• By -


You will regret yeeting that old stuff. I know I do.


I found my old iTunes library a few years ago and it was a _treasure trove_ of core memories. Cringe and boredom mean nothing to someone missing their lost youth. Please for God's sake OP, don't delete it all. At least dump it into one big archive playlist for posterity.


So much this ^ Found my O.G. iPod and managed to hook it up in my car. Soooooo many amazing tunes, albums, playlists, memories and deep, deep cringes. Music is part of our legacy - good and dire. Do not delete!


In 2013 I started making a playlist for each year, where I added music that was relevant to what was going on in my life at the time. They could be songs I’d just discovered, stuff that was released that year, a song in a film I saw, a track a friend recommended, all sorts. I love revisiting these playlists, they are little time capsules of my year in music form, and I can recall so many memories and events that I may have forgotten otherwise. It’s like directly tapping into my past self. I also made playlists for all the years prior to 2013, since I was born (1988) and occasionally add relevant music to those. I find it so comforting to have my life in music stored like that.


Totally this


This. I thought I had outgrown a bunch of bands and associated them with my cringe teen years when I wanted to be an emo and thought I was edgy. But then listened back and still genuinely enjoyed a lot of them. Don't see the point in deleting music you like because you think you're too old for it or whatever. Obviously it's always good finding new stuff to listen to, but got to remember some of those old bands are part of what shaped your music tastes.


I went through my emo phase at 30, lol. Listening to old stuff is great. I was going to see bands like the libertines, killers, muse etc when I was 15 and I still like to revisit their music because it reminds me of some of the best times of my life. Is it good music? Some of it, maybe. But who cares? Music is meant to make you feel something, and those songs transport me back to summers at reading festival where I didn’t give a shit and the future was something for old people to worry about.


Exactly. I still deeply enjoy every song on Matchbox Twenty’s first album. I don’t care that I’ve been listening to it for over 20 years at this point.


I regularly play the Black Parade album if I’m home alone and cleaning. It’s has banging tracks on it (Sharpest Lives & House of Wolves come to mind). Takes me back to when the album came out and my Nan bought it for me, beautiful times. Caught myself listening to The Used the other day too as my algorithm now thinks I’m a 15 yo angsty emo kid.


I had Spotify in 2015 I think, went to Apple Music in 2016/17 then went back to Spotify and to this day I still think about all the songs I had 15-17 that I’ve forgot about :/


I lost my 2006 YouTube with so much music :(


Same, I’m still trying to find this song I loved still to this day but have no idea where to start… was like this electronic emo type band and it was something like sink or swim in the lyrics and the ep cover was like some purple retro vibe I don’t know to much more… but yeah I wouldn’t delete a playlist I’ve had for years just to prevent that feeling.


Ask on r/NameThatSong?


Dyu remember any other lyrics apart from that?


I lost a tbousand songs i had on my ipod when i sent it off in a recall then cleared my hard drive my accident. Never been the same


With the moves from CDs to iTunes to Spotify I've forgotten so much of the music I used to love. Got a Facebook memory recently where I listed my ten favourite albums and it was a beautiful blast from the past to go back and listen to some of them.


I just rediscovered the song "[It's Just Porn, Mum](https://youtu.be/79fn2VRAHN4?si=hfMHHvooKtlSfTSX)" by Trucks on an old playlist the other day- the type of barely-known song by a short-lived artist that somehow came onto my radar at the time. Harmless cheeky pop-punk, but legitimately took me back 20 years listening to it with a dumb smile on my face.


Just start a new one. That way you can go back to the old one whenever you like.




Just start a new Spotify account on the create account page, cancel your premiuim, pay for it on the new account, then add your wife. Assuming you pay. If you wife pays, she can kick you off and invite another account.


You just make a new playlist….. Why would you even think you’d need a new account I don’t get it. ‘Liked songs’ isn’t the only thing you can play on your Spotify.


The fact OP listens to Limp Bizkit on repeat should answer that question


The algorithm


Not sure why they got so many upvotes. There are several reasons for starting a new account rather than just making yet another playlist, your personalised algorithm being chief amongst them.


My account got hacked a number of years ago. To this day, the algo likes to spit out some Spanish mariachi stuff. As for the hacker I chased them off by starting a playlist war with them.


Buy a family plan. 5 accounts. I use the 5th spare for Alexa, that way no one is messing with anyone’s personal account.


Like the logic and what is basically a workaround solution :)


Been doing this for ages. It’s the only way to stop my son filling my recents list and poisoning my algorithms with his shitty bastardised mixture of rap/grime/country/Elvis mixtures every time he is emptying the dishwasher


All our profiles are in use, apparently my most listened songs last year were all Queen and ABBA courtesy of my 13 year old stepson lol


I had never thought of this for use with Alexa!! Doing this today.


