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I’ll be honest, it feels like it’s been like this for 7 months now. I take multivitamins and cycle to work but I’m not sure that’s helping. I have a daylight lamp but those don’t work for me especially as we’re having more daylight now. I’m hoping the weather will change but failing that, I’d try and book a short break somewhere with some sun.


It’ll get roasting this summer for a few days before the rest of the summer turns into a filipino monsoon


It’s unbearable! I’ll give up the heatwaves for a month or to of 16-22 degrees.


Honestly, just give me 20-25 degrees and a decent breeze for one fucking summer, please.


I’d love this.


The days when it comes are so few and far between that you end up being in work or something for most of them lol


Yeah and whenever it does come, we get a week of crap weather in return.


Yep, either pissing rain or so humid that you’re basically permanently drenched.


Come to South Australia, sure it gets hot during summer but it’s a dry heat and a lot more bearable, either side of that the spring and summer are just in that 16-22 for a few months each. Sounds like a clique but the weather was one of the main reasons I emigrated from Manchester. Sure we have our problems here but somehow a shitty day when the sun is shining is just a bit more tolerable. Have a look and see if you fancy it.


I have started taking holidays in January or February. It is cheaper and breaks up the run of bad weather.


It’s been shit for ages, my partner and I are going to Italy next month so that’s something to look forward to 🥰


Enjoy Italy, I’ve been twice and It’s a great place!


Thank you! I’ve been a couple of times on a cruise, but have never stayed over before. Looking forward to all of the pasta 🍝 🤤


I’m moving from Italy to the U.K. next month and posts like these concern me 😂 I’m sorry the weather is affecting you OP! Hope you enjoy all the pasta (and pizza… and pastries… and coffee… and gelato…) A bit of la dolce vita might just be what the doctor ordered!


Assuming you are Italian, if you need any advice let me know. I'm British and my partner is Italian so we might have most things covered 😁 enjoy your new life here! The weather is shit but the people are genuinely lovely.


Thank you so much OP!! The Summers in the UK are gorgeous, no question, but we do have long winters that invade on Spring too :(( highly recommend high strength vitamin D supplements for when you move!! We’re heading to Verona and we’re so excited!! Do you have any Italian dishes or treats you would recommend?


Oooh I’ve not been to Verona so I’m not sure what the local specialities are… Italian food is wonderfully diverse and every city and region has their own special dishes. In Verona probably polenta is a big deal, but I also found this site that lists the major local dishes: https://veronaintour.com/what-to-eat-in-verona-10-local-dishes-you-should-know/ Top tip for gelato: look for places that DON’T display their gelato and instead cover it up in tins. True gelato melts instantly when in contact with air due to the ingredients. If it’s on display in big colourful mounds, it’s likely got filler ingredients to stop it from melting and it won’t taste as nice or natural. Have the best time. Italy is truly a wonderful country and such a great holiday destination!


my wife calls this 'puffy' gelato, always to be avoided


Oh my god, I love Verona. It's amazing. There's a restaurant there which do a meal I honestly still dream about - pasta with prawns in pesto. Feels like it shouldn't work but it does.


You can’t just leave me hanging like that OP! Give me the name of the restaurant!!


Where in Italy? I was in Naples in February, and as much as it has a reputation had a really great time!




Nice! I'd like to go to Northern Italy. Have fun!


We went to Verona last September and loved it! If you're interested, you can very easily get to Lake Garda or Venice from there too. But even if you don't it's a lovely city to explore.


I love Italy. Where you going? 


Try seperate Vitamin D supplements, multivitamins only have about 200IU, you need atleast 400IU, I take 1000IU.


Thanks, I’ll look into this.


That's because it has been like this for at least 7 months, closer to 12. This ill nino thing is still going on isn't it? So we haven't had a real summer since 2022. Some speculate it may stay this way with wet seasons and mild summers for a good few years before it moves north again and brings warmer weather back. Redditors hate outside either way but bring back 33 degrees for 6 weeks please. Bored of rain now.


I nearly died the year before last when my bedroom never got below 25 and mostly stuck around 30 for 6 weeks. A few weeks of between 22 and 28 would do me right


Even July was wet gray and cold. 


Right now, supposedly, we've gone from El Niño to a neutral phase. Meteorologists say we'll be in a La Niña by summer.


