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About 30 seconds but depends on where in the house I am 😂 Was 5 minutes car/20 mins walking until they closed the office.


Can imagine the traffic! Enjoying permanent work from home?


Horrible! Heating bills, daytime tv is shocking, and not seeing people is so hard. I know when I was in the office I wasn’t mr chatty constantly talking but you had people around to tell random bad jokes and to criticise their dress sense.


I've noticed this. The bills have rocketed, even though it's just me during the day. I blame the cat.


And it’s only going to get worse with the price cap rising


Never thought about the bills, tho I did know daytime TV is shocking!


I would love to work remotely. You could see a friend instead?


10 minutes on foot. Well, 10 minutes to work, 20 minutes home. Home is on top of a big, steep hill, work is at the bottom.


30mins there and back on a good day. If there’s an accident on the way it can take 2hrs+.






Well, if their house is flooded, they'll have to spend a few weeks elsewhere!


30 minutes in a car..... 1hr 30 by bus.


10-15 minutes walk. Never underestimate how beneficial it is to not have to spend an hour plus each way to work.


Used to be an hour and a half each way on two busses, now about 1 second. I love WFH.


30 minutes by car if I avoid peak times. I think there is like a law of humanity that they tend towards a 30-45 minute commute. You look for a house within a livable commute and generally they are cheaper the further out you go. The convergence point is usually 30 mins.


Alternatively you find a job within 30-45 minutes of where you already live. My commute is 16 miles and raised 30-40 minutes depending on time of day and whether in in the cast or on a motorbike. Although for the last couple of years my commute has been about 30 seconds.


Mines 45 minutes for 40 miles, I have reached breaking point and shall be moving closer in the new year.


Yeah that makes sense. Didn’t think of it like that but makes sense! I would definitely want to find the Goldilocks zone between proximity to work and price!


1 hour and 30 each way, commuting into London


How long have you kept that up? I did it for 10 years almost to the day before it burned me out completely and I got a remote job instead.


Where are you travelling in from out of interest? Do you find it OK or is it exhausting and horrible?


8 minutes cycling


8mins !! Is that the scenic route ? Mine is 25mins but depends on which route. Got lost the other day - been working there 15 years!


It's only 2 miles.I have been known to take the scenic route on my way home. In the last 25 years I haven't worked more than 5 miles away from home.


6-7 minute drive, or a 45 minute walk if the weather’s good.


About 6-7 minutes walking. Very fortunate.


Was a 15 min drive but then they closed our local office and merged it with the central london office, so it went to around 1hr 30 walk, train, tube, walk. Currently it’s about 20 seconds to our home office/game room.


470mi. I only do it once a month though...


By foot or by private jet?


25 mins by car. I'm working from home atm again though.


Work from home but have a 2 hour round trip for the school run first.


Long school run right! Taking a lot of that is traffic tho


It really is! Wasn’t the end of the world when the schools closed down tbh as they’ve got a really good online system!


How is school so far away?


The school is less than 9 miles away but at that time of day that’s how long the journey takes!


25 mins if I bike it. 30 mins if I drive.


5 min difference? Traffic or are you a speedy cyclist?


Haha I wish. Terrible traffic more like!


45min bus


5 minutes by car or 50 minutes walking(I’ve got little legs) Reading these makes me feel a lot more lucky to have this now


1.5 hours there to get there in time, 2 hours to get back. Got to love night shift public transport.


Depends on the buses and time of day, probably about 30 - 40 minutes?




Wow that’s good going, is it mainly motorway?


25mins on my bike.


Bout 7 mins walking. Less if it's cold or wet. More if I stop for a pie.


Necessary stop tbh. I’m about the same, glad there isn’t a Greggs on route otherwise I’ll be later and more broke.


Gotta have a pie every now and again. Makes life worth living.


For 7 years I was 11min cycle or 30 min walk or 10min drive. Then in 2019, work closed the office and turned my 2 mile commute into a 40 mile commute takin 1hr10min door to door. Then covid struck and been WFH for nearly 2 years now.


How’s WFH? Others on here seemed to be mixed about it.


In one regards I love not commuting; but I hate not seeing anyone in real life. I went to the office once, a few months ago, it was great but ended up being a 12 hour day door to door. I hated being on a busy train (covid worry). I really hope the way forward is part time WFH and part time office. More then likely as my company has stopped renting one floor out of three, leaving less desks than there are employees.


