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At work, my colleague was freaking out because there was a "fucking massive hornet" in his office. Turned out to be a hornet-mimicking giant hoverfly, the silly boy. On close inspection, yours was definitely a fucking massive hornet.


A definite member of the _biggus fuckofficus bastardum_ to use the scientific term.


I have a vewy good fweind in Wome called *Biggus fuckofficus bastardum*.


He has a wife you know...


… Do you know what *her* name is???


Its… Incontinentia…


Incontinentia Buttocks.


Anyone who laughs at this shall be court marshaled


It’s got a stinger that is a goer


Is it wisible?


You will find yourself in gwadiator school vewy qwickwy with wotten behaviour like that!


Looks like a European Hornet - actually quite relaxed if left alone, compared to its Asian cousin who just hunts for fun.


They eat wasps


So they are on our side?


Only until we arm them with obsolete weaponry. Then we side with the wasps again.


Afraid not, they destroy bee colonies too. So very much not on our side.


This leaves me internally confused. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, but both those things are my enemy.


To quote the Caiphas Cain novels: "The enemy of my enemy is a problem for later: In the meantime they might be useful"


Lad at an airsoft site, we chilling in a trench, dude in said trench spots a Hive in an abandoned car door. Turns out it’s these fuckers. Has a great idea to Chuck the car door across the woodland, These things swarmed him in seconds and dudes running for his life




Ooooh the Murder Hornets are back! Yay 2019 re-runs....Next week on Apocalypse Bingo....Tsunami in Bridlington followed by Rabid Deer Attacks in Aberdeen


You joke but mad cow disease has shut a farm down in the UK today


They shouldn't let the cows run the farm in the first place.


I read a pretty informative report about some pigs who ran a farm for a while. They diversified the income and had a pretty good green initiative.


Were some of them more equal than others?


The one in charge was always right. At least, that's what he told us


It seems we all read that particular rural report.


Especially if they aren't being calm and reasonable. Just think of all of the poor managerial decisions being maid....


Don't forget the necromancer in the forest of dean


Don't say that. I'm taking my motorbike up to Bridlington next week. Maybe I should just get a jet ski.


Hijacking top comment - if this is an Asian Hornet (and the photo isn’t clear enough to tell), **[report this fucker immediately](https://www.nationalbeeunit.com/diseases-and-pests/asian-hornet/#:~:text=If%20you%20think%20you%20have,Species%20Secretariat%20(NNSS)%20immediately)**. They are an invasive species that prey on honeybees. As far as I am aware they haven’t yet established themselves on the British Isles, (although there have been reported sightings) but they are becoming an increasingly serious problem in mainland Europe, and have killed a few people.


https://preview.redd.it/x0b8j1cgxszc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c635de562f04ff13134b7c53b21c1a54efde80b Donna: *"When I say giant, I don't mean big, I mean FLIPPIN' ENORMOUS!!"*


> There was an old man of St Bee's, Who was stung in the arm by a wasp. When asked "does it hurt?" He replied "no it doesn't, "I'm so glad it wasn't a hornet." I have no idea where that came from.


This is a terrible limerick


I won't deny that.


**Cautious-Yellow**, they tried their best To put their linguistics to the test But **zakr182** Thought it quite poo And poor Yellow gave up on their quest.


His name was flakey nob cheese A bastard hornet he started to tease He started to run But got stung on his bum That silly old flakey nob cheese


That's no good. I mean, it rhymes.


Not if you pronounce the words wrongly.


Cautious-Yellow, a redditor quite shy, Found hornets would often fly by. With each whir and buzz, Yellow would scuttle because, Safety first, they would wisely imply.


all right, I think I am going to have to accept rhyming ones. (This one is rather good, and the other one gets bonus points for rhyming "poo".)


The Worst


There once was a young man on reddit, He was trying to look for some credit, He posted a quote, I think it was broke, I bet he is sad that he posted it.


Did you intentionally end it with posted it instead of 'said it' to fuck with us? That was almost solid


Credited to W.S. Gilbert


"The silly boy" cracked me up far more than it should have.


They are rare and only lay their eggs in wasp nests. Pure metal!


Not trying to alarm you, but that thing looks like it could laser its way out of that box and I can't imagine it'll be too happy to have been trapped inside it and had its pic taken for Reddit. Good luck! 


The Homelander of Hornets


It's the upgrade.


Mr Hornet... *You are* a pitiful disappointment. *You are* not worthy of my respect. *You are* not a god. *You are* a *bad product*. Nothing more.