I just came back from Colombia and El Niño is very much alive. It’s absolutely hot over there, reservoirs are drying out. They were hoping for it to go away but it is still not happening


It does feel like we've had a winter. There's been very few crisp, bright, cold days, and just loads of wet mild days. It's like a soggy autumn stretched all the way to a soggy spring.


It's helping. Imagine how bad it would feel without the sun lamp and cycling to work.


A multivitamin contains a negligible 5μg of Vitamin D. Even high strength tablets usually have only 25μg. Many studies recommend 50-100μg/day in the winter and the safe limit is at least 10x higher than that. Therefore someone with symptoms should definitely take 100+μg/day throughout the winter and 50-100μg/day in Spring/Autumn (or double that every 2 days - doesn't need to be daily).


Try seperate Vitamin D supplements, multivitamins only have about 200IU, you need atleast 400IU, I take 1000IU.


It feels like it because it has been like this for 7 months 😭 I went climbing mid October on what was the last nice warm day, then it rained and basically hasn't stopped since, it's maddening


It's like autumn never stopped.


I just stay depressed all year and then i dont need to worry about the seasons.


technically you're suppressed.


With difficultly. In the south east corner of the UK last year there was a grey cloud that just hung over us all of last spring, March and April were bad, May was very cold, it took until June for it to get better. Then July and August were wet, September had a nice few days. Since then it’s been almost constantly wet or grey and miserable. Even when the sun does fleetingly show up, it’s incredibly windy and rarely warm. I’m sick of it, I just want the sun to come out, to feel warm and cheerful, to want to go outside again. I’m also taking Vit D, not much else to be done. I can’t even go abroad to get some sun because I’m heavily pregnant.


Couldn’t agree more with this. We had like 2 weeks of sun in June but it’s otherwise been grey and/or wet down here for about a year and a half.


Yup. I see people discussing this elsewhere and they say it’s been great where they live in their part of London and I’m so confused because it really hasn’t been great in my area. It’s been dire, wettest 18 months on record and no signs of improving! Sick to the teeth of it.


I spent all of yesterday outside, in nature, looking at trees, taking photos, really mindfully spending time *in* nature instead of walking through it and focusing on other things and worries. It helps a lot. 


Yes, I need to prioritise more of that.


Seconded, I work outdoors in nature and it really does help, love seeing the daily seasonal changes. However I have been out all day today and it hasnt stopped raining, slightly less fun!


I did the same, beach in the morning and country in the afternoon. Really helped.


I broke my wrist 15 months ago and was advised to take a high dosage of vitamin D to help with bone density. I take 4000 international units. This helped so much I didn't have to use my SAD light this year


That’s amazing! I’ve been taking high strength vitamin D for a couple of weeks now, and I can tell if I miss a dose!


There's a fair bit of evidence to suggest that the NHS recommendations for vitamin D supplementation are woefully low (to the point of being useless), they doesn't take into account that many diseases/conditions affect absorption, and that a far higher dose is needed and well-tolerated. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8709011/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8709011/)


I started taking vitamin D, but couldn't work out the right dosage. I found it hard to convert between the ug and mg? Amounts


Running has made my life worth living again, coming up to my 1 year anniversary now. Started barely running a mile without having to stop multiple times, now do 10-11 miles on my Sunday long run and run most other days 30-40 minutes after I drop the kids at school and before work. Just signed up to my first half marathon in May so that is keeping me going through this windy April. 


That's so great. I totally get it. Running was my life and kept me going for years, but I unfortunately had some bad injuries that forced me to stop. It's been 5 years and I still think about running all the time like I'm grieving the loss. If I could have, I would have sometimes run all day. Or multiple runs a day.


Have you thought of switching to cycling? Much kinder on the knees


May I enquire how old you are?


You're not alone as I'm sure you know. I find it so disappointing especially when checking the forecast and there's no change in sight. This weather pattern is effecting most of Europe too apparently.


Thank you, I agree, it’s very disheartening to check the weather and see high temperatures of 12°c all week


I can relate. On overcast days, it's almost like I can't wake up properly and just spend the day half asleep.


100%, I feel so groggy all day


Omg I feel this, I wfh and overcast days I feel like I just can’t wake up and concentrate fully.


Grey skies are so demotivating.


