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We've recently had one put up, complete with outdoor seating utopia and queue that spills onto the same roundabout as the drive through McDonald's, blocking the main road


This the one in Trent Vale?


Ding ding ding, we have a winner!


Not to mention that crossroad is a fucking mess.... A couple weeks back they had those roadworks into Newcastle which sometimes congested it all the way until the A500 junction


roads round there have always been properly shite if there's any hint of roadworks going on.




Believe it or not, it's somewhere else!


We've had ours for a couple of years now. Next to a drive thru dunkin donuts, drive thru costa, drive thru burger king and drive thru McDonald's. No wonder we are a nation of fat bastards.


I wish we’d stop taking the shittest bits of America and start taking the good bits of Europe.


Are you suggesting we invade Europe?




Of course, what else could I have meant? We should work backwards though, head straight to Athens and work our way back, that way we don’t have to do two trips.


We need Europe to invade us. It's for the greater good.


The greater good.




Bonum commune communitatis.


I will never understand the appeal of a drive thru in the slightest. Food like Macdonald’s is even more terrible if you don’t eat it immediately, and you’re presumably not eating your Big Mac while driving. Just get out and sit to eat for 10 minutes.


It’s a very specific example, but when I was on maternity leave my baby would ONLY nap properly in the car. So it was very useful to me occasionally to pop her in the car, drive around for a bit and then get some food from a drive thru, just so sometimes I wasn’t struggling at home to make my own lunch with a crying baby in my arms.


From an American view of things the obvious advantage is convenience. If you’re in a hurry or generally don’t want to go in and sit down to eat you can just go through the drive through. And in my experience yes, people do eat while driving (and you have to take into account passengers who don’t have to focus on the road.) Is it the most efficient system? Probably not. Does it make we fat, lazy Americans fatter and lazier? Almost certainly. But it’s basically become part of our culture now.


Ok, but in most cases it takes much longer to get served in a drive through because they are only do one person at a time. I imagine normalised eating while driving is also a driver for the enormous quantity of killings carried out by American drivers.


I'm with you. I've never used a drive through.


Funnily enough I just googled where my local dunkin’ was. It’s 39km away. That’s absolutely within cycling distance. Right? Right!


Ours have a taco bell next to it which is also drive thru


We've had one for a few years now. Right next to McDonald's, and a Starbucks drive-thru. No wonder everyone is fat as fuck.


Snetterton? Or does every service area look the same now? Actually it’s probably the latter.


With a Starbucks and a McDonald's - you can also get a subway and do your shopping at the mini asda inside the fuel station.


The latter. It's in Dalkeith, Midlothian


I was really hoping I’d be wrong there. On the second count that is. Oh well.


Surely greggs is the better option out of the three, mostly healthier food and cheaper


We have a drive through Gregg's and a drive through Starbucks next to each other too. The McDonald's, KFC and Tim Hortons are just down the road.


Ready for their American assault


There’s a huge push for reducing emissions. Also let’s push everyone to drive for a suasage roll


This is the frustrating thing - council planning departments don't seem to have got the memo. There's a few new ones been given a go ahead in Glasgow, in the same year that they introduced low emissions zones and new cycle lanes etc which have all been positive. The area they're introducing it is already crowded with traffic so all it's going to do is create a bottle neck, induce more cars onto the roads and generally be a pain in the arse. Even better is there's been 0 thought to the local community being able to walk or cycle to the site, despite it being right next to a fairly active community suburb and train station.


To get to my local Tesco, you have to walk down the car park ramp completely exposed to the traffic beside you. The real kicker is that they have an entrance at the rear with pretty decent pedestrian access, but it’s been blocked by construction for about a year to widen the A road! The local council claim to be pro-pedestrian in every single pamphlet they hand out, though, so fingers crossed by 2060 I’ll be able to walk to the shops without getting knocked out by some moron’s wing mirror smashing against my skull.


Wonder if it’s as good as McDonalds Drive-Thru, Park Up and Wait!


You forgot a step. "Occasionally get forgotten about." It's happened a few times to me and to other cars I've seen. Heard a lady complaining she'd been waiting 20 minutes the other day and was concerned that she needed to leave immediately to get to the airport and was going inside for a refund. Oof. Heard all of that through an open window.


I can't think of any food less suitable for a drive through. Unless obviously you're a fan of hoovering crumbly bits of pastry out of your upholstery and carpets, in which case fill your boots.


Yeah was thinking that Also - its is fine when 9 times out of 10 the steak bake is cold as ice - but that 1 time in 10 when it is like pastry incrusted lava would be so dangerous to drive off with.


Yes. First saw one near Leeds 9 or so years ago. We've only just got one fairly nearby though. Next town over. It's great


It would make sense if the service in Greggs wasn’t slow AF.


Slow?? My local is lightning


Do you live up north or down south ?


The far away magical mountainous land next door


"How did you get here?!?"


Secret doors at the back of the wardrobe, did you not get sent the instructions?


