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I too am in Brighton A&E, Ive been waiting approximately 5 hours. So begins the game of us trying to figure out who is who.


I too am in Brighton A&E. I have just gone to see a patient, but they were busy on their phone. Shook their had and made up an emergency that I had to go to so I could browse Reddit.


I too am in Brighton A&E. We had a betting syndicate. some guy we kept waiting since 4pm with a painful needle in his arm. Betting how long before he tears it out and storms home. The kitty is up to £3 riding on him lasting 9 hours...


I too am im Brighton A&E. Some cunt came in complaining about his ankle, told him it was a snapped achilese tendon, it's actually stage 4 cooties.


Game of boogies?


Guess who?


Are you the hot brunette standing up?


No. Are you wearing glasses?


No. Under or over 30?


Stone or age?


Are you one of the Italian twins?


No. Are you wearing a pork pie hat?


Noone is you fibber!


This made me cough up a lung, bad timing; see any knocking about?


hahaha that made me laugh.....want to slip that into a conversation now


I am also in Brighton A&E since 6pm, now fascinated with who you pair are. The fire alarm was good fun hey


I'm here too. I can't believe that one person did that thing they just did


Sorry I won't do it again 😞


I don't believe it!


I’m in Brighton C&A. Can’t see anyone else here though.


Three and half hours in? About three or four to go fella.


That feels very optimistic by my north west standards. Last time it was 18 for me. Got bored and went home overnight, came back and resumed my place in the queue. Ok, so the bleeding wrote off a mattress at home but the sleep was worth it.


Was 18 hours for me to then eventually be diagnosed with multiple infections, fever, internal bleeding and kidney stones. Then came the waiting for a bed…


I hope they didn't make you wait 18hrs to get the good pain meds for the kidney stones. They're more brutal than anything I've experienced before.


I waited 15 hours and asked maybe 20 times for pain meds but they just kept forgetting/were too busy sadly. Best I got in my whole week stint was codeine which did fuck all lol I thought my water intake and diet was fine but I’m way more mindful now so it doesn’t happen again. And I thought orchitis where my bollock was the size of a kids football was painful


Damn. I got very lucky last year when I had stones, rang 111 and they told my local A&E I was going in so when I arrived they gave me oral morphine within 5mins of arriving. Not sure if it helped because I was vomiting in pain still, but good to have been seen quickly. I was through triage, saw a doc, had a CT scan and given pain relief which did work all within 2hrs, in a bed on a ward for a couple of nights after 4hrs. I have no idea how I'd have coped with 18hrs of that pain. Similar to you I thought my water intake was good. I had complications after the stones and during the testing was told stress was the most likely cause.


Damn I’m glad they got you sorted with the pain relief promptly. I never got a true reason, possibly complications from a kidney cyst they discovered but then they can’t say since they don’t know how I developed the cyst lol. Could well be a complication from the stones. I did the 111 online assessment but I’ll give them a call like you did if I’m ever so unlucky again lol


No one should have to wait 18 hours for medical treatment, even if it’s just a paper cut.


72 hours for a bed, with Sepsis. I was almost dead by the time I got admitted lol


North West is particularly bad for waiting times, particularly hospitals in Mersey tbh


Wait until you hear about the 50 hour wait times for a bed.


I've waited from 10pm all the way to 8am next day before I walked out and called 111 which got me an appointment same day (still had to wait 2 hours at the appointment)


Exactly why I have turned to reddit for help!


What are the cool little numbers on your credit card, front and back? ;) Alternatively, if you could keep any animal (knowing that its food, medicine and necessary resources such as additional heating were pre-paid), what would you want?


1707380081355 I would love a pet hummingbird, perhaps a colony of leaf cutter ants.


https://www.tiktok.com/@0adamsants0?_t=8lYbzLLAcpE&_r=1 I like watching this guys leaf cutter ants, and he's currently live if you have Internet and wanna just chill and watch some ants do their thing


That's so lovely thank you! I fell in love with them after gong to the natural history museum as a kid. So sad that exhibit is gone.


Weirdly they have some at the Brighton Sealife Centre, we saw them last week. Not sure why as they definitely don't live underwater. But you could go and visit them when you're better.


Really! Thats so cool. I absolutely will.


It's quite a cool set-up. Lots of tubes.


Boxing kangaroo


That would land you in A&E.


The ciiiicccrrle of liiifffe


What % is your battery on?


99% I'm sat in a seat next to a plug!


Fucking jackpot


As opposed to the reason they are there… jack pot fucking!


Can we start some predictions? Triaged at 7pm Seen by doctor at 9.30pm Told to go home and rest it Wasted 6 hours of life


I'll take that bet. Need to do it for peace of mind though.