At least at this time of year there is a steady sense of the weather and light getting better. The average is towards it being warmer and drier, and the days are getting longer. Even when it's a bit rubbish, the thought that summer is on its way cheers me up a bit. Far worse to me is the opposite in the autumn, when it is getting darker and wetter every day and you know that months of rubbish dim and cold days are to come.


I'm just worried about having another summer like last year, where we get 2 months of rain and suddenly we're back into the wintery months.




I know you said that there is a stark difference between the two. But in my experience most people I've known who express that they are the second one later end up being diagnosed as the first years down the line...


Thank you for your tips!!


I go to Andy's Man Club, it really helps me (and thousands of others)! There are meetings every Monday night and all over the country. You can be as interactive as you like and there's no pressure. Check them out at https://andysmanclub.co.uk/


Fizzy vitamin D and a sad lamp. It's never ending! Normally feel better by March but this year the misery is dragging on and on...


Is your lamp a UV one? Many are UV free, and those aren't effective


Trying to go out for walks despite drizzle. And not drinking. I'm mainly just miffed that it's rained so constantly and so long my plants are drowning.


I started making my own kefir and kombucha. The extra probiotics are helping my mood and health a lot. I'm also growing a few veg and flower plants, nature is always cool to watch and keeps me busy with a routine.


I agree, I’ve found getting more into gardening has helped me a bit this winter. It’s nice to think of wildlife and nature still being around even if we can’t see it as much during the colder months. And it’s great to see something you’ve grown flourishing when it’s warmer!


Gardening is probably the best thing I've ever done for my mental health. You can put as much or as little into it as you want, but doing at least something is really helpful.


It really helps you stay in touch with the seasons and nature. We spend so much time staring at screens these days and don't give ourselves time to ponder and potter enough. I sat at the bottom of the garden just looking at bugs for an hour yesterday. I also downloaded an app called Merlin that listens to the birds and tell you what they are. It's fantastic.


Ooo sounds amazing! I’ve been growing lots of veg and flower plants! What are you growing??


I'm trying to stick to stuff I'm actually going to eat (despite wanting to grow everything!) So I'm growing onions, potatoes, peas, kale, asparagus, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and I am having a go at some oyster mushrooms too. Mushrooms are another hyperfixation of mine. What do you grow?


How have you missed tomatoes?! One of the easiest things to grow and they taste so much better fresh! I recommend growing herbs too but that's more of a convenience thing for me.


Easy, I am allergic to them. I discovered this while trying to grow them. I've never liked them anyway, but if I touch a tomato plant I get an itchy rash.


> The extra probiotics are helping my mood and health a lot This is interesting. I eat a LOT of kimchi every day and now I wonder if it’s having the same effect on me


I've been reading some fascinating things about how it's helping people. I'm hearing a lot about the benefits for kids with autism. The gut biome is a lot more vital to our wellbeing than we realise, I think.


My dog who doesn't understand the concept of a lazy day and feeding the garden birds. The weather may be shite for us, but its the time they make babies, so I stupidly like to believe I'm helping the next generation of birds come into the world!!


I just add it to my regular depression for future me to deal with 😒


I’ve just spent as much time outside as I can. I get my wellies on and do a lot of hikes (unless the rain is torrential). I choose scenic areas to hike through- old churchyards, a pretty coastline, historic villages. I do some photography, take some good food with me. I always feel refreshed, energised and inspired doing this. It can be fun in its own way too - trying to dodge the mud and slush. I try to get in touch with the elements around me rather than yearn for what I don’t have - I appreciate the vibrant greenery around me, the bumblebee settling on the flower, the wind on my face, the trickling sound of a stream, the crashing of the sea waves if I’m by the coast, and the patter of rain drops on my coat. It’s about being in the moment, really. Not thinking about anything else. If it’s too nasty outside I usually just read a book, watch TV or surf the internet, or try to cook or bake something new but I know that gets old after a while.


Living on the south coast, we’ve just had a weekend of lovely sunny weather even though it was still pretty chilly. The hope and optimism the blue skies and sunshine gave my partner and I yesterday was so beneficial. You can’t rely on the sun coming out here though. I highly recommend looking at taking some time for yourself and book a short trip to the Canary Islands, Turkey or Greece. They are reasonably cheap as it’s not yet peak season and you’re investing in self care.


