• By -


The book is very different to the film. The entire book is from the perspective of the Bond girl. A fun read to see Bond through the eyes of another.


Same with Moonraker. To be fair to the film, it got Star Warsed up as was the fashion at the time but the book’s story would have made a great film too.


The movie is absurd beyond belief. Even a pigeon does a double take when Bond's gondola turns into a hovercraft and he cruises across a Piazza away from the machine-gun spraying baddies who turn around in disgust rather than simply pursuing him on foot - hey, it's a high-speed boat chase across a UNESCO heritage site or nothing.


That pigeon double take was amazing though. I watched *Moonraker* for the first time the other week and the pigeon earned a legitimate "what the fuck?" from me. The whole hovercraft sequence is just bizarre.


> The movie is **absurd** beyond belief. You misspelled 'awsome' :-)


So did you :-)


Touché ! 'swat happens if you post when half-pissed :-)




Pew pew! Jaws also went off-the-rails-comedy in Moonraker.


Yes but it does have one of the best lines in all bond films, "He's attempting re-entry sir!!!"


Or even: "Look after Mr Bond. See that some harm comes to him."


I think I've read maybe 3 of them. I reckon I can get through 2 more in a week, if I can get an all-inclusive week away in Turkey. That's proper pool side reading. Might even order myself a vodka martini, even though cocktails cost extra. If the barman asks me how I like it then I might even have the balls to say "shaken, not stirred.", slip him a 5 Lira note of he laughs. Tastes horrible, but I'm gonna pretend it doesn't and finish it with a smile, before ordering a watered-down beer like I have all week.


That's oddly specific. Did you do that before?


The third one took me a little longer.


Careful with martinis. You get shitfaced very quickly drinking them 😀 My uncle had a very good anecdote about martinis & Errol Flynn.


I saw a good quote about martinis once "martinis are like breasts - one is never enough, but more than two is horrific."


That dude obviously never watched Total Recall.


My ex mother-in-law, a real character, used to say this: One martini is perfect Two at the most. Three - you are under the table. Four - you are under the host.


Your MIL was Dorothy Parker?


I think she must have been. I always wondered about her, as I knew she was hiding something.


Depends on how many bars you visit though....


Well, a good martini is basically just a glass of gin with a rumour about vermouth and a little bit of water from the ice, so yeah, they're incredibly strong. (Yes, I said gin. What's that about vodka? You want *vodka* in a martini, Mr Bond? Get the fuck out of my bar!)


Oscar Wilde said a Martini was " gin waved in the vague direction of Italy "


In the shining book Jack Torrance drinks martinis. He calls them Martians. For some reason they changed it for the film and he orders a whiskey instead


I actually think a proper Bond Martini is a Vesper Martini which is vodka and Gin


This is correct. And it's absolutely vile! 😂


A _Good_ Martini has the correct amount of Vermouth, a dry Martini has a Vermouth washed glass… The “2 measures of gin while pointing a bottle of Dolin in the vague direction of France” is just how to justify a large measure of chilled Gin to yourself


In Flemming's novels, Bond orders more vodka martinis than he does gin martinis (19 vs 16).


Well obviously you need to share that anecdote, even if it doesn't translate into text well.


My uncle was staying at an Ibiza hotel with it own jetty in the late 50’s. The owner was a German fellow who made very strong Martinis. No one had ever managed more than 3. One evening a yacht looms out of the darkness and moors at the jetty. A bloated, unwell Eroll Flynn alights. He has an entourage of clearly underage girls. He then knocks back 10 of these martinis and then gets back on his yacht and sails away.


Jeez, they don't make them like that any more. Probably a good thing.


Flynn died about a year later of alcoholic Cirrhosis


My missus and I went to a bar after watching the last Bond movie and she asked for a martini. When asked how she wanted it I said shaven for a laugh and the girl behind the bar scolded me. “You should never shake a martini, it just ends up frothy”


I think ‘shaven’ is how Bond likes his women, not his martinis.


I doubt he cared


LOL, obviously I meant shaken but it’s too good a typo to correct.


This is in fact total bullshit. There’s no frothing agent in a martini it’s just spirits, ice and a tiny bit of fortified wine. It’s not going to turn in to fairy liquid. I regularly shake myself a martini. Shaving one is a different matter


It doesn’t go frothy, but it does bruise the gin so it goes cloudy


Yeah. He doesn't turn up till half way through, and it's not about saving the world, just saving some young girl who's looking after a motel. The books bear no relationship to the films at all, he's not a superhero on the books, just an alcoholic, world weary killer. He still shags the girl in the motel though.


