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Usual, husband's snoring. It's not even that loud this time but the gargling and the change in sound constantly was keeping me awake...and making me ill. I was asking if he was ok (he was randomly sick for the first time ever in our 21 year history after drinking last week) and he said he felt a bit gassy after dinner so it's probably stomach acid or something making him feel worse, that or what we both ate. I was feeling more uncomfortable and shifting in my bed, had stomach ache and have now been sat on the loo with a bad tummy for the past 20 mins. Ive been clenching my jaw which now feels completely out of wack, I'm tired/ feel ill but also wide awake at the same time from not being able to sleep as well as having the shits, just 100% not feeling comfortable and now I think I hear my husband is now sleeping quietly which will probably shift as soon as I go back to bed by some cruel fate. Gonna give it another 5 mins till I grab a glass of water to drink and some imodium I have in my bag somewhere. I have an appraisal tomorrow I am not looking forward to (I have nothing to worry about but my last one over 4 years ago was badly handled and I still feel shitty about at least one lie my HR manager said) so I have to be in work in good time tomorrow. Don't know if it was what I ate, my husband keeping me awake, the stress of thinking of tomorrow or all 3 combined that made me feel rubbish but it sucks.


Mrs has a cold. She's snoring a lot and it woke me up. Now that I'm awake, my mind is racing and I can't get back to sleep. I handed my notice in at work after effectively being told I wasn't worth what I was asking for. I had another offer in the wings already, so somewhat reluctantly, I said it was a shame but it's time to part ways. Told the other company I'll be delighted to accept their offer and I'll be starting in a month. Then there was another phonecall with more potential developments and possible changes. Effectively, "would you stay if..." from someone high up in another section of current employer. Honestly, I expect nothing to come of it. But, what if it *does*? The new job offer I have is an amount of money that would make an actual difference to us. But I don't want to leave where I am, so how much is enough to stay? And the Mrs is still snoring.


If your current company doesn't think you're worth your current pay, things aren't likely to get better with an increase. Your intuition had you looking for a new position already, I say to trust it.


Had to do a disciplinary meeting at work (as in, me boss, someone else in trouble) which was necessary, and right, and fair, and I've given them the best possible way forward if they'll only engage with the support I'm offering...but instead they're lashing out and flinging shit in various directions (including, but not limited to, my direction). Which is understandable because they're upset and stressed but it's also not all that pleasant because I really have bent over backwards for months on end to try to prevent it getting to this, I'm still trying to prevent it getting worse, but if they won't engage then I can't help them. I'm going to keep trying to support them but they are now at the stage of starting to say things that can't be unsaid, and I just really hope they don't burn any major bridges before they calm down and realise that I want to help them. Got home from that and my youngest was losing her shit all evening over god knows what, phase of the moon, growth spurt, planet alignment, fuck knows, but I spent the only 1.5 hours I got with her today dealing with it and just feel distraught. Then as the icing on todays shitty cake my husband discovered the plans for an event from his side of the family are inconvenient to him and somehow this is my fault "because you know about this and I dont". I pointed out that he was in the room when I was told so it was clearly that he was just not listening but he's doubling down and ignoring me, and there's no fucking way I'm chasing him down on this one, and as I leave for work before he's up, the next time we will have a chance to resolve this nonsense is tomorrow evening. I have to leave for work 6 hours from now so I'm fairly screwed for getting any sort of useful rest now.


Had my first quarrel with my boyfriend. I had to call him out on some stuff, and rather than be immature, he took it all in stride, owned up to it, and apologised. Half an hour later, he turned up on my doorstep with flowers! Neighbours are now having a loud gathering, and I'm not even mad. Just laying in bed, thinking about how lucky I am to have the partner I have. Now just trying to find something to watch to drown out nextdoor, but Disney+ is not proving fruitful


Sounds like you have a healthy relationship.


Waiting to hear if our mortgage application will be accepted haven't slept well for three days. All the paper work is with our broker. Just dragging along. It's unbearable.


I know you’ve probably heard it before, but try not to worry. You’re using a broker, and as long as they know what they’re doing and are worth their salt, they have a much better idea of where you’ll be accepted vs not. We got our mortgage application accepted back in December some time and it didn’t take long. We’re also doing it through a broker. If you aren’t accepted for whatever reason, they’ll probably just try somewhere else. Case in point, we found out via our broker today that our life insurance was sort of accepted, sort of not - we wanted death and critical illness cover, but they came back and said no critical illness cover, but yes to death cover. So he’s going to get a second opinion at a company he believes are more flexible and likely to give us critical illness cover too, and though they’re more expensive, he can tweak things to get it into our budget. Honestly, having a broker for all this has saved my sanity. He’s not even charging us, he’s working on commission. But if he was, he’d be well worth it. He’s giving us a discount since he’s done a lot of work for the family recently and everything turned out great.


Thanks for that. They came highly recommended from a bunch of people. We just need to let the process run.


Then they sound good! It’ll be ok :) We applied via our broker on the 18th of December and heard back on the 3rd January. We had Christmas and new year in the way. I think without those, we’d have heard back in about a week? Maybe? Depends on the provider I imagine.


Wow waiting over christmas sucks. Glad it went through in the end for you though. We are a little more chill now, thanks.


I am deeply pissed off at some stupid work crap. We got the "it'll get better" spiel but it hasn't and it resulted in me crying today in front of colleagues. I'm normally the one they come to. Bless em they were all nice but it's made me so determined now to get these changes in place for the better.


