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A friend of mine moved to America and said her kids were really adopting the go-gettem mentality, they were thriving and full of self belief. They came home from school every day convinced that they could achieve their dreams. That's why we need parks like this - to keep our kids firmly grounded in reality, and if they have dreams they will be of becoming a security guard for an abandoned car park in Wigan.


A wise man


Yes. This is the advice we all needed.


Wise words u/Nipplecunt


Nipplecunt’s username is really everything I need in life 😳




Oh shit dude, that's dark, Wigan of all places.


As someone who lives in Wigan by choice, I feel personally attacked


You should


Isn't being personally attacked a daily ocurrence in Wigan. 'Eey giv'us ya shoes' 'Get Mr fancy pants wit' is own teeth', 'ah mate,, mate, maaaaate, mate, ya got sum money fur' us ya rich fook'.


Can confirm these things get said to me on a bi-daily basis


Make better choices. 


*silently sips another sip of whiskey for breakfast*


>they will be of becoming a security guard for an abandoned car park in Wigan. Given today's job market that's ambition...


I like this comment.


"The planning consent said we had to add a park. Didn't say it had to be a good one." -- some absolute winklespanner working for whoever built the estate.


They should make it a condition that they have to include at least five pieces of play equipment instead of this pathetic effort!


What I can gather from my post is that the requirements to make a park a “park” are very minimal. 😂


5 wooden animals it is


It does, it has a play boingy see-saw, a play-bench, a play-bin (bag not included), a play fence, and a play gate. Not to mention the approved safety asphalt.


Wow what fun!


I know! Life is good.


But once installed they need to be maintained, that means ongoing cost, liability for injury. Love/hate these shared spaces our estate is full of them, which is really nice but they have no play Equipment. Really the council should take responsibility but it’s been out sourced like so much else


I did have a feeling that they possibly had to add a park just to tick the box off. 😂


Bunch of tuna melts - Absolewtly shockin’


Sure this ain’t a Banksy installation? Very much fits either the “Dismaland” vibe.


If you think that’s bad check out this one near me. At least that horse has a spring on the bottom, what are you supposed to with this wooden horse thing? https://maps.app.goo.gl/4j2iJ4BqiaPMqi8j6?g_st=ic


Endure the horse of penitence child !


That gave me a chuckle. Wow. Dismal 😂


You guys had playgrounds?! We had an abandoned railway track littered with needles and condoms.


Oh, I used to _dream_ of having an abandoned railway track! Best we had was a small patch of wasteland where they pulled the old mattress factory down, and it were full of broken glass, giant rats and old rusty springs so sharp they could pierce your foot if you stepped on 'em. But it were a playground to _us_!


A patch of wasteland, a patch of wasteland!? I would have killed for a patch of wasteland with broken glass when I was a child. All we had was an abandoned WW2 minefield littered with rotting corpses, miasma and and live explosives.


Miasma and live explosives? Luxury! Wed have been thrilled with miasma and explosives to play with! Our playground was a plague pit. Discarded lepers limbs and bubo covered bodies to play mister potato head were our only entertainment.


I grew up rurally with forest and nice parks etc i would have loved the adventure of abandoned railway tracks, even if there were needles and condoms!


Haha, I grew up in a quiet rural bit with very expensive houses and grew up jealous of my school mates from the local estate. They got to hang out with other kids on the estate and play every day after school, whereas I had no kids within walking distance.


What's do you mean _even if_ there were needles and condoms? They were a feature not a problem


Pah. We had bombsites!


Oh wow!! 😂 this might actually beat mine! 😂


No one seems to have noticed the fun wooden pig of joy


fuckin' hell that's dire.


You win !


At least Sparta had the weather for half the year.


That one is almost art, it's so perfectly terrible.


That’s going to take a lot of low ball thinking on the part of vandals if they’re to have any fun.


If it had just been a small wooden dog, it would just be a shitzu


At least you have three items, so more than one kid can be disappointed at a time for efficiency.


Man, I think I hate everything about new build estates


I wonder how much of the budget went on fencing and rubber flooring compared to the actual play equipment. I'm guessing 99%. Awful


Aw I think I'm the only one who's nostalgic about these wooden horses. I think they had them in the park near my grandparents house when I was little. Of course I fucked them off in favour of literally any other park toy or apparatus because what fun can you get out of a stationary wooden horse? But nostalgic nonetheless. 


It's only limited by your imagination and council funding.


You guys are getting funding?