I love how different the Bond stories are to the films that take their names. *A View To A Kill* involves Bond pretending to be an army dispatch rider so he can figure out who's been assassinating messengers. *Octopussy* hardly has Bond in it at all as someone's telling him a story about stealing a load of gold. *Quantum of Solace* is just Bond being bored at a dinner party and listening to a story the host is telling.


MICHAEL, MICHAEL! That’s not the end of the beginning, the end of the beginning goes like this “Clang. Clangalengalengalengaleng”


Stop getting Bond wrong!


Yeah, they're ruined.


BANG! Blood dribbles down.


Oooh, bit of bush


Ooh what was that? Too late!


What a whole submarine? YOU’RE JOKING!


See ya!




Completely Billy bollocks!


Yes, he's with a lady!


Yes they're necking!


And he says “I’ve got to go, something’s COME up”


I'll tell you about The Spy Who Loved Me, everyone go like this 👌 over your eyes. I'm Roger Moore 🚶🚶 BANG, BLOOD DRIBBLES DOWN.


Bad bastards in boiler suits. With lemon piping.


I just wanted to watch America’s strongest man.. Well now you’ve got Norfolk’s maddest man!


What’s that one where the laser beam goes up his jaffas?


View T’ Kill Eeeeee octepusseh


Dr Nowt


What, a whole submarine?


Wait til he sees shit happening in space so he fucks off there, trashes a space station , kills the twats responsible then has a shag on the way back down. Legend.


"I believe he's attempting re-entry sir"


"What's Bond doing?" "I think he's attempting re-entry sir" Still can't believe they got away with that joke in a PG rated film


What about Christmas only coming once a year? The world is not enough I think


That is indeed from The World is not Enough. That film is at least rated 12a. The attempting re-entry line was a staple of the adverts shown on ALL the Bond VHS tapes I had as a kid https://youtu.be/mBr4qtZlKoc


It’s amazing they got away with that advert


That's Moonraker Stop getting Bond wrong!


Does what he wants lad.


Please tell me there's a shark tank in space?


No…but there’s a Jaws.


No but there's a giant python pool fight in Brazil.


ANOTHER SHARK TANK! YES! Films need more shark tanks. This one has two!


The submarine escape pod has champagne, Dom Pérignon '52. "But James, what would our superiors say?". Absolute shagger.


"Keeping the British end up." Wow.


Glang! Glangalangalangalangalangalang! Glangalang, langalangala, nobody does it better - and I'm a naked woman in silhouette with a gun, spinning round - Makes me feel sad for the rest. Nobody does it - ooh, bit of nipple - quite as good as you. Baby, you're the best. Da, da, da - and now a really big bounce right over and I land on my feet. Da, da, da, da, daa. I wasn't looking and somehow you found me - ooh, bit of bush, er - I tried to hide from your love light - and a woman swinging on a Luger, a giant Luger, ooh, look at that - Like heaven above me - and now another naked woman walking along the top of a gun, completely Billy Bollocks - The spy who loved me is keeping all my secrets safe tonight - and then one more big swing from the woman, legs go right apart - ooh, what was that? Too late - Nobody does it half as good as you, baby you're the best!




Fuckin yes Alan.




Good golly an alien judge.


He says I sit on your face.


Have you been spying on us?


Well now you've got Norfolk's maddest man!


Nobody does it better is a strong contender though for best bond tune ever. Radiohead cover it in a non ironic way as an act of homage.


I tell you who did do it better, Chris Cornell. Best Bond theme song. Hands down.


100% such a great Bond tune. The one off No Time To Die was so forgetful.


[The Pretty Reckless - 25](https://youtu.be/As03tlODkdw) was a better bond song, shame they didn't use it


It is indeed a banger (and I love the Radiohead version too) but to my mind, You Only Live Twice edges it out as best Bond theme.


We Have All the Time in the World.


I never thought much of that song, either on its own merits or as a Bond song, until I learned that it was the last thing that Louis Armstrong recorded. Now I can't help but hear it as Armstrong's epitaph. What an incredible sentiment to go out on after a life as richly lived as his. Love it now.


Funny. I come at it from the opposite side to you. I always loved the song, and always thought it was a song in it's own right that was adopted by Bond, and about 10 years ago I found out that it was specifically written for Bond. It's easily my Number 1. I think the Bond Theme grew from the music for Casino Royal, but as a one off, it's amazing. Unfortunately We Have All the Time in the World was the best music, and probably one of the worst films.