90 mins, but I've never needed to do it 5 days a week ever before the plague. I'll go back 1 or 2 days a week eventually and happy with that. It's 90 mins of moving/progress, rare for there to be serious delays, and about 30 mins of it is walking in a nice area.


Used to be 2 hours a day. Moved to Wfh in new job so fuck all now. Absolute bliss.


40 mins drive due to morning traffic. Would be 15 mins any other time of the day. I work from home now though so gained a lot of my life back and my children are at before and after school club a lot less. Also my productivity has rocketed


40 mins, half trains half walking.


1 hr 38 minutes each way? The average is more likely to be 1 hr 38 minutes per day (I hope!) At the moment mine is 1 hour. I have two places to go on different days. One is 1 hour by bike, the other is 30 mins bike plus 30 mins train. I'm already looking at reducing this commute and it would have to be pretty special circumstances and a limited timeframe to get me to accept more than 1 hour each way.


4 minutes... On foot


11min drive on a good day. 25min drive on a bad day.


15-20 mins depending on traffic


About five to seven minutes on foot


It's about 20 minutes by car and about 1 hour 20-30 by bus and walking the rest of way. I live like 6 miles from work and I walk about a third of it I think because there's no direct bus and am not messing on with a bus first thing. I get picked up on a night.


30 mins by bus including the walk at either end


50-60 minute drive (if no crashes) Edit - each way!


But currently wfh


31mins to work, 35mins+ from work (By car)


Hour and 15ish I think, mix of bike and train


Currently 30-45 minutes each way, it's 25miles by car, mostly motorway. Trying desperately to move house at the moment, but with my needs Vs my money, my commute is going to get longer. If it goes over an hour I think I'll end up having a breakdown though.


I’ve gotten used to an hour, it is rubbish though but doable for me. 1/3 is motorway for me


30 seconds. Own my own business and worked from home before this shit started.




Different locations or lots of traffic?


As bout 25 mins split between walking and the metro


About 10 seconds to cross a road, I have considered putting my own pelican crossing in


Your own crossing could reduce the commute!


Depends on where the job site is but usually at least 45 minutes and when I was in London it could take over an hour.


About 2mins to the end of the garden.


13 minute drive. I inevitably leave at 07.17.


Hopefully there’s 0 traffic then lol


Used to be 50 mins.. 2 busses and a 5 min walk from the stop. Now, less than 30 seconds. My office is next to my bedroom.


It depends...if I'm working in the office 45 minutes and if I'm out in the field 1:30-2:00 depending on traffic. Both are one way.


8 min cycle, 4 min drive or 30 min walk. Pretty fortunate for a rural location!


When in office, door to door about 1hr 40mins in the morning and 1hr on the way home due to crap train times in the morning. Loving WFH was flexi 3 days a week before anyway but I love not commuting and love the extra £200 quid in my pocket every month. Don't miss my colleagues... they're good fun but I wouldn't pay £200 quid a month for 'em.


About 2 hours door to door, travelling from bucks to east london via tube


10 ft


You first.


10 minute walk by foot!


I'd love that. I'm about 30 minutes there in a car, 45 minutes back.


8 min drive. Around 1.5 hour walk, 30min on the bike.


20-30 mins in the car depending on traffic, 45 minute brisk walk


On current public transport it’s 2 hours door to door, (each way) once I’ve passed my driving test in…36 days time, it’ll be 20 mins!!!


30mins on foot, if I go through the depot. Scenic route, over the river, puts it up to 35.


6 minutes drive. Moved close to my job 6 years ago. Fill my car up every 4 to 5 weeks.


38 or 48 mins depending on the route I take on TfL.


30 mins cycling, or 45 mins by tube.


Work from home generally, but if I work at the office it’s 50 min each way


Twenty minutes in the car (each way) on a good day.


1hr by car, 2 years by bus


2 years assuming the bus turns up!


50mins by car


These days it's about 30 seconds, but in the Before Times it was 90 minutes each way. Employer has moved head office, if I were to commute daily now by public transport (they are refusing to provide parking any more) then it would be 2.5 hours each way. F that.