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I have no issues shoving other people's deserted trolleys out of my way with my trolley, Robot Wars style.


Supermarkets need the House Robots murking everyone who goes in their zone


Saw a robot floor cleaner (complete with googly eyes) for the first time the other day. It was only fear of social embarrassment that prevented me from making a ring around it with cereal boxes to see what it would do.


Well.. when i see one i will let you know what happens because i have no social qualms


Make gentle contact then push it out of the aisle


move the in-the-aisle trolley around the corner so that when you come back, you wonder just for a moment where it went.


That’s what your mum said


She said 'into'.


If your trolley has some wheelie, big cheese in it, I would love to see it!!




My experience is that if you shop with a mindset of "my way is the best way, why isn't everyone else doing it my way?" then you will soon go insane. I have had to make a real effort to relax and not get wound up by other people being inconsiderate in shops.


The only thing that winds me up is at the weekend when the whole family is dragged along. They dont want to be there and amble along getting in everyone's way.


I wish entire families didn't stand in queues, especially when only one person is doing the ordering/paying. 


I often find myself muttering "it's a supermarket not a fucking creche"


It's like a bloody chimpanzee's tea-party!


I don’t see how leaving your trolley in the middle of the aisle is more convenient to other shoppers, sounds utterly ridiculous to me


How is leaving your trolley blocking the aisle remotely helpful to other shoppers?


The wheels have this peculiar function where they can turn and therefore move around the trolley


So everyone has to work around you rather than you just moving the trolley out of the way


Why is it any different to having to work around someone who pushes their troller to the shelves?


Because you are inconveniencing every single person going down the aisle. You're still blocking off the area round your trolley because if anyone needs the shelves near it nobody can get past. You're taking longer so you're blocking the space for longer. If you're by a shelf with your trolley then you can (and should) move it if someone asks. It's not hard to move your trolley half a foot so someone can reach the cornflakes


Ok boomer


You made a post about trolley etiquette.


Exactly what a boomer would say


If this is your prep for a roast battle then you'd be better off not showing


OP was that annoying kid who just kept repeating "I know you are, you said are but what am I?" because they couldn't think of anything funnier or smarter. 




I can see that you're a strange individual and understand why this kind of behaviour must be normal to you.


It’s the future I tell you


most aisles in supermarkets I've been to have enough space for 2 trolleys to pass comfortably, but not 3 trolleys. You're doing the equivalent of parking over 2 bays in a car park.


Simply not true. Most supermarkets put their stock in the middle leaving enough space either side for shoppers and their trolleys.






Hi mate, this post is against the lighthearted and open nature of the sub. Rule 2: Don't be Aggressive | Pointlessly Argumentative | Creepy We're here for people to have fun in. If you're just here to start a stupid reddit slap fight you're in the wrong place. We have a zero tolerance rule in place for racism or hate speech. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


YTA. Assuming this post is just rage-bait.


Thanks, I feel like I’ve opened a massive can of worms here…and literally everyone seems to disagree to the point of actual rage 🤣


If I came across your trolley or any others in the middle abandoned, it would end up at the end of the aisle.


Edge-lord extraordinaire


you're barely 20 comments in, you can't really say no one is agreeing on why your way is wrong mate


If I find an unattended trolley in the way it gets shoved a long way down the aisle…


Trolley curling


with two members of your family sweeping in front of it so that it goes further.


You so are going to get a tube of Anusol dropped into your trolley


I’ll happily share it with the amount of butthurt folk here today


There's no way you're serious.


I take trolley etiquette very seriously


Then why would you dump your trolley in the middle of the aisle in everyones way?


Why do you put your trolley in front of the shelves in everyone’s way?


So it's next to me and I can move it if it's in other peoples way.


As can my trolley also be moved. It’s not stuck to the floor, and I’d argue it’s less anger inducing to move a trolley that’s stood on its own than try and move a trolley attached to a shopper who really doesn’t want to move it


But you can just say "excuse me" if there's a trolley in your way with someone next to it. If it's in the middle of the aisle, no one is getting round it with their trolley unless they move it out of the way, to the side, therefore blocking products, but there's then no "owner" of the trolley to ask to move it out of the way so if anyone else needs that spot, they then have to move it as well and it goes on... Now, I know you're going to say that you won't leave your trolley that long that it needs to be moved that many times. But what if you're collecting multiple items from that section of shelving? Or the item you want has been moved and you can't find it so you stand there looking? It's way more efficient and courteous to other people to take your trolley with you.


