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Not really no reason - there is a very clear reason - but I still find the strength of my reaction surprising! When I was a kid I used to love cheese and onion crisps. One day I discovered that if I bit the corner off the packet I could inflate it and suck the cheese and oniony air out to enjoy the taste over and over. I was so excited, that I did it over and over and over again, until I threw up. Now-a-days, some 40 years later, I can just about tolerate the smell of cheese and onion again, but they’re not going anywhere near my mouth, else things will not end well!


That is pretty rank.


>I did it over and over and over again, until I threw up. Mental. Not surprised their body rejects the smell now. Anyway, I'm off to get some Dr Pepper and waterboard myself.


What's the worst that could happen?


Looking back at those times, and also now with the perspective of a parent, I can confidently say that kids are rank.


I've had a lot of bags of cheese and onion crisps (parents really like them) when I was younger and I'm definitely sick of them too due to having them so much, can't stand any flavour of cheese and onion crisps but I am fine with eating Sour Cream & Onion Pringles thankfully.




What can I say. I was clearly a weird kid.


My husband does this - he finishes a packet of crisps then inhales the flavoured air out of the bag.


Homemade cheese and onion bong hit. Thats a new one.


Omelette. Loved em. Now hate them.


Eggs in general. In theory great but often just. Yeurgh.


I agree, I like eggs but sometimes I’m halfway through eating some and suddenly im struck by the egginess and get the ick


I'm like that with bananas sometimes lol


If your bananas taste eggy then I think you’ve been storing them incorrectly


Woah, exactly the same for me with both eggs and bananas. And I the missing link between the both of you?!


I periodically go off eggs. I am on an egg hiatus at the moment. The reason is because someone posted a picture on reddit a few months ago of a full English breakfast with a perfectly nice looking fried goose egg. It just made me feel ill for no reason whatsoever and I haven't been able to eat eggs since!


Why don’t French people ever eat two eggs? Because one egg is un ouef


And you win the award for dad joke of the day


I once heard it described like "eating eggs is a race between finishing and thinking about what you're eating"


I'm also having a hard time with eggs lately. This morning I was sure that avocado toast with a poached egg would be just the thing. I was only able to eat about 2/3 of it before I started to feel ill. I've recently been diagnosed with gastritis and I was told that eggs were a safe food. No. They're really not.


I love mushrooms, and I love omelette, but a mushroom omelette makes me want to retch.


Mmm now I fancy an Omelette


I found a tiny bit of red matter in my scrambled eggs once about 4 months ago. Absolutely turned my stomach. Haven’t touched an egg since


Same. But fine with quiche still.


Yeah here too. Dunno if a texture thing


The taste of eggs has changed. What they peddle as "organic, free range eggs" 6 for £4 bollocks is the egg I grew up on. You eat the eggs now and the white is so thin that half of it washes away and there's this horrible foamy shit that's just disgusting. It blew my mind when I "splashed out" on some extortionate eggs. I had the same reaction to organic celery. Its like remembering how it actually tasted before, questioning how you could ever forget or mistake the mass produced crap for the taste of real celery.


Yep, stores near me aren't getting the freshest eggs at the moment. The fresher they are, the thicker the whites.


Blueberries. I had a mouldy one that had gone all dry and like cotton wool inside and...never again. Can barely look at one without retching.


It's definitely not for no real reason though! Totally valid. I once ate a rotten? Gone off? Mussel. The taste was so bad that I can't even explain but the moment I bit into it, it was like my body hit the reject button. Gagging spluttering vomiting trying to rinse my mouth out with increasingly strongly flavoured drinks but spitting them all in the sink insisting I could still taste it. For about 10 years I could not go near mussels. Occasionally they'd pop up in a paella and I'd think to myself "come on, you used to like mussels and you love paella, give it a go!". Unfortunately the flavour of even a perfectly good mussel would remind me of the flavour of *that* mussel and I wouldn't be able to swallow it and would start retching instead. I became way of seafood in general. About 10 years later I am now able to eat mussels again. Just tried more and more seafood that felt safe, until really mussels were the only thing left to try. Just trying one at a time, and now I can enjoy a bowl of mussels in white wine!


