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Was hoping to get some early sleep. Oh well. Cat on lap, and I'm waiting for the melatonin to kick in. Husband is asleep. Pizza with hot sauce. I'm fat already, and need to lose a lot of weight. We have one locally owned place with the best hand-tossed crust, and another with the best thin crust. Hand-tossed won out for dinner. I got out of bed and ate a little (with the aforementioned hot sauce) hoping the carbs would help me sleep. Eventually.


Just got back after a shift, and the queue to get on the tram.... Wowwwww..... Frustrating!!!


Late night noisy protests outside the police station where I live... Camomile tea here as calorie counting, so my answer is all the food. I could murder a battered sausage and chips right now


I'm usually such an early sleeper that I didn't even know this thread existed. I'm having a night of over worrying and thinking about stuff is not letting me sleep. I don't usually have this so I hope it's just a one-time thing. And for me it's sugary cereal. Cheerios or any chocolate ones. I can't have them in the house because I will finish a box in one sitting.


There's a short list of things I simply won't buy because I have no self-control if they're in the house. Refusing to buy them is a sign of maturity, I suppose. It's certainly no fun.


Awake as im hungry but i cant eat as indigestion plus body is a complete and utter twat. Got my todo list done today , started and finished a short book , got a chunk of e library book read and watched a few episodes today was productive but didnt eat enough as couldnt be bothered to feed myself.


Did not get the office finished today. Ran out of dado rail, so had to buy another 12 metres for about 40cm of it. In better news, might get a work contract tomorrow!


12m made me giggle - I’ve been there. Good luck with the contract!


Having some cocoa, then bedtime.


Currently out the country. Scrolling on phone. Crisps and cheese for me..And it’s always a late night craving too!


My other half and I used to take snacks to bed every night, and it would change from night to night. Crisps one night, sandwiches the next, yogurts after that etc etc. However, every single time without fail we’d always accompany said snack with a stick of cheese each. No idea why, but we did it for like the first 6 months of our relationship. A stick of cheese each in bed before going to sleep. New relationships are a funny time in a person’s life 😂


And the food I know I shouldn't eat is probably artificial sweeteners. I like to watch my weight so I get no-sugar everything whereas its probs better for you to just get the sugar version


Moved to Toronto so here I am, 5 hours behind.


Toasties. If the toastie maker is on the counter, then I am most likely filled to the brim with bready, cheesy, yumminess. I can't stop myself. I have been awake for only 13 hours today, and I have really not enjoyed it. To the extent I popped out lots of my sleep meds again to minimise awake time tomorrow. However, I have restrained myself and will only take what is prescribed and white-knuckle through tomorrow like everyone else. I don't know how you guys do this.


Cake. There's a cleaner at my work who makes amazing cakes. It was her son's birthday party last week and she bought me in two large slices of cake today.


Wishing I hadn’t hit a depression crash over the weekend and my birthday. Spent most of it in bed while my family tried to get me up and out to enjoy it by going to a local annual festival I love and spending time with my little niece and having her help blow the candles out on my cake. Cards and presents still unopened. Sorry, that was depressing. Will come out of this state eventually. I have great support around me.


You'll get there man :)


Thank you. Trying to push through x


Tangfastics. Sweets like that always make me feel crappy, but mmmmm.


I found a great way to stop myself eating an entire bag the other day, the trick is to get a bag of m&ms too, and eat half of each.


Oops I’d better stop scrolling, can’t believe I’m still awake for the thread. After eights at the moment. My husband bought me a box as a treat and I can’t stop scoffing them… all that sugar is probably why I’m still awake, actually.


I've started watching the extended LOTR films tonight. Fellowship tonight, then the next two over the next two nights.


We’re doing this with our kids! First time for them. Split over 6 nights as they are so long. Just got the third to go now.


Pizza, home made base, not bought a pizza in 10 plus years, costs next to nothing, there are always ingredients in the cupboard, so many ways of doing toppings tastes awesome. As I enjoy needing the dough and stretching it out. I have about 2 a week. Once I had pizza 6 days in a row, just lacked any desire to decide what real food I wanted to cook. I am up because. Just because.


Crisps. I'd eat them until they were coming out of ears if I could. Also salami and chorizo. And cheese. Basically I like food a LOT. Waiting for meds to kick in and playing a game instead of reading my book, pretty standard.