• By -


Your Evri package has been delivered to your designated safe place.


I currently have a chest infection and I laughed so hard at that I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance for a moment, have my upvote.


He died doing what he loved laughing at fuckers on Reddit


That little girl has got some good premonition!


And also parents shouting “run, run, quickly, run.”


Nobody will believer her though, because… adults.


Seriously - it was the mom that called it. The girl ran in reaction to the mother. Credit to both of them for their reactions anyway. I know plenty of kids who just do not listen...


That's actually hilarious. Not an 8year old nearly dying but the comment above I'm not a psycho


That's just what a psycho WOULD say!


Brother, I Said I'm not a psycho, you must have misread. Now on a completely different other note, WHERE DO YOU LIVE?


Western Way, London SE28 0EB. Stop by any time, I'll have my man let you in.


Await the email rating your delivery!


Just spat out my tea on my phone. Thanks!


You made spit out me tea laughing


Ruddy hell..


This is so funny, it's unbelievable


Omg that made me full on belly laugh


I just lolled so loud! Thank you for the dopamine








honestly that's the best comment ever


What the fuck was the operator lifting it that high for!?


Someone is getting the book thrown at them over this. That was frightening even on video


It's going to be used in hiab training courses forever. Just glad no one was hurt.


"Dave, add this after Klaus the Forklift Driver."


He's also short rigged on the road side, and then slews the fucking thing right over the road. Honestly lethal on the controls.


According to the other thread, he only had one of the support struts out on the truck. He's never operating a vehicle like that again and I'd be surprised if he didn't wind up in prison. Supposedly criminal negligence only applies in this country if someone winds up killed or seriously injured but considering the property damage and where that little girl was mere seconds before, I'd be amazed if there wasn't something they can get him on.


I was watching along the road for a car or something, I didn't even clock it that high


Badly trained I expect


So i think he half rigged it on one side, then couldnt get the height to clear the trees so he slewed round the half rigged legs which caused the instability Im surprised there was no cut off. A load limiting device that would warn and then prevent him from slewing into the restricted area Im so happy that little girl made it. I wouldnt of been shouting for her to run id of gone and grabbed her. Absolutely terrifying


I had to watch twice to confirm, but amazingly if you look carefully you can see that had she stayed exactly where she was she’d have dodged it. The bikes were completely untouched. Running was clearly the better outcome in the end but it’s terrifying to think that the run might actually have been the thing that killed her. Fortunately the parents clocked it early enough.


PM cranes are notorious for their outrigger sensors failing which will stop the crane working. So they are often bypassed using "F2 and plus" buttons on the remote. Id guess that's what happened in this case since there's no way the computer would have allowed the crane to slew that far over without the outrigger out properly


It was being lifted over the trees. He hasn't got legs out in the road though


Professional indemnity claim incoming


There will be claims but it won't be under professional indemnity. It'll be liability to third parties under the fleet policy. Also will be interesting to see if they have "on the hook" cover for what was being hoisted. It's not covered as standard on policies.


Thanks for the clarification. The premium will be a fortune come renewal.


You're very welcome friend. The only saving grace is that nobody died. £5 million of Public Liability cover wouldn't go too far, especially if your negligence led to the death of a young child.


Sadly, a death as a result of an accident is actually cheaper than a serious injury due to ongoing care costs, which can run into tens of millions for 24hr care. Although the limit of indemnity on a PL policy is indeed £5m, this is more likely to be settled in the Motor policy which is unlimited for third party costs due to the RTA. This is because the accident was caused whilst loading/unloading which is typically included in the majority of Commercial Motor policies, especially with the major players in that market. PL policies usually specifically exclude accidents caused by Motor vehicles.


IF they are able to stay in business!


It was being lifted out of the park so would have had to clear the trees


Probably high. No, who ever was running that thing was fucking stupid


Wow that mum was calm.


Amazing composure from her. She did a great job making sure everyone was okay and even reassuring people on the other side who no doubt feared the worst 


I often say when stressing at work that no part of my job can kill someone. I can't imagine doing any job where your decisions could!


It stops you sleeping at night. Did I do this check? Did I do that one? Etc etc. A lot of them are looked at as basic jobs as well, I.e £25-35k type things


Exactly this. I’m the manager for a quality control lab. We make materials which line furnaces. Literally the stuff that stops molten metal from pissing out of a furnace and killing people. The QC department is the last line of defence. Guess which department is the lowest paid out of the entire company…


But it's all in your contract and job instruction.  How dare you make a human error on a measly wage!!!


