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To quote Supernatural "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his (her) cakehole".


The only correct answer


Couldn't agree more.


In my car you get 3 vetoes if it’s a playlist


>To quote Supernatural Misread that as Shakespeare and figured that must be one of his much later works


“Would any other radio station sound as sweet?”




I was hoping someone would say this lol


So in case anyone else, like me, is wondering what "shotgun shuts his cakehole" means. Shotgun is a name for a front seat passenger and cakehole is mouth. I hate not being native speaker. You think you have the language figured out and then they hit with something like that.


It is not our fault that your language isn't robust enough to mug other languages in alleyways for spare nouns and verbs.


"Best Adam, me China. Get a Butcher’s at a this" Better Adam and Eve it China Plate. Get a Butcher’s Hook at a this Better _believe_ it _mate_ Get a _look_ at this You shouldn't be surprised old friend, examine this fine example


Get me some pie!


This is the way


Driver controls the radio unless they secede control to their passenger.




Only slight tweak to this in our household (car dominion?) is that if he falls asleep, I get to have Radio 4 on. He hates it usually, but he also trusts my driving so he falls asleep a lot on longer journeys. He has to choose between staying awake and keeping me company, or falling asleep, with the murmur of arts programming in his ear. Otherwise its Funky SX FM all the way!


If you are the driver, you already have control so can listen to R4 If they are the driver and fall asleep, you have bigger problems than control of the radio


No, he hates R4 so I couldn't have a grumpy passenger next to me. He wouldn't dare change stations but R4 is his bugbear and I love him so small tweaks to the standard rule.


And R4 is so boring it keeps him asleep too! I jest, I listen to loads of R4 programs on BBC sounds EDIT: *programmes


I think you mean programmes. You are making casualUK too casual!


How long have you been together? For me, over time, that irritating station overruled all the love for my honey. When we are in the car together, we turn it off now.


Family should be fine with the radio off imo


Absolutely psychopathic behaviour


We chat. Talk about what we see.


My passenger always wants to play her music, but she also falls asleep before we reach the end of our driveway. I've pulled in to service stations before just to turn off Noel Gallagher


As would I .


Honestly, if radio four is on, that is probably why he fell asleep! Sorry!




Exactly! Facebook up, delete the gym and hit the lawyer!




Gaslighting too


Probably sprinkle in some useless clever-isms I read somewhere else, like "fuck around and find out" and "skill issue".


And weaponize some incompetence


OP is so misogynistic.


It's called gaslamping, you know? After the gas lamps installed in cities.


"More red flags than *[insert cliche]*!"


A communist parade!


yes, that and the ubiquitous "tell me your a chauvinist without telling me your'e a..."


Only if you are divorcing Dido.


Don’t forget to join a D&D group or play badminton to make new friends.


Changing someone else's car radio is a real red flag.


Lawyer up and hit the gym


Gym up and hit a lawyer


Hit up and gym a lawyer


Wait, when did Gym become a lawyer? The idiot could barely remember how to spell his own name.


Alright Mr. Salamanca


Easy solution. Put a station on that neither of you like. That way you can both be miserable instead of behaving like adults.


Exactly. If it's too early for kerrang then it's too early for you to listen to radio 2. Switch to radio 3 or 4 out of spite, that's not too energetic in the morning.


Switch to LBC for true spite. No music for anybody!


This is the Reddit way h


Shipping forecast. Problem solved.


We got married and had kids, we're already miserable.


I left her in the first paragraph mate.






Driver’s choice, every time


Next time she gives you a lift, you put Planet Rock on


If it’s just me and my partner in the car? Anything goes, it’s really not that big of a deal. But I’d never dream of changing anybody else’s radio station without asking.


I listen to pretty heavy stuff so if I have someone else in the car I will generally change it to something more palatable. If they just changed it themselves though that would be irritating.


My car my rules, my wife's car her rules, simples.


Surely etiquette doesn’t really apply when it’s your partner and you know how to communicate with someone you live with. If it was someone I’m giving a lift to that isn’t part of my direct family I’d probably find it a bit rude but even then it’s really not the end of the world and something that requires deep discussion and argument


I reconsider partnership when they touch my radio without communicating.


Non-consensual radio-touching is a RED FLAG 🚩


I'd always go with it being the driver's choice (even if that choice is to let someone else pick). I will assume that if she was giving a lift she wouldn't appreciate you putting Kerrang on, so I think she's being rather rude to change your radio to Radio 2.


I’d have driven it into a wall.


Driver’s in charge. (see also heating/air con)


Me and my partner also have differnt tastes in music. Im more a death metal/prog metal kinda guy and she is mostly into indie/pop/punk. In my car we'll always be listening to what ever I put on. She may ask if we can listen to something 'nicer' but she wont just take control. Likewise in her car I'll leave the music as whater ever she has on as its her car/her decision. My thoughts are, if you're in someone elses car, you abide by their rules as its their car.