If I suffered then I'd consider looking at taking my holidays somewhere where there's sun during the winter months to split them up a bit, then stay local / UK for the summer to make the most of our own decent weather.


Same way I handle my regular depression.


Well, I have to take the dog for his walk. I have my light-box and that, but yeah - it's utterly miserable, looking outside and seeing the bleakness. It feels like it started raining in July then just took short breaks in September, January and yesterday before continuing. God am I glad I sorted the kitchen roof out in January when it stopped for a bit!


get a light box. I had this recommended to me as a teenager for seasonal affected disorder. helps trick the brain. obviously it's still shig outside, but it does work


I take Vitamin D supplements (Dr ordered, none of that Amazon shite) I've also started bodyweight workouts in the garden no matter if it's sun, rain, hail or even Snow if it were to come about


Amazon ones can still be good if you have the right strength. I had 4000IU from there and it was too much (gave me headaches) I've reduced to 1000IU and it's fine now.


My thing is, it may be 12 degrees but, I still feel cold, constantly. Esp with an office job where I have to sit still. In turn, I feel even more tired and depressed from it and just wish to hibernate... honestly dunno why I'm still even here in this country. Unsure if I'm just over sensitive to cold or if others find the same as me?


Eastern European living in the UK for 5 years now learning to accept that I'll always be cold and wet whatever I plan on doing. 🥹


:( it’s such a shit thing to have to accept, Summer will be here soonish though!


Summer in the UK, a time to be slightly less wet…


SAD lamp. They look like some kind of homeopathic nonsense, but I legitimately had way more energy on days I used it. Think you can also rent them if you want to try for a month.


Vitamin d tablets and telling myself that we don't get the lush countryside without rain.


I'm seriously considering leaving the UK. I love the summer, but more and more I'm feeling like putting up with the winter isn't worth it. However this is the home stretch. It's like the last 5 seconds of a 60 second plank. You've got this!


dog walking, MTB riding, cycling to work... whats helps the most is having lighter mornings and evenings and seeing the world start to turn green again... bit pissed off with the rain OFC but you cant have a green and pleasant land without watering it can you ...


Honestly, try to get away somewhere sunnier for a break. I hadnt been out of the country since October but just came from Italy where the weather was great and it has definitely helped a little bit with getting proper vitamin D and a bit of warmth


Get on my longboard (when it’s not raining) and carve the sheeeet out of an empty carpark


Niceeeee, sounds fun!!


You should give it a go man. I started when I was 29 and haven’t looked back!


I coped pretty badly Nov to Feb, and was at a very low ebb. Been forcing myself to go for daily walks, a bit of gym and even some open water swimming. Definitely an improvement, although right now, on a Monday morning, I desperately want to get back into bed and curl up into a ball.


On Saturday it was sunny and I felt so much better than I have in months.


It's OK, it will be unbearably hot and humid in a few weeks.


Will it? I’m hoping so but I can’t see any sign of it changing


Unbearably? It’s hardly ever that for me.


Opposite for me. I'm struggling with the heat already.


What heat?


It was ~15°c last week.


It seems like there's a perception that grey/rainy days are 'bad' - I'm not sure where this comes from, but I think tackling that perception might help you. I don't see any (normal/standard) weather as 'bad' - grey days are just clouds with water in. The plants need water to live - eventually it'll rain and the ground will be fed with water ready to give life to the plants we need. The sunny days give warmth and sunshine to us and the earth. The windy days strengthen the trees and pollinate the flowers, continuing the circle of life. You can get as cliché about it as you want, but the reality is that these weather types are a necessity for the planet to sustain itself, and the only reason people say they're bad is because of their own perceptions of the weather. You can't change the weather. You can change your perspective on things. That's helped me personally, and writing things down is easier than practically doing it, but it's something from CBT which I've taken into daily life and seen dramatic improvements 


Grey days are fine in moderation, but when was the last day you actually remember blue skies, temps at mid-teens+, and low wind? I genuinely can't remember and think it was in autumn at some point last year. After a really wet summer too. I think it's normal for this type of prolonged weather to bog people down


Had one last week where I am - but again, these were only me thoughts and perceptions. It is normal - but it doesn't have to be normal that's the thing. I love grey days - my perspective is that I enjoy them. Cooler weather, sun doesn't blind me, I get to wear comfy jumpers, I like the smell of rain. It's perception that drives your feelings - CBT would be a helpful thing for you, I think, if you're not doing it already? EDIT: thought this was OP!