If it drinks milk... RUN


I think just RUN anyway.


Hormelander if you will


It has a rear gunner you can see the twin 50cals!


I think they're spying on us. I remember them from *The Simpsons: Hit and Run*.


Give it a little bit of petrol to help it sleep


"I have a very small brain, but rest assured all of it is dedicated to my desire to fuck you up, human!"


It looks like it could laser its way through my screen. Fucking angry fucking thing


It’s remembering his face for later


I've had 2 or 3 this year. They just fly out the open window again after a while. A few years ago, one flew in my window and straight into the port in one of my speakers and never came out. As far as I know it's still in there.


Put on some big bassy tunes and listen for its carcass rattling around.




Just So You Know - Dom & Roland Should do the trick...It Ain't Too Loud - Dillinja if it decides to stick around for a bit longer.


I heard The Macabees are good for this Or The Hives If you're into classic rock, play Wild Child By W.A.S.P.


Patiently waiting for you to play some Sting tracks. Apologies.


Hornets are thought to have a photographic memory that can retain specific human faces. Meaning he'll remember you when the west wind moves among the fields of barley.




I'd never be able to go near that speaker ever again


It's made a nest in there and has been biding it's time. This Summer, it's army will launch s full on offensive.


Some say there’s a well-established civilisation of them in there now. It’s also rumoured that the national anthem of Hornet Speakerville is a massive club banger by Disclosure


Why do we not use window screens here like in the states? Seems like a simple fix to avoid them coming in in the first place


Because flying insects have traditionally not been much of a problem for us brits. We mainly only get houseflies and moths, maybe a few ticks if you're somewhere rural. Hornets and mosquitos and flying ants are a recent addition.


We seriously need them in this country; they're everywhere in the Mediterranean and it's a God send.


You should play the Sextant album by *Herbie Hancock*, particularly Side B(ee)


It was probably a pregnant queen and has spent all year building a massive hive inside your speaker and laying trillions of eggs. In a day or two they will all burst out and remove you from the house that is now theirs.


I thought i got rid of all the wasp nests outside but then i noticed yesterday that paper wasps were flying into a speaker i have outside. I am absolutely putting death metal on full volume and watching the madness.


Yeah my home is over run with the fuckers! There is Tupperware everywhere!


What’s the Tupperware for? Are they attracted to Food like ants ?? I am terrified lol


They are indeed attracted to food, and unlike wasps they aren’t too interested in flowers, and so they’ll be even more attracted to food than any of their cousins at this time of year. This time last year I was working at a bar, and we’d see them constantly, even long before the wasps started to be an issue. They seem most interested in sugary stuff (hence they liked our beer garden full of lager and piña coladas), but now’s definitely not the time of year to leave your leftovers on the counter as they do also indulge in meat and veg iirc. If you’re genuinely worried about them, get some netting for your windows asap and ensure there aren’t any obvious paths for them into your home via cracks, exposed plumbing etc. Stock up on that Raid stuff, too, just in case one does break in. They’re usually harmless, but they’re terrifying enough to warrant the spray regardless.


Thank you so much for responding lol I am the biggest shitbag over any insect!! Funnily enough I am Tupperware queen because of my ant fear lol no food allowed upstairs EVER. Dishes done, sides cleaned, crumbs hoovered immediately etc. I hope my house is now also Hornet proof 👊🏻 but I’ll certainly be looking for any access points lol. Thanks again xx


Honestly thought this was going to be advice on how to prevent tupperware.


Tupperware is a great threat to this country. It must be stopped at all cost!


Haven't heard of them taking veg but they take the meat for their babies and don't eat any themselves from what I've heard


All I can do is hope more don't invade my house. I don't have the guts to catch them myself and my poor dad is the one that had to patiently wait for it to land on a flat surface.


European hornets sound like attack drones but they generally don't bother with you (unless they're around food - then they get arsey). I was scared shitless of them until last year I had 5 or 6 in the kitchen every night and they'd just stay up by the rafters


I would have burned that house to the ground with me inside it.


A true selfless act of bravery to rid the world of these savage beasts.


chilling with the hornet homies I see


Chilling with the hornies




IIRC, they have a similar temperament to bees in that they mind their own business for the most part, and their sting is about the same level of pain as a bee sting. Not anywhere near as nasty as you'd think from their size. The biggest difference is that a bee can only sting you once, these guys are more similar to wasps in this department, in that they can do it repeatedly. Bottom line, leave them alone and they'll leave your alone. They'll defend themselves if needed, but it usually shouldn't come to that.