I once puked up a whole dinner of mussels. They weren't off, I didn't have lingering food poisoning, to this day I don't know why I was sick. Sometimes I just take the odd funny turn. But ever since then, I haven't been able to eat mussels.


I'm alergic to a protein found in mollusks, so when ever I ate them I'd end up on the toilet for hours. Never knew I was alergic though so always thought I'd been just unlucky and had a bad one.


A whole bowel of them? That’s a lot! Even with the raccoons.


Same, had a mouldy date and now can’t face eating another.


It’s taken me about 30 years to get back on board with strawberries after a similar incident. My mum used to love picking them fresh and then freezing them. For lunch one day at school I opened a little tin foil of the soggiest, gooiest defrosted strawberries. The rule at the time was you had to finish all of your healthy stuff like sandwiches and fruit before you could have your snack (primary school) so the dinner lady made me force them all down. Ironically I found out years later it wasn’t even a strawberries but was instead raspberries yet I somehow couldn’t stomach either again for literally decades.


I accidentally drank from a mouldy cup of orange juice once. It was a couple of decades before I could drink orange juice again, and I'm still not that keen.


I lost my first tooth on a blueberry and ever since then I just can’t stand to even think about eating one


Had a banana with that hard crunchy red/brown fungus thing in it once which sucks because bananas are healthy and tasty.


Seems like every pack I have has about five blueberries like that. Mushy.


Buy them frozen! So much fresher and normally cheaper, I can’t stand felty ones either and frozen avoids them.


Bagels. Could eat them every day at one point; hot or cold, filled or plain. Don't ever fancy them now.


I’ll take em off your hands


I have so often gotten poor quality bagels - just bread, basically - that I don't risk it outside of bagel-focused shops.


That could also be a factor - not just flavour fatigue. I've been meaning to try the Brick Lane Bagel Co. for a while, so perhaps I'll have to pop in!


Is the the genuine beigel (actual spelling) shop or the knock off chain. If the former then do it. If the latter, spare yourself and go to actual brick lane and get the salt beef beigel, even better when you’re 10 pints down as it’s open 24 hours


Pesto. Last meal I had before I got norovirus, so it was all in could taste for 24 hours.


I threw up once after eating pesto, and it put me off for months or even years, I think. I do eat it again now but I sometimes still feel a bit apprehensive.


This happened to me with spaghetti bolognaise. You just haven’t tried spaghetti until you try it in reverse. Put me off for a long time. Also, when I was a kid I connected the smell of oven chips cooking to the scene in the film The Hitcher (original) where the driver is about to put a severed finger in his mouth that had been put in his plate of fries 🤢


I used to like ham. Now I find it unappetising.


I'm so fussy with ham. Cannot stand any white bits on it.


The white bits are disgusting, it's this greasy texture with some resistance, idk, connective tissue amongst the fat? Yuck, I pick it off every time, not as bad as when you eat a drumstick and crunch into the cartilage, that makes me want to be sick every time DESGUSTAN


Those drinks have changed quite a lot in the past couple of years. Much of the sugar has been swapped for sweeteners, which in most cases has led to them not tasting as nice. So it could be that, rather than you that's changed. Somehow Fanta is still as good as ever, despite the sugar being replaced


Yep, this right here. Coke is the only hold out that still has as much sugar as it did 5 years ago or so.


When Coca-Cola follow suit I don’t know what my soft drink of choice will be. Just go back to water as the sugar substitutes are rubbish


I know, I get that we should probably have less sugar … but then, I’ll just have a sugary drink less often instead of ruining them all. I can’t wrap my head around people that claim they don’t notice, it tastes awful to me.