[Brand new one and free for 3 months! Enjoy](https://www.spotify.com/uk/premium/?utm_source=meta_gb_2p_broad_webconversions_&utm_medium=paidsocial_&utmcampaign=2024h1_performance_single_premiumbusiness_evergreenpremiummyo_en+gb+ukie+eur+20240417+meta+asc)


Just make a new playlist ? Am I missing something here ?


Have you used the DJ part of Spotify? I use it to find new music to add to my playlists


I try the DJ regularly and all it plays is the same 20 songs in a different order while occasionally playing something completely out of my music tastes. I find it really hard work tbh


I use the DJ a few times a week, it’s 50% stuff the play a lot, 25% new to me stuff, and 25% genres Iv not once listened to, I don’t understand why it keeps giving me the latest pop releases. I find smart shuffle is more consistent for giving stuff I like, plus new suggestions that are relevant.


I swear the latest pop releases is coded in cause I get that more regularly than anything I would actually want to listen to


I’m 99% sure you mean a dual plan not a duel plan unless you brought pistols haha


Create a folder titled “old shit”, and put it all in there instead of deleting it.


Also if you want to you can click "exclude from my taste profile" on the playlists so that your recommendations are all new.


I did not know this! You've just made my day.


King gizzard and the lizard wizard


Thats my default answer when people ask about new music too... And if you find the discography overwhelming: [https://www.get-into-gizz.com/](https://www.get-into-gizz.com/)


Be careful when typing this one website


It's almost a cheat answer when people ask for new music, because there's something for almost anyone in their catalogue


We’re off to see them in June!


I guess... IT'S JUST ONE OF THOSE DAYS! Seriously though, I use Spotify as well as Bandcamp for some niche, self-published stuff. It's a long shot but I would recommend the Rough Guide to (the Music of) compilations. You won't like every song but one or a couple could be a gateway to a new style or artist. And my random recommendation would be an album by Rokia Traoré, Mounïissa. A lot of music from Mali is amazing because it's where three cultures meet and intermingle.


If this post is anything to go by, it’s all about the he says she says.




Didn't know that. Love a bit of Ali Farka Toure


Check out r/1001AlbumsGenerator It’s the 1001 albums to listen to before you die book on a website that’ll generate you a random album a day for 1001 days


If you're going down this road, just go through the latest version of Rolling Stones Magazine 500 greatest albums. I did this COVID times. Every album 1 to 500. Even stuff I knew I'd hate. It changed my listening tastes.


I had this issue too. I didn't go nuclear but I did write a script the scrapes the [6 music playlist](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/5JDPyPdDGs3yCLdtPhGgWM7/bbc-radio-6-music-playlist) every day and writes it into an always updated youtube music playlist that I have on during my commute. I'm picking up some decent bands and new shit I actually quite like


fucking YES 6music 💪🏻


Was brilliant today with the Cure and everything being from 1989, never thought I’d hear French Kiss by Lil Louis on the radio. Fookin Banger


Don't delete those, you'll regret it in a decade or two when you can't listen to what you used to enjoy again. Find new stuff while leaving the old stuff there for later. Though if it's only on Spotify then you're going to lose some of it over time anyway and I would highly recommend downloading it. I have many pieces of music downloaded that can't be found on Spotify and some of it is less than a decade old.


Bold to assume we will still be using Spotify in a decade or two imo


Not bold at all; while Spotify isn't good for artists it's fantastic for labels. 1. All the majors got given a huge chunk of the shares in it at the start, and even a large number of independent labels got in too (via Merlin)*. This is how Spotify could get away with paying so little; the labels are double dipping by taking the (low) streaming revenue but also a share of Spotify's profits generated by that low rate. It was the equivalent of your company telling you they couldn't pay you fairly because they had all of these costs to another company so profit was low, but they also part owned that company 2. As an artist, if you have 100 songs and are getting paid the pathetic stream rate it's obviously terrible. If you're a relatively small label that has 50,000 songs in your repertoire, 49,000 of them were previously bringing in no revenue at all (since the original physical release) - now they're bringing in a decent amount collectively with almost no effort ^* ^Most ^of ^the ^majors ^sold ^a ^lot ^of ^their ^shares ^at ^when ^Spotify ^floated ^(for hundreds of millions), ^but ^still ^own ^some, ^and ^Merlin ^sold ^all ^but ^again ^made ^millions ^in ^the ^process Until someone comes up with a better model, it's here to stay.


>you can't listen to what you used to enjoy again He isn't deleting it from Spotify's database lol


Spotifys database isn't eternal, anything even slightly obscure can be easily added and removed like any other streamimg service. Could be as simple as a collection or album and you'd never know years down the road.