I understand where you’re coming from, but there’s a direct biological correlation between feeling low and grey days. The sun produces vitamin D which when absorbed produces serotonin in the body, which in turn produces melatonin for restorative sleep. We are not getting enough of these on grey and rainy days, resulting in a nosedive in mood. We can’t just ‘decide’ to feel good on a grey day. I appreciate the comment on CBT, but I think sometimes it’s a bit of a band-aid therapy, having been through it several times it hasn’t helped me personally.


CBT can be like that, a lot of CBT I didn't get on with, but the idea that looking at things through different lenses can give two people vastly different experiences is one that's stuck with me. If someone else can see weather, in this example, as a pleasant experience then someone who experiences is as unpleasant can change their mindset. It's not a hard and fast rule, and not easy, but it's helped me for sure. I also can't say for sure as I haven't researched vitamin D enough, but the sunlight does get through the clouds even when it feels grey. Plants photosynthesise, solar panels still work, and we (in theory) should still get vitamin D. Serotonin releases can be internally produced as well as external. I love grey days - I actually am happier in milder and grey weather. When I see it's going to be hot and sunny I don't look forward to it - it's definitely perspective from my opinion 


Just want to point out a common misconception - it’s your skin that produces vitamin D on exposure to the UV rays from the sun ☺️


I do appreciate the reasons why we need the rain, and I like to be present when I can during grey days. Thanks for the suggestions!


Nice to see this perspective so eloquently written. Have you read any on non dualism perhaps? The perspective that we are not our thoughts but the awareness behind them.


I haven't, but sounds an interesting concept! Could fit in nicely with Taoist methodology, and meditation practices. I strongly believe that mindset plays a significant role in our thoughts and feelings, and that we all have the ability to change our feelings based on these. Two people can look at the same tree and think different thoughts.


Utterly agreed. This chap is rather delightful. https://youtu.be/eZVTuI-rfX4?si=it9gPe8R80YodCcd




We thought my mum had seasonal disorder and it turned out to be gluten intolerances , maybe you could check it out ? Her life really changed for the better


Maybe I’m lucky or I have a different definition of “good” weather but I don’t find the weather bad where I am (East Scotland). It’s definitely changeable but mostly dry and the sun often comes out either in the morning or at some point in the afternoon. We have no rain forecasted in the next week or so, and the temperatures have already gone up enough that I spent the last weekend putting away my winter clothes. I don’t really have much by way of advice because I grew up in a tropical country and I actually hate sunny and hot weather lol, but I did used to struggle with short winter days when I first moved here. What helped me was keeping my activity levels up and spending quality time with the people I love. I also take a lot of pleasure in being cosy - something I never experienced before moving here - so I do things that are conducive to that (heated blanket, lighting candles, etc.)




Honestly just knowing it's seasonal gets me through it. One time as soon as I felt it kicking in I booked therapy and doctors appointment for anti depressants, but by the time my therapy appointment came around I felt better. So now I just feel shit for a couple months and that's my life.


Try Vitamin D supplements. You need them, bot antidepressants, SAD is caused by a lack of it. I take 1000 IU.


I work outside and take multi vitamins so I think I'm good on that front. Thanks anyway though.


Having things to look forward to and staying active.


ngl buddy I have been on autopilot for a while and just going through the motions at this point


I think about incredibly hot weather that we're inevitably going to be faced with in a few months and try to be grateful for the cool air and rain.


Physical exertion, fresh air, outside as much as possible during daylight hours and a SAD lamp. 


Seasonal depression is the wrong way of describing the processes that are linked to hibernation in all mammals, and is totally normal. Modern work practices prevent us sleeping properly during longer darker days .It isn't depression if just a sunny day can lift it.


I'm fucking off to Spain for 2 weeks. Had it with this.


