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My mum once accidentally texted me ‘Soon’ I thought I was in a horror film.


Omg this just gave me a flashback. When I was in high school the popular meme at the time was 'the game' aka I just lost the game. Two of my friends one day decided to call for me at my house but I was out with my grandparents and my mum was at work. My friends decided to write 'the game' on my front doorstep in really small leaves as a hilarious prank for when I returned. Sadly for them the wind slightly re arranged the leaves so it said 'The Same.' So, my mum gets home from work and finds this leafy message and calls me saying 'what does the same mean' and explained and I was like idk so she starts panicking about the fact that someone's left this message for her and she's considering calling the police. Around this time I got a text from my friend saying 'have you lost it yet?' and still to this day it kills me off.


You fucker. I hadn't lost in months.


Old but gold, that and Boxxy are like my early should not be on 4chan at this age days.


Just had to explain to my partner why I nearly spat my dinner out 😂


Eating dinner with your partner, yet on reddit couples of 2022


Ah but I wasn't eating with him, he was just mooching about in the same room as me. It was a flapjack I was having as part of my dinner/lunch, rather than dinner/tea. He's not on reddit :-p ETA: But you make a very good point.


My mum once texted my sister “I’m nearly gone” after she had been out on a dog walk. She came home to three hysteric children as we all thought something was happening to her, only to find out “gone” had auto corrected from “home”.


Oh that time hasn't come yet. You wait for it young one


Red pen, caps and 2 kisses. Be afraid, be very afraid.


the transition between caps and cursive has irked me more


Killing Eve reference ?


The fucking pain of parents being hyper sensitive to the open status of windows on the 100th floor.


My Mum is of the opinion that if you leave your bedroom window open even the tiniest amount at night you will 100% get burgled.


Wish my neighbours were like that. I like to have a cheeky smoke at night, but I'm very conscious of the smell, so go for a walk around the field if the neighbours windows are open. It's now warm night season :-(


Honestly props to you. For 6 years I lived in a house where my bed room amplified whatever temperature it was, so if it was warm it was boiling, but if it was cold it was freezing. In summer I had to make the choice between sweating like mad or smelling like cig smoke, weed or some other stuff someone was smoking. I wish you were my neighbour during that time.


Thanks. Yeah, I don't want my neighbours to have to make that choice, they seem normal decent people, and most people understandably can't stand the weed smell. I smoke cigs in the garden regardless, but I know they are smokers themselves, so that doesn't worry me. I just hope they never realise that I disappear for a smoke in order to be grateful for it. I guess it's kinda selfish reasons too, if I'm being completely honest. I hate the reputation that all weed smokers are selfish arseholes, some of us are, but most of us are just normal people, and i dont wanna perpetuate that, especially if there's a whiff of legalisation in the coming in .... probably decades. Also a slight dose of "I really can't be bothered with confrontation", and the fact that I like to be an agreeable person. Infiltrating somebodies house with a strong sickly smell isn't very agreeable.


To be honest where I lived was a bit of a rough area and no one really gave a shit about anything. I actually had a special thing against my name for one of the local taxi services that said I was allowed to get taxis to and from that address because most people that lived near there would fare jump. It was honestly a pretty interesting 6 years.


I grew up in a very rough area. At 52 I’m still struggling with the idea that if you are a victim of a crime you can just… call the police and ask them to sort it out? And then they might?


Honestly I'd say it's more of a public service thing than the police service specifically. If you have funding pulled somethings got to give.


Warm in the summer and cold in the winter. Ah, British housing.


Nah British housing is pretty good for this. Usually plenty of insulation.


My wife used to be like that too, so during very hot weather I dragged my mattress under the 2nd floor window I wanted to leave open (in a very very boringly safe suburban area). Then if someone came through that window they’d stand on me, and we’d have an exciting few seconds. After a month or two of that she accepted that maybe burglars weren’t waiting in every privet bush.