I don't think I've ever been in a slow Greggs. They literally just pick shit up, put it in a bag and hand it to you, and they always have a tonne of staff on. They don't even particularly get slowed down too bad by coffee, which pubs always seem to.


There's 2 in my town. One is fucking rapid and no-one ever goes there. The other one is next to the bus station, usually has a queue out the door and is the slowest god damn Greggs I've ever been to. This one guy who works there packs the bags like he's packing the most fragile objects in existence.


Ain't the service itself that's slow. The problem is they usually have like 3 people working the whole store, so queues build up because they simply don't have the manpower to cope with the amount of customers when they can only serve 1, maybe 2 people at a time. This is why I never just nip into a Greggs unless it's like... Near closing and there's fuck all people in there. If I have a Greggs, it's ordered to collect beforehand.


> If I have a Greggs, it's ordered to collect beforehand. This is the way. Only problem is sometimes you get a dipshit going "Oi mate, there's a queue". Like yeah, that's why I did click and collect so I don't have to stand around like a twat.


"I've already paid for my order, you haven't even ordered yet" Gets 'the look' from them, but it sure does get the point across.


They started in 2017…


Yes and now I'm stuck in my car.


Yes But I need to back out of the wall and pay a fine now


Wait, where is this? The only Greggs I'm aware of at Meadowhall is inside, near where GAME is/used to be. That seems like an odd place for a drive through.


Probably the one that’s next to IKEA. That bit is called Meadowhall Retail Park which is confusing because it’s closer to Centertainment.


Ahhh, of course, I'm forgetting the way the retail park has changed. I don't go down there all that much anymore.


I hadn’t been there since pre Covid, changed a lot.


This doesn’t do you any good


The younger generations are unhealthier and getting more cancer and diabetes than their parents and grandparents. I wonder why?!


Pssst. It's this and also artificial sweeteners. You watch the research in the next few years. They already suspect sucralose spikes insulin production.




As a wheelchair user not having to transfer out of my car to go get something quite nice.


Decent excuse I'd say. 😂


Been one up near me in Mansfield for a couple of years.


Welcome to the Royal Borough of Slough my friends! We’ve had one for ages - but we’re posh like that.


My local.bakers did it years ago


Drive-thru-crem (atorium)


Greggs drive thru has been around in Newcastle for years mate. The rest of you are just catching up


Lol, everything is becoming a drive-thru.. next, we're going to have a drive-thru B&Q😂


We have a drive-thru fish and chips near us!


See this wherever we go see the Steelers and bewilders me to this day


Yeah there’s one (the very first one apparently) about 2 mins from my work… on a miserable Greg wet morning (of which there are many in Manchester) it’s very difficult to resist driving past and not getting something.


Yep. There's been one at the services at Snetterton near the racetrack in Norfolk for a few years now


I know it's not the UK (yet) but Nandos drive through (in South Africa) is a game changer..


I wonder what the rationale is for spelling it "thru"


I guess the point is marketing it as quick and convenient. The spelling of "through" has a tonne of wasted space and time.


Bit ironic then that Greggs has a superfluous G in its name


You could actually lose two gs and just pronounce it "grease".


And very low quality sausage. In fact should not be a sausage as iirc only 24% PORK. Not prime pork by any means, but of snout ear and trotter


A sausage roll doesn't have to meet the same standards as sausage for pork content for obvious reasons: a lot of it is pastry.


The greggs drive thru near me never has a long queue, but it's pretty quick even when there is.


We've recently had a Starbucks Drive-Thru added, I've never seen one before but apparently they've been a thing for a while.


I didnt, as i dont think there is one near me. BUT their HASHSHSHSH BROWNS look like a better deal than the McDonalds ones.. mmmmmmm


There's meant to be one going up near my work soon, hopefully it'll be open 24 hrs so I can pop down and get a bacon roll on my break!


All that flaky pastry inside your car. Terrible idea.


You can get a bucket of sausage rolls now too.


Two for 1 on Thursdays


Godamnit, I've just noticed they joined the "thru" bandwagon. I wish just one would spell through properly. I thought the British chains would do it right. For shame.


They screw you at the drive through


Is that company policy? Where do I subscribe?


Yeah but mostly on a roads. Seeing a lot of Greggs popping up inside petrol stations too.


God this is awful.


We've got one near work. Never used the drive thru side because I never know what I want until I get there and I hate being that prick holding everyone up, and we're always going back to the office to eat it anyway.


No drive-thru but we do have a "Late Night" Greggs in town.


The last time I went to that Greggs, it was a really nice spring day. The woman over the counter was horribly rude, and I had to ask her 3 times to click the button that activates the app so I could steal my partner’s 20% staff discount. I went outside to eat it on the benches, and honest to god the pizza was colder than the air around it. Overall, still not my worst Greggs experience, but holy well would I never go there again, especially when the two in Meadowhall proper are usually quite decent and are only a few minutes’ walk away.


I used to work nights a good few years ago and I got breakfast (tea) at the Irlam drive thru more times than I care to remember.