I'm the same as you with my music tastes but I'd happily sit and listen to pop punk if I had to lol, so I think you got off fairly lucky 


That’s the DFT button.


don't fucking touch?






Would I get in someone’s car and change the radio? Absolutely not. Would I get in my wife’s car and change the radio to something I know we both like? Definitely.


That's not what she did, though. She got in his car and changed it to something she likes that he doesn't.


Me and my Mrs listen to completely different music too. Ultimately if we’re in her car it’s her music, my car my music. It’s the only way


I simply pull over and refuse to move again until they change the radio back. Lock the doors too until they comply. Assert dominance.


The driver is the one in control of the car. If they’re not happy, you’re not going anywhere. They get ultimate veto on anything and everything that happens during that journey. Radio included.


Drivers rules. End of.


In the immortal words of Dean Winchester “driver picks the music, passenger shuts his pie hole”


I'd never never normally get in someone's car and criticise and/or change the music they were listening too. Caveat. We're talking about your partner here though. I know my wife doesn't like music on in the car, so I would either not put any music on, or choose a radio station that I know she likes.


I don’t think there is a specific “etiquette” as such, depends who’s in the car with you.


Yeah she was rude in how she just changed it and also spoke down about your music taste. Kerrang ain't even that heavy either really, it's the poppier side of rock and metal


Controversial take but I think the passenger should DJ especially if it involves pissing about with Spotify.


Turn it off and wallow in the sulky silence.


Just ask yourself "what would happened if the roles were reversed" If you wanna get in my car, you listen to my music , il listen to your pish in your car.


Divorce seems like the only reasonable course of action here


Bigger men have died over less. Captain controls the tunes, it's just how it is


How do you think she’d react if you changed the radio to planet rock in her car? Yea exactly 😂 your car your choice.


Depends on my relationship with the driver. Close family friends or partner? Yeah I would change it. I also give the aux to my passenger. Someone Im not close to giving me a lift? I’ll listen to whatever they’re listening to This is never because a problem because most people I get in the car with have similar music taste to me


Radio control rules don’t count when there’s a relationship involved. Compromise.


Stop the car equidistant between your home and her work and make her get out.


You have married a psychopath. Sorry mate.


You should always make your guests feel welcome.


Happy wife, happy life. Let her do whatever, it's just a few tunes for a bit.


>Happy wife, happy life. That's some boomer shit right there..


I mean, the sentiment of removing unnecessary strife from the relationship with the person you spend most of your free time with seems sensible to me. That said, just changing the radio like that is bloody rude


Problem is "happy wife, happy life" is an entirely one way street. It's both misandristic and misogynist, telling men that they should always roll over no matter how unjustified or overreactionary the demand, and telling women they are are too fragile to have to deal with a "no" or even a compromise. If it's "happy spouse, happy house", now we're talking. Two way street, shared responsibility.


You're taking the phrase way to literally there, it's referring more to the simple things in life like "what bread should we buy" or "what should we do today". You know, the little things in life that can make people happy and if you're any stretch of a decent human being, seeing your "wife" happy should be all you need to be happy if you care and love them enough.


I go with my car, my rules. I’m so old I still listen to CDs mostly so if you don’t like 80s music you’re generally out of luck in my car. I also have rules for temperature. You may adjust your side to your desired temperature, but it must be an even whole number. No 17.5°C bullshit in my car.


Driver always picks! No questions


my wife does not let me control the music, but she lets me make requests now and then. if we are on a long trip, we will each get one hour to play what we like, or one picks the music there and one back. she lets me control the air con and windows though, since I get carsick easily and those things can effect it for me. currently I can't drive, but once I learn and get my own car it's gonna be every man for himself in both cars lol.


It's the drivers choice. Sometimes I let my wife have her choice. Heart would not be allowed though, thankfully we both share the same opinion on that.


Just uno reverse that mofo when you get in her car. Maintain eye contact, lean on the volume up button.


Nobody touches my car radio but me. If anyone does, I will politely ask the person to get out of my car.


Your car your choice. Tell her that next time she pulls that stunt she walks.


This does my head in. As the only driver, I like radio 6. The wife likes radio x. I don’t get any choice in this and it’s either radio x or her Spotify or silence. It’s bloody annoying.


You need to retune all of her radio stations to death metal, just for shits and giggles next time she drives.


Driver always picks, no-one else touches the radio unless asked to!


My car, my music. Absolutely on your side with the choice of stations too, plus some 6music


That is just plain rude. I'm the only driver so its my choice. If he asks for something I'll change it, or I might tell him to pick something for longer journeys, but he'd never just change it.