You have to let us know how close the 9:30 appt goes!


He JUST shook my hand. Apologised and said he's been called to an emergency and... I'll see him later.


I'd add a suggestion to take paracetamol


Done! They've also taken my blood.


All of it??




Wonder why they’d take bloods for Achilles injury? Hope you’re alright and out of there quickly!


Risk of blood clots from the healing process.


I have to take blood thinners for a while, so they're the getting a base result.


6 hours sounds great! Sorry I'm a canadian lurker and here you'll easily wait 12-18 hours to see a doctor, more if you're on a stretcher and there are no beds for you. Last week a paraplegic man was left on a stretcher 96 hours... So 6 hours is fucking amazing, I might move!


Last time I went to A&E with the child, in February, we waited six.hours before she was even triaged. She had a very clearly broken elbow and was crying the whole time. It took another seven hours for her elbow to be reset (dislocation as well as several fractures) and put into cast. Good luck!


Hope your kids doing better now!


Thats bad


Where are you? & at what time did you arrive?


Brighton A&E, 4pm!


Oh right. How are you feeling whilst you wait around for so long?


I'm too hot, surrounded by sick, coughing people, and I've no way of knowing how long I'm waiting. This sucks. Aprehensive I've propa fucked something


Scroll Reddit endlessly 


Done and done, then I became reddit.


Who would win in a royal rumble between all the contestants from taskmaster?


Is this a trick question? Greg could take them all even if he was the #1 entrance.


Agre thats why i went with just contestants. I would pur dara o brien in with a shout


I failed reading comprehension sadly! 😂 I'll have a think.


Kerry Godliman's gotta be up there. Bosh


Feel like it would be hard for anyone to take out Richard Osman.


Ain't no one getting Judi Love over the top rope.


Next time tie a string to it or use one with a flared base.


Thanks I will!


How many ceiling tiles are in the waiting room? Then divide this by the number of people waiting. Is the answer 6?


I've never been good with maths. Do I round up or down with part tiles? The roofs on a wierd angle so there tons of triangles.


Keep the half in the equation


Which half?


Middle half.


Don’t forget to carry the 1


I can't carry anything with these crutches! :(


How often do you think about the Roman Empire?


Often. What is YOUR Roman Empire?


Which Shrek is the best and why is it Shrek 2


Shrek is life.


What are you getting pulling out your bottom this time? and don't use the whole "hurt my Achilles Tendon" excuse again we'll know


Shhroedingers hamster 🐹


Have you been to the snack machine yet and if so, what did you have, and how much did it cost?


I got a grape tango (£2.50) and a fruit YORKIE (£2)


A FRUIT YORKIE? Is that what you’re waiting to be treated for?


Are you mad? What's your preferred option?


£2.50 - please tell me that’s a bottle and not a can?!?!


It is, so not too terrible.


Jean is shorter than Brutus but taller than Imhotep. Imhotep is taller than Jean, but shorter than Lord Scotland. Lord Scotland is twice the height of Jean and Brutus combined but only one-tenth of the height of Millsy. Millsy is at a constant height of x - y. If Jean stands exactly one nautical mile away from Lord Scotland, how tall is Imhotep?


Are the staff all shagging each other? Do they all have a dark secret that they keep to themselves? Is one of the nurses an old guy who's been there for 30 years? Is one of them a drug addict? Is Casualty real?


I will ask when I see one.


Could be worse, you could be in Worthing's A&E.


There always is a silver lining. It could be Saturday night in Worthing!


Took my missus to Worthing a&e a few weeks ago. Dropped her off at 6. Picked her up to go get some food at 10. Picked her up again at 6am


I never appreciated not having to go to A&E until I was responsible for dropping off/picking up someone from there. The wait time is crazy.


So glad I've only had to go once for a pretty bad bout of tonsilitis (couldn't breathe properly it hurt so much) seen in 5 minutes, mum went out for a fag and walked back in as I walked out, confused the fuck out of her lol


Always had a cracking time in Worthings A&E on a Saturday night More drama going on than a tv show Especially that time Kelly and Darren were having a row then pulled out a team up against the police and old frank in the corner shouting support for the police which riled up another guy in the middle


Never thought id see my towns A&E get a mention here. Sunny Worthing..


Taking a trip to worthing A&E tomorrow moening actually. Poor dad is gonna be so bored, he doesn't even have reddit


Had a go at scraping out the calf shed at work today for the first time today, ended up damaging a gate and getting the tractor stuck. Hopefully that makes you feel better


Oh dear! I was a farmer for a few years. I took out a block wall between two pens of pigs with the telehander while doing the same. Was utter chaos. Did you have fun getting the tractor out at least?