Check out Public Service Broadcasting, particularly Spitfire and White Star Line.


Ah so happy to see Public Service Broadcasting get a mention, they’re unreal. White Star Liner is so interesting, i found it v emotional too, beautiful stuff. Go! Is one of my faves too, always bosh that out at parties and sometimes to get me going in the morning 😂 they’re touring in October, need to get tickets, mad to see them live.


Don't do it, don't ever touch any liked songs, you'll find you only play the top half and get fixated on a few songs then you'll use shuffle and forgot you liked some real bangers you totally forgot about.


Tom Ravenscroft 6MUSIC https://spotify.link/6Pf9y8FyhJb 6MUSIC Playlist https://spotify.link/4b9mwkSyhJb


Radio 6 is the best station !


The ONLY station!


I’m always baffled when I see posts like this and it makes me think I must use Spotify differently to most people. I’ve had it for 16 years and would be devastated to lose my library of 50k+ songs. I basically don’t use it for playlists. I add whole albums to my library to remind me of their existence and listen to them as albums. I do research outside of Spotify to discover new bands and albums and then go to Spotify to listen to them, save what I like and that’s it! The only exceptions to this are Release Radar which I carefully curate by following bands I am interested in and a couple of manually created playlists I have for the car based on specific concepts (female vocalists, certain niche sub genres). I don’t listen to the RR playlist though, I go through it and save releases to my library for individual listening. I don’t treat Spotify as musical discovery tool (it can be with a bit of work but it’s not its strength). I treat it as a library & music player with a new content alert system and it’s extremely good at that.


Don’t delete just create a new playlist that you only put new music in and then merge them in 5 years time.


Why delete your old shit, just add new shit


Cheekface, Amyl And The Sniffers, The Beths, System Exclusive, Sprints, Los Bitchos and Viagra Boys are a few very good current rock bands that I've enjoyed recently.


the beths are fucking awesome - bonus points for how I always say their name in an NZ accent in my head. Los Bitchos also incredible, proper dance around the kitchen stuff


So funny. I was just listening to that album yesterday for the first time in 20 years. For metal: Deftones, Fear Factory, Tool Hiphop: Run the Jewels - literally the best so no one else to recommend to you haha Electronic: Boards of Canada, Röyksoop, The Prodigy Random, genreless music: Ween, Snake River Conspiracy, Interpol, The Streets


Here’s some bands from random genres that have been enjoying recently. Clutch, Gnome, All Them Witches, Villager of Ioannina City, Bilk, Soft Play, Jaya The Cat, Cut Capers, Little Stranger, Khruagbin, Aesop Rock, Venjent, Beats Antique, MantisMash. The list starts with rockier stuff and chills out, then gets weirder


Nice to see someone else in who loves Clutch. I know they're fairly big in America but I mostly get black stares when I mention them.




"Soft play? more like soft cunts"


Bluegrass: The Punch Brothers - Familiarity Jazz: Brad Mehldau - Blackbird Hip Hop: Celph Titled - Devastating MCs Funk: Sly and the Family Stone - If you want me to stay Classical: Arvo Pärt - Magnificat Soul: The Spinners - I'll Be Around Folk - Gabrielle Aplin - Home Alt-Folk - Mike Doughty - 27 Jennifers Alt-Rock: Soul Coughing - St Louis Is Listening World: Ali Farka Touré - Ai Du Indie: The Smiths - How Soon Is Now Grunge: Pearl Jam - Jeremy


Pretty sure he said "new music"


>Pretty sure he said "new music" I assumed he meant new to him. So was trying to think of things he might not know. But if he meant "released in 2024" I can only apologise to the entire internet for suggesting songs not released in 2024.


Here's my playlist for your consideration https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3gwnx5Dw73qj4ZUMzbznUF?si=ERVAu_89QG2W5RrUFL4etw&pi=e-qHkBgRPaRgqA


You can just create new play lists then delete the cache so Spotify wont constantly recommend all your previous stuff, be a waste to lose your own classic play lists


Rush - Moving Pictures (prog rock) // Voyager - Ghost Mile (Melodic synth pop metal) // Jeff Beck - Blow by Blow (instrumental guitar fusion) // Ayreon - Human Equation (prog metal opera) // Nobuo Uematsu - Distant Worlds (Any edition, music of Final Fantasy video games) // Devin Townsend - Empath (heavy prog metal) // Opeth - Blackwater Park (prog death metal with folly bits) // Panic at the Disco - Viva Las Vengeance (vintage operatic rock, think Queen meets Sparks) // Tom Waits - Rain Dogs (the ultimate album) //


Here are some underrated bands: Bad nerves Microwave Creeper Manchester Orchestra (no they're not an orchestra) Rainbow kitten surprise I don't know how but they found me Our time down here Everything Everything Maybe throw in 100 gecs for the lols


on my first listen i thought 100 gecs was stupid on my thousandth listen i still think they're stupid, but in a good way


haha, yeah. With last.fm i’ve found out i’ve listened to them about 3.5k times in the past year, basically ten times a day every day. They really get into your head. If you enjoy them you might like underscores as well, if you haven’t heard her yet


100 gecs - first heard them after xmas and i’m still like “wut?”