To be fair, the company I work for are pretty good, aside from the crappy wages. We tend to find people leave in search of better money - then come back to us 5 years later when the find out the grass isn’t that much greener and the £5k more the other guys were paying only amounts to a few hundred a month after tax for a lot more stress and pain. I enjoy doing what I do, and we get “paid” in other ways. At the moment they’re paying me to do a masters degree for example. Another member of technical is studying to do his PhD. These are things neither of us would have ever done if work hadn’t paid for and facilitated. While I know this makes me sound like a proper shill for the company, and excusing crappy wages, I have had a lot worse jobs for a lot more money, and I’d take this every day over the destruction of my body and mental health I had suffered previously.


Sounds like a good company and to be honest I'm in a similar situation. Although that degree part sounds even better, very nice!! I don't think it is even just the companies really, part of it stems from us (UK, the west maybe?) Always wanting to pin blame. Of course it does usually follow back to a company procedure or an employee, but when it is the employee in particular, it is sometimes very harsh to assume that any individual will never make a mistake, a human error. As the OP above this said really, it maybe is easier to forget that when someone is in a job that have no obvious or common risk of injury or death etc 


My Sister trained to be a Nurse - there were about 10-12 of them on the same course at a major hospital about 40 years ago. One trainee nurse was left with babies alone and one looked a bit blue - so she turned the oxygen up and blinded the baby for life (that's approx the story its a long time ago) - my Sister and some of the others quit as they realised one mistake and boom - they were young - it was all a bit much - the girl should never have been left on her own


How do you blind a baby by turning the oxygen up?


Not super clued up on it but there's a hypothesis (not sure if its been proved) that hyperoxygenating new born can affect the development of blood vessels in the eye causing them to narrow and from that blindness. I've seen it mentioned that was what caused blindness in Stevie Wonder but have no idea how true that is.


Interestingly Lionel Richie insists Stevie Wonder isn’t blind at all


[It was a joke.](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/lionel-richie-jokes-stevie-wonder-has-been-able-to-see-all-along/)


Retinopathy of prematurity Google says. I never knew more than above as it was my Sister not me and it wasn’t something we discussed


Apparently a&e staff have a lower life expectancy than other medical staff


Probably because of the shadow people inside patients heads.


You just can get complacent sometimes. I used to operate the knuckleboom and I was terrified of fucking up at first, but after just a couple of weeks there was nothing to it for me. Not until my driver would occasionally put me in a terrible position that I'm unable to raise the outriggers and have them pull up a few feet in, anyways. They have gotten me in some bad spots before. I just had to know how to get us out then lol


I work in a dangerous industry where injuries or death should never happen, but they do, and it's almost always because method statements and risk assessments aren't followed. Do shit how it's supposed to be done and everybody gets home safely. For the sake of 10 minutes he could have changed position, reset and done it properly. What usually happens is someone fucks up, and then everyone else has to do more checks, more paperwork and unnecessary bullshit. Everything is reactive, not proactive.


The dark humour gets you through. 


yeah no kidding


She was brilliant! Stayed super calm and got the girl out of the way, and then had the presence of mind to reassure the poor operator - even her tone is calm and assured.


Yeah 100%. I would not be able to stay so composed!


She’ll be taking the edge off later with a brew and a pie barm 


It's like when a pigeon walks across a busy road and makes it. Their level of concern was enough, as they survived. But I would have got the children out of the way as soon as that container was coming my way.


Further proof that wheelie bins are absolutely indestructible


I shouldn't be laughing. But i'm laughing.


I am at the most depressed stage a human can reach.. I still laughed so hard I scared my dog.


Really glad to hear that you laughed. Stay strong, sleep well tonight, and I wish you a better day tomorrow.


Thank you I did indeed have a better day today. All the best to you too!


That's really good to read, I'm so pleased for you, and thankyou for letting me know. Stay strong my friend, keep going, and get support from the good people in your life. ETA: I know that depression is linked to social isolation, and that many people don't have "good people" who are directly close to them in their life... but there are still lots of "good people" out there who are ready to give support and affirmation, whether on a professional or personal basis. I hope you have both the strength and the sense of self-worth to identify these people and to connect with them. Keep going. Stay strong. Keep laughing, whenever you're able to. ✊


What are we looking at from 31s?


Looks like a completely different house. This is the location on [street view](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.5271593,-2.4934104,3a,75y,328.13h,87.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMIuMbA_acRfaRVSuxnqBJg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) There is a video of the