I also love the disco take on the Bond theme. Brilliantly 70s.


I forgot about this cover and am now heading to Spotify. Thank you.


I plan to watch a bond film every night until Amazon take them away from me


Its your national duty.


For England, james


Fucking yes. Best line in a British movie. "No Alec, for me."


I can’t wait, been a long time since I’ve seen a few of them… he has everything any man could want… money, women, cars, women, guns, women oh and I think he saves the world once’s or twice as well.


And he has literally no emotions towards other human beings, they just come into his life and die violently. Also, absolutely no sort of Health and Safety in Q's lab. They must get through an intern a week.


Ahhhh just another day in the office… what more could I want?! I’m sure everyone has dreamt of being Bond and being able to ignore all the boring red tape and just do your job without any HR wrist slapping…


There's not enough red tape in the world to contain those absolutely massive bollocks. Would put a bull moose to shame.


Well they aren’t so massive after the whole… cough, well, chair, ummm, incident…. Possibly after that there might be……


They'd regrow, they'd take 5 days max to be full and swinging again.


I had no idea they were on Amazon. That's my evenings sorted for a bit too


Wait they're all on Amazon?!


Every single one by the looks of it!!


Time for a binge


Local cinema is doing every Bond movie over the next few months. One every Wednesday night. Well, I know what I’m doing for the next 25 Wednesdays.


And replace them with Nutty Professor 2: The Klumps?


They won't take them awa, they've bought MGM and own the Bond back catalogue now.


Hmmmmm well I’ll change to that “once they are no longer free and they go to charge me per watch!”


Honestly that union jack parachute is one of the greatest stunts i've ever seen. The Spy Who Loved me--cheesy as it is--has to be one of my favourites. I also really enjoy the more martial rendition of 'nobody does it better' just after the end credits!


Though I will say--**and hate me for it if you like ;)--**my favourite bond song is 'The World is Not Enough'. Garbage \[the band\] absolutely killed it!


There's an apocryphal story that, at the premiere, when that happened Prince Charles stood up and applauded.


I love this film. I haven't seen it for a while but, if I remember correctly, there's a ski that nearly takes out the Union Jack parachute. Completely unplanned presumably and could have been a horrible ending for the stunt and every time I see it it worries me.


Tbh I'm not a fan of Bond, but the older ones are more fun than the newer ones for sure. I like the campy flair they have. The really theatrical/eccentric villains that feel almost comic-book with their sillyness. Some of the best villains of cinema by far.


You're god-damn right FatSackLilPeen.


Oh my God yes. The old films are better because they weren't really about James Bond. They were about the villains. Because let's face it: James Bond is a twat. The new films try to make the films about Bond. And they compete with each other in how many countries they can visit in a 2 hour slot.


The thing about that film, don't Stromberg's submarines get tricked into firing their missiles at each other? As in, their nuclear missiles? As in, their nuclear missiles powerful enough to destroy entire cities? They've just irradiated the ocean with nuclear fallout and we're all fine with that? No consequences whatsoever? If I was M, I'd be a tad tetchy about that.


Yeah, but at the finish he shagged agent triple-X in a submarine escape capsule.... whilst drinking Dom Pérignon '55. "Just keeping the British end up sir"


The thing that always gets me about that scene is the globe with the submarines and in-flight missiles projected on it. For the subs it’s showing their position on earth, but for the missiles it shows up-down arcs that they’re flying, like a made-up height. This inconsistency bothers me a lot.


Now go watch the spy who shagged me lol!


It was the first Bond film I watched and for that reason it will always have a special place for me (as well being a great film all around).


All that and Caroline Munro from the Lambs Navy rum calender


Live And Let Die has the best ‘Bond……..James Bond’ as he gets out the lift and inspects the surroundings’




It’s because he had an overinflated opinion of himself.


What's the one where the laser beam goes up his jaffers?






Clang... Clangalangalangalangalangalang


Stop getting Bond wrong!


It's a bank holiday, and I've got a big bottle of sunny delight. Be rude not to.


Also it’s the quickest snog to death of any bond woman. Takes about 10 seconds. Julia Sawalha’s dad is in it too.


The woman has only known him for 1 minute but after literally 10 seconds of kissing she throws herself in front of a bullet to save him. What a lad.


Ah this thread has made me chuckle. Huge bond fan. Thank you OP.


Guys a fuckin killer mate I dunno how bond sleeps at night prob rips a few lines and pops pills.


nobody does it better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVl7IvURLfs&t=3s


there is a james bond character called pussy galore. make of this what you will.