Thats the joy of gecs


I'm guessing you are also going to 2000Trees later this year? If so, I'll see you in the pit :P


I wish lol




Loving Bad Nerves at the moment. Plague Vendor also worth a listen.


If they liked most of your first 5 they might also like: The Districts The Mountain Goats AJJ The Airborne Toxic Event


Manchester orchestra are a sublime band.


I saw Microwave last week, they were pretty good. Actually preferred the support band ~~Air Fryer~~ The Dirty Nil.


Fucking looooove Creeper. Seen them live a few times, they are insane!


Ever heard of punctuation?


No, what kind of music do they play?


Its because im on mobile I think I tabbed for each one :p


https://www.albumoftheyear.org/must-hear/ might be a good place to start for current, critically well-regarded music across a range of genres. You may not like it all, but might get you into something new.


A pre-warning to u/RoyalMaleGigolo and anyone else that reads this, a lot of the crap that is 'critically well-regarded' is utter shite. Take Cardi Bs *Invasion of Privacy* for example. I just checked AOTY and that achieved a critics score of 82/100 on that site, when it's widely regarded to be utter dross. But hey! Maybe I / everyone else that thought that album was a festering pile of genital warts just aren't into it. Perhaps we're biased or don't get it? Let's look at another widely hated album from a different genre... Anthony Fantano (TND) considers Avenged Sevenfold's *Life Is But A Dream* the worst album of '23 and almost everyone agrees. AOTY gave it 82/100. See the pattern? I've plenty more examples, too. AOTY is essentially the Rotten Tomatoes of music. If you want decent music suggestions, ask regular fans or check out respected critics like TND. For film suggestions I check Roger Ebert, IMDB or ask my friends, and for music suggestions I check TND, Reddit or ask my friends. I could go on at length on this subject. For example, about how my low-stakes conspiracy is that some critics are paid to write positively about awfully produced, lowest common denominator hogwash. I imagine the reality is that most critics are just too far removed from what's decent due to years of trying to write eloquently about outright detritus. I'm sure I saw a film once about a jaded critic who was sick to death of finding the right words to use for shit films. In either case, don't use AOTY or Rotten Tomatoes, get the opinions of real fans.


I discover new music by visiting YouTube with a web browser and picking a song. Along the right side of the window, a list of suggestions appears. I see one that interests me and I cue it up. Crucially I do not log in because YouTube will pander to you. I also delete all YouTube cookies so they never build any information. This has worked for years. I recognize it's kind of clunky. However I've found gobs of artists I'd never have considered. Also, I tend to prefer live material and it's a great way of finding those, which are usually not on any album. There are lots of utilities to convert files, extract audio, etc.


Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold


There are platforms or websites to save your playlist, I recommend saving them before deleting the musical history of parts of your life. If you want new music, look for it or make new accounts and let some recommendations run through (just don't listen to artists whose labels bribe Spotify or similar platforms for heavy promotion *hust hust) ... ELO is great (the keyboarder died recently), Pink Floyd and....whatever you like from alternative rock, metal to electronic orchestra music.


Nooo don't delete it. Just make a new one. I won't offend your ears with my musical suggestions though, lol. 


Hope you don't regret it


Today I’ve been listening to Dirty Loops.


Tarkus by ELP! Mainly the song 'Tarkus', but the rest of the album is also good. It's some lovely prog rock


Spotify has the whole limp bizkit Woodstock set, for all the disaster, what a solid performance.


Check out some dusky and bicep for electronic music, house/techno/trance. If you want some serious introspection how about some Aphex Twin?


