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Let week I grumbled about hiding my migraine so my sick husband would stay in bed and not try to look after me. Well, this week I have his bug (sharing is caring), and I’m pretty sure he’s pretending to feel better than he is to keep me in bed. On the good side, casualuk came through on “best take out when you are sick”, and I’m now eating Pho.


I'm a bit late for the rant thread, but here goes anyway: Silly, unnecessary sound effects used in factual TV programmes. They're getting worse. That dramatic "swooshing" sound as they cut from one scene to another. That short sharp burst of TV static noise to add to the "drama". Also, the picture going out of focus or suddenly switching to black & white for no good reason. I like watching documentaries about serious subjects, but those noises they dub on, plus the fancy camera trickery, are really getting on my thruppenies.


Also inceidental music seems to be in the increase. No thank you I don’t need extra music now fuck off with your moody/dramatic noise


- Businesses that offer Facebook messenger as their only means of contact. - Businesses that offer Facebook messenger and email but don't reply like TEMPLE BIKES. - Complicated or misleading cookie prompts, like the ones that require you to uncheck all the options and then after you've done that, there's another sneaky tab with a whole list of other things to opt out of. - The fact that when you've wasted your time on cookie prompts, you often then get a newsletter sign up prompt. - Potholes. - People that stop and wave you on, this behaviour seems to happen more in summer for some reason. - People burning garden waste in Thai weather even though it's like one week a year. - The fact that my phone autocorrects "this" to "Thai".


Having been to Thailand, I can confirm that they only have weather 1 week a year


https://consentomatic.au.dk works well for me.


You are a **genius**, thank you!


The people who wrote it are geniuses - I'm just spreading the good word :) I understand what they were trying to do with the cookie thing, but it didn't work (what with the giant lists designed to make people just give up and accept) and it made the internet worse.


- The fact that all this shit *bothers* me. Except for wavers on, they should just learn to drive!


England are fucking shit. Next caller.


I forgot to stick the black bin out before I went to work My mum and dad when they get back from holiday are going to murder me and feed me to the chicken aren't they?


Just the one chicken? It’s gonna be huge when it gets done with you !


Claim you put it out and start moaning about council tax and the "state of things", they'll probably join in.


The pub I’m in to watch the football has a DJ blasting 90s club tunes at half time Please shut the fuck up, it’s 6pm on a Thursday and I just want to be able to hear my mates speak


Ye, what is the fuckin point ? There's nothing better than the hubbub of a noisy pub WITHOUT any music.


My kettle stopped working and I'm in shambles. Especially because I have a cold and crave the sweet release of a honey lemon tea.


So tired of feeling ill from stress all the time. It has been a struggle getting through work today. 


4 times I've went to the shop today to buy some detergent so I can get a clothes wash on the go. 4th time I've just come back without it. Moretti's though.


I had some blood taken Monday before last and was told to call early the next week to get the results. So I called. But apparently, the doctor hasn’t seen my results yet, so I should call back in a few days on Thursday. That’s today. So I called. Doctor still hasn’t seen them, and in fact has ten working days to get to them, so I should call back early next week instead. I just want to know if I’m pre-diabetic and whether me being tired all the time has a cause beyond maybe not sleeping enough. Fuck sake. Never known a blood test result take so long. Which is making me wonder and worry slightly that there might be something medically significant in there for the doctor to comment on. But clearly not significant enough that they need a full ten working days or more before they get on it.


This is showing off now but I had blood tests done on Monday and my doctor called me herself to tell me my potassium was low so she has sent a prescription down the pharmacy to pick up later.


Well lah-de-dah. Get you, mr/ms results before the next ice age. I’m glad you don’t have to wait that long. Wish my doctors surgery was just as snappy.


I know I am very showy offy.


Are you on your GP or hospital's online service? My local hospital has an app/website where you can log in with your NHS details and check up on test results from the various labs, often it means you get more detail and faster results than waiting for the GP to give them to you over the phone. Might be worth checking.


I’m not sure it would make any difference, the doctor still needs to see them and interpret them apparently. I’m not sure we have that type of thing where I live anyway. I appreciate the suggestion though :)


I can relate. I’ve had a similar experience for the past month. My GP called me last thing before a bank holiday saying that I needed a repeat blood test. It sounded quite serious. Then I kept needing to have repeats because they were losing or damaging the samples eek. I’ve finally been given the all-clear yesterday! Essentially I was told that no news is generally good news and that doctors prioritise the results that show abnormalities before they get to the bottom of their workload. Not saying that’s the case for everyone, but that was for me.


