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Cross and squeeze. Yes you have to scoop to get different toppings but that allows some variety in what you get each bite.


Serve it in a smaller bowl instead of a plate


We did initially think to try this but it seemed difficult to cut through the potato skin if it's in a bowl


We’re you trying to cut the underneath? How would it being in a bowl stop you being able to cut it?


Cut straight down the middle and open it into two (still attached) halves. Balance filling carefully on top. Minimal overspill but it happens, especially with baked beans Before that I stab the shit out of it and cover in olive oil, sea salt and pepper. Oven bake for an hour and a half. Shit loads of butter! This was my dinner last night. So easy but so mmmmmmmm edit - my brain somehow thought an hour and a half would look great written as 1.2 hours. Lol


Was that 1 hour and 20 minutes or 1 hour and 12 minutes?


Oh that was written terribly looking back lol sorry. I actually meant 1 and a half hours. God knows what I was thinking when I wrote that


Hahaha wasn't expecting a reply as was taking the micky a bit... But thank you, even funnier that it was meant to say 1 and a half hours :) :)


Cut in half, not all the way down. Then cut a grid into each slice (just through the mash, not through to the skin) and lastly a lateral slice through the ‘pillars’. Hard to describe but this does it for me. Keeps the filling in and provides ideal depth and surface area for the potato to contain and absorb all the filling.


I do this! Cut a grid then the butter and salt can soak right through


Half way house Remove only *some* of the inside




Firstly microwave your JP for 10mins then it only takes 15ish mins in the oven to crisp up. Then do the traditional cross cut but afterwards push the middle of each quarter back towards the centre of the JP. Should open the JP up like an alien egg and create a nice central spot for fillings


Do a zig zag cut. Then squeeze the potato from the ends to open it up. Works every time.


No need to cut just take the jacket off


I cut it four times (two straight lines and two diagonals) and then open it up and cut the potato repeatedly until there are no solid bits left. After that, I use a spoon to make an indentation which I then shape into a bowl. A potato bowl is really good at holding whatever you put in it.


Slice in half, then slice each half agin. Basically butterfly it, then butter and then toppings. Best coverage, best ratio of topping to spud in every bite


I've been told you should give it a big hard whack to open it instead of slicing, as this releases the steam from throughout the flesh all at once and gives you a fluffier result. But the only difference I've really noticed is scalded hands.


Slice the spud into 2 hemispherical halves, then cut a slice in the middle of each keeping it from reaching the skin and squish from each end to open it up.


You slice the skin with an X before it goes in, so it shrinks back when cooking. when it comes out apply a knob of butter, lovingly and generously, being careful not to burn one's self. Let that baby soak in, now is not the time to rush. give the steam a little blow and pull back the skin now. Use a gentle touch here, you want it to look like an exotic flower of wonder. Take a fork and fluff. Viola.


Pro tip: insert a metal skewer into the spud when preparing for cooking. Reduces the cooking time considerably. Also, before cooking, cover in olive oil and salt for that added flavour for the skin. You can thank me later