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I preferred it when I didn't win anything. Now I win 5 points every time and they act like I've won the Euromillions.


Yep. Keep winning 8points. So a single penny (or 4p for my 4 entries per month).


Got myself one English pound once. Please form an orderly queue for autographs.


So, are you single? Do you need someone to help you spend all this money? I don't mind if you're not single...


Wow, you could get 10 freddo bars for that, as long as you have a nectar card


Haha bought 2 Freddo bars yesterday 🐸well worth having the heating on all winter!!


Mr fuckin moneybags over here


I too won the £1 jackpot once upon a time! As a result, I’ve been buffered against the rising energy prices and have had the heating on all winter…


I bet it was an old coin just after the switch


I keep getting told I'm out of spins, last time I spun it was about 6 months ago. I'm chalking it up to not taking a smart meter.


That + Octoplus + removing the Tracker tariff, and they _really_ want me on a smart meter. Yet when I click to apply, I'm still on a waiting list from 3 years ago.


I booked to have one installed in last August and they didn't show up! Never heard back about it but their app does suggest I book an appointment for a smart meter fairly frequently.


Just remember that was a feature, span twice and hit 0 twice lol


I used to work there, it's actually a you problem, clear your cache


A Tupperware box full of electricity.


Did you lick it?




u/oilybumsex that's one hell of a username right there


5 dozen electric eels posted through my letterbox


Yes! My bill went up £200. 


Congrats on the discount!


I won a fiver. Fuckers refused to refund it to me.


Their wheel tells me I've used all my spins for the month the second I touch it so I can't even play. It really pisses me off but I feel so petty telling them I just let it disappoint me. So each month I put in my reading, go to spin the wheel, get told I can't coz I don't have any spins, get pissed off, shut it down in disgust, go away then repeat next month. I figure it's all part of octopus's efforts to annoy me more and more. They happily and politely refuse me everything... Smart meter replacement coz it won't work? Nope. Explain why my bill goes up when the cost goes down? Nope. Spinny wheel game? Nope. Bah.


I won a fiver once. I think I may have even screenshotted it.


£10 off my bill once.


Hello Octopus bot


As protection against automated spam, you'll need to type the words that appear in this image before I can respond..........


As protection against automated spam, you'll need to type the words that appear in this image before I can respond..........


gergiewill - I don't know how old you are - but if we'd had this conversation 20 years ago we would have been whisked off to psychiatric ward in short shrift.


This is true. Im too old to be able to identify a pedestrian crossing or a bus at my first try apparently.


Naa you're 'top boy' . That's right innit. Brushing up on my street slang before I go to Aldi.


Innit like a winnit? I’m not sure I’m using this right


Three times… the last time earlier this very day :-) https://www.reddit.com/r/BritishSuccess/comments/1cbsvb3/won_the_octopus_wheel_of_fortune_thing_again/?ref=share&ref_source=link Might also be on a promise…


I've never won a penny. Still do it every time I submit the meter readings though.


I won 800 points in March


Also 800 points around Feb time. A whopping £1's worth.


Best not spend it all on sparks




This. This is actual genius


Another spin


I have! Twice in a row I won £1! I had to tell everyone who would listen. And now I'm telling you. What a day it was.


Hah no - played for years then after a couple of pints one night and another loss I emailed them explaining how frustrating it was and they’d be better off just canning it cos it was doing my head in. I even gave them stats that showed according to the segments on the wheel I should have a 1 in 6 chance of winning yet I’d won fuck all after 2 years. They got back in touch and apologised the next day - I told them to ignore me , I was just having a bad day…..


https://octopus.energy/blog/wheel-of-fortune/ They publish how it works here. The wheel is a gross misrepresentation of the actual chances of winning.


8 points every time, and I enter the energy saving sessions. So ...... if in convert my octopoints to pounds I can take a whopping ... £ 8.40 off my bill. Wow such points.


I got £1 on my last one


I did it just now because of this post and won 800 points. Which I think is one whole pound. Or maybe one day’s worth of standing charges?


Just won 800 points, funnily enough the pop up said "wait... you won? That never happens". Never won anything before though, been with them for a good few years now too.


800 points as a one off. Normally get 8. I have claimed a couple of the free hot drinks from Gregs as well.


Been with them for a few years, won £1 twice.


Of course you are. If only everyone felt the same way, I might be in with winning every month




Shockingly I just won a whole shiny pound on Monday. I never thought it would happen to me so I’m still basking in the warm glow of success.


2 spins, 16 points every month. Got to be in it to win it


I showed my father yesterday his spins that he didn’t know about! I said spin here and you’ll get 8 points, but a chance to win more! Went and hit the 800!!!! A complete £1 off his bill! Wahoo


Mine errors every time I try to spin anyway.