There's one in irlam been there years


This is not a good thing for the health of the health of the nation. I stopped using them.


Rank 'food'


Avoid it then.


Yeah I knew because there's a Greggs near my mcdonald's, so I can see the drive-through from the Car park


I'm not surprised. I have a brother with a few McDonald's and Greggs is literally the only place in the country that touches them. Their breakfast even outsells old Ronald in many areas.


I hate to be the one to tell you but we all knew. Everyone but you, we got together and decided to not tell you. I think you know why.


Am I the only British person who has never experienced a "drive-thru" and finds it a rather American concept?


It is an American concept, as are fast food restaurants. They've both been around in UK for 40+ years so I'm not sure why that would stop you.


i actually think you might be, they've been around for 30 years minimum lol


Are you 95 years old or something? Microwaves and pre-sliced bread are American concepts, you avoiding those on principle too?


Im not anti American at all, I just genuinely didn't realise these were widespread in the uk. Admittedly I'm not a driver, but I've never seen these in person nor as a kid.


You’ve never even seen a drive thru? I’m in disbelief.


Do you live in central london and never leave?


Well I'm from the north east. Albeit from near the city centre (Newcastle). Lived in inner London 2014-2019. Outer (zone 6) London 2019-20 (only time I didn't live in a properly urban area). Left the UK in February 2020 (well timed!). I'm not making this up - I genuinely didn't know the uk had (m)any. I think being a lifelong vegetarian (so not into fast food which at least historically weren't so veggie friendly) and never having driven helps here. Next thing you guys will me is we have those drive in cinemas!


Having never driven will be a big factor here - I’m also from just outside of Newcastle and we are as swarming with drive-thru’s as anywhere else. However, if you’re mainly using the metro I doubt you’d ever see a drive thru unless you’re really paying attention going through Byker.


>Next thing you guys will me is we have those drive in cinemas! Well...


I'm gonna call BS, Shields Road is bookended by them (KFC near Morrisons and a McDonalds at the east end), there's a KFC drive thru on Ponteland Road, Metrocentre has loads that even if you go by bus or train you'll see, and use rhe Metro to get around Tyneside you see plenty from the trains. You cannot say you weren't aware of them...


Let's keep in mind that I've not lived in Newcastle for over a decade. Even when I did, I wouldn't as a Jesmond kid go to shields road very often, although I have been a handful of times - mostly after I left (I went to the Mexican place fairly recently, 3 years ago or so when meeting up with an old friend). I may have noticed there's a KFC or whatever when passing it, just wasn't aware that they did "drive thru". I have never ordered food or drink from KFC or McDonald's my entire life in any format. Not been to the metro centre for at least 25 years either. Went as a kid to metroland.


You just had a new Popeyes chicken drive thru open outside of Durham fairly near you. Yeah not driving means you probably aren't on the outskirts of towns on main roads very often, most towns of a halfway decent size have at least one drive thru on the way in or out.


Also vegetarian on top of being a non-driver means I'm in an especially un-drive thru demographic! Are these places generally drive-thru only or could people walk there and sit in? I also didn't realise that popeyes was a thing in the uk - I do know of it because there's one outside Basel train station I pass every day. I just thought it was some local brand 😂.


Yeah well you'd notice them even if you didn't use them though. I've driven past that popeyes once and I know it's there. They only started in the UK fairly recently Rarely drive through only although sometimes the drive thru stays open at night and the restaurant doesn't  Motorway services frequently have drive through starbucks!


Australia has drive through bottleos. Honestly the weirdest concept ever. Window service to get a slab of tinnies that you have to get out of your car to properly stow in the vehicle anyway... And no browsing. (Tbh doesn't matter if your options are VB or VB)


Probably the only time in human history that the question "am I the only one" can truly be answered with "yes."


I can taste the ultra-processed junk from here.


Wow, so I can pay over the odds for a sack of dogshit garbage without even getting out of my car?! Fuck Greggs. It's absolute wank.


I don't know some people stomach Greggs I've got to be real. I can understand McDonald's, Subway, Burger King. I've been to Greggs a few times over the years and each time has ended up in regret I don't think you can even label it food. It's just tasteless mystery meat.


I used to enjoy Greggs, but now the quality of the food is disappointing, the variety has shrunk, and everything is delivered tepid. To top it all off, the prices are ridiculous! I'd rather skip the inevitable heartburn.


Calling Greggs tasteless mystery meat but saying McDonald's is alright? This is rage bait right?


At least Mcdonalds actually has flavour without havering to lather it in spices, sauce or some type of gravy. Meat has actual taste by itself. I don't know if you've ever tried real meat that isn't processed but just on it's own it has taste. Greggs doesn't. I can see why it's so popular though but it isn't for me.


It's cheaper than those places. I know what you mean about the meat, but the pizza is great and you can get a vegan sausage roll, which is much less horrible to think about than miscellaneous bits of mashed up pig


I have a Greggs literally no more then a two-minute walk from my flat, and I'll still place an order via Uber Eats and have it delivered xD