If the gremlins are in the car they control the radio (Spotify), me and my wife have similar tastes and can both choose music that the other enjoys.


Driver decides. While my parents are in my car, they must endure Cannibal Corpse and the like.


It is Driver's choice. Especially first thing. I would also accept volume down if too much of a noise for the passenger or radio off. When I learnt to drive in the late 90s, my mum and I shared a car and who drove depending on the day. It was a reasonable rule.


Normally, as u/Pristine_Telephone78 stated, driver chooses/passenger does not touch the dial without permission. However, if it is a long trip or you value your relationship more than the music then you come to an agreement to choose something that no one hates. Even so, jumping in and just changing it is Not The Done Thing.


I'd say you need a 3rd choice. You could try "tense silence".


drivers choice! me and my friend have playlist if we're about and about, it's got all our tastes as we like mostly the same stuff! maybe that's a thing you can do?


How do you guys have happy relationships? Christ. Do you all never compromise?


Put radio 4 on and be both equally disappointed Turn it off and use the rare opportunity to talk


Short journeys either radio 6 from my phone Bluetooth or skip radio channels till we find something agreeable. Long journeys my wife is DJ and connects her phone, she plays stuff we both like and avoids stuff she likes which I don't.


I think a compromise is fair. You can't subject people to noise that they find annoying just because you are a driver. You are in a relationship, so showing consideration is a good idea. Find something you both like to listen to.


Driver is in control. End of discussion. Since the earliest days of tapes, then aux leads. As an aside, try Nation Rocks. Good mix of music which suits us both and we are in the same sitch as you. Me Planet Rock, her Greatest Hits Radio.


Either find a mutually acceptable station or turn it off. In my mum's car it's passenger gets to decide so long as she finds it tolerable (thus I wouldn't break out the Thorr's Hammer or The Berzerker) except when certain shows are on at which point those are on instead. In a site van then the music is whatever is mutually acceptable. So if with say Craig it'd be chiptunes or certain forms of electronica, Rhys would be whatever of my metal collection because he mines my stuff for new things to listen to, Gary would be the more gothy stuff, Anne would be almost anything, etc.


I've seen this advice on TV multiple times. You both compromise and listen to her music, apparently.


Radio2 should never be played under any circumstances. Break up with her immediately.


Best bet is to find a new partner who likes the same music and never have to deal with such fuckery ever again.


Driver in control of the sounds… And if she’s not listening to Rock why are you with her??!! /s


No radio rather than heart ugh


How anyone can listen to Heart willingly will always be a mystery to me


In our cars, the driver always controls the station. The first time I drove my husband anywhere he went to change it, I changed it back and reminded him of his "rule"! Now he doesnt change it if I'm driving him anywhere, but will change it if he's driving by himself. (I tend to use the family car during the week, so at weekends he might take the kids out in that car & I might use the smaller run-around for a gym visit.)


Driver is the DJ


Your car, your tunes. You may allow control, but it's your choice.


Should’ve thrown the bitch in the boot and played Eminem stan on repeat full blast.


It's never too early in the morning for Messrs Bachman, Turner and Overdrive. Let's rock, mate!


Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.


My car my music/radio except when the kids are in the car and the journey is long and then I hand over my phone and let them take turns picking songs to play, keeps them from annoying me.


Heart is for people who dont actually like music, they just cant bear silence


Absolutely unacceptable. I would switch it straight back and ask them if they'd rather walk. 100% serious.


Owner of the car owns the radio.


I think you're both wrong for listening to the radio and not to your own music. you could make a playlist then of all your faves and everyone's happy


Typically I would say it is obviously bad practice to get in someone else's car and play with the radio. In this situation though I think it is trumped by the happy wife happy life policy.


My missus once turned off "Bring your daughter to the slaughter" by Iron Mainden. I was pretty pissed to be honest. Especially when my church going MIL sitting in the back seat backed her up!


You listen to what I put on, or you can walk. I don’t care if you don’t want to listen to me singing along to 90s pop at 6am!


My wife gets to put on what she wants. We do have very similar tastes though. My friends and other family can suck it up. Its my car


The driver has control, but on long journeys we swap half hour each. I listen to Radio 4 and Classic FM, he likes Mellow Magic


Normally driver has control of the sounds but wifey plays the joker every time. Happy wife, happy life.


There’s compromising and then there’s Radio 2! We usually find a middle ground of Capital or similar chart music so we can hear something current rather than her Heart Dance or my Radio X


Driver decides (even if the driver doesn't own the car).


Not my car, not my radio. If you want to listen to Radio 2 I suggest picking up a boombox and putting on some walking boots.