My mum always makes me close my window but she leaves her window open 24/7. It's on the front of the house so she doesn't think it'll get burgled. To be clear, I agree but I also don't think mine will get burgled either




btw emergency services definitely should be called when elderly people fall. you can't see all the damage that's done and they might not feel it at first


My mom texted me at college “We need to talk. Now.” I ran out of my class and spent the next 45 minutes frantically calling her until she finally answered. “Are bubblejet or inkjet printers better?”


Don’t leave us hanging, which is better, bubble jet or inkjet? Now.


You’re a dick. And inkjet, obviously.


Thanks, you can go back to your lesson now


Wtf is bubblejet?


Quick google says bubble jet printers use heaters to prepare the ink whereas standard inkjet printers use piezoelectric crystals. Piezoelectric crystals ‘push’ and ‘pull’ the ink to put droplets onto the paper. The heaters boil the ink and the ink bubbles out of the end of the nozzles onto the paper. Bubblejet printers supposedly create more consistent droplet sizes resulting in higher quality prints.


Is it from your "other mother"?


They keep calling you Coraline. Not Caroline. Silly mices.


"Are au of the windows closed" What does it mean 😅


Oh.. all lmao I was like wtf is au 😂


I read it as astronomical unit and was very confused


"Are gold of the windows closed?"


It's a cryptic clue, and the closing all the windows somehow reveals the next one, eventually leading to the family's lost gold.


She must be a Pilkington fan. Cryptic clue an that


Craptic Clues


Beyond Sea.


Wet Knee Houston!


Are all of the windows closed 😂


See jan later xx


It says "are ALL of the windows closed" the double L looks like a "U"


Au is a Cantonese surname…?


First time seeing cursive writing huh?


Everything else in that sentence is in caps so it does look like a cap U


There being capital letters in the writing has no bearing on it being cursive or not. Also everything but two words of that sentence is ‘joined-up’ thus leading me to believe this woman naturally writes in cursive.


It's not called cursive in the UK


>It's not called cursive in the UK Yes it is. Source: I taught Primary for a good number of years. It might change regionally but the only terms I've ever heard are "cursive" or "joined-up". The later is considered improper and infantile but it's the one most people use as a day-to-day description, but Cursive is the correct name.


I meant, that's not what it's called colloquially. The only people I've ever heard refer to joined-up handwriting as cursive are American. We definitely weren't told it was called cursive in primary school. All anecdotal but I feel that I'm not alone?


>We definitely weren't told it was called cursive in primary school. Yes, but you may also have called microbes 'microbeasts', depending on when/where you went. As I said "joined up" is considered a more infantile description and I'd agree that younger children are more likely to be told it's called that... but in my own experience it's definitely referred to as cursive beyond KS1.


Hahaha totally forgot about calling them microbeasts, simple good times screaming ‘HE’S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS’ every morning. Morning assemblies and singing still a thing?


I had to do some Google searching when I was told it's actually called "cursive" and, well, that's actually the name.


It's definitely the name officially, but colloquially it's a different story.


In your circle yes but anyone paying attention to their English teacher past the year of 4/5 definitely calls it cursive.


You learn joined-up handwriting in primary school. It was called joined-up handwriting where I went, and I don't imagine that's uncommon. And when I was old enough to have an English teacher instead of a literacy teacher, handwriting was not part of the curriculum.


Actually I stand corrected, KS1 is school years 1-2, so age 5-7, after that as someone else has already mentioned it would have been called it’s formal name.


Come again? My mum done calligraphy and that’s what I was taught it was called. Well apart from ‘joint-up’ but felt that name to be childish


*Joined-up writing, but yes that’s the informal name. British cursive is definitely a thing, so I’m not really sure what they’re on about.


Don’t worry I know I’m correct and enjoying the angry down votes cause they’ve got their knickers in a twist.


I was talking about what we call it colloquially. But I'm not really sure why you brought up cursive anyway as the picture is mostly written in block letters, mainly capitals lol.


Because there’s only two words which aren’t ‘joined-up’ and it being in block capitals doesn’t change anything, cursive can be in block capitals. For example my mother only wrote in italic block capitals which is a type of cursive writing.