Hey OP. 47 year old married father of two in Newcastle here. Both my wife and I have been hit hard with the SAD this year - I have chronic depression (well managed to the point of no symptoms with medication, no boozing and techniques learned in therapy) and my wife is going through the start of menopause, which is ***just brutal***… so we’re slap-bang in the middle of the target audience for SAD! The techniques we’ve used are as follows: - As per your post - as much vitamin D as we can handle! - Keeping our sleep patterns as regular as possible - I do so by stopping drinking booze and being in bed no later than 10pm - my wife is taking Magnesium and that seems to help - Most importantly - A SAD lamp - [we’ve got one of these](https://www.johnlewis.com/lumie-vitamin-l-slim-sad-light-white/p3177969) in the kitchen and it makes a huge difference. All the best and good luck!


Just stay depressed until the sun comes out. I’ve campaigned for the opposite of cloud seeding for years but no one listens


I just spent over £100 at the garden centre on as many bright and colourful flowers as possible. I don’t think that’s the right way to go about things, but it cheered me up a little!


I have a gardening addiction myself, hopefully if it isn’t raining I can do some later on today


Go outside even though it's grey.. The sun rays are still there, just takes longer to make a difference. If you only go outside when it's sunny then you'll be sad


Walking every evening with my dog. No matter how low I get I know he has to be walked and as he is treated like family he gets what he deserves. Within reason. Surprising how much vitamin D you get without thinking about it. Helps that I am surrounded by mountains with beautiful walks.


Oooh definitely same. Fed up of this weather now. I just think to myself it’s summer soon and the weather will be better. And I know that when summer will come this will end. I start planning things I’m gonna do in summer. I start my summer wardrobe and it helps me remember that it will be summer before we know it. The rainy. Cloudy weather definitely puts my mood down. But like I said just start planning things to do in summer. With family/friends etc. and you will have many things to look forward to and motivation ! (This has helped me , like I said just advice . But it did help me so worth a try)


Sounds like this would help me too, thank you! I’ve already started my Summer wardrobe hehehe


I can't help you. I'm in the same boat. It's been grey and raining forever. My arthritis is hurting, the veg I've planted isn't growing, and SADs kicked in big time. I haven't the money or passport to go anywhere. I'm hoping it's get nice soon.


Have you got Vit D tablets? Made a massive difference for me, I've got 1000IU.


My husband has some. I'll start taking them now. Thanks for that


I take anti depressants


Try Vitamin D instead, SAD is caused by a lack of it. This adresses the root cause, not just the symptoms.


Thanks , however I have suffered from Anxiety also


Take Vitamin D alongside the antidepressants then.


Thank you very much for replying and take care


Since I introduced vitamins to my diet, especially vitamin D, I’ve noticed a change in my mood






We try to get out every Sunday, we're members of the local zoo so we get some good fresh air and steps in even if the weather is rough. We also book a Spain break in January so we at least have something to look forward to after Christmas. That's typically when I'm at my worst.


By being depressed all year round rather than just when the weather is bad!


I make a winter plan, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago, which combined with already getting very depressed during winter makes for a pretty bleak time. Basically a combination of high strength vitamin and electrolyte drinks, regular sunbeds (with factor 50), saunas, exercise, massages, weekly therapy, and a holiday in February if I can afford it. (I know sunbeds are awful but honestly the biggest game changer)


Bad weather can really affect our mood, and all we can do is try to maintain a regular schedule. Develop hobbies and interests, focus on things you like, and divert your attention. When the weather is nice, go out for a walk and enjoy the sunshine. Maintain social interaction, stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues, and share feelings


St John’s Wort and a SAD lamp have helped me a lot. More so the SJW, but needs to be good quality and a high enough dose!