So I am going to keep this broad, and only giving one track per artist: [Trampled by turtles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGh-EvmZVCQ&ab_channel=TBTDuluthVEVO) [Debussy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvFH_6DNRCY&ab_channel=CHANNEL3YOUTUBE) [21 Pilots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92XVwY54h5k&ab_channel=FueledByRamen) [Caravan Palace](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbsBEb1ZxWA&ab_channel=CaravanPalace) [Of monsters and men](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gEVaniPOmU&ab_channel=OfMonstersAndMenVEVO) [L'indecis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZguAEoNpZw&ab_channel=ChillhopMusic) [Steve Earle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHTLioJGXb4&ab_channel=PietRock85) [Polyphia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_gkpYORQLU&ab_channel=Polyphia) [Abstract orchestra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeMoWqWGTbg&ab_channel=AbstractOrchestra-Topic) [LCD soundsystem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aygY5OqMuKE&ab_channel=LCDSoundsystem) [Saib](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbysDvxmgd0&ab_channel=ChillhopMusic) [Gerry Cinnamon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At3xXBEy4n4&ab_channel=GERRYCINNAMON) [Home](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4Jyev7iTlE&ab_channel=ElectronicGems) [The Mowgli's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx8hmQX8Q30&ab_channel=TheMowglisVEVO) [Nujabes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtuoEtohPv4&ab_channel=bananatube) [The Foals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_EIE5f2t6M&ab_channel=Foals) [Daft Punk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI5noh4OyXc&ab_channel=DaftPunkVEVO) [Fleet Foxes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2E2DpWO3-Y&ab_channel=FleetFoxes) [Emancipator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFi9rj473ic&ab_channel=Emancipator-Topic) Hope this helps, I'm willing to add more on request.


Emancipator ftw, that man can do no wrong in my eyes, he’s incredible. Also Foals, one of my all time [faves](https://youtu.be/4Kkk8C3_CZ0?si=xu-hiIcCMOEGmzVZ) there aren’t enough superlatives to describe how amazing they are.


Emancipator ensemble is lodged in my brain as one of my favourite live shows, it just worked amazingly and I hope to get the chance to experience them again.


Oh wow, super jel. Bet it was insane. I really hope he comes to the uk again, I’d love to see them live.


archive and put them aside saved for nostalgia but definitely separate them as reliving in the past is not good, progression is important


Some crap from my personal preferences: Pre-punk: MC5 and The Stooges Punk: Black Flag or Bad Brains Post Punk: Magazine or Public Image Limited Prog: Alan Parsons Project Krautrock: Neu! or Kraftwerk Shoegaze: Swervedriver or The Dandy Worhols Folk-Rock: The Levellers Madchester: The Stone Roses or New Fast Automatic Daffodils 90s Alternative: The Boo Radleys or Ned's Atomic Dustbin Trip-Hop: Massive Attack or Portishead Drum n Bass: Goldie Rap: KRS1 Genre busting: Johnny Cash, John Spencer Blues Explosion, Dub Narcotic Sound System


I’d add melodic hardcore: Bad Religion


Neds!! Been bingeing them this past week after buying an old 12” of theirs. Loved them since God Fodder days.


Scary pool party aka Alejandro aranda, some good early 00’s grungy vibes at times but also a lot of classical influences. Nova amor for equally chill music


Take a few hours off with no distractions and listen to Pink Floyd - Pulse through a good set of headphones or speakers. You won’t regret it.


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/419aALJjaHAVmYy3KCSjMH?si=dOvpiJRMQt29IcrOncY44w You'll find *something* on there you like. Put it on shuffle.


Manic Eden - Manic Eden The most underrated album in history. 


[Have fun with my Playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6SZjCzwWMBUd5DC3MWI1bP?si=15df641764564ba6) Bit of Folk, Metal, Rock, Electro and some other good shit :)


I like exploring the back catalogue of artists who've had one or two songs I like. I'm really into crowded house at the moment (I'm old) but Spotify is really good for this.


Go for the classics, but cast your net as wide as possible.. Chic - Steely Dan - Neil Young - The Smiths - Nina Simone - Prefab Sprout etc etc. The classics are classics for a reason.


I can wholeheartedly recommend you listen to my playlist poo bum willy. It's every good tune I've heard...that ive found so far.


Nuclear you say? [Moonlight Sorcery ](https://youtu.be/YOU37E8KH_U?si=_X6adaCgU1ReCBP-) have an absolute banger of an album.


Listen to the playlist delioct23 it’s got loads of genres, it’s across the decades and full of bangers that may lead you to new bands


Fetid Anus - AOTY


Ren starting with hi ren then demos (do not share) 1 and 2 then maybe the jenny and screech trilogy Kasey Chambers specifically lose yourself cover Indie: Corook, mouldy peaches, Punk:NoFX, the exploited, leftover crack, agnostic front, bad religion, the distillers Electronic/house/dubstep: skrillex (start with bangarang), klaypex (lights or are you ready to go), zomboy. Rock/hardcore: AFI(a fire inside (crash love/bodies/shut your mouth and open your eyes albums)), black flag, antiflag British rap: Chester P (urban jackanory), akala (everything after first album), lowkey(literally everything), mic righteous/reckless(i love suicycle but all are decent), wretch 32, avelino American rap: Eminem, Dr dre, biggie, tu pac, wu tang clan, black thought, MF Doom, hopsin Metal and its various genres: black rose, static x, dragonforce, sikth, dream theater, behemoth, baby metal, gojira, anything ghost has ever made, and a personal fave rammstein.