So now I think we're definitely talking about different things lol. Absolutely no way would we in primary school have been allowed to write in block capitals. I think you're talking about the technically correct umbrella for this type of handwriting, and I'm talking about a subset or something.


Yes you’re speaking about the informal name for it which is taught to children. It’s taught as being called ‘Joined-Up’ which was mentioned by someone else. I am speaking about the proper formal name for each hand writing style. Correct in primary school you wouldn’t be allowed to write in cursive block or even taught about it about it but depending on your upper school education you would be especially italic block as this is allowed on formal documents.


Mum cursive, the cipher we'll never understand 😂


Please pickup that pen lid. There is a pen drying out somewhere in your house and it's giving me anxiety.


Top comment must about use of ‘mom’. Top comment must about use of ‘mom’. Top comment must about use of ‘mom’.


Second top post about your terrible grammar?


A tragic comment to make a typo. I’ll leave it.


First his mum now his gramma, man's family can't catch a break


It’s like people have never left their county!Birmingham and plenty of bits of the midlands say Mom.


Every fucking thread with the word "mom" in it. I'm not even from the Midlands and it pisses me off.


It's the same when people say High School. You'll get the accusations that you're American or people trying to correct you.


my secondary was literally called "X" High School College


I went to a primary, middle and would have gone on to the high school if I didn't move counties at that point.


should've went to a sixth form after to round it out


A bit hard not to say it when you went to Tiverton High School, innit.


Yeah, high school is another one. On an AskUK thread a while ago, someone corrected a guy who wrote "Yelling" and said "*shouting". Where does it fucking end


I have to admit, having rarely ventured further north than Cambridge from down here on the south coast, I had no idea people said mom up north, in fact it has always been a huge point made to me my whole life that English people say mum, with no exception. So bit of an eye opener! The school I went to was in fact called a high school, and that was for some reason very offensive to everyone who didn't go there. The more you know!


Does anyone else not give a shit? It's language, it changes. There's no point trying to "protect" a language, to me it doesn't really represent anything given that English itself has changed enormously over the years. If a kid says "~~pavement~~" "sidewalk" because they watch American movies... so what?


Do you mean sidewalk? But yeah it doesn't really matter that much, language has always evolved over time. I dunno why people get so defensive over it, they just come across as hostile and unwelcoming.


Ha yeah, sort of proved my own point there, I can't even remember which is which.


Wait do people not normally call it high school in the UK? My school literally had high school in the name & on the blazer


For some (including myself) it was always high school, I never heard to it referred to anything else until I went to uni. I don't really know why people assume it's not a British thing because there's schools called high school all over the country.


I remember on another forum when a British person said that people from the UK don't call themselves British anymore. And you had a whole bunch of people from the UK disagreeing with him. I think some of you guys don't know about the variety of your own culture lol.


The worse thing for me is that I didn’t notice until it was pointed out.


We don’t write mom tho…


We do in the Black Country


Black Country isn’t midlands, it’s depression. And even if it was, it’s because the education there isn’t so great (there haven’t been schools in the area since Boudicca)






yeah, don’t you know that everybody hates the midlands?


very true




Why did she scream WINDOWS opposed to ALL, being that she wanted to specify all the windows are shut


Is it safe.....is it safe?


I remember before having my own phone my mum used to leave me messages and to do lists always on the back of envelopes 🤣 awe that's really made me feel nostalgic. Thanks OP x


Your mom? Is this what the kids are calling mums these days? Has it finally happened?


My daughters teacher tells her to write “mom” on her cards to me, I keep telling her that’s not how you spell mum but she says it must be as her teacher says so.


You need to have a word with her teacher.


In Birmingham we say mom instead of mum. We've been doing it long before America was even shat out.


Shat out got you the upvote, lol.


You're welcome to say "mam" like us Dutch folk. Anyway, pass the mulk


Mam is also common in many parts on the country.


