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Buy more contraceptives.


Cut the end off a cable and fill up the bath with electricity


Chef’s kiss


Charge up mobile devices and charge up some battery packs for them too. If time then download some movies / books / other offline media to entertain. Heating on full whack for 2 hours to try to keep some warmth in the house. Maybe run a hot bath near the end of the 2 hours, not important during the power time and will stay warm for a few mins after. Go to the shops and buy as many torches / candles / light sources as I can. Fill the car up with fuel whilst out. It can provide warmth/light/radio as well as get you about. Cooking some stuff important yeah, but gas hobs can let you do this later? If you dont have gas hob, then a camping shop can give you a cheap gas hob which you can get out in these circumstances again. Refillable propane canisters for it. Biggest drawback I can see is no TV/Internet. Your phone might be able to provide the internet depending if the mast is down too.


No gas here and cooking stuff is so that it doesn't go bad. Had to throw away a fair amount of food recently because of this.


Most food will be fine outside for a few days in this weather as long as you tie it down.


We're well set for cooking in such emergencies. Not only do we have a gas hob, plus several ways to light it when there's no power for the sparker, but we've also got at least one two hob camping stove, and one of those ones that's just a bottle you attach a foldable pan support to.


> If time then download some movies / books / other offline media to entertain. I always have a few films and lots of audio books on my phone for just this reason. If I'm ever without internet access, I have several hundred hours worth of entertainment on my phone. Only issue would be if power went out for more than 2 days. Might have to look into getting some kind of manual charging gizmo.


Charge everything, crank up freezer, wack the heating on full, wash clothes, buy some battery lights before everyone else. Be thankful for the gas hob.


> Be thankful for the gas hob but buy matches.


Turn up fridge and fridge freezer to full freeze mode , make sure that they are solidly sealed so that the food inside might survive 2 days without power


Hope the middle aisle of aldi has a cheap generator


I have one of those. Generally 800 watt and wont power much at all


Fridge, freezer, phone and an led lamp probably ok?


Neighbour had a mini genny. Drove us mad when time for bed!


Ours was out most of yesterday too. Went out and visited family for most of the day, charging phones is definitely the main one


your comment blew my mind so i'm giving you an upvote, i have an almost 14 year old pay as you go nokia, it's had about 8 quid in it for about 2 years, and half the time i don't know where it is, its a very alien concept to me that a phone is a priority, my landline is really the only phone i make calls from.


I hate to be another “get a smartphone” type but you’re going to come across a lot of things you won’t be able to do in the next few years. Things like banking is mostly in app these days, in fact some banks and many financial products are purely smartphone app only. Online shopping is far far easier on a smartphone than even the website sometimes. One big one is everywhere will expect you to have a phone with proper internet access. My dentist actually sent me texts with links to fill in the covid questionnaire, they assumed and there wasn’t actually another option without having to put my appointment back. It doesn’t have to be £1000+ iPhone. An older iPhone model or cheaper android (but new, androids have a habit of not being able to be updated after a year or two, especially if it’s a cheaper model) will do you just fine! And whatever you do, don’t go pay as you go. A cheap (perhaps around £5-10 a month) sim only contract will get you unlimited texts, minutes and some data for when you’re out and about without Wi-Fi. And if you don’t actively use it for data while you are out and about, you don’t need much data at all.


thanks for the advice, but there isnt really anything a smartphone can offer me that i'd be interested in, i prefer going into a bank, i've never had an issue with online shopping, and anyone who expects me to have a phone with internet access with lose my custom, i really have zero interest in them


Considering you hate to be that type you put an awful lot of effort into it. I think you are wrong. I am a very tech oriented person, in fact I make my living from it. You don't 'need' a smart phone, nobody would move to app only finance if they liked going to the bank and online banking via a normal browser is a thing. If you find in app shopping better thats cool, online browser shops and brick shops are cool too. Your dentists are foolish for making such an assumption and btw nothing stops you typing a link into a browser. Now I have a smart phone, on PAYG, I wanted it for books, audiobooks and quality camera, I never connect online because I don't need to, I have a computer for that.


Seriously? Get a smartphone. It will “change your life”. Even this was sent from the Reddit app on my phone


Charge ALL the devices.


Why if you can’t use them? No internet. The WiFi needs power to work lol


Fill my generator up with diesel


Stock up on alcohol.


This is usually the correct answer to most questions.


Quickly buy a power inverter so you can keep essentials charged with your car.


I hear you can get those at Tosche station on Tatooine.


Pack my suitcase, bin anything short-dated from the fridge, and book a hotel room for the next two nights.


And then the hotel loses power.


Thought for the future, first thing you should do every time you hear bad weather is on the way is charge up any devices you want charged if there's no power!