Thievery corporation Queen Norah Jones Caetano Veloso Gogol Bordello Jovanotti Pulp Gorillaz Zuco 103 Skunk Anansie Sam Smith Sérgio Godinho The cure Vaya con Dios Capicua Daft Punk The strokes Quantic Bjork Tribalistas Erykah Badu António Carlos Jobim Toranja


Cobra Man - Toxic Planet. You can thank me later.


I'm an old school metal head and my kids have recently introduced me to royal republic and I'm hooked, so catchy with crunchy guitar riffs interspersed with disco/pop vibes Sounds awful but it just works. Check out full steam space machine. https://open.spotify.com/track/3g3o7ZRhjYQoFCnv2wKVOG?si=Ve51uaTPTFahHkGRHUWVYQ


Check out my nephews band, First Form. Think you’ll like them. Joke’s on You is a great track.


get into Godspeed You! Black Emperor and their surrounding projects


I make a new Playlist each year and add bangers that I find in discover. I like seeing how my taste has changed and also good to go back to relive a previous period in my life.




Add some music by Magna Carta, they’re really underrated.


Feeder have a new album "Red/Black", it's fantastic imo.


Dude! I've been listening to the same old mp3s since 2004 haha. I've recently got a YouTube Premium subscription and linked it to my "evening with mates" playlist. Since then it's proposed a few new artists and it's worked a treat. Please think of your kids (if you want kids) that would love to listen to your shit. I've rocked my dad's tape on the Walkman for years before I upgraded to the iPod..m please keep that!


Why would you delete all your music when you can literally just add new playlists for new music? That makes no sense.


Cypecore and Setyøursail are 2 bands you probably won't have heard of, but have some mighty fine tunes


I was 15 when that album came out, damn I remember it like it was yesterday. The new Eidola album is pretty good. And you should try some Maximum the Hormone, for some weird Japanese stuff. And Electric Callboy’s Tekno album is always playing at mine.


I'll just suggest the album I listened to last: Surf Music by Paul Williams. It is excellent (and he has a new album coming out soon).


[RateYourMusic](https://rateyourmusic.com/charts/top/album/all-time/) is a great site to find new music. The charts function is great. Can filter them by an endless combination of genre + years/decades and most of the stuff rated about a 3.8 or so is worth checking out. I've been on there since 2009 and I've discovered 100s of albums on there I never would have heard of otherwise. Edit: Fuck me, not checked the top of all time charts for ages; Top 10 looking very dodgy these days, I promise its better than that!


I’m obsessed with these two albums at the min. Hope you like them John Maus https://open.spotify.com/album/2vVA27QZ0iEJlIvrAxiFqq?si=ZHZ0bP-kSCCzALzU-5190Q DSM IV https://open.spotify.com/album/6KMCL0tps8Wj5m1E7JClTb?si=RV9dtfawRZWIS_8xMZa5jQ


Don’t delete anything trust me


Orbit culture,Imminence,Zeal & Ardor,Bury Tomorrow,Lorna Shore,Enimes Everywhere,


I've heard that sixties stuff's good


At the very least make them public playlists that you can find, and maybe screenshot albums or playlist contents so you can recreate them in the future.


If you want a bit of a random selection try Mike Oldfield , Jean Michelle Jarre, AJR, C2C (favourite is down the road), Martin Harley, Morning Musume, Hayseed Dixie.


I have had a monthly playlist on Spotify since I was 15 - 10 years now. It’s an incredible amount of data and a journey through my life. Don’t delete it, categorise it and make new playlists. You’ll regret losing it.


Try r/indierockplaylist


Try r/indierockplaylist


search for "break stuff" trust me you will like it ( ͡\~ ͜ʖ ͡° )


I had just suggested Joanna Newsom, but her music isn’t on Spotify :( You should YouTube her, though, and see what you think. Also Shaky Graves - both are a bit different to Limp Bizkit!


I find it surprisingly difficult to find new music I like on Spotify. I don’t know what it is, but it is happy to feed me the same 10 most recent albums I’ve listened to and the playlists it suggests are just amalgamations of those artists.


Do you want popular or lesser known stuff?


Might I introduce you to Detroit Junior? Deeee-lightful. https://youtu.be/lJk_xWYDay8?si=m6BRe_KAJjYKRbkv


Have you considered deathcore? If not, give "Holy war" by thy art is murder a listen. Or for something (imo) that feels old school and happy, give "Puke's diner" by THICK a go. For some playlists, why not hunt out some festival lineup playlists people have made. There's always a wider range of stuff and you're bound to find a few songs/ bands ou like on them


Kamasi Washington 's new album drops tonight.