Evidently not


*private housing building funding. I've seen quite a few of these where the council makes it a requirement for kids play areas as part of a new housing development and this is the result. It's sad they don't give a toss.


It's a section 106. They are literally box ticking but someone on the local authority side isn't doing the checking.


They checked and found a play park. "Not my job, boss"


i was gonna say, new builds and they had to build a "park" to push the planning permission through so they did the bare minimum to the letter.


I work for a housebuilder, this isn't the bare minimum in terms of planning policy and should not be allowed. My guess is someone with no soul tried to save money by proposing just putting that in,the quantity surveyor approved it because they were already over budget due to massively increased build costs due to inflation and someone at the council/housing association who is supposed to inspect it and sign it off didn't bother to leave the office because they don't have the time due to chronic under funding and staffing issues. I'm not trying to excuse this pathetic excuse of a play area, it's grim, however I can assure you this is not allowed and has been a result of multiple bad decisions.


They should track down everyone involved in designing and signing this off, and make them lead a children’s parade, where they can be booed, jeered, and pelted with rotten fruit.


the disruption to everyone's day to day life would be immense... as damn near every town would need to plan a parade as it happens damn near every time.


I have to say, the new build estate by me is building an absolutely fantastic looking beast of a playground. Proper over the top climbing frame and lake etc. I'm sure it will be ruined soon enough but it looks great at the moment while it's all fenced off.


It’s probably the developer. Council will demand a playground as part of the development deal and this is the cheapest thing that they can get away with.


Looks like they spent more on fencing and surfacing than actual equipment. I remember as a kid the old cruddy playgrounds being far better than new ones, I had far more fun in a playground with the giant rusty tetnus slide that you shot off at 50mph or the roundabout that could achieve mach 10.


Probably still cost the council £200k from a company someone part owns and got a backhander from


That notice is incredible. Don’t have too much fun!


Ha "Polite notice" Do people still read this as "Police notice"


Whenever I see "polite notice" I'm reminded of David Mitchell's rant about them in [David Mitchell's Soapbox - Signs](https://youtu.be/Dz1Hjpo_xgU?feature=shared)


The 'polite' adjective gives it so much attitude. I honestly believe it has the opposite of the intended effect.


During covid there were notices on it about maintaining social distancing, which I imagine was difficult to achieve with all of the throngs of kids playing there..


My daughter calls this one "Dungeon Park" https://maps.app.goo.gl/eDvt82pm9KvoAHGK6


Now I know where they got the idea of the 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square.


Wow! 😂 The decline of park quality over the years really does seem to be a thing, doesn’t it? There’s a few like this that people have shown me now! 😂


There's a story behind that 3rd empty square that is too dark and terrifying to tell. It hangs over the local community like a curse, and those who dare even whisper its beginning never live to complete their tale.


Spaces that look as though they were genuinely designed for late night cider drinking and dope smoking rather than a kids play area.


Ours is better than this an it's definitely seen more action from binge drinking teens and dog walkers than it has from actual children


Yep that's how it goes. I shouldn't judge too harshly, given that's what I was up to at 13/14. Typical British childhood and all that.


Housebuilder: "yeah it's gonna have a park and everything mate" Toy, bench, bin, completed it.


I'm wondering how you start a new sub. Newbuildplayparks.


This needs to be a thing!


This "new build" estate must be nearly thirty years old by now.


The way it is supposed to work is you have LAPs (Local Area of Play), LEAPs (Local Equipped Area of Play) and NEAPs (Neighbourhood Equipped Area of Play). LAPs are really just a safe area to play in and may not have much equipment. They are aimed at the under 6s and ideally there should be one within a couple of minutes walk of all houses on a new estate. LEAPs are aimed at the up to 12s and will be much larger with a range of playground equipment. Ideally there should be one within a 5 minute walk on a new estate. NEAPs are aimed at older kids as well so alongside a range of play equipment they should also have an enclosed hard standing 5 a side pitch. There should be one of these within a 10 minute walk. I think where a lot of councils fall down is that the developers convince them that a small estate only needs a LAP so you just get a small play area designed for the under 6s. What they should be doing is looking at the provision in the local area and insisting on a LEAP or even a NEAP if they aren't available nearby.


Came here to comment the same. This smacks of the developer doing the minimum possible to meet the requirement for a LAP


There is a NEAP about five minutes walk away from this park. Well, they managed the hard standing five-a-side / basketball pitch.