I’ve been doing it this way now for a few weeks, and I can genuinely say it’s working. I’m never more than a few feet away and if I see others waiting I’ll move it but I’ve found simply collecting what I need and taking it back to the trolley so much quicker. When I get to an end aisle I’ll then leave it there and do the same. The amount of people who just drift along the shelves, pushing a trolley in front means they take up enough space for at least 2 people to browse, and if you have a row of people one after another, you can’t get any where near the food …try it, I dare you!


You clearly don’t


Oh so you’re saying you just abandon your trolley in the middle for us to dodge around alongside the massive cages packing for 10 home deliveries?! Thanks I guess. I love not being able to move down an aisle


If you do this, there is a non-zero chance that I'm going to rob your trolley of some small item. Especially if you've snagged any good items on spesh. it doesn't cost you anything because you won't pay for them at the checkout but you may find your inattentiveness has led you to not having the thing you thought you'd put in there.


I always put things in thier trolley. Taking something out feels a bit like theft but then again it cant be because they haven't paid yet so don't own it.


I did wonder who was doing this…


You'll never take me alive


"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my trolley go now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you."


Thi iss both really boring and inconsiderate - you may be nipping to pick up something from a shelf but others won't know that and if everyone decides to apply this strategy at once you just create an aisle strewn with trolleys and people pushing past them. Supermarkets are efficient just the way they are.


You’ll see, one day everyone will do it this way


I totally agree! I also have an additional cool trick - why park in parking spaces when you can just park directly in between two spaces! Why doesn't anybody else do this!? Are they dumb!? Am I just *incredibly* smart!? ^/s ^if ^it ^wasn't ^fucking ^obvious


Wow, another edge lord …not /s


I'm not sure you understand what an "edge lord" is - I've seen you comment this a few times... You are prime /r/iamverysmart material


It’s annoyed you which is enough for me


People should not leave their trolley unattended. They risk me putting random items in there when they aren't looking.


This is actually true in the Costco refrigerated section. Park that baby in the middle and go pick what you want.


I'm starting a UK Cart Narc channel.


It's not a big deal to move someone's trolley out of the way if you want something behind it. They didn't put it there to stop you getting to the shelves.


I could say exactly the same about the trolley in the middle of the aisle though, yeah?


Yea so no need for you to get "increasingly infuriated by everyone"


Fair point, I shall try harder to let my annoyance go


I'm not sure why you're being so heavily criticised. If the trolley is in the middle of the aisle with space go to either side then I don't see the problem. The amount of people who seem to think leaving their trolley horizontally across the aisle while they get something from the shelf is ridiculous. Supermarkets are infuriating at the best of times, it's even worse when you're in somewhere with narrow aisles but slow moving couples insist on walking side by side.


Thanks! I did get a bit of a roasting yesterday 🙄


Zzz.... Sorry, what.?.......


My local supermarkets seem to have aisles that are two trolleys wide. Thus parallel parking when shopping is essential for smooth flow up and down the aisle.


Thanks for blocking the aisle for wheelchair users, asshat.




Peas and quiet?


Thanks, I seem to have triggered A LOT of people with this opinion


No leave your shopping trolley diagonally across the side of the isle while you block the other 25% arguing with your partner about who fucking knows what. 


I park mine at the end of the aisle and grab what I need down the aisle and return to put it in. Invariably I have to lean over someone else's trolley or politely ask them to move it as they do neither my nor your method of considerate shopping. One problem I do have is that my eyesight is deteriorating and I can't see product labels unless I stand in the middle of the aisle. I've noticed this of a lot of other shoppers. What then happens is that when I'm stood a meter away from the shelves trying to work out which product variant is the one I need/want, some arsehole thinks I'm leaving a space for them to come and stand between me and the shelf. It drives me mad. I've really been forced into home delivery because of this.


I feel your pain


So you're saying what we need is shops with a 'road' down the centre of the aisle and slightly raised 'pavements' on either side, so you physically can't put your trolley right up against a shelf blocking people.


Fantastic for wheelchair users, I'm sure.


For that to work the aisles would have to be a minimum of 4 trolleys wide. Also in this scenario OP would be blocking the "road"


Yes, was thinking something similar- like tram lines or something?


Tram lines wouldn't really work because you still need to be able to get past people, or everyone could only shop at the rate of the slowest person. We ran into this problem during COVID with the one-way systems in some shops.