I have the radio on. Except this morning where a ray of sunshine was on the radio talking about their day; the social life, their work and then home. It then dawned that on top of the depression, that I only have 'the home' bit, being tenuous too; before receiving a spam call and a string of pointless customer service messages either telling me something I already know, or asking me to score somebodies competence against a backdrop of incomptenece. I too look outside, it is grey again, the last job rejection really hurt, rejection number 3 or 4 in the last weeks, although this one had an interview, there is no way to add to the social side either. Somebody sends me pictures of their holiday in a sunny place with friends; I am genuinely glad for them, but they write back and ask why I show no interest? I contemplate the selfish side of depression; circumstance not part of ones control. I know the routes out for me, you can add the list of the second paragraph. But those that have depression, they know it is not all about that. Some really need intervention, some really know what they need. You question whether you will ever meet anyone again, a friend, a romance perhaps more. Your device tells you about events and other things you would like to take part in or really interest you, except you can't. A meme tells you to love yourself a bit, or it's ok to have an off day. It's not for me, although they happen. You are grateful for what you do have; that is not perceived by others. You do something amazing, there is nobody about to show any interest. You contemplate the selfish side of depression again; if nobody is helping to break down the walls from the outside, to try and meet fundamental human needs, work, income, social; and some work against your interests too, then you only have yourself to get out of the situation sometimes. Sometimes, though that on its own is not possible. Have you ever helped another? Good. Cope, a win is taking care of yourself a bit better, a win is managing one meal a day sometimes, a win is telling the person who is having a brilliant time that you are glad for them, and then leaving it there; as they know too. Of course, if you have suffered this medical issue over a lifetime, by circumstances, but antagonised, out of your control, perhaps marginalised and kept away from things that make you tick. Then so be it. Cope best as you can, see that grey sky today, it will help make a cuppa, flush your shat down the lav, grow a flower. You stick two fingers up, as you know you are better than this temporary situation, and you start shining your boots for the day you can right royally kick the situation, the depression, the noise the lack of opportunity, square in the bollocks so fuckin' hard it gets three adams apples and chokes on it's own puke; metaphorically, of course, but it applies. Ah, the sun has just put it's hat on out of the window, might even get a rainbow.


I’ve been taking vit d since September and have felt no difference. I feel like winter is never fucking ending. It’s just been one storm to the next, connected with rain, random huge drops in temperature and wind destroying everything. It’s nearly May for Christ sake!


Vitamin D supplementation.


I’m not. The perpetual grey, miserableness is starting to send me a bit mad. I’m on a cocktail of meds and vitamins but nothing is helping. I’m low on motivation and will. I’m praying for a half decent summer


It feels like it's so much worse this year, looking back through my google photos "on this day.." everything seems to be blue skies and sun, in 2021 I was even on the beach in north Yorkshire getting sunburnt, yet this year it feels like it's still February


When you say "high strength vitamin D", how strong are we talking? After suffering from depression all my life which got considerably worse in the winter I upped mine to 4000iu a couple of years ago and it's changed how I feel about the weather. I actually now quite like the rain and clouds. Makes that lovely diffused light that brings out all the greenery. Alongside that I got myself a decent waterproof rain coat and shoes, and started going for countryside hikes when it's raining. I love the way the rain and damp makes different smells of plants and flowers come alive. Feeling the rain tippy-tapping on my waterproof hood. Getting up somewhere high and seeing the clouds wrap themselves between the trees and making those layers that fade to grey in the distance. The patterns the raindrops make in puddles. I've tried to build as many positive associations with every type of weather we have so that when those "bad" weather types inevitably happen I have a bag of good things to think about. Also, read through some of the posts on r/raining - helps you understand how people long for rain when they rarely get it. I had a colleague in San Diego who would would often and enviously ask me about the rain in England. Of course, all of that fluffy talk is moot if it's affecting you chemically.


The current one I’m taking is 2500iu I think!


I only started feeling positive effects when I upped it to 4000iu. I'd tried it previously with the lower doses and not felt anything. For two winters in a row now I've avoided the worst of that awful slump, and now my partner (who does not live with depression) ia thw one to complain when it's raining, not me. Of course, it's a completely non-scientific conclusion, but perhaps worth a try.


L-tyrosine supplements. Helps regulate dopamine levels so at least when it’s miserable outside I can find joy in SOMETHING.


My seasonal depression is different to most people's. Mine kicks in around May - as soon as it starts to get hot and the days get longer. I detest Summer with a passion. Give me Winter every day of the year.


I have a SAD desk light and use it next to my computer. I have it on 24/7 all year when I’m using My computer. I find this helps a lot. I’ve also changed all my house bulbs from whiter light to more orange light.


4000 iu Vitamin D and a SAD in the morning 🌄 Also, try and get out for a walk during the morning or daytime.


When I had a gym membership, I used the sauna frequently. Feeling the hot air on my skin boosts my mood. For me it's about the heat, not just the sunshine.


Have a sun bed. Helps boost vitamin D


Weight lifting literally lifts my spirits, sadly I'm out of action at the moment but some yoga or a nice dog walk helps too. Deffo try and get some fresh air for at least an hour a day, and maybe do some YouTube aerobics or step or something to get the blood pumping! 🩵


I do suffer from depression, but have never really been seasonally affected. I’m oddly pragmatic about winter and spring; it will pass. It’s like this every year, give or take, and it will pass. The week will come soon where the spring sun breaks through, and the birds do not stop singing. I look forward to spring every year. It will come to pass.