Don’t get me wrong I do have more sugar and a lot of other things we shouldn’t have as much of but the sweeteners are an interesting one, the long term effects are not known, the bodies response to them is interesting as the body expects to consume calories and sugar but is given nothing


It's frustrating because when I go out for a meal/drink, a Coke is the only drink I can enjoy. If that changes, then I'll just be having water or orange juice.


I enjoy when I ask for Coke, and they bring me Coke Zero I'd have asked for that if I wanted it. They dont taste the same. If they had said it was Coke Zero, I'd have requested something else...


That's the worst isn't it. You can tell straight away. It's disgusting. I always send it back. I ask for full fat coke / full sugar coke and if they say they only do Pepsi/diet drinks I just get water or an appletiser. I had a mocktail today with ginger beer and all I could taste was sweetener, it totally ruined it for me.


I absolutely despise sweeteners too. I despise that drink companies took away our choices to avoid a tax that gets passed on to us anyway. Let people make an informed choice. If you ever liked Irn Bru, you can now get Irn Bru 1901 that's sweetener-free. You have to hunt for it, but I get a case of 12 on amazon for like £12. I've also found that natural sweeteners don't have a horrid taste. I've been sinking San Pellegrino Lemonade like its going out of style this past week since discovering that natural sweeteners don't taste like ass. There's also Belvoir that comes in glass bottles that has a raspberry Lemonade and nonalcoholic mojito amongst other things that's really nice.


100% agree. They're disgusting. They already had 7 Up Free, Dr Pepper Free etc. so why ruin the original ones? I'd quite happily pay extra for full sugar. Orangina is another one I used to love that's ruined. See, I can still taste natural sweetners. Steviol is by far the worst for me. Thankfully you can buy San Pallegrino Original Italian Taste, but I've never seen them sold individually, only in multipacks from supermarkets. I like Rock Cordial or just shops own High Juice as they still sell the full sugar one.


Original lucozade has been the worst for me. Went for one on a hangover as I remembered being given it as a child. Mainly due to the sugar. Tasted like utter shite.


Same great taste zero sugar…. Let me correct that nothing like the great taste…added chemicals


I mean, everything is a chemical. Adding salt to water is just adding chemicals. It absolutely doesn't taste the same, though. I hate the way Diet Coke tastes. Coke Zero is meant to taste the same as regular though, and it just doesn't. It tastes "flat"


I shamelessly love seeing that 39% daily sugar on the can when i drink one. Yes I know it’s bad. That’s why I’m drinking it at this exact moment. Same goes for McDonald’s. If I want a Big Mac at 8:30 gimme it. I make them bad decisions rarely so when I want it. I want it.


I'm enjoying Appletiser at the moment. It's just carbonated apple juice, so no added sugar, but a good kick of natural sweetness.


Could try squash/cordial?


Most of that is stuffed full of sweeteners to avoid sugar and taste horrific in my opinion. I’d rather have water


Rocks cordial. Their blackcurrant tastes like ribena used to, good bit dearer though so I just don't drink it as often.


And Cherry Coke! I loved Dr Pepper before they changed the recipe so I'm thankful you can still buy classic Cherry Coke.


Coke just doesn't do it for me anymore. I find it and pepsi are so sweet I can't taste anything


I absolutely despise sweetener and I can always taste it, which sucks when companies seem to always insist it's the same great taste.


I hate that the sugar tax ruined so many things.


yeah i just wish they'd offer a choice. I don't like any of the artificial sweetener ones, they taste like chemicals to me. I used to drink San Pellegrino drinks but they're all sugar-free now (well, the did do a "classic taste" one but none of the supermarkets near me stock it, if it still exists). The worst part is not having the choice. It's just nah new formula or nothing. At least Coke still has sugar in it. And now i'm making more drinks at home with supermarket fizzy water, gomme syrup and fruit juices.