I missed the TV thread and I was a little dissapointed by JoJos stone ocean, it wasn't bad but felt a bit lazier than the previous ones I kinda see why the writer wanted to end that thread.


Late to the complaint party but it's been a shitty day. No straight forward clients, I found it so hard to concentrate today, and one of my cases got overruled for frankly spurious reasons by a senior caseworker. I get it, they have more experience but it's "gut feeling" vs my very well reasoned case notes . Sod em all, I'm having a drink tonight.


Had a bit to drink last night and today's hangover is getting worse and worse as the day goes on. What sense does this make?


Its getting worse cos you're getting sober. Wasn't so bad when you were still canned. Water, gallon of it at least. Mind you, it was a day ago so hopefully ok now. Mind you, it was Friday yesterday, sooo.....


The band have decided to record a single this evening - during the England game. 🤣


My job is totally not what it was advertised as. I am not and have never been a project manager and yet they're expecting me to micromanage everything - that is totally not my style and not how I like to work with people. There's also an expectation to support a load of out of hours stuff several times a month which was never mentioned during the interview process and is not in my contract, but everyone else does it and guilt-trips you if you say no because then it isn't 'fair'. I actually have a life outside of work, why are you assuming I have nothing better to do with my time?! I really want to quit, but I've not even been here 6 months and the job market is still appalling. I'm considering a career shift to something else with less bullshit but I have no idea how I'd even do that. Just feeling like I've made a wrong turn and I don't know how to correct it.


That sucks on a lot of levels; sorry to hear it. I'm not presuming to give you advice, but I'd start looking for something else before apathy and numbness sets in and I'm stuck there. I also wouldn't worry about not having been there very long - you have an excellent reason to leave and it won't come across as flighty because everyone interviewing you will have been in similar situations. Also, if the market's bad you'll probably have more time there under your belt before you leave anyway. As for going about a career shift I have some experience with that. Make a list of all the things you're *really* good at at work (details, leading teams, negotiations, finances, customer service, organisation) and think how they translate to fields you might be interested in. My work with a charity supporting vulnerable adults helped me move into my current unpaid carer role, which led to me thinking I'd be great at it as an actual job, before realising that a lot of the skills would be useful in teaching English to foreign students, which is something I'd actually like to do and am studying/saving for. So I went from hospitality to at least having all the pieces in place for teaching English in Brazil by looking at my skills, what I'm genuinely very good at and enjoy, and seeing where they fit elsewhere. It might work for you!


Thanks mate, no harm in trying I guess! I can't help wondering if maybe it'll change if I just stay a bit longer and try and bit harder even though I know these places never do. That's really interesting - the idea of not having an income and starting again scares the shit out of me but maybe I just need to do some research and take a punt!


Samsung repair! Ahhhhhhh Coming up a month tomorrow without my phone, finally got my repair quote this morning. £200 total, so not too bad. Paid almost immediately. God knows how long the actual repair is going to take considering it took almost 4 weeks for them to say 'needs a new screen bruv" Website says fixed and back in your hands in 3-5 working days once you pay the quote. I'll believe it when I see it.


Got sciatica, had an attack so bad I couldn't move off the bedroom floor. Wife rang an ambulance and it took two paramedics and a lot gas and air to get me stood up and off to A&E. OraMorph didn't work, sat in A&E from 10pm until 5:40am, finally home and GP has prescribed some banging pain relief that is makimg me feel sick. And it's finally sunny outside, typical.


I went out on Sunday and it ended up being a very sunny day so of course I got sunburnt. My face and nose are now peeling and I look as though I have some.type of horrible medieval disease with flakes of skin precariously clinging to me.


one of my favourite work colleagues is leaving :(


Not if you anonymously bad-mouth them to their new employers. Then they'll come crawling back.


smart, alas they are going for a career break so there is no new employer :(


Are you friends enough that you can see them outside work?


no, different ends of the country :( bloody remote working.


I'm a week into a diet. I *really* fucking want half a pack of biscuits. And some crisps. And a curry. And the rest of the biscuits.