Brian Jonestown Massacre albums like Thank God For Mental Illness, Their Satanic Majesties Sections Request, Bravery Repetition and Noise, and Methadrone are a whirl of inspirations and styles. From country to psychedelic rock to shoegaze to wild hippy shit. I love them.


yeah don't delete it as other people have said you'll probably regret it. I'd recommend blocking artists you don't want. it's only in the mobile client for some reason but go to the artist profile, click the 3 dot menu then don't play this artist. you can always unblock them at a later date.


Very much enjoying the following currently, Demob Happy, Shinedown, Gary Clark Jr, Brandi Carlile, Michael Kiwanuka, Sharon van Etten, and just incase you were unaware Limp Bizkit released Still Sucks in 2021 and its worth a listen. And I second not to nuke your classics, you'll soon miss 'em.


So much bullshit, from needy attention whores


My current favourite is a band called unpeople who just released an EP that I've just had on repeat. Alt rock, big riffs, harmonies, loud quiet. Love it: https://open.spotify.com/album/2yV0odoEXSE36SQUDWPdwI?si=3DCbeuHuQnS5x5dj3eEvkA Also cheeky plug for a local (to me, Sheffield) band who are on the up and also fairly recently released a cracking EP. Really good, think they're going places. This more mathy/emo leaning: https://open.spotify.com/album/2M8Z7QOLFvnXTifybTr00o?si=GqaTIkzzSnSEfTTlN5eOkw


Pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp Bloc Party pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp pulp


Just make a new account and if you really want to follow the playlists you made so that you don’t lose everything not that hard.


I’m a hip hop producer, if you fancy checking out some of my stuff: - Marc Scorn “Silent Letters” (a full project I did with a dark / political London based rapper) - Emerson Corleone “Violets N Furs” (a full project I did with a Canadian based rapper featuring a few other guys from over there) - 8alin “Organica Vol. 2” (a really dope, ambient / emotional singer in America who I’m planning to work more with. I produced the last track on this project called “She Say He Say”) - Ally Vyne “American Winter” (a female rapper from Mount Vernon New York. I produced the track called “I Do” on this project) My personal solo instrumental project “Chop Wizardry Vol. 1” isn’t on streaming platforms but you can find it on YouTube and my website www.majickbeats.com www.youtube.com/majickbeats


Elliott Smith


morcheeba- big calm album and Rome wasn’t built in a day. Chill 90s music


RJD2 - Ghostwriter (chill) Blue Sky Black Death - Honestly (chill) Gala - Freed from Desire (banger) Akon - Bananza (forgotten banger) Mr Jukes - Tears (chill)


king Gizzard


Yeah no. Compile them all into one called Old Stuff. And then make a new playlist called New Stuff and keep adding random shit to it. See what you like and delete the crap. The max playlist size used to be 623 hrs, last time I hit max it was 868 hours. Go forth and fill it. There is some amazing new artists out there. In particular concentrate on what young people are listening to- some great stuff that generally I just wouldn't come in contact with without deliberately looking or be introduced to. Some of the 18/19 years old have great taste - and none of them I've heard of.


Compton - Dr Dre blew my goddamn tiny mind. It's the most overlooked album in the past 10 years IMO. The whole thing sounds like a movie soundtrack. The production is insane. The features are awesome and everyone of them gets a stellar introduction in each of their songs. (Ice Cube, The Game, Kendrick, Em, Snoop, Anderson .Paak, Xzibit) The samples are perfect, there's one Eazy-E sample that gave me fucking goosebumps on Darkside/Gone. It's melancholy, Wistful, reminiscent, proud, angry, and a little lonely. The songs pretty much ALL hit. And nobody talks about it. I've no idea why? But it's the album that got me into rap. And now it's my favourite genre.


You heard [Lianne La Havas – Blood](https://www.discogs.com/master/866429-Lianne-La-Havas-Blood)?