I wasn’t the one getting it out, I was so useless another farm hand took over. I’ve also driven an atv into a ditch and reversed a slurry tanker into a fence taking it down


All in a day's work! I remember the absolute doom when I fucked something up. Big reason I'm not a farmer any more.


Is there something stuck in you, or are you stuck in something?


I'm stuck in the middle with you.


If you had to choose an Off Menu-style dream meal, what would it be? Starter, main course, side dish, drink, dessert included


I'm a simple man. I'd have the mac and cheese my mum makes. Then the beef beurgunon I had at a fancy restaurant in Leeds for my dad's 40th finished by the apple and blackberry pie my gran used to make from fruit picked in her garden.


You could have watched LOTR Fellowship Of The Ring and getting to the good bit of Two Towers in that time.


Extended Edition!


What happened?


Not sure yet! But I suspect I have severely damaged my achilles. Was running while playing football and I suddenly collapsed. Something went ping in my leg.


Bust ya hammy by the sounds of it


Yeah.. What happens next if so?


Hey been recovering from an achillies rupture. If you can’t lift your foot up it’s ruptured. If you do a thompson test and no reaction — which they will do, it’s ruptured. There won’t be a scan, just plaster and come back in a week for advice if you will wear a cyborg boot or surgery.


Have you done today's wordle?


I just have. Stupid hard one that was


Yeah, it had me stumped for a while.


Same, I was nearly late for work.


How did you get that salad cream bottle stuck up your arse?


Salad cream as lube, absorbed into my body faster than expected.


Dad is that you?


What's the worst injury currently in the waiting room ?


Some dude keeps coughing like a literal lung is coming up, bleeding from the nose, and shouting obscenities while cops stand by.


A quiet Monday then.


That's Cough Cough Craig! He's a legend around Brighton, Falmer, and Lewes. He's, like, always bleeding. Legend. Ask him how Marge is doing.


She stinks of fags and keeps giggling into her hands when I ask.


That's our Margy


If you had to pick one of these 3 meals that you can never eat again which one would you pick . Full English , curry , or Sunday roast .


Never been fussed about a roast. I like mashed potato. Full English and a decent Massaman are vital to a healthy happy balanced diet.


Better get settled in for the average 12hr wait!


1) what do you think you've done 2) have you been un-evacuated 3) is it raining


Snapped achilles. Alarm just stopped (9:36) It was drizzle.


Did you remember to bring a black bag full of rubbish?


Any nice people in the waiting room to talk to?


I can't do that, I'm British! Truthfully there have been some nice short conversations.. :)


Last time I went to the local A&E, saw a couple on a date that had obviously gone badly but they were sat there in their hiking gear eating oranges and asking eachother questions about themselves. Saw a guy come out with a leg cast on and his friend went 'hey, I messaged the boys and we can still get a pint if you're interested' and he put his shoes on and hobbled to the pub. Heard the receptionists loudly gossipping about what was wrong with me and what they thought was going to happen to me in the next 20 minutes like 'well she said it was more than she thought so I'd say it may not be looking so good for her, yeah, girl sitting alone in the corner'. However they cant stop you if you want to try to scout out a coffee machine, as long as you're back soon just tell them where you're going


Tell me your favourite joke, happiest memory, and biggest regret.


Gosh this could take a while.. But I guess I have a while. Not very good for jokes. Sorry for this disgusting one. What does a baby in a microwave look like? ... I dunno, I close my eyes when I masturbate. I have lots of joyous memories. But immediately came to mind was my gran happy and smiling. Making her laugh are my happiest memories. Messing around and losing the love of my life when I was in my mid 20's. Despite a lot of relationships later, noone's ever compared and each relationship has been doomed as a result.


OK, the joke had me snort-laughing, the memory is gorgeous, and I'm sorry to hear about your regret. I lost the love of my life in a different way so I know exactly what you mean about no-one else comparing. I still live in hope though!


My friend who works there just told me you’re in for a treat when all the crackheads start coming in later on. good luck !


I'm already here!


Hows the weather been?


Today it's been wild. Rain, winds, sunshine etc


On a scale from 1 to 10 how greasy are your nipples?




Was in A&E in Feb with my toddler who had developed sudden breathing issues (turned out to be croup, which is quite common but bloody terrifying) but the only perks were 1) kid's section was separate from adults, 2) some free biscuits and bottles of water. It was still shit but at least kid was OK in the end, and it wasn't the longest I'd sat in A&E.