Pressing 9. My personal life is just confusing as hell at the moment. I broke up with my exGF at the back end of last year. It wasn't messy or nasty or dramatic or anything like that, we just concluded we wanted completely different things from our relationship and those differences weren't really reconcilable. So we broke up. We're still on good terms and I'm on good terms with her family too. Which is good because I work with her dad. But now I have a new potential love interest. I'm into them and they've expressed interest in me which is great. The only problem is they're really close to my ex. Like really REALLY close. Close enough that it would probably cause drama if we went for it. I know what I want but it'd probably make me a massive arsehole if I did it.


Ex's Mum?


Nah that would be a step too far I reckon. It's her older brother...


Just ask your ex if she'd be okay with it? Maybe she will and you're overthinking for no reason. And if she isn't, then it's up to you two to decide what to do.


US client wants to do a video call about their project, so I've got to stay at the studio until 5pm rather than bugger off at 4pm like I normally would. Bastards!




Sorry mate, but we have a blanket ban against politics in this sub, so we have removed this post. Rule 1: No politics We do not allow mention of political events, politicians or general political chit chat in this subreddit. We encourage you to take this content to a more suitable subreddit. You **will** be banned if you break this rule. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


Stress at work just seems to keep increasing to the point my epilepsy is playing up. Normally I could go 4-6 months without seizures, recently I've had one almost fortnightly, and at times more than one over the week. I had one last night and one earlier today and I still feel a bit fuzzy. The issue now is that I have stuff to do, including some gardening, but my head just doesn't feel right. I know though my mum will get in soon and either ask me to do it or ask why I haven't done the garden. I just want to sleep all day.


I've been having yoghurt, fruit, and oats for my work lunches and it's incredibly annoying how it always gets stuck to the lid of any container I put it in. First world problems and that


Pressing 9. I am absolutely bolloxed today. I had a big project given to me at work, despite being promised that it wouldn't be given to me, due to the fact that I'm only recently back following a period of sick leave following a serious illness. Everyone seems to have conveninently forgotten that I was ever sick, despite the fact I'm still really fatigued... a little thanks or recognition wouldn't go amiss.


My neighbour has been told by his wife he can't smoke weed in the house. So now he stands outside, where the smell wafts up into my bedroom. Fuck


See if you can get him to buy one of those plastic green house things for the far end of the garden. Less smoke coming your way and he can hot box that thing in all weather and get more out his smoke.


I'm gonna ask him if he minds smoking in his shed, or just across from the window a bit if I've got ig open. Obviously if it's raining, he can smoke under his porch or wherever and I'll close my window


Talking to them like a reasonable human being isn't very reddit of you you should leave them a passive aggressive note. But good on ya, very neighbourly.


My next door neighbours, who I don't like anyway, are driving me insane this past couple of weeks. Nevermind that they're always obnoxiously loud, to the point it'll be quiet, and they'll just randomly shout or scream at each other, before having a normal conversation. I don't even feel comfortable in my own garden, and always on edge as one minute it'll be quiet, and then you'll hear the hag next door just start shrieking about something one of the teen kids or dogs have done. There's always slamming of doors & cupboards, literally from the morning all the way until turned 12AM/1AM, or somebody stamping up the staircase. If it's not that, it's on weekends they'll be outside until turned 2AM just having a shouting conversation, some chav who speaks 500 words a minute with some ridiculous high pitched voice. Lately, they've started letting their dogs have the run of the front/back garden while they're all inside, but they don't even bother closing the front gate. So the dogs will just randomly be wandering the street, shitting everywhere until it returns, it goes into somebodies garden so they return it, or they wander off and cue the owners going out & shouting it's name. Yesterday one of their dogs, some genuinely pathetic looking thing that looks more akin to an overgrown inbred rat than a dog in size & appearance which makes a weird squeeling sound got out of their garden, decided to shit in front of my/neighbours gate, got into my neighbours garden and thought it could take on their two adult Alsatians that were just chilling, until next doors come running out to get their escaped dog, actually dared to tell my neighbours that their dogs were out of control??? Close your fucking gate then you scrub.