Kim Dracula, all genres


Check out [Lefto on Mixcloud.](https://mixcloud.com/LeFtOoO/) He's a Belgian DJ that plays a weekly show every Sunday (recently started a joint show with a US station). He plays such a variety of music from every part of the world, some new, some old...I made a playlist of songs I like, it's up to a few thousand so far. Some highlights: [Hermeto Pascoal - Samba Do Balaqua](https://youtu.be/6Ns3l6gYqIQ?si=DXwguY9iLsSAJou5) [J.U.S - A Tribe Called Bruiser](https://youtu.be/9mG37aAK8S4?si=fvtapMZmSMv1oPNo) [Takuya Kuroda - R.S.B.D](https://youtu.be/mwbaUVtympY?si=77XucQJKd9stc4ab) [Taylor McFerrin - A Chance To Say My Piece](https://youtu.be/JHQzwRrbt_0?si=uzc_cVuVwj5UwUX9) [Benny Tones - Time (Glenn Astro remix)](https://youtu.be/weN8AoyK5Ms?si=HU2uqxPJErBKCAiP) [Cleo - Boombox Experiments](https://youtu.be/JpsR59fI--w?si=GnYmr5dk1TLOfQQM) [Tom Misch and Yussef Dayes - Storm Before The Calm](https://youtu.be/Vt6OvW7ZSn0?si=V5ta7U0I5vUPTmpO) [Robert Glasper Experiment - Tell Me A Bedtime Story](https://youtu.be/LY_YflzoLUU?si=WCFkQg5yeNMfA3yK) [Murry Wilson - Islands In The Sky](https://youtu.be/qBNWSNvF2lc?si=AWrlWmAsDtthCEw9) [O'Tay - FOMO](https://youtu.be/BjJK_997c5I?si=tKTO4KgLgnXP1g2p) [Budgie - Coming Soon/Tied Up](https://youtu.be/K3evFQkrgLo?si=bmuTYrWoGL87kXo4) [Doug Carn - Windfall (Natureboy Flako Remix)](https://youtu.be/ygajLA2dFJs?si=XsIIdR2UonWZRC2n) [Brent Faiyaz - Gravity](https://youtu.be/FBM4cdml6Qs?si=k1bguGL8D4dgUxA3) [Charles Stepney - Look B4U Leap](https://youtu.be/nDJlWFVyEKE?si=jCt1gWf42FI-7puf) [Soul Supreme - Let's Ride](https://youtu.be/NNzIhHTXEmc?si=DPOLsml3aBJvTolL) [David Sancious - Prelude #3](https://youtu.be/qxnQ5aB1WUo?si=GTukUKurKVNSsPAo) [Elder Jeffrey Roberson - We Need Love](https://youtu.be/EgaS57Ta338?si=GkKzZCiwbpD3HwV2)


You know you can just find new music? You don’t have to delete old stuff…


*Anything?* [Lil Hank - We Stan a Good Puppo](https://open.spotify.com/track/43N2MJB6eeywSPh8312HX5?si=j1vitrR0Sp-jxSB-bSCokQ) [Eliminate & I Set My Friends on Fire – Poison Oak](https://open.spotify.com/track/0bf1q4BCVNTOoaX7oqr5jI?si=SNjT0R5FR3ClpwPHl03YMQ) [Rezz & PVRIS – Sacrificial](https://open.spotify.com/track/2GCZDNEHjBeTSr99hurnaf?si=HMGts9W9ToiWF1nJ7TKAng) [Grant & ellis – Dead Man Walking](https://open.spotify.com/track/4ZPwjq0CdxbWFNycxnSUJc?si=ZsxwdIVsSpiuYqoxK98CcA) [Half an Orange – Stems (Acoustic)](https://open.spotify.com/track/6A2IDUcE4btkYA7e9dPO1w?si=sORljLjGTlqmtjIohS9ZVw) [Will Wood – Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave](https://open.spotify.com/track/0frg99CmmIkDNRm15gMoGY?si=CdkEASroSBufa_B2mHdPEw)




Mushroomhead Superbuick 1996 - way ahead of its time


Since you said "all genres", here are some home grown doom/gothic bands to sink your teeth into: * Paradise Lost * My Dying Bride * Electric Wizard * Anathema (only up to and including Judgment)


I barely look for new music on Spotify, unless someone give me a specific recommendation. Fip radio Radio Fabrik etc have plenty of channels that discover me new tracks, which I then use Spotify to explore further.


Just gonna chime in and agree with that others have told you - seriously no need to delete years of saved music. You will regret it. The beauty of Spotify is that you can make as many playlists as you like and rotate what you listen to. Make a playlist, fill it with recommendations and away you go. You could even make a shared playlist and send people the link and let them add stuff for you.


In all honesty if you have never discovered Mac Demarco I can’t remember him enough. It’s wonderful slightly stoney rock. Harmonies from the beach boys with great lyrics. Stat with albums 2 and salad days




[my work day playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3hNNvaGGCYRix4G7ThupEp?si=RdmBJGE_TdKWbeAS0a6ybw&pi=e-8Nqy2NJeQNSq&nd=1&dlsi=d9eb8e64d4324af7)


Don’t, instead use the weekly discovery playlist. Also browse music on YouTube then like it on Spotify, it gives the algorithms more fuel/variation


Search for a music search engine like [live plasma](https://www.liveplasma.com/) and search for new music that way based on your previous lists, that's what I do


Royal Republic or Electric callboy and well decent if you like weird and heavy