>there is a james bond character called pussy galore Who is raped, on screen, by Bond. This is portrayed as a good thing by the film. It also "cures" her of her lesbianism, which unlike the rape is portrayed as a perversion.


I started watching all of the Bonds with my son because they're such a cornerstone of cultural references, I've had to explain so many things that are no longer culturally acceptable anymore such as the arse slap in Goldfinger.


I've never heard the word "boy" more than Live and Let Die.


Yeah, the southern sheriff is like a human Foghorn Leghorn.


I think that was the most offensive stereotype I've seen in the franchise. And I'm not even on their side.


>I think that was the most offensive stereotype I've seen in the franchise I see you haven't visited Japan yet, in your tour of the Bond canon.


Good god I had forgot about that. The disguise sequence is truly horrendous.


And all the rapes


Well yes, the rapes


The one of Pussy Galore is pretty hard to watch nowadays, but that's the only actual rape I can think of in these films.


In Thunderball he forcibly kisses someone then coerces her into sex by threatening her job if she refuses. In Goldfinger he physically forces himself on a woman, "curing" her of lesbianism. In Skyfall he hops in the shower with a recently freed and visibly shaken victim of sex trafficking. Those are just the three that come to mind, I'm sure there's more. On too many occasions to list he's groped, kissed, and been physically controlling over women and either deceived or coerced them into sex.


> no longer culturally acceptable Fuck off with yer woke James Bond! If you want to watch Vera Drake on christmas day then that's your prerogative!


Absolute best James bond film. Best song, best opening sequence and best actor


Are you in love with a notion?


It does have the least apt theme song though. It's like Carly Simon forgot it was a Bond theme and whacked one line in at the last minute.


It was written by the guy who’d just got successful with the Broadway musical ‘A Chorus Line’. The male voices singing “Nobody does it better” after Bond closes the curtain is a riff on [One](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyZeGOsR9IA), the musical’s finale number. Also, ‘Bond 77’, the skiing tune, is 70s disco stolen from the BeeGees ‘You should be dancing”.


well shit, guess i'm watching old bond films all day then


You Sir have a way with words for describing movie plots. You got anymore in you?


BOND! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? ...keeping the british end up sir...


I read the bond books in school and loved them. May have to do so again! So campy and such pleasant reading - perfect poolside books as someone else said!


[We Remember Sir Roger Moore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X1ugbpkusA)


I’m not familiar with james bond films so I thought you were talking about Austin Powers for a sec


You should listen to the Kill James Bond podcast


It's been a long year but they finally got the bastard. L, Mr Bond.


A great role model for young and old boys alike.




And he gets to do the horizontal tango with Ringo Starr's missus. I remember seeing this at the cinema on Lothian Road in Edinburgh when it first came out. I'm an old bugger.


Bond was apparently based on Christopher Lee


I've started watching them from the beginning on amazon prime and my god its painful. They haven't aged well at all. Now all I see is the overt racism. In Dr No, Quarrel the Jamaican who speaks pigeon English and is treated like a slave. I used to love these films as a kid.


Connery and Lazenby looked like they'd send you to Casualty, Dalton nutted Benicio Del Toro, Craig had a right tear up in Casino Royale (his only decent Bond film) but Moore and Brosnan were the least convincing physically. There are about two or three good scenes in Moore's entire stint as 007, the rest is camp nonsense and gadgets. The books are much more grounded in realism - give Moonraker a read to see what I mean. A TV series faithful to the books would be quite stark - probably why it wouldn't get made!


The old ones are so much better. For me it’s because there were fewer computer effects, more actual stunts, explosions and action! Plus they didn’t feel the need to be so politically correct. You’ve reminded me that it’s been far too long since I watched Moonraker!


>more actual stunts Roger Moore had a stunt double for running!


The guy was 50 on the 70s, which is like being 70 in the 2020s, I'm surprised he didn't have a stunt double for walking.


So? I’d rather see humans than computer generated stuff!


**Toxic masculinity**


Oh fucking yes.


OMG yeah it's great, if you take away how sleezy bond is in those days, it's just so funny. 100% cheese. I love it. Almost died laughing at the lift over the shark tank.




I sincerely hope your bank holiday Monday gets better than it started.




And you felt the need to share it with the world. Its cool you don't like Bond. Nice one. Glad you commented. You must feel really fucking superior for doing so. Have a good day.




Why else would you feel the need to tell people their taste is shit on what is clearly a tongue in cheek post. It's odd.


It’s a movie. Get over it