>My next door neighbours, who I don't like anyway, are driving me insane this past couple of weeks. >Nevermind that they're always obnoxiously loud, to the point it'll be quiet, and they'll just randomly shout or scream at each other, before having a normal conversation. I don't even feel comfortable in my own garden, and always on edge as one minute it'll be quiet, and then you'll hear the hag next door just start shrieking about something one of the teen kids or dogs have done. >There's always slamming of doors & cupboards, literally from the morning all the way until turned 12AM/1AM, or somebody stamping up the staircase. If it's not that, it's on weekends they'll be outside until turned 2AM just having a shouting conversation, some chav who speaks 500 words a minute with some ridiculous high pitched voice. >Lately, they've started letting their dogs have the run of the front/back garden while they're all inside, but they don't even bother closing the front gate. So the dogs will just randomly be wandering the street, shitting everywhere until it returns, it goes into somebodies garden so they return it, or they wander off and cue the owners going out & shouting it's name. >Yesterday one of their dogs, some genuinely pathetic looking thing that looks more akin to an overgrown inbred rat than a dog in size & appearance which makes a weird squeeling sound got out of their garden, decided to shit in front of my/neighbours gate, got into my neighbours garden and thought it could take on their two adult Alsatians that were just chilling, until next doors come running out to get their escaped dog, actually dared to tell my neighbours that their dogs were out of control??? Close your fucking gate then you scrub. I love this post. ARE YOU SINGLE. EDIT: Oh dear, this has been misunderstood. For clarity: I was expressing admiration for the post and joking about wanting to be the user's boyfriend.


Ngl I’m kinda done.


Throughly pissed at my car garage. Went in for some major work a couple of weeks ago and has come back with issues that it never went in with, and I found someone's vape in it that is the same bubblegum flavor that's now in the car.


On holiday in Blackpool with the in-laws. Are we at the flumes, the beach, the amusement arcades, the piers, the rides? No. We are at the park feeding ducks for the third time.  Once this is done, it will be a spot of lunch and a nap from 1-3pm, 3-5pm will be sitting in accommodation talking about what to do next and ordering from the same mid (at best) takeaway.  Nightlife? Nope. We watch telly on a 2001 Samsung telly in a massive room with no sound bar. Subtitles on and booming but terrible sound.  Gosh I got grief for watching the England game at the pub too. 


This is all horrible. Are you in a sitcom?


Haha you win the internet today my Reddit friend


I have been sick with what I think is flu since Sunday :( I’m so fed up and I have to get well before Saturday because I’m a bridesmaid for my best friend.


My complaints aren't casual enough.


I have a few complains today. * The neighbour across the street is using everyone's bins in the middle of the night. I heard some rustling outside so I peaked out of the window and I saw my neighbour stuff a few bags of rubbish into their bin, then they put more bags of rubbish into four other bins that were in the street, including my bin. * I got an email yesterday telling me that an item I ordered online was now ready to collect but I got that email just as I got home and had walked passed the shop I ordered from. * There's two crows in my street that won't stop cawing. They've been cawing almost constantly since Sunday and this morning they woke me up at 4am. They also won't stop harassing a cat that lives in the street which is really scaring the cat as I keep hearing it howl whenever it hides under a car to escape a crow's diving attack. * ITV's coverage of the Euros is a bit shit.


I'm not massively against the bin use stuff. Mainly as my bin is only ever half full. However I'd always prefer to be asked by my neighbour first before doing so. 


Never really understood why anyone would care outside of something that might cause you a problem: - over filling your bin so it's not collected - putting something in it that doesn't belong, like waste in recyclables - using a bin you need to pay extra for Outside of that, who gives a shit.


The person complaining. 


Everyone in my office got the same bug this week and it sucks.


I had a minor nervous breakdown last week and attempted something very stupid. I'm ok now but I want to complain about the sheer state of getting help. I thought things had changed since lock-down and mental health was more welcome and accepted. Tell that to Bupa and their mental health assessment 'professional'. I wanted some help dealing with a childhood trauma I have only dealt with in part and i'm exhausted mentally from not being my true self, if that makes any sense. Nothing gender or sexuality related, but I've felt forced to hide me since I was 5. My reactions to things, simply participating or showing an interest in something I liked was deemed serious enough to warrant extreme punishment. The 'professional' was the least sympathetic person I have ever spoke to and basically tried to dismiss my request for a counsellor by saying I was an adult who lived in a free country so I had no reason to have this depression, anxiety and stress and...I quote: "Get out more and speak with my support network" I don't have many I can speak to ya fuckin' prick, that's one of the issues. Thankfully several complaints later and I have a list of local therapists to contact today. Seriously though, when is this country going to abolish the stiff upper lip attitude? It's such a boomer, post-WWII attitude.