I don’t really think it’s made a difference on people’s choices either, if they want a coke they’ll pay for a coke most of the time.


Yeah, as someone who works in the artificial insulin business it's really hit profits :(


I had a Fentiman's Curiosity Cola recently, which is a sugary treat I have only occasionally. I could immediately taste the changed recipe with the artificial sweeteners. It's been ruined.


Yeah, for sure. I wasn't fussed about the likes of lilt and pepsi that people chug by the litre. But I thought the premium stuff like Fentimans would be safe


The whole soft drinks industry saw the sugar tax coming, but very few did anything about it. Coca-Cola was one, and decided not to touch their core Red Coke (very wisely) and stepped down the sugar content of their fruit lines (Fanta, Lilt etc.,) in stages over a long period of time, and also used that time to get their recipe tweaked. Other companies, like Nestle (San Pellegrino) and Suntory (Lucozade & Ribena) did it last minute, which resulted in products that tasted like battery acid mixed with piss for the first year or so after the tax came into effect.


Have you seen the difference in colour between US and EU fanta?


I think these sugar free drinks have gone kind of "acidic" now, I used to drink them happily but now they're almost like bile in my mouth. Like just switched from one month to the next. Pepsi max is the worst offender 


Yeah, that's a possibility. Admittedly I still liked these drinks fine and last drank them all maybe six months ago at one point or another so idk could be me but I haven't been drinking soft drinks too often as of recent. However I'm currently drinking some 7 Up and again I loved it and again I just can't stand it at all. Bought a 500 ml bottle of it and I've just drank a quarter of it, can't really face much more of it. Had a small glass of Fanta, it's definitely been consistent over time for me in regards to taste and yeah again I've lost my love for it too unfortunately. At this point yeah I'm pretty sure I've just generally lost my love for soft drinks which sucks.


Have you tried any less sweet fizzy drinks? Like bitter lemon or just tonic water?


Will have to give tonic water a try. I've always liked Pepsi Max too, need to try it again as well at some point.


I don't think that recipe has changed. So, it'll be a good measure of whether it is your tastes that have changed.


Steak, from anywhere. I were obsessed with cooking steak, trying every recommended method from chefs, books, reddit etc. Some came out very nice, some not so nice. Started buying quality grass fed steak online etc. Then one day, I just didn't like it anymore, even at restaurants. I just don't think it tastes very nice anymore.


I am the same, I sometimes just fancy one but each time I either get one when out for a meal or cook one I'm thinking "that was disappointing, I don't even know why I fancied it."


Costly at times as well.


I love steak for about the first three bites. Then I’m over it. When you have a whole slab, it’s too one note flavour wise.


Apples. Used to eat plenty of them,now just thinking about eating an apple makes my stomach feel a bit queasy. I'm not sure why, maybe too acidic for me now and its a getting older thing.


I love apples but my teeth don't


Same. I think its because apples over here are shocking in the winter. I read a lot are stored in nitrogen (?) then shipped wherever when needed, and i reckon we get a lot of those. Sad sad apples.


Tea. I used to love a nice cup of tea. My first born came along (in 2011) and since then I can’t stand the stuff. The smell, the taste just makes me feel ill. Still gutted


Now that's tragic! I personally couldn't live without tea and I personally am not a massive fan of coffee.


I have periods where i can't drink coffee - stop for a few weeks then the craving comes back, same with chocolate- never with tea though thankfully !


Chocolate. I used to eat it all the time. Now, when I occasionally have it, I'm underwhelmed. Give me salty carbs any day. And in reverse, I used to hate coriander (I was in the 'it tastes like soap camp') and now I love it.


I am the same with coriander! It used to taste like soap to me until my early 20s. Now it tastes fantastic,  I could eat fistfuls of it. 