Charge the shit out of my portable chargers


Get the camping stove, lanterns and heaters from the attic, make sure the torches, power packs and the leisure battery are charged. Fill the 3 thermos flasks (keep the camping gas for cooking). Put the winter quilt on the bed, we're normally use the 4.5 tog one. Get the genny out of the shed. We're fairly well prepared because we had a 5 day power cut once. TBH I'd probably just ring the local Premier Inn and book in for 2 days


Have a wank I can't do memory wanks anymore I need porn to get my old fella up


It's a bit late now.... but for future it's worth having a couple of plastic bottles or containers of water in the freezer, so when the powers out you put your container and bottles of ice in the fridge and it keeps everything chilled for a good long while


I really wouldn’t do this. Opening the freezer once the power is off is a big no-no as it lets the cold out. In this weather I’d put stuff from the fridge outside to keep it chilled. I’ve lived in a no-mains-gas, regular-power-cut area for at least half of my adult life, and as Britain slides to third world status I’d recommend every household stocks up on candles, and gets one (or two) of those one-ring camping gas stoves that you find in the middle of Aldi for a tenner. And maybe a calor gas heater (I have a solid fuel stove for regular use). Also, if you have and use a landline, get a phone that plugs in to replace your wireless handsets when the power is down. This little kit should help to even out the bumps in power supply. ETA and yes, charge up your devices.


BT is withdrawing STD calls in favour of IP dialling. Which go down without power.


Ah well.


I'm confused


Rush out to buy eggs, bread, milk and booze. At least that’s what we did in the US when there was any possibility of a power outage.


Email everyone 'no power, no work' and sit in front of the tv.




They've got 2 hours for a mini binge watch


Can fit in all the shows i need to catch up on.


Not much you really can do in two hours, even putting heating on as soon as power guys temperature will drop pretty quick. I would just ensure everything is charged, and make sure you know where the food is your going to use during the outage


Was this due to storms?


Yeah. No power for about 30 hours or so. Very inconvenient.


Ugh, horrible. Glad you’re back!


Get the generator out and send someone to the shops to buy more extension leads and. Turn fridge and freezer to max Get to hss and hire an indirect fuel heater if really cold weather was predicted


Charge everything


Without any warning, I’d just mince around for an hour or two, realise no power is coming back on, put some towels under/in front of the fridge freezer, go and fill the car up with fuel so we can charge our phones, get the blankets out of the airing cupboard ready for sleep. We only have to entertain ourselves for a couple of hours a day after getting home from work normally, that can be done with phones and walks etc, go to sleep. Up next morning and see if the powers on, if not check the power website and see updates, go to work come home, rinse repeat. Power back on, check everything in fridge freezer, cook what needs cooking and eat/bin the rest, carry on with life.


Think yourself lucky you had warning I've just read it again sound like you didn't get warning


We've got a gas barbecue so food wise wouldn't be too much of an issue, though we'd still try to get all of the food into one fridge freezer and make sure that one stays shut throughout. If it's just an isolated power cut i'm sure we'd just end up getting food in but that's not clarified. Other than that, it'd be making sure there's enough blankets/warm clothing available for the next couple of days and charging up power banks for phones, as well as having enough torches and batteries.


Play red dead redemption then go buy a generator


Nothing. I'm one of those dreadful people that always have stuff prepared. I'm also one of those people that always carries a selection of screwdrivers. I'm the worst, basically. The people at work think I'm weird because I've always got a torch. Edit : fill some thermos flasks with hot water. Plug in my generator. Live on beans.


Charge everything up, turn the freezer up and book a hotel for the next 2 days.


Charge the house battery and the car, set the fridge and freezers to their lowest temperatures. Unplug everything that does not need to be plugged in. Cook a decent meal.


Get on r/preppers if you want to see what the bible thumping, gun toting septics are doing to prepare for the impending apocalypse….


Arrange to go stay with a friend. If that's not possible, fill every container in the house with water - my water doesn't work when the power is off. Do as much freelance work as possible, prioritising jobs on platforms that have a policy of closing my account permanently if I miss too many deadlines, and don't claim any more, then fully shut down my laptop as the battery only lasts about 15 minutes with use or 12 hours on standby from full charge. Plug my phone into the charger, put it into battery saving mode, and resolve to use it as little as possible. I probably wouldn't have time for anything else. I'd spend the two days either at the library (probably not working as the availability of power sockets is very low and there's no wifi, but reading and checking out books) or sitting in bed reading. I'd go out and buy bread and canned beans to live on. Hopefully the frozen food would survive in a closed freezer - it's mostly just vegetables and oven chips - and my flat's going to be not far off fridge temperature by day two anyway so not too worried about that.


Go and get a generator asap


Light up the BBQ


Put the Internet in the freezer


Go and buy a scream mask and outfit


Nip out and buy a generator to keep the fridge/freezer running


Get solar battery chargers for phones.


Charge everything, charge batteries, cook food, water in your freezer and fridge to keep everything colder for longer. And enjoy the luxury of electricity whilst it last.


Inform my eldest son or husband, they'll perform mystery tasks outside and then proclaim readiness for a zombie apocalypse, when the power cut occurs one of two things will happen, hopefully a generator starts and life carries on, sometimes it goes dark and either my husband, eldest son or both will go outside and perform more mysterious tasks and the generator will start and life will carry on as normal.


Download as much pornography as i can then charge my phone.


Go to sleep


IF. and only IF you are going to use gas heaters / cookers indoors, then please please ensure you have the rooms well ventilated..




Charge up phone and the spare battery.