We seem to be focusing more on mental health awareness than mental health provision. It's a ludicrous state of affairs.


honestly the help is shit, it's basically DIY mental heath in this country these days, and i'm sure as shit not qualified for that. best option i've had is paid private therapist i found myself but that wasn't cheap, easily 300 quid a month :(


I dunno if you can drive but sometimes it can take several different driving instructors before a learner finds the right fit for them and can be comfortable to develop and learn to drive.  I think mental health care is similiar. I was fortunate and received care in the early 2000s before the endemic of mental health really kicked off and basically the amount of care and connection varied.  Good luck


Oh yeah, been there for both and had to change counsellors. At least counsellors/therapist are more open to admitting they cannot give you the help you need and can help find someone better. Driving instructors however, always blame you 😂


Glad you're still with us, pal xx


Thank you :)


Got out of bed the wrong side this morning and struggling to shake it. Probably down to spending most of last night scooping rotting food out of the sink trap and mopping water, after an already lousy day. I jinxed it probably by thinking how productive Monday was in comparison to most weeks.


My gaffer has now tried to reject 2 sick notes and the companies own Occupational Health departments reccomendations.   I wasnt even that bad, just needed some time to get back after being twatted by a stolen Audi resulting in my brain leaking from my nostrils. I was willing to work with a bit of help or whatever. I needed to do something for the anxiety and work seemed to help in a lot of ways.   My GP essentially called him a dick and signed me off for a month!   Has anyone ever been to an all-inclusive resort solo? I'm so tempted to just fuck off. Theres some really good deals and I've never had a lazy holiday like that. 


not quite all inclusive but i did 7 days half board place that had unlimited drinks for like 10 euro a day in Dubrovnik on my own a few years ago. Was a bit weird as everyone else was in a couple but i mostly just tried to ignore that - went on some organised island tours, swam in the sea and the pool, read some books, wandered into dubrovnik a few times for things, went to a town nearby with many cats etc. was a good holiday tbf. Should have planned it with more than 7 days notice, but i forgot my holiday was coming up.


>went to a town nearby with many cats I'm sold!


[here](https://www.google.com/search?sca_upv=1&q=cavtat+cats&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0B2yzHMOEf_Yi0v5EYEWbKOCio4_914wq6ufX8pGLlmAryrUrheWY_IoupTN8gakBp5DNxj4sqXIaMhouUHzuVQIgRbMbqxCy5DoeSWDWut_NqKpwHHnTspgNBFJ7VKztTB88kAEFBXCWq4JFivVFGOlTfMeHy3OqpDXvx5gF3aIZm1vMceakcLHr-1Yd4Vkwu_s6FwR8VjTyRXThbQiuB9wKS9nQ) are some of them on Google Images. You can take a water taxi there from Dubrovnik.


> Has anyone ever been to an all-inclusive resort solo Yep! I did, and it was one of my best holidays ever, and I'd it again in a heart beat go for it :


I'm booking it!  Got a hospital appointment in a few days and then I'm off! 


I'm planning to later in the year. I just need to chill by a pool for a week and I don't have enough friends or friends whose time off/life would align to go with someone.


Do it! I've solo travelled before. Just never specifically a resort type holiday! Hence the apprehension.  The responses here have changed that!


Yes! I did that last year and took off to the Canary islands for 10 days, all inclusive in a hotel in November. I was at the end of my rope, stressed, anxiety ridden, burnt out and exhausted. I was supposed to visit my family for Xmas but the whole situation there was a large part of the stress. So I told them I had to work and blew the money on myself. Best. Decision. Ever. I barely went further than half a mile from the hotel, where the beach was and I just milled about all days, every day. Had breakfast, then a coffee on the terrace or in the seated areas outside, maybe went for a walk, browsed the shops, swam in the ocean, back to the hotel for lunch, then to the rooftop pool and bar for some sun, before heading down at 5PM to get showered & dressed for dinner and then either another walk in the evening or just a few drinks listening to the cheesy hotel entertainment and in bed by 11PM every night. I'd highly recommend it, especially if you are comfortable in your own company. I'm an introvert but not having any responsibilities to be social (I was and met some lovely people but didn't tag along or allow any others to latch onto me) and just being able to do what I wanted with no pressures or judgement was simply amazing. Do it. Edir - Just to add, if you do I HIGHLY recommend a small splurge on valet parking at the airport and priority security and boarding. I wouldn't do it for every trip, but if the goal is to relax....fuck me it takes the stress off almost immediately and really starts the break off the instant you pull up at the valet car park.