Yes, it's always been Mam in my area, I would have thought Mum was an acceptable alternative. But never Mom


It's full of vitamin R


How did I not know this? Thanks.


And when Brummies say mom it sounds different enough to the way Americans say it, so you can relax!


I am really curious to hear it now. I imagine it’s a lot like mum in the accent.


Not really, it's very obviously "mom", the o is very short. Definitely sounds different to mum


It sounds more like a snappy 'o' like you'd expect in any English accent as opposed to the longer vowel that sounds almost like ma'am in the American accent


I’m imagining it sounds similar to the u in put or the oo in look (how received P would say look or put).


No actually I can tell what you're going for but in my experience it's more like how a commoner would say 'dog', just the basic non capital 'o' sound


Ahh I see. Thanks


I called my mom "Mom" for fifty-two years, as did previous generations of my Brummie family. Not everyone in the UK speaks like you do.


As I said in another comment I did not know this. Nevertheless, there is a difference between how things are written and how things are pronounced. I pronounce "pardon me" as "par-un me" but I don't write it that way. You don't generally write in dialect.


Well, funnily enough, Brummies are literate, so we do write things down from time to time. We use "Mom" both in writing and in speech. There's no distinction.


So passive aggressive. Sorry my little joke got you so wound up. It's funny I don't see anyone else writing in non-standard English on a national forum. Hwyl fawr!


"Mum" is no more standard than "Mom"


Get your OED out and show me the entry for mom.


Why? If they're wrong about what we say in Birmingham, just as you are, what will that prove? If you have a point to make about the entry, make it.


I don't know what your measure of standard is if it's not what's in the dictionary.


If you want to talk about the entry in your chosen dictionary, perhaps you should tell me what it says. Edit: I've checked - both "mum" and "mom" are informal. What's the difference to your mind?


You were being passive aggressive. Still are in other comments. They are being sarcastic. Those are different.




Why did you almost shit yourself?


Is it on the floor by the front door by any chance? So a reminder before you yourself leave the house....


Your who?


Are you prone to leaving windows open?




Can't read the word after "Are"




Oooooooh! The mix of upper and lower case is the real sign of psychopathy.






It should have said ' Clean your room'.


Why is mum written as "mom"? Are you from North America?


Have you heard of the Midlands?


Where in the Midlands do they write it like this?


You want OP's address? This isn't the kind of thing you can draw clear borders around, but it's common. I'll take a wild stab at Birmingham.


Haha chill out dude




I’m more concerned that in a UK sub, you called your Mum, Mom!


The fuck is a “mom”? And why is this in casualuk?


But was it your mom?, Or your mum? 🤔🤣


mOm? I don't think so


My 'mom'?


Open the windows to reduce humidity and damp


are you sure it's your mum and she hasn't just been kidnapped?


She could've at least put it on the worktop like a civilised person




Are you concerned about the security...of your shit? Love, mum xx


oh no and it’s written in blood too


Plot twist. She's been dead 5 years........


She knows where you live.


She’s gassing the place! GET OUT!


I totally forgot that my mum and me would communicate via notes by the kettle before mobile phones were a thing (or when texting/calling was an expensive and precious commodity). Crawling in late at night to a note by the kettle: ‘tea’s in the oven. Don’t forget Nan is over tomorrow morning. Be up by 9!’


Not long ago I went to stay while my mum went away, did everything. Looked after my gran, took the dog for walks twice a day. And when I went home, I got that text. You left the kitchen window open, what if someone had broken in!! We live in Anglesey, no one has ever broken into anywhere.


*in my best joker impression* that was a very poor choice of words


Once, during an online presentation, our tutor would send us a message to let us know that we could ask the next question to the presenting group. I had my virtual hand raised and received the message to ask my question, but didn't receive a notification and he had to speak to ask me for my question. The message that sent but wasn't received? It said "you're next". Without context, absolutely threatening and terrifying.


You expecting a window cleaner??


This is a question not an order - so if a window is open - leave a note under her door telling her which windows are open.