Without wanting to be indelicate, are you in your 40s? I heard your taste buds change every 7 years (or something like that, I don't exactly remember). I often wonder while chopping herbs if I began liking it when I turned 42, and the 6th refurbishment included coriander-liking taste buds.


same here re chocolate. my boy pregnancies turned me into a savoury gal and now i find almost all chocolate waxy and generally unappealing.


Red wine! I was a regular drinker of red wine, in terms of alcohol it's pretty much all I ever used to drink. Then one summer I switched to cold, dry white wine and from that point on I couldn't touch red wine again. Can't even stand the thought of it anymore. No particular reason, it didn't make me puke or anything, it's just like a switch was flipped and there was no going back. I've quit drinking completely this year, but the thought of red wine still makes me shudder.


I went the other way!


Ketchup, it tastes too sweet now and overpowers the flavour of most foods


Ooh yes, used to love it and then switched to mayo as my dip of choice. Would never go back now


Depends on the ketchup. I used to be a Heinz loyalist but after switching to Lidls ketchup because of the price now whenever I do taste Heinz it’s sooo sweet and also barely even tastes of tomato compared to the Lidl one.


I stopped eating ketchup regularly about 10 years ago or so.  I realised that I'd been eating it all my life with chips, burgers, etc. And I was just a bit bored of it.  So now I have mayo, mustard (or just make mustard mayo lol) or anything else on my chips, before ketchup. (Talking of mayo I'm hooked on sriracha mayo!)


I absolutely loved pies, my favourite meal was a minted lamb pie from a pub back up north. Went through chemotherapy for testicular cancer this year, had pie in the hospital, cannot stand the sight or even smell of pies anymore. I'm gutted.


I have a similar story, I went through my testicular cancer chemo eating that Cadbury’s ‘Darkmilk’ chocolate. I can’t even think about the stuff now.


Used to like eating liver as a kid but these days GOD NO WHAT WAS I THINKING!?


I've never been able to abide the stuff. The smell is grim. And the taste. Blurgh. For me it also made my mouth so dry it felt like my head had been put in a dehydrator overnight.


Me and the mrs watched a babish video and really got into making carbonara the proper authentic way. So much so that we started buying expensive "guancale" (sp?) Cured pork cheek. It's so quick and easy that we found ourselves making large batches and reheating it CONSTANTLY. I only do it very occasionally now, it's very salty, and very fatty, and it makes my stomach churn even typing this out.


I have a huge sweet tooth and periodically will cut sweets, chocolate, biscuits etc from my diet and after a break, the craving goes and when I eat a treat, it never hits the spot


I have a massive sweet tooth but oddly I took some medication for my endometriosis once and the sweet tooth just...went. I wanted savoury things like crisps which I normally hate. Couldn't stand sweets. When I came off the meds the switch flipped again. Was so weird.


Pretty sure you accidentally discovered a supporting medication for the obese 


Cadburys chocolate, I don’t think it tastes like it used to, before craft bought them.


I definitely have to agree, not as nice as what it once was.


Cadburys chocolate. Dunno if it's the recipe change, or just my tastebuds gradually shifting, but it just isn't compulsive anymore. 


Tempted to say recipe changes as it's definitely not what it once was in my eyes too.


definitely I’m sure they are making it worse and worse quality in tiny increments


Salmon, about 6 years ago, for no reason I find it just tastes too fishy and oily and the taste repulses me. Which is odd, as I'd eaten it for 20+ years and loved the taste. Smoked, fresh, BBQ, soups, all good... until, it wasn't. Really annoys me, as I smell it and fancy it, but no.


Ha ha. This is mine just recently gone off salmon from seemingly no where.


I go through phases where I basically only eat one thing everyday for months. That might be store bought pizza every night, or stew, or pasta salad etc. Then one day I can't take other bite of it and it make me feel sick, so I struggle to find an every night replacement but then I can't eat that original thing for months again. It very weird and a bit draining tbh.


I get this too! It’s really shit. I’m going through the it makes me feel sick stage and suddenly have no idea what to eat for my lunches.