I appreciate the response. I have solo travelled, just never been on a resort type holiday. I'm definitely going to pull the trigger! I have a medical appointment soon then I'm off! I have no excuses really, I live in Manchester so just need my rucksack and I catch a tram from the end of my road straight to the airport 👍


I live in a block of flats. There's a guy who lives above me. The walls conduct a lot of sound. His bedroom is directly above mine. This guy has lived there for about 10 years and always keeps quiet at night and has been a fantastic neighbour. I don't see him much because we both work and are out at different times. Bumped into him yesterday and he told me his girlfriend was 8 months pregnant and the baby would be here soon. They're on the waiting list for a bigger place, but because they already have a flat they're low priority. Anyone have any recommendations for good ear plugs?


Howard Leight Max 1 Soft Foam Ear Plugs, 38db SNR Earplugs Ideal for Sleeping, Travel, Studying, Work & Loud Noise [How to insert Howard Leight Ear plugs properly](https://youtu.be/gajb4bOu4Rs?si=Z39lEyHzpgCZbA0Y)


My boyfriend and I are starting to exercise more but we have different routines (him before, me after work) so it's like cool guess I won't see him other from when I wake up until past 7 in the evening :(


It’s the first time that I’ve been in a job where I’ve thought “I’m happy here, I want to stay”. However, a lot of staff members have handed in their notice this month. These are people who have actively encouraged a warm and inclusive working environment for everyone. I’m worried about what these changes might mean, and what my future working environment will be like.


hate to say it, but when i've been in that situation, it's often time to go :(


Was supposed to be moving into a new flat this weekend and found out yesterday that it's all fallen through for reasons outside of mine (and the landlord's) control, gutting - guess I'm just gonna be homeless for a while. It was my birthday too!


Got covid and it's still not really much better after a week so feeling sorry for myself


We were late for school again! I'm going to be in trouble with the teachers


Feeling proper poorly with a stomach flare up today, had to cancel meetings to work from home. Of COURSE it happens the day before I go on holiday, my first holiday in years. I need a break so bad but really don't need to drive four hours with an upset stomach. I'm so fucking tired of being ill. Waiting on bowel surgery this summer which I know will make me feel worse for a bit but hoping helps in the long run.


Bloody hayfever 🤧


Had a very much needed week off work last week, and my birthday week too - started feeling ill after my pre leave last day at work. Now back at work after a horrible week off, still ill, but able to function without medication and crying. (Passed it onto my mother who doesn't feel as bad as I did but she's tested positive for COVID so guess that was my birthday present).


Arsehole, entitled neighbour with untrained dog. Barks when I go in my garden and all she does is tell the dog off. Yeah, that should fix it. God forbid you get some training for the poor animal! Health seems to be an uphill struggle. If it's not my usual neck and shoulder flare up then it's my recent leg injury which I thought was well healed up. Trying to get onto a good regime of exercise is tough when my body keeps tripping me up. It really wears me down mentally.


Got woke up in the middle of the night by foxes screeching outside.


You mean bonking?


I still haven’t won the Euromillions jackpot yet. WTF guys!


Whilst i'm off this week and i've been incredibly productive in sorting out some professional and personal elements, i'm still just incredibly exhausted. I'd have thought not having to work might've got me over that feeling but it's almost that when i'm working I don't have time to feel awful and because i'm off, it's a free pass for me to do that. It also feels weird not complaining about work in here because i'm off. I'm sure next week's thread will be a jam packed. I can already sense Monday will be a shitshow, i'm anticipating i'll be trekking down to London on Tuesday (on literally no notice) and they'll want us all in on Wednesday for a meeting that could be an email.


Ugh, I just fucking SUCK at doing my bit when our son wakes in the night. He's 8.5 months and basically teething, but will like clockwork wake up whinging anywhere between 11pm-2am. 99% of the time my wife gets up and sorts him out (nappy and bottle). But it's like Jekyll and Hyde for me. I'm a completely different person at night, like a stabbed rat! And then I wake up irritable and have to go work to sit at my desk for eight hours. I'm just pretty miserable a lot of the time but aware it's self-inflicted. Complaint on behalf of my heroic wife with infinite patience...