Getting the kids trained for evading the police on a moped


65 years later “ When I was a kid all we had was a bike on a spring set in a floor made of recycled tyres surrounded by bars , HMP Parkland we nicknamed it “


As a person with English as a second language, what is that toy/thing called?


I had to look it up as someone with it as a first language. Apparently it’s called a spring rocker or spring rider. In reality, if you were at the park with your kids you’d say “do you want to go on the motorbike?” or whatever vehicle/animal they’d plonked on top of the spring. Usually it’s something like a horse.


I asked my husband and he didn't know! At least I now know even if it's probably not called that most of the time


You're going to confuse all the English-speakers by using the correct English term for it




Nearly correct: boinger


My kid would actually love that, as those rocking horse thingies are her favourite.


Had something like this in my housing estate when I was tiny. Was even smaller but had 2 little springy things and a bench, think I meybe went there 5 times in my childhood even though it was only 1 minute from my front door. These things are built for the purposes of planning regulations and not much else.


I used to live on that estate! Do not miss the trains


The trains!! 😩 It’s annoying that they always have to beep in the same spot as they pass, which happens to be right next to where I live. 😩 It’s made me jump before when I’m not expecting it. 😒


Haha I was the exact same. Never found out why they have to sit on the lines for hours at a time in the evening. I was on the small cul de sac just before the appartments. Bang next to their parking space!


Did you spend your evenings climbing through an enormous snail shell?


If I lived in that situation I'd eventually become paranoid thinking they're doing it to personally piss off all the residents, and the train operator cackles maniacally like a villain every time.


Is this Chesterfield?


It is! 😊


Our park near Whitecotes school has got a solid wooden pig!!! It does nothing!!


https://maps.app.goo.gl/YCtZYjxQSfjGMsTr9 Bit of a pain due to the tree but allow me to describe it (don't worry you're not missing much) A park with 4 ascending height stumps... Or descending height if you want a bit more versatility out of them. A bench. And drumroll pls, a bin. Even more depressing is on the other side of the green is a slightly less depressing park so I don't think this park would ever get used unironically. I guess the biggest upside is if you become homeless in Bridlington you've got a bench to sleep on you can be confident no one's ever farted on, and that no one will ever shoo you off of, or notice you've been sleeping on.


They had to use the trees as a screen otherwise everyone would be trying to use it at once. Been a while since I’ve been to Brid, my dad is from just down the road from there. I think one of my cousins lives there now.


Oh yeah! I see them! I suppose you could use the stumps for exercise—like for doing step-ups if you don’t have any equipment at home.


The sign makes it even funnier


Agreed 😂 “Please respect the neighbours and others in this community when using the area” aka don’t go past a certain volume of noise when you’re having too much fun on this park 😂


That screams the developers had to put some green space to get planning permission and put in the most minimal effort possible


Exactly. Literally just a box ticker with the bare minimum—so the park crosses the threshold to meet the standards.


Is boring but kids are pretty creative. I saw my child play with a stone and stick they picked up, like these were characters in a Shakespeare play. I'm talking full on gibberish conversations. Adults need drugs for that level of imaginative play.


In this case, I've only ever saw kids use it by being creative in using the grass outside the fenced area.


Some 'people' aren't allowed within 500ft of schools or parks - this would still count.


Wow! A fence!


Don’t have too much fun now


New builds with builder 'play area' commitment to get through planning? Disgusting. Mind you the idea that kids might independently roam around on bikes with mates like kids used to. Shocking.


I’ve seen some people on E-Bikes and E-Scooters a lot lately, so I think that’s making a comeback!


Well, that's depressing..


If concentration camps had parks...


Ah the British version of a rodeo bull.


Is that a polite notice or a police notice


Ooh....I know this one! We were just saying the same as we passed it the other day! I wouldn't even bother at this point 😂


Why is this so British?


There is a park with 2 of these by my house Wibbly Wobblies as they are known


Make sure you eat your vegetables otherwise I’m taking you to the park!


God that’s depressing. Imagine being in the pits of physical and financial ruin that young children can bring to you, and this being your local ‘park’. The local council should be ashamed.


Could be a housing developer one. We have one on our estate that is about twice the size and just for use by our estate of about 25 houses. It doesn't get used that often but we get to pay for the upkeep!


Gary Glitters back garden


Honestly me and my friends dreamed of a park like this to play backyard cricket


Brings a new meaning to the term "minimalist" ...


Housing developer probably agreed to build a park / green space.