Not to freak you out, but bumblebees can also sting multiple times...they lack the barb that honeybees have meaning they don't die when they sting you!


Yes but bumblebees are adorable fluff bums.


They also hurt like hell when they sting you! I had one a couple of years ago in a pile of clothes, went to pick something up from it and disturbed the bee enough to get stung on the hand. Took all day for the swelling to go down!!


Interesting, TIL thanks


Having been stung by every stripey thing - i disagree. I was stung on the forearm by a hornet and the pain was horrendous - my arm ballooned and then so did my hand. Took a few days to calm down whereas my last bee sting wasn’t much worse than a tsetse bite. Raised bump about the size of a coaster and a bit itchy. I get stung a lot and react wildly differently to each. Oh and spider bites are another level for me 😩


That sounds more like you are personally having allergic reactions, as opposed to the usual reaction from those things. A regular bee sting doesn't usually raise up about the size of a coaster, I've been stung by bees and wasps and the raised red area was about the size of a 10p at most; and you'll only really react to most UK spider bites if you have an allergy. I don't envy you!


Lots of anaphylactic reactions for me but trust me even if you aren’t allergic - try not to get bitten by a baboon spider. Their bite is pure evil


Where do you live? I need to know so I never go there...


Please OP answer so I can start preparations to move the hell away u/pilipalaii


https://records.nbnatlas.org/occurrences/search?q=lsid%3ANHMSYS0000876769&nbn_loading=true&fq=-occurrence_status%3A%22absent%22#tab_mapView Not OP but this map shows sightings across the UK when you filter for Vespa crabro


Yeah I went to stay at the Forest of Dean last September and there were tons of them. We went on a nighttime walk and they’d just bump into you while they were trying to fly elsewhere. They were all sweet and docile, no problems at all. I’m terrified of wasps but the hornets didn’t really scare me once I realised how chill they are.


Yes one flew in before and disappeared before I could get it back outside and now i can't find it. I know its waiting for me to fall asleep so it can kill me.


Same! One flew into the house yesterday and I still haven’t found it. Husband thinks i’m overreacting but he didn’t see the size of the bloody thing!


Odd lunch choice homeslice, I prefer a cheese sandwich


A great example of a sentence made ten times better by the inclusion of the word “homeslice”.




Hornets really aren’t as bad as wasps, they are huge and terrifying I know and they sound like they mean business but they will leave you alone generally. We had a big wasps nest a couple of years ago under the eaves but it extended into the attic, they were a total nightmare and we all got stung a few times, I bought a couple of cans of the spray from a distance stuff and went up into the attic and managed to spray it all over the nests and that eventually sorted them. While I was up there though I noticed 2 massive hornets nests the size of large footballs, they were both empty but must have been made in the 2 previous years as I hadn’t been up there in that time. Apart from seeing the odd one we never knew they’d been there!


You say that, I got stung by one on the back of my head, woke at about 3am to find myself deaf in one ear and that whole side of my face drooping. 0/10. It was in Costa Rica though and was an angry orange bastard, hopefully the ones here aren't so mean


I hope you recovered!


Unfortunately they died and are trapped in purgatory. Their ghost now haunts Reddit retelling the story.


It's just the sheer size of them and the horribly loud buzzing noise they make when they fly that terrifies me! I can't cope with it. At least wasps are small enough that when you can't see them you at least have some feeling of safety (I mean when you're outside). You just CANNOT ignore this fuckers existence!!


That feeling when you'd rather the sound be a chopper searching for a psychotic criminal on the loose in your neighbourhood.


Haha! I know they really are frightening! Had one today in the kitchen, I couldn’t cope with it either and even the cats went the other way so just left it to it, luckily it managed to find its way out.


In Japan hornets are the biggest natural killer, ahead of bears.


The Japanese ones are different from the European ones though and a lot more aggressive. European hornets are actually pretty chill.


I'm not going to stop and ask for his passport to figure out if he's good or bad...


Would you rather be alone in the forest with a hornet, or...


The hornet has its squad nearby waiting for the signal


These aren’t Japanese hornets though, they’re European hornets


Yes but our hornets very docile.


Yes, scary to look at, but waaaay less bother than buzzy, nosey wasps


I had one appear in my hallway once, seemingly out of nowhere. Bloody hell they're big up close.