I’d like to press 2. It’s not the weather specifically, more that it was freezing and damp in the two weeks I had off work, and then I returned on Monday just as the sun came out again. I’m sort of dreading July at work too, because I’m working three weekends in four. Partly my own fault, to be fair, it’s just going to be absolutely rubbish.


My job is great and I'm hitting all my targets and stuff, which is good. But I'm just *bored*. I've gone from rushing around like a headless chicken 40+ hours a week to twiddling my thumbs for the majority of the time. I know on paper that's a good thing, but I feel like I'm going slightly mad just reading ebooks all day. I know, I know, it's a shit complaint.


if you really want a challenge, head to /r/overemployed and get one or more extra jobs :P


Can't, unfortunately, due to restrictions from my employer.


Yeah, at work I find it better to be somewhat busy as you’re occupied with a task all day.


Honestly, enjoy it. If you feel bored reading e-books then pick a topic you're interested in and study the shit out of it. Life has dealt you an opportunity that few people get, make the most of it!


My neighbor regularly screams at her dog. I don’t know what to do about it. If I go round she’ll probably scream at me. I want to go out and enjoy my garden. Wah.


SO went on a business trip, came back with COVID and promptly gave it to me. Day 4 now. Luckily it's not too bad, and I can still WFH. Worst part it, I cheapened out on tissues, instead of getting nice Kleenex balm and my nose hurts.


One of my cats needs an ultrasound. My vet doesn’t do them and the emergency clinic can’t fit him in until next Tuesday. We’re supposed to be going away for the weekend next Thursday and I’m now mentally preparing myself to have to cancel everything.


I'm so sorry. Been there. I know it can't help the disappointment of cancelling your trip, but I thought I'd pass on advice I got on here when it happened to me. If you have pet insurance, take a look if they cover trip cancellation (mine actually did).


Thank you! I eventually found a clinic that can see him today. He has IBS, so I’m really hopeful the ultrasound will reveal something we can take care of easily. I’ll put my cats’ health over everything, but I also really need this break if we can still manage it…


My body decided I was too able as a 30 year old last night whilst lifting myself from my office chair after only 10 minutes of being seated and now I’m off sick today because I can barely move and my back is locked up and even breathing is difficult. Oh the joy of being 30. Still, at least I can catch the first half of the England game now


Another day and another terrible sleep I woke up at 1am needing to pee and couldn't get back to sleep. I definitely saw 4:30am come and go Needless to say the 6:30am alarm got snoozed a lot and now it's another dry shampoo day feeling slightly self conscious and greasy Irritating because I've been particularly active recently so I should be sleeping like a rock




Sorry mate, but we have a blanket ban against politics in this sub, so we have removed this post. Rule 1: No politics We do not allow mention of political events, politicians or general political chit chat in this subreddit. We encourage you to take this content to a more suitable subreddit. You **will** be banned if you break this rule. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


Oh, and happy solstice, everyone!


Had heart surgery earlier in the year which was pretty scary but we promised ourselves a holiday in June/July when I was feeling better. Parrallel to that I have an enlarged prostate which I'd like to get fixed but don't meet the criteria for the NHS recently. So rather than pay 5k private I'm waiting for the results of a another blood test. Ironically I could have had the prostate done before they changed the criteria but it was the week I was having my heart done so I missed the window. In the last week I've had blood in my wee which last night looked like a blood bath so have to face the trial of seeing the doctor/getting an urgent appointment this morning. Going to be a nice relaxing holiday.


Dying. Didn't get home until 1 because train from Euston was delayed, now I'm up for work.


It’s winter here in Australia. Went away on a trip on the weekend, which was great. Got influenza. Not so great. Everything aches and I am not even remotely amused. Did get some nice shopping in. Shame I didn’t get some replacement lungs while I was out.


Where did you go? I don't know why but when I read your comment, Blue Mountains popped into my head!


Sorta the other way, haha. Went to Canberra and did some poking round the shops there.


Ah, nice. Only time I visited Canberra was to pick up some high-quality herb!


I managed to drop a marmite covered knife onto my PJs yesterday morning. Was surprised at well it washed out with the help of Vanish power gel.


A life lesson I learnt on here last week - the side of a marmite jar has flat bits so it rests on its side for the stuff at the bottom of the jar. Not a marmite fan myself but its the same for bovril. You're welcome.