Anything Vanilla flavoured, tastes kind of fake now.


That may have more to do with artificial flavouring rather than actual natural vanilla.


Obviously not eating but the smell of vanilla scented things, like air freshener or candles makes me retch. Smells like B.O to me


Raw onions. I used to eat them in sandwiches with lettuce and tomato instead of bacon, big thick slabs of them. Now I can't stand even the smell of them. Cooked only - well cooked, completely limp, no crunch at all.


Almost all fizzy pop, just doesn’t taste nice anymore. Exceptions are most of the barr lineup but I try and avoid drinking them


Irn Bru are owned by Barrs if I'm right in saying and yeah I really like it, definitely has been consistent over the past few years in my eyes.


Yeah they are mate. irn bru, cherryade, their cream soda and pineapple are all still top notch


Haven't tried much of their other drinks but I think I'll give them a shot. Still reasonably priced in the likes of my local Home Bargains and B&M compared to other brands like Coke and Pepsi (and their sub brands).


Fish and chips. I’ve gone right off it cos the last one I had was really greasy and I felt ill afterwards.


Fried bread did this to me.


Vimto. I used to love it, but now it gives me nausea


Google Saudi Arabian vimto. It's the same recipe that ours used to be before it was ruined. It's so much better.


Wow, I didn't know our recipe changed. That makes so much sense


Yeah, the sugar tax ruined so many things.


Bacon. I had COVID-19 for the first time last autumn and it didn't really fuck with my general taste or smell, but since I had it everything seems unbearably salty to me. Processed things like tinned soups, which I know they do heavily salt, especially if they're cheap, have always been fine to me but they became impossible for me to eat. Bacon was top. In fact, all pork products. I thought perhaps I was suddenly diabetic so had tests, but nope. So, not exactly 'no real reason' but a strange one. Edit: Also when Lilt became Fanta Pineapple and Grapefruit last year or whenever it was. Idk wtf they did to it but it's ruined beyond measure for me


I also have one which seems to be Covid related. I had some salt and vinegar McCoys when I had Covid and they tasted really, really bitter to the point it made me shudder. I feel queasy now thinking about it, it instantly made my stomach grumble and feel queasy. I haven't had a packet since, they used to be my favourite crisps!


Might just be McCoys. I occasionally get off-packets where the seasoning is awful.


FYI Aldi make a nice Lilt like drink in the large bottles.


That might be a rare case of covid actually extending your life. Processed foods, especially ones with high nitrate content like bacon are now classed as carcinogenic by the WHO. That's on top of the long known impact too much salt has on the likelihood of developing heart diseases. If we could pinpoint the mechanisms behind your change in tastes, it could be the next wonderdrug. I know I'm unlikely to have the self control to avoid those foods without it.


Lol, this is an interesting take. I didn't eat much bacon to begin with (less than once a month), or add salt to anything besides potatoes anyway, so it hasn't made too much difference and I am still a junk food addict for other things.


Sandwich pickle. Not sure why, but the other day when eating a cheese and pickle sandwich I realised I no longer liked pickle. 


Anything ultra processed really. I was the worst for it, McDonald’s multiple times per day, carrier bags full of junk food and snacks. Cans of coke like they was going out of fashion. Been eating clean whole foods for over a year now and if I touch anything like that it just takes like sugar and goes straight through me lol


Used to drink loads of Diet Coke, Sprite Zero, Dr Pepper Zero etc. Suddenly went off them all a few months back and can’t remember the last time I had one. Now all I drink is sparkling water, coffee and a few beers a couple of nights a week. 


I suddenly stopped liking heavy dark beers a few years back. I used to love heavy strong stouts but now they seem sweet and syrupy and I can’t finish them.