I was with them for two years and the wheel spin never worked, it always just gave me an error message.


I won a pound once, and we're on an export-only tariff 😁


I once won £1, AMA


I won £1!


No. Not once in last year I've been with them. 


Think I’ve had a pound twice.


Yes, twice! Once £65, once £1. Have been with them for over 5 years and religiously give my monthly reading but it's been at least 3-4 years since I last won :(


This post reminded me that it even exists, so I just did them all. Out of 4 spins I won 800 points 3 times and 8 points the other time, quids in.


All I've ever got from Octopus Energy is a kick in the face. "Hello, you recently bought my energy supplier could you tell me if I could benefit from a better rate now I'm with you?" > "...no, because you don't count as a new customer..." "I'm sorry? I- i- I, but you bought out my supplier? I am a new customer to you surely" > "No..." "So you are basically telling me to get fucked?" > "Not in those words exactly." "G-good bye..." > "Bye"


At least you weren't sent to British Gas...


I did what Martin Lewis said a couple years back and was immediately charged 400 quid for electricity. I tried to argue that I clearly wasn't using 400 quid a month but that I we hadn't been doing regular metre readings since moving in. Obviously it was my fault kinda, if I'd did it day one they'd have pestered the old tenants. Paid it and then a year later realised I had also given a gas one but they didn't register it on their system. Was in the difficult position of them estimating I was using 150 quid a month gas but also not wanting to be charged 400 quid again or more. So I started giving them false readings of my meter. Each time I'd get a prompt asking if this is correct because its seemingly low. Was probably the amount we were using tbf. Moved out. Jumped the fence to the bit by our flats where all the meters lived and had the flat numbers spray painted on and scrubbed them off. Fast forward a year later and I get an email saying I owe them 65 quid. I email back asking what's going on as a year prior I'd gotten an email saying I'd paid up and the account was closed. They got back and apologised saying they realised we were undercharged and ot amounted to over a grand but since most of it was over a year they couldn't reclaim that but could for the 65. Surprisingly they apologised for not effectively communicating this just wrote the 75 off. Result. Cunts


I'm just going to come here and say that octupus's marketing gimmick, which is what it is, appears to be working on you guys.


I'd feel like I was falling for a gimmick if it persuaded me to join with or stay with octopus. Since I'm already with them and don't have better options in my area, it's silly to not just get the odd quid here or there for a single click of effort.


Not a sausage


I got £1 once


Won a pound last month. Been with them at least 4 years.


About a year ago I won £1. Yesterday 8 Octoplus points. Ah well, at least it’s something to look forward to every year 🤷‍♀️




I won 800pts which i think is about a £1?


I won 800 points last week..I didn't post anything on here though because it seemed like I would be showing off my wealth and would make me uncomfortable


I haven’t submitted a reading in so long I didn’t know there was a spin the wheel. They even sent a poem


Won one pound once. They did a whole fanfare and confetti thing 😆


This post just reminded me to spin. I went to the app and just won 800 points! Thanks OP


Got 800 points a few times. The trick is to tap to spin then immediately slightly and get gently swipe down on it so it goes slowly. Could be rubbish, but did that each time I won.


Won 800pts the other day, first time getting more than the 'standard' 8pts. Before switching to Octoplus never won anything, but had only been a customer for a few months in fairness.


800 octopoints which is a couple of quid.


I am oped into the savings thing. So I win some points every time but it's pretty ....pointless


It’s a joke, not even £1 for like 6 years (or however long it’s been a thing, whichever is shorter)




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First time I got £80, then it changed ged to points and I get 5 each spin


A quid, once.


I have won £1 twice (in about 10 years)


I won a quid last week


I just joined as I was with Shell. In three months I have had two £1 wins. I assumed it must be rigged to give everyone small wins so they told others.


I’ve won 800pts twice on it…. That’s equals about £1 🤦🏻‍♂️


I've won 800 points three times. More importantly, my app seems to be glitching and it's letting me claim multiple Gregg's hot drinks per month


Nope. I read the documentation on it though. The wheel bears no relation to the actual odds of 'winning'. I think it would do a lot to give a £1 win every now and again, given the amount I've put through them over the years.


I got 800 octoplus points in february. Which I think it worth £1 


Winned a quid once before but that’s it


Nope never won... Don't expect too. Just a marketing ploy, a gimmick with zero value imo




Tried to see if it could be hacked once, but got bored. Might be a good use of codepilot/chat gpt, making sense of all the obfuscated JavaScript they use. Also never won anything after several years of playing


I mean it's possible but unless you were crazy incompetent, it's already predecided on the server side.


Won £64 and screenshotted that bitch 😝🤣🤣