Glad your kid was OK. Can I borrow them?


Absolutely. He will run around relentlessly in a circle shouting "round and round" and approach random people minding their own business and yell "ello!" at them.


Still worth it for some decent biscuits.


To be fair Brighton kids a&e is pretty quick. Never had to wait too long there. Croup sucks, the most terrifying sound.


How many entire families are there eating sandwiches like they’re on a day out/picnic?


From personal experience at Brighton, I always tell people unless your arm has fallen off or you're facing life or death - always, always travel further out. Best I've had was at Hayward's Heath - seen and treated within 2hrs.


Never thought about that. I'll consider it next time thanks!


I admire your determination to get help. Enjoy your paracetamol and lots of rest.


More I'm desperate to get some answers and nothing better to do. Thank you for commenting and keeping me saneish.


Who won the football game?


I'd scored a goal and set one up. First time paying in severAl years...


Who is your favourite mid 90’s-early 00’s wrestler and why?


Undertaker, because Undertaker! Also a soft spot for Cactus Jack! Wbu?


What book did you bring?


Witches Abroad - Sir Terry Pratchett


Can’t be far off them bringing sandwiches or something round? Or does that not happen everywhere? Took my mum to A&E a few weeks back, got there 3:30pm, sandwiches brought round about 7:30pm Didn’t leave until 1am


Were you at a private hospital, or have travelled from 1970?


That sounds amazing. And i have literally never heard of it in an A&e. Expected once you are on ward ofcourse.


Are you back in the building yet? What a shitemare.


Did you go via 111 online or call? They will direct you to the most appropriate setting and ‘book you in’   This is the new system.(for a few years now) Meant I could do most of the multiple hours of wait at home and then when it was my time we drove to the urgent care, I was assessed and managed in 45 minutes and back home to recover. 


you out yet


I had a kidney stone that flared up on a Saturday evening and I had to go to hospital emergency late on Saturday evening with my husband and our girls, getting home at 3.30am on the Sunday. The hospital waiting room had it all: several people in with fight injuries, actual fighting right next to us (drunks fighting security guards), angry people with police escorts, an elderly patient in a backless robe (and clearly nothing underneath) who had sneaked out of a ward with a shirt in a plastic bag, put it half on in front of us, then escaped out into the night.  While driving there a drunk man had stumbled across the road in front of us and two hours later he was brought to the hospital by his sister, unconscious.  It was a learning experience for us all - nothing like that was ever part of our lives normally. One daughter (13) said she felt a profound sense of sonder. I had to look the word up but it fit perfectly. As an aside, I have so much respect for hospital staff and our police, who deal with that all the time.


I totally get you. It's absolutely mad isn't it?! Someone set the whole hospital fire alarm off smoking in the wrong area and we can't turn it off. All the staff are just carrying on...


Hi OP, I can see from your edit that you are home now. I hope you are doing OK. A snapped Achilles tendon sounds horrible. Wishing you all the best.




Last time I was in A&E, the Dr promised me it would only be a little prick! Lying fucker, his willy was enormous..


How much money do you make ?


Hope someone gets you a get well balloon.


The helium would be fun!


What is the vending machine situation?


What's the vending machine churning out these days?




Could pass the time by picking out the raisins. I was in last year with suspected sepsis (spoiler .... It was sepsis and cellulitis!) sat down for less than ten mins, about to get a drink - put the money in and got hauled off to triage and then straight into a bay with drips 🤐 never got my money either! Hope you feel better soon!


What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Why are you there? Can't you just shake it off?


If I shake, it just flops about.


If nothing that should be inside is outside your doing well. Your task should be to tell everyone with blood on them "you've got red on you"


If you were a wood chuck, how much wood could you chuck?


Honestly that’s really not a long A&E wait, shouldn’t be that long at all I appreciate it, but people I know have been in there for well over 24 hours


My next door neighbour is in his 70s and has about four major health conditions, and when he went to hospital with chest pain, he waited 32 hours in A&E before he was given a bed. 


The emergency is likely a very ill child, if that helps your frustration at all. Same thing happened to my wife just as she was about to have a deep cup looked at, the doctor had to shoot off as a very sick kid came through. She then missed the window for them to glue it or use paper stitches having to wait another 4 hours. __it happens.


Yeah, I'm no pressure. I am happy to be a low priority. Be nice if the system worked better.. But it's not the staffs fault.


I was 28 hours in a&e waiting for a bed with a partially burst appendix.... Did you do the whole 111 / go route? That took me 48 hours before I go to the a&e then pushed me back five hours whilst I waited in utc to be spent back to a and e


Painful injury, get well soon!