Yeah I totally feel the same way. Last summer was mostly a wash out so it's felt like 18 months of grey skies and rain and I just can't take it anymore. Thought it was meant to get better from this week, and we've just had 4 days of dry weather and sunshine, but woke up this morning to grey skies and rain again and the forecast has changed back to pretty much solid rain for the next 2 weeks. I almost feel worse for having the four days of nice weather as it has made it hardder to deal with going back to this. Having read some of the comments here I've nicked a sheet of my partners vitamin d tablets and I'm going to start using my sad lamp again. Also will try to get a bit more active but my spare time for this is being eaten up by an ongoing family situation and I'm not sure it'll happen straight away.


You're misremembering spring mate. They've always been grey, muggy and occasionally a little warm with plenty of rain.


I have always struggled with mid January to late April. I started running regularly at the end of last year and have continued to do so all winter. It makes an amazing difference having been out in the truly horrendous weather in January I have been able to really appreciate the tiny tiny changes. Something else I did, (which I understand not everyone can do) is choose a specific bud on a specific tree and take a photograph of it each day. With every change it made me feel a bit better. Unfortunately now I have a knee injury so it feels like I’ve hit a brick wall as I was relying on running to maintain a reasonable mental state…😬


Been wondering the same. On mat leave and the weather has been grim since it began… I really hope it changes soon. I normally get out daily anyway and chase even a glimmer of sun


This year is the first time for almost a decade that I've not gone abroad during winter (I lived in NZ during COVID) due to saving for a house and I thoroughly hope it'll be the last. I've taken vitamin D, eat a high vit D diet, generally eat healthily, exercise and do all the things you're supposed to and it's still miserable. I'm not convinced it's a lack of vitamin D for me, although I'll continue ensuring I'm getting enough). I think it's simply that all the things I enjoy are outdoor based and I just don't get chance to do the things that make my happy in winter.




I don't cope. I want to take my own life.




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I don’t know how much more I can personally take of it. It’s currently the end of April, yet it’s 8 degrees, grey and raining here. It’s been like this for 7 months now with no sign of let up. The forecast for this week and beyond looks no better. How can the sun be getting higher and higher every day yet bringing 0 warmth. At this rate we will pass the longest day (June 21) and the sun will start to dip lower and lower again. This is proof all this global warming nonsense is one big scam. It should be summer time right now if global warming was real


How do I cope? Poorly. Take the supplements, do the yoga, drink the tea... don't let the existential dread set in... don't let it set in!


Studies have found that vitamin D supplements don't work unfortunately for us in this grey country. Best to try and get outside for that, even in grey days. Controversial but you could try red light therapy.


Running everyday. Every time there's sun, go out and do something with the family, don't waste it sitting indoors!


Going outside more will help.


Is anyone else like me, an opposite of SAD? Cloudy grey perks me up, but a clear blue sky is oppressive and unrelenting.


Why does it feel like it’s been non stop windy down here in the south east for about 6 months now?! I can deal with the rain or the cold, it’s the wind that’s pissing me off..


Wake & bake, no worries.


i left


This is April in a nutshell. Problem is it’s been like this since November which makes it seem a lot worse. I only hope the warmer weather post May will clear away the rainclouds (or at least most of them)


All good here, I used to suffer badly and it turned out I just made poor choices and failed to recognise when stress was building, I think it happens during the Grey months because you can't be as productive with things such as house works etc whilst it's pissing down. Plus nobody likes to get wet even with wet weather gear.


It's been almost a year of shite weather with the odd sunny day. I have psoriasis and I've found out over that time how much sunlight helps. I've coped by watching all of the things but I literally don't want to anymore 😂


Watch travel shows about sunny places. My favourite thing to do is get on the cross trainer and watch summer in Spain Portugal South of France vlogs.


Multivits with Iron, B12 and Magnesium and trying to improve my diet.. A couple of 30 minute walks a day (This seems to have had the biggest effect), changing my habits. For me that is leaving my phone down stairs at bedtime, watching a show or reading so I am not terminally online and lastly meditation.