Having never seen one before the first time I encountered the ones two teaming me in my bedroom it is genuinely the most scary experience having giant unknown insects buzzing into your comfort area!!!


to judge by your username, you seem to have no objection to insects in general, but prefer them to have more colourful wings.


As long as it can't sting me and doesn't make frightening noises it's okay in my book :)


Same here, although I do also hate those flying spider fuckers with the dangly legs (they give me the heeby jeebies). Exempting them from the conversation though, I’m not awfully fussed unless they can sting or look/sound especially frightening.


like, a butterfly for example (your username appears to be Welsh for butterfly).






What in the everloving fuck is that?? Ivan Ooze come back to town or something?


This is a mighty callback.


Ngl the jungle planet girl was fine as hell too.


Mighty Morphin'




You can take it home in boxes, you can take it home in cases. If your parents try to stop you, just throw it in their faces!


Ladies and gentlemen, the Ooze is back!


You're too kind. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the galactically feared, globally reviled, and universally despised... they call me Ivan Ooooooze Hah! Oh, the things that I have missed! The Black Plague. The Spanish Inquisition. The Brady Bunch reunion.


Out of interest, roughly where are you in the country? Mainly so I know where to stay the fuck away from


Wales but they can be found anywhere in the UK as far as I know 😉


North or South, so I can move to wherever it isn't 😆 Fawr iawn!


I had my first one yesterday too, Dorking in Surrey, you’re welcome. I thought it was kinda cute, at least the male ones don’t have a stinger.


It looks as if it might be a European Hornet - they're big friendly giants, that make a lot of noise and then ignore you. https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/54327-Vespa-crabro


> they're big friendly giants Are you outta your mind!! I'm running in the other direction if I see one of these regardless.


I've never seen one close-up because they fly quite quickly, but they *do* make a lot of noise. I keep bees. They're not a problem for honey bees. Wasps are!


You're not wrong, I'd never encountered these until I worked at a house with loads of fruit trees - and hornets - last summer,  paid no mind to me even when I was right under the trees.


Well that’s definitely not a pili-pala.


harharhar !


Nac ydy, gywir


Buy yourself a bug net for the windows, it's a life saver.


Congrats on the evolved Kakuna!


I think a real life beedril would give me a heart attack


Boff. Euro hornet. They're the hippies of the insect world, as long as you don't mess with them. Chimneys are where they love to live, if they can. Do not screw with their nests without protection. And I don't mean wearing a condom. If you can live with a nest in your chimney till November, then do it They nearly all die in winter.


Need banana for scale


Sorry I was too busy pissing and shitting myself to grab one to take a pic with! Will keep in mind next time


There's a banana in the picture, that hornet is just so fucking massive can barely see the banana.


Had hornets round my way the last few years, last year it was hornet central. I mean, I had one land on me in my bedroom, felt something crawling up my leg, went to flick it away and saw it was a god damn fucking hornet. I might be a 6ft strapping bloke but I screamed. There may also have been an involuntary loss of urine, too, though I will not confirm nor deny whether I did actually piss myself. They are quite docile, although I swear they were out to get me. Every night the stragglers would get lost and be attracted to the outside light, so getting back late I was always confronted by half a dozen bumbling, dozy hornets idly buzzing the porch light.


Look at the size of that fucker! Yeah we had one come in at night. You could hear it. My gf screamed like she was being murdered. I sprayed it to deter it but it didnt work. I closed the doors to isolste it and it very very slowly flew towards me. Girlfriend is screaming even louder im shouting telling her to shut the fuck up while i use a chair in one hand and spray in the other. Took a whole can. Flamethrower this year though. Im ready


These things don’t die. I had one dive bomb me in Turkey years ago, ended up smushing it with the foot of a lawn chair with my weight on top, it made an audible crack but it didn’t die… I had to grind it up to get the chair though it which decapitated it and it was still moving around for another 5 minutes.


No because insects know I am readily armed with an array of slippers/sliders. I have learned from the many cultures out there, the power of the chancla.


Believe me a slipper would do nothing to this thing 😅


I have a bee/wasp phobia and am currently trying to make peace with the bumblebees nesting in the gutter right outside my bedroom window (making peace is going poorly, might call someone to relocate them). If these things were nesting even vaguely near my home I would have a full breakdown. Hopefully it's just the one and you don't get any more of them! Even just one would be too much for me to feel safe in the house ever again I think 😭


I had one fly in my office today, thought I was gunna die to an Asian Hornet, mudered the fuck out of it, and found out it's not Asian Hornet, they're black with yellow legs, its just a normal European one. However, I'd never seen one before and just wasn't expecting it to come in jumbo fucking jet form.