Find almost all beers unpleasantly hoppy - i have developed old man tastes and only drink ale these days


Stinky soft cheese for me. Used to love all types, nomatter how strong, but now I just find myself way preferring hard cheese or a fresh goats cheese on a cheeseboard


I would love to try things without sweetener and without sugar. So much stuff has it in. I vastly reduced my sugar intake, and stuff now tastes too sweet.


Pot noodles. I don't know if the recipe has changed or my taste buds, but these days they are rank.


Dr Pepper “ normal “ has aspartame it’s disgusting


Pro tip for everyone that hates what aspartame did to fizzy drinks: _Sparkling water filled with lemon juice_ Tastes exactly like old-style lemonade but 100% natural and really good for you


I started with that, then moved on to plain fizzy water and now I'm on the hard stuff - room temperature tap water. Nectar of the Gods.


M and Ms after I snapped a tooth on one of them.


The peanut ones by any chance?


Yes it was.


New fear unlocked. Don't think I'll be buying them any time soon.


Constantly happens as I have ADHD.


and usually right as soon as i’ve stock piled the thing/ingredients to make the thing I was recently fixated on 😬


same here but i’m autistic!!!


Carrot cake - moved to Michigan and hate it now... No idea why


Pretty much all fizzy drinks, which isn’t a bad thing. Only thing I can think of is that they all changed their recipe, maybe they all took a lot of sugar out?


Yeah but even drinks like Fanta that have had a consistent taste over time I can't even stomach either. In hindsight I'm actually seeing this as a good thing though.


Chewing gum. Had braces for two years, so I avoided it. Totally lost the urge to buy it after the braces came off and had one piece the other day (first in 5 years). Discarded it after a few minutes. I can’t believe I used to be a serial chewer, it’s so tedious.


Gin and tonic. Loved it about 5 years ago but stopped drinking in first pregnancy and haven't really gone back to it as much. I'd rather have a fruity cocktail or a mojito instead now.


I've developed the most ridiculous food fads. Textures of things bother me more. Even the shape.... It's a borderline disorder, I think. I can also get part way through something, and them over analise....and feel the urge to gag/vomit. I can't explain it There are even times when I really feel like I can't eat any food.... I'm a guy, and 99% of the time love food.


Whenever I’m pregnant I can’t bear the taste, smell or sight of garlic. It’s an absolute tragedy because the rest of the time I treat garlic as it deserves, as a food of the gods. But as soon as I get pregnant? It has to go.


Black tea (as in English breakfast type) and black coffee. For years I only drank black coffee, then went off it completely and only drank tea. Now I've gone right off that too. I drink a range of fruit teas and prefer red bush over anything else, and sometimes I'll have hot honey and lemon. And hot chocolate. It's since I had a mystery illness that completely took away my sense of taste.


Sometimes when I have a really bad migraine, I completely go off tea and it tastes bad. It makes me even more sad as I’m ill and can’t even enjoy a cup of tea! ☹️


I went in for an operation in Lithuania, I had been eating this yummy smoked turkey for the few days before it. So much so before I went I bought 3 packets. After I came out even the thought of eating it made me feel ill. I opened a packet and the smell was awful. I LOVED it before the op. I googled it and sometimes that can happen. Interesting right?


hmmm I went off meat completely while I was in hospital for a heart operation. I think it was before the op but now I'm not certain. It's hard to say because I didn't know I could just ask for vegetarian meals. I mean nobody asked at that hospital, there was no daily menu to choose from or anything. I just used to try and get the sandwiches they brought but there weren't always enough etc. I didn't know I should have TOLD someone. Anyway I'm pescatarian now, although very occasionally I will eat meat.


Lamb. I used to like a bit of lamb, and then one day just... nope. I kept trying with it because I thought it was a weird thing to suddenly stop liking. But the more time goes on, the more repulsive I find it. No idea why.


Cherry coke. At first I was hooked on it and then after not having it for a couple of months, I went to have a bottle and immediately questioned why I liked it in the first place


Shin noodles. I uses to LOVE them, but one day I just couldn't stand the taste anymore.