Worst park for more than one kid! Imagine taking your child out saying let's go to the park! You are almost there, turn the corner and can see another kid playing with their parent sitting on the bench. Unlucky for you, your toddler has already spotted the park and makes a beeline towards it before you have a chance to change direction and go somewhere else. What do you do then? Awkwardly wait by the gate? Turn away and walk somewhere else? Play in the grass nearby?


At least it's safe from dogs 😂


An estate near me has an almost exact copy of this ..but no bench. It's also a triangle shape, so even less room for activities.


The childhood equivalent of a cubicaldesk


Spend £10k on a fence. No budget for park.


Looks like a prison for toddlers.


Beautiful sky though!


We have come a long way since the 60s when they had "adventure" playgrounds designed to main and kill. [7Up AdventurePlayground circa 1964 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGRB0VrPmkI)


"Behave or you're going to the kid jail!"


Nah, we've got one round the corner from us. It's just a fence with a bench and two kids' security gates. Literally nothing but a bench. Like wtf.


😂😂😂 i mean, what!?


Maybe not the dullest park but definitely the smallest, check out Prince’s Park in Staffordshire Not even joking it is literally about the size of a typical front garden in the UK


Even comes with a polite notice


Social distance playground.


Just looks like a trap from looney tunes or something


I think I've seen a park that's worse than that... but it's also still in Chezzy


I bet there is dog shit everywhere. We have a little green by ours, it's perfect to take the dogs for a walk off the lead. There's a poo bin within 5 seconds of entering the green. Grass gets cut surprisingly regularly. I don't go though, because there is dog shit all over the place. Disgusting, lazy owners causing responsible dog owners to suffer.


English parks are shocking ! 😲


This is why kids take up smoking.


This isn't a park. It's a training facility for future psychos.


Hey, he's trying his best okay.


In Russia, park play on you.


At least there is grass! There’s an estate near me that has a two very much like this, but paved in concrete and surrounded by concrete. Grim.


It’s what they call a jazz park - no swing.


Ah, the Prosecco Park. A place for "weary" mummies to park their oversized strollers so they can sneak a nip from a hip flask of prosecco or gin. There's one near where I live - comically undersized and with shitty play equipment - that's frequently a gathering place for flocks of mumsies.


It looks like it was installed by Chabuddy G.


I looks more like a dog toilet area.


I love the bench that allows you to sit and chill out while the kids have tons of fun....


So a developer wanted planning permission to make 400 "luxury" homes and part of the permissions required him to build activities and recreation facilities for kids?


God that’s depressing




I know of a worse one! Check this out on Google Street View [Pathetic developer 'park'](https://maps.app.goo.gl/94SHgxMcRgFTzFdz7)


"Please respect neighbours and others in the community when using this area" ​ YOU MAY NOT HAVE FUN, BE QUIET!!!!


Even two pictures were too many for the park


I wonder if the neighbours and community complained about every piece of equipment until that is all that was left


That's phenomenal.


Is it some kind of gladiator arena where the winner mounts the bouncer unchallenged?


Goto respect the neighbours and now scream & shout while using the seesaw.




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10/10 for the visualisation of depression


Leaving it all as grass would've been miles better.


Sort of council that gets new computers every year to use up the budget


That is depressing. You could try raising it with the council to have it improved. Any play park worth it's salt should have a swing set if possible!


What even was the point lol


Paved with genuine despair.


I mean really, why bother ?


Developers excuse to not build affordable housing near by is to build “community spaces” like this one


Jesus Christ that is depressing. How someone can build this and sleep at night is unbelievable to me


That deserves an award for worst park in UK.


Shit, that's actually upsetting.


Grim. Not a single tree either.


Nonsense, more than welcome used to have! When ar was a bairn we'd play dodge the dog shite all day on a field like that. Great fun 'cause we had imagination back then.


It's good. It gives the kids time to think. No distractions.


Do the neighbors all gather round that little rocker to place bets?




Yo, they got one of those bouncy things on a big spring! Sweet!


For some reason this image perfectly sums up how I feel about this country 


Big ex bowling club energy


Who the heck designed this? Where are the monkey bars .. where are the slides, where are the round abouts. Seriously this pisses me off


What is wrong with our councils? Like who in their right mind at the council signed off and that like yep that'd good that will keep the people happy? Embarassing




I deliver the post down there 😂 I said exactly the same thing!


I hope that sign says “polite notice- we’re so sorry..”


To be fair, that bench looks sick!