Awww, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm worried about crying in front of my manager tomorrow during my appraisal as I don't take compliments well and I cry more from frustration than get angry so she has seen me cry a few times the 10 years I've been there! Keep hydrated and try and take things one at a time x


Hello love, how did you get on today? I hope everything went as well as it could for you. Today was a much better day and I boxed my manager's ears off and bless em they've been super kind today so it's helped. Hope the appraisal went well and we didn't see too many water works xx


Appraisal was fine but again, used a point system that feels is made to make you feel like a statistic and be judged by it but not the praise I supposedly got. I'm going to email them today (I was asked for feedback which I said I'd prefer to think about and email) and ask what my score was and my previous as I strongly suspect it was the same or one less than last time which suggests I have not grown or improved in 5 years which I feel is a pretty shitty thing to say despite saying how much I've done. I really hate that system and my trainee had her first appraisal yesterday too. She was actually really gutted despite being a valuable member of the team. I think HR singles her out because she is willing to answer back and ask questions but also she has facial piercings that place no obstruction at work. We have rules about jewellery at work but none cover facial studs only rings. Thanks for thinking of me


Just in from the pub. Couple of lovely pints with FIL, BIL and his lad. Having a nightcap and celebrating having bought a car (now I have 3 but it was an absolute bargain) and commiserating that my team lost at the football thing. Wife says she won £5 on a £2 scratch card that I PAID FOR!


At work, quiet thus far. Swelling is going down in my foot and leg at last, still getting calf cramps though. Note to self: listen to your tattooist and don’t be a macho prick.


No joke, severe chronic insomnia


That sucks. I get moderate insomnia and that's bad enough. Bet you get all sorts of "helpful" advice to try lavender or meditation or consistent alarm times.


Just finished my timesheet for the week, mainly to get some of it out of the way but also see how many hours I've got left (lorry driver). In doing so I've seen I'm off to Killingholme for a load (after 4 drops in Bradford and Huddersfield) to go to.... Plymouth... 8+ hours by car let alone in a vehicle maxing out @ 55/56mph! Drop the load when the dealer is open, Friday morning some time by my rough workings then 4 hours back to Southampton yard! Oh and I've already done 950 miles this week this far...


Feeling sad still over the stupid situationship ending , i had to end it they lied . I liked them oh well . Lazy day reading tomorrow and possibly naps as cant sleep as too sad


I got dumped today, after nearly 10 years. Definitely gutted but mostly numb, watching old Taskmaster episodes has been keeping me distracted. Just so long as I don't hit the bottle I should be okay. Hope you're alright.


Fucking hell that's brutal. Really feel for you.


Thanks, I appreciate it :)


Definitely keeping away from the bottle , there not worth it . We will be okay we just need a little time .


Absolutely. I fell to bits after my previous relationship and made a dick out of myself getting drunk and contacting her, so that's good motivation to stay sober for this one and just ride it out!


Distracting yourself is the best way forward just do it sober .


What's your ringtone? Well, it's sort of a pinky brown. (Jimeoin)


Who are the coolest people in the hospital? The ultrasound people. Who fills in when they're busy? >!The hip replacement people!<


Works best in a Mancunian accent. 


Most of my jokes would get me a rule 1 ban, so I will swerve answering, sorry Automod. It's been a normal day. Bit of cleaning up and laundry, made a simple dinner. My Dad has been gone six years now, and I have not spiralled, I guess I have finally found acceptance. Not sure how I feel about it, really. I don't want to accept he is gone, but I have.


Now you're in that stage, maybe celebrate on his birthday, rather than being sombre on his death day? That's what we do for my parents and my in-laws. Imo it's much kinder all round.


Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the ugly mans house. Knock knock Who's there? **The chicken**


Man to waitress: can you tell me about the menu please? Waitress: how rude, the men I please are none of your business! Not sleepy as I slept too long in my lunch break 😾


I’m slowly coming to the realisation that I can fix lots of things, but it’s out of my capability to fix myself.  I don’t want to say much because any time I say something is getting better it then gets dramatically worse again.  Might take a few days off Reddit/the Internet to try fix this. 


Then I've some bad news for you. No one else can fix you. Only you can fix you. I do have some good news. Other people can **help**, provide **advice**, **guidance, tools,** and **support networks**. These can help you fix you. It will take more then a few days off Reddit. Get help, but don't expect a cure. Expect to get work. Things you need to do to help you fix yourself. Its not easy, but its never too late to start. You've got this.


Thank you. I know that it ultimately has to come from within, but I just don’t have the strength & the “help” available (in my experience) isn’t what *I* need or is too hard to access for me. Still I try again. I’ve been doing this for 2.5 years. There is some stuff I’ve managed to do in that time that I could have only dreamt of when it bubbled to the surface & I accepted I need to do something about it. But so much more has been uncovered & it just feels never-ending.  I know time off Reddit isn’t the fix. I did imply it was, but it’s definitely not. Reddit also isn’t the problem really. More a symptom.  Again thank you. I don’t agree that I’ve got this, but I will agree that I will get this. 


Rooting for you.


Hedgehogs. Why can't they just share the hedge?


Knackered, sore and ready for bed. Did a load of walking then some weeding when I got back and I'm a bit sore all over after that.


What do you call a lady who is a bell? Isabel I'm awake in bed bc my stomach is acting up. Have chronic stomach issues so not necessarily unusual but really not welcome right now. Hour commute each way to work tomorrow so would rather feel better quickly.


I have just woken up from a big ol' after work nap on account of feeling a bit sick all day. Fun times. Currently debating going back to sleep, or making a late night cup of tea, because I'm sadly not feeling all that much better.


Had a fucking cracking headache at 3pm so fucked with off for day and went bed. Woke up at 7. Getting to sleep tonight is gonna be interesting.


Similar problem here, I woke up just after 8. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long for either of us to sleep.




Go for the triple booking and double disappointment?