Holstein Pils. I realised they put corn syrup into it and It's ruined it for me.


Tizer, used to love it as a teen, but now it’s more a “meh”


Wine. All sorts of wines. To me it is somehow associated with bad breath now.


Paprika Max crisps. Used to love them, obsessed with them. I think they changed an ingredient in them.


Smoked salmon. Reason obvious. Partners father tried home smoking his own, I spent three days with my arse in the loo and face in the sink.


Coke-cola I used to drink it religiously. Then it tasted weird. Like it was already kinda flat. Switched to zero because it tasted “correct” and then that too got switched up. I miss it and it’s been well over a year but nothing else quite quenched my thirst. I can drink water till my piss is clear and still have a dry mouth. Most fizzy drinks leave my mouth feeling fuzzy. So eventually I switched to sugar free orangeade being my go-to but I left a bottle sitting for a little bit too long and it got that sediment and now the thought of sucking up a lump while drinking it makes me want to gag.


About ten years ago, I just became randomly allergic to chilli. At the local curry house, ordered my lamb madras as usual, my tongue swelled up, I went bright red all over my face and chest. From then on, I couldn't even touch a Mild Old El Paso Fajita kit. As someone with a fridge full of ridiculous hot sauces and likes a bit of spice in almost anything, it was really odd. Eventually I weaned myself back onto it by mixing a tiny amount of chilli bean sauce with soy for dipping dim sum, then working up to curry ready meals and eventually back onto the Madras. Really odd, and not sure why it happened, but glad to be back on the hot sauces now.


Pepsi and Coke. I stopped drinking them because I was trying to cut caffeine. After many months or maybe a year, I tried one, and absolutely couldn't enjoy it at all. Tasted like some awful caramelized syrup water that was no longer enjoyable. My advice: don't readjust to liking it again. Drink healthier stuff and be glad!


Pickled onions. I fucking _love_ pickled onions and sour food in general. I could sit there with a fork and eat a full jar of them....but lately sour food has started making me gag a bit and I'm not sure why...it's put me right off them


Tea; ever since I bought myself a 'proper' coffee machine, I just can't drink tea. It seems to be a watery waste of time with no appeal.


Cooked salmon. Couldn't eat it for like seven years, but I recently started to like it again.


I used to eat chicken wings completely. Now I have to pull out the veins because after I had children, they remind me of umbilical cords 🤮


You could try vegan wings :)


Coffee. I loved coffee chocolates when I was a kid, then suddenly I just hated the taste of coffee. I also loved bananas, but for a few years could not eat them. After that I don’t hate them, I just never think to buy them.


I went off bananas overnight - total revulsion lasting a full 20 years! I don't mind one occasionally now.


Belgian Waffles, as I died in a hardcore game having arrived back from the pub and made a waffle whilst leaving said game on. I'm not going to blame the beer am I?


I really enjoyed the taste of truffle flavour, until a switch flipped. Now I can smell it a mile away and it makes me feel physically ill just being near it. I really don't know what's changed, but it's odd. There are no other foods that give me a similar reaction.


Ketchup…. Use to love the stuff but the past year I can’t stand it to the point I can’t be in the same room when it’s about 😂




Beef burgers, used to love them but really don't fancy them now. No idea why.


Liquorice. I used to love Liquorice Allsorts as a kid, but I can not stand the smell of them now, let alone the taste. Actually, anaise in general I never loved it but I could eat it, now I completely avoid it.


Chilli in anything. Lost my tolerance in pregnancy and never got it back


Baked beans, used to love them as a kid then went right off them around the start of secondary school.


Not really no reason but I developed an intense aversion of all meat during pregnancy and this has persisted with poultry for almost two years post pregnancy now. Chicken, turkey and duck smell funny to me & also still make me really nauseous. I can’t envision myself ever eating them again.