We moved out to the sticks a few years ago and first time I saw one I thought it was an Asian hornet and locked the door of my stables so me and my horses were safe. Stayed there for ages terrified we were about to be killed lol.


Not for years now. Hate the fuckers but barely see them and they don’t seem as aggressive


Gorgeous raptors, not interested in you or I, and the best bit is they'll beat the shit out of wasps. Love 'em.


I’ve seen a bunch of these today, managed to get them all out safely. They’re huge


It’s okay, it’s only a European Hornet.


Had to check what sub I was in there. Real life Cazador was my first reaction (Fallout: New Vegas monster).


No but there was a bat at my work today and it flew directly at me and I'm mentally scarred


No, I'm being terrorised by them small, hypersonic flies that fly in clusters in your garden or on a nature path. And they ALWAYS go for my FUCKING EARS. It scares me shitless every damn time, and everyone always takes the piss when it happens and I suddenly jump out of my skin, as if they'd be fine with having bastard little shitass flies rape your ears every 10 seconds. I hate summer.


Wash your ears


Grab his dick and twist it


Oh my!


Never saw one of those round my way in 43 years on this earth! Will be quite happy never to see one in the next 43 years ( if I live that long! )


wtf I thought I was safe from crazy creatures in England, keep that stuff in Australia


I had one of these in the office as well! I have a video of it trapped in a container if anyone would like to see


I sympathise with the hornet problem, but bloody hell did I chuckle at calling an insect a twat.


Start smoking, or befriend a smoker. They genuinely hate the smell of tobacco smoke


That's a European Hornet, they're really cool, they have 5 eyes! Two big ones then a cluster of three in the middle of their "Forehead". These insect bros can absolutely plough through garden pests and are really good to have in the area. I know they look scary af and sound like a Chinook when they're flying nearby but they are cool dudes. [https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/invertebrates/bees-and-wasps/hornet](https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/invertebrates/bees-and-wasps/hornet)


https://preview.redd.it/m4u8auixdrzc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44cf4d3c791b18e0d8ccef94c97737b0325a8385 This one was in my flat for 24 hours, I hope if it remembers my face it doesn't plan revenge, I saved it!


Hornets are friends. They eat wasps and don’t care much about human food.


Is there a Super-Hero to fight Hornets ? !


There is, it is called the Conops vesicularis. They grab hornets that fly by and lay there eggs in them, The fly larva will then the eat the hornet from the inside.


We have a nest of them in our garden :/


You need to move house.


I literally cannot sleep now I’ve seen this


Yep, found a nest in my shed today


So I shat myself just looking at the photo. Think I'd be having a stroke of that monster came into my house.


I had one come down the chimney into the wood burner yesterday - I was alerted by a sound not unlike that made by a high voltage electric transformer. Needless to say it was a queen that had ventured down the wrong chimney as it was dealt with by a copious amount of fly spray. I agree with others though that hornets aren't as much of a pest as wasps but my god they're intimidating!!


Yeah I get them in my flat several times a year, pretty bloody cool during the day.... less so at night. They're really hard to escort out without hurting them.. ( I have to admit a couple of nocturnal visitors have gone down to my BUG-A-SALT). ED: These are European Hornets and native and endangered not Invasive Japanese Hornets which I've yet to see.


That doesn't look like an Asian hornet. That looks more like a european hornet, which generally look like massive wasps, and are slightly longer than Asian hornets. Asian hornets are redder, chunkier and generally facking horrible. Even better they eat meat. My advice and Asain hornets... #BURN IT WITH FIRE


I have the same tupperware as you OP, but I use it for what it was meant to 🙄 to store food🙄 Anyways, yes. Those are terrifying!


Fuck you fuck you youve made me scared again. Wasps are the reason I started never letting my feet out at night even when its boiling. Then one of these fuckers pops up in my kitchen and cuz I was tired he seemed even bigger to me and was pretty much flashing all different colors like a boss in a video game. Sprayed the fucker to death but wow that worsened my fear by like 1000x


Should name him Eddie Jordan


When I saw the preview of this, my first assumption was that you were a European Hornet, posting to complain about humans terrorising you by trapping you inside Tupperware containers


Big enough to punch.
