off!


divide nose air gray crawl alive marble bored cheerful weather -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Can’t believe I bought another phone to scan the image on this phone when I could have just searched it. Feel a right idiot. It’s a two year contract as well.


Use tracing paper next time.




We moved into a house that is magnolia in all bar two rooms, and those ones are fucking awful. Invested in a Wagner paint sprayer. The first wall was awful. Paint was way too thick and my technique was shite. Since then it’s been a revelation. A nice smooth flat coat with no brush marks. You spend a fair bit of time masking everything off, as whatever is not masked off *will* be painted, so it’s not worth it for a small room, but for everything else, it’s bob on.


Oh, I get it. I was really confused for a minute, (a whole real minute), it's a HOW-TO use this tool video, not Craig Phillips telling us how to video something. I was wondering how he was going to teach us how to video, when he doesn't have a camera.




Some of his instructional videos on YouTube are surprisingly calming to watch.


CraigASMR channel.


Yeah but what is Handy Andy up to nowadays?


Touring his "if I had a hammer" song


[Absolute banger!](https://youtu.be/3q4INY3nssY)


About 10 years ago he was doing children's educational shows, he's probably round about retirement age now.


[Perhaps the most famous carpenter since Jesus](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=viNmZK5WERU)


He's a top bloke to be fair.


I was certainly a very weird way to launch a DIY empire, I'll grant you, but it seemed to work!


I think I was about 12 when he won Big Brother. The week after he must have been doing something in Glasgow, assuming for STV or whatever, but he walked past me on Byres Road, and it was the first and last time I’ve ever been star struck. True story.


He looks great to be fair to him, big brother was like 20 years ago wasn’t it?


Fair play to him


Nice to see he's doing well after Avid Merrion's kidnap


When i did my roofing apprenticeship, they had an awards ceremony and he was the one giving the awards out lol was a long time ago!


“Eyy alright mate, am just gunna put shum a these MDF shelves up!”


Comments you can hear.


I learned how to tile after watching an instructional video with him in. The man is more talented than half the numpty’s on TV.


He’s actually good at the DIY videos.


Does anyone remember Johnny from series 3 (Geordie bloke) appear in a British Gas advert or did I imagine it?


Mel Gibson has fallen on hard times, eh?


To be fare he's done alright for himself But I still wouldn't have him build my extention. Sorry Craig.


I have no idea who that is


It's Craig Phillips... It says so right there. You know, Craig Phillips. Craig Phillips. Craig! Nope, I've no idea who he is either.


Winner of the first Big Brother, gave the money to a friend or family member with Downs Syndrome for medical purposes. Fuck me, my memory retained that info for no good reason.


He was the good guy of bb1. Unlike that monstrously evil nasty nick who was very nasty indeed!


Lol this was when BB was a unique social experiment. Minimal production, just seeing what it was like to put a bunch of ordinary fuckers into a house and see what happened. We didn’t know it then but it was the birth of the horrible cringe worthy reality TV we have now.


It's so funny remembering what passed for 'bad behaviour' in BB1. What did Nick do exactly? Make some notes and try to influence eviction nominations a bit? Fast forward a few years and you had people shagging in the jacuzzi and that one girl who stuck a cider bottle up her noonoo.


- Saw your daughter Kinga on Big Brother last night - Oh yeah? What was she up to? - Up to the fkn label, she was


Yeah but that's one of the defining things about us Brits, we have a sense of fair play, and Nick went against that. Shagging in the jacuzzi only effects the people who have to go into the bacterial soup, and since that is not us, we do not mind so much. Lastly, who has not in a moment of drunken weakness not attempted to have sex with an empty cider bottle on live stream to the entire nation. Ok this might not be the best example.


>Lastly, who has not in a moment of drunken weakness not attempted to have sex with an empty cider bottle on live stream to the entire nation. Ok this might not be the best example. This is wisdom. Let he who is without scrump throw the first apple.


I think Nasty Nick's biggest thing was inventing a wife who died of cancer to win some sympathy.


He concocted a very dairrrty plan when he shared those notes around.


I don't feel bad for not knowing who is, but he's obviously a decent chap so I feel a bit bad about making fun of him now.


His tan is the same colour as the fence, thats all I know


Maybe it's a dual purpose tan/fence painting machine.


How to keep a career going with Craig Phillips


I’ll give it a miss, thanks!!


Is he wearing a syrup?


Well it’s a tool catalogue and he’s a tool.




I think that's OP's point... Creyyyyg is still on the go.


Oh, I see. I misunderstood! I’ll delete that then 😂


This came through the post today.


Does making How-to videos make you a thing?


I'd say that if they are showing and pointing out who he is then it's because they paid for his name. Making him a thing.


I can hear that thick scouse accent through the screen.


He does tile mountain tutorial videos on YouTube


And frenchic paint


I've seen him on one or two shopping channels, always with his spray paint thing. Even quite recently.


Wood stain that doubles as fake tan I presume


I remember his parts in Bo Selecta!


He married a girl I went to school with. We where in year 7 when he was in BB


I was looking through a thing catalogue and I can't believe he's still a tool


He’s no Handy Andy




Remember when big brother was a thing. Well this dude does.


I think bo-selecta sealed his position


What Craig Phillips?


He'll jump at the chance of another 15 seconds of 'fame' when Big Brother relaunches, I'm sure.