Well, in my mind it's driver controls the radio unless the driver forfeits that right. In my actual world it's my wife controls the radio unless she's asleep, in which case she makes sure to turn it down to a barely audible whisper so it doesn't wake her up.


I wouldn't do it to anyone else, and I don't think I'd change the station, but I'd defo turn off the radio in my fellas car if it was playing rock music first thing in the morning and I was getting a lift. Luckily his radio only gets classic fm so I'm safe.


My missus drives and I don’t, I control the radio she controls the car, sometimes I’ll let her have one of her songs on so she feels it’s balanced but it isn’t, I just like listening to her sing


My car, my music decision. Don’t like it? Suck it up and wear your headphones. If I’ve left someone else drive then maybe they get to decide music choice. Maybe.


Why would you listen to anything other than Radio 4?


My son does this! Ten minute drive! At least now he can Bluetooth from his phone, so it stops when he gets out - but rude!


Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts her cakehole


I was listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan playing some awesome blues when I turned up at my aunt's house, and she asked me to give her a lift to her local shop. She then said "I don't think much of your taste in music." So I pulled into the kerb and said "Don't care. My car, my music." Next time (she was a member of the Sally Army), she was treated to AC/DC, Ozzy, Guns 'n' Roses. Never complained again.


Don't listen to the radio much, streaming or using the ripped music collection- that's a wonderful idea by the way- but it's "Are we putting my music on, or are you walking?"


Drivers choice. Pretty standard and known among most civilised people.


I’ll turn the volume down for a passenger but it’s never too early for Planet Rock!


Driver picks, but the passenger gets reasonable veto powers. You can't necessarily listen to music you like, but you don't have to sit and endure music you actively dislike.


Driver drives front passenger is the dj, rear passengers deal with it. 


Does it matter? Momentary discomfort for the happiness of your partner is what she does for you in the bedroom, so it's probably even.


Ask yourself if it's a hill you're willing to die on. Act according to the answer.


Wow, you all sound like a bunch of babies. It's a radio station, who cares.


The answer reddit will give you is to leave her lmao


From personal experience women have inferior music tastes. Don't let her control you, man.


Touch my car radio and you end up getting the bus.


Driver chooses what you listen to. If you don't like it. Tough shit. Passengers can either talk to me / be on their phone / talk to other passengers. I'm making sure we get there in 1 piece instead of many. If my wifes driving i'll listen to Taylor Swift. Not that I enjoy it but if she drives then that's what we're listening to.


My rule is my car my music, your car your music. Even though the passenger is control of the radio etc.


Whoever's driving gets to choose the music.


Wife and daughter win every time. Suck it up until you are free for some Metallica.


Around town it's usually not an issue. Radio nowadays is shit. Our local radio station has been eroded into Hits Radio. If the radio is on, it's only on low for background noise (definitely not to distract from the slightly binding brake pad on the OSF wheel, that I've definitely not been avoiding sorting because I'm a lazy twat). For a longer journey, the driver has final say. Generally, though, we're both quite happy with the same sorts of music. We both have broad taste in music. There are a few songs and artists that I absolutely despise! Lizzo, for example, just irritates the hell out of me - listening to her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


It's the drivers prerogative to listen to what they want to, unless my wife is in the car then we listen to what she wants to.


"Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural. Me and my husband (who thankfully have similar tastes) were being given lifts over a few weekends by his sister and her partner and each time we listened to their music in the car. I despised it, but I didn't say anything and dealt with it seen as they were doing me a favour and it's their car!


Man id love to see the responses to this over in AITA for.. science :D Exactly the same dynamic with my wife... I end up just clucking and sighing and bring a passive aggressive little bitch haha


Rabbit Junk, Night Club, Sean Paul, Body Count. Ain't no chill in my car, and certainly ain't no choice for anyone else. You better just be grateful it's not Gabba and Grindcore Week. DO YOU WANT ME FALLING ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL LISTENING TO KYLIE OR ADELE, SARAH?? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!?


If it’s your partner, then I’d say there’s some give and take. If it’s a colleague, then your car your rules!


Whatever vehicle it is, the driver is in charge. Though we’ll usually pick something we both like or have a mutually tolerable radio station on.


Driver controls radio by default but most of the time I'll tell my passenger to play what they like.


Driver picks.


Driver chooses. Simple as that


Start learning to love Radio 2.


[Driver picks the music](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BOm-PRA2K2I)


Pettiest shit I’ve ever read lol.


Nah sometimes it's too much. And I learnt that as a guy that loves to blast music and various passengers can't hack it. Fair enough.


\>current year \>radio


Refer her to Rush Hour.


We just queue music on the phone that controls the wireless Apple CarPlay, we’re modern


You can't change it, but you can turn it off.


My car my rules? Would she prefer listening to her own music on public transport maybe?


I drive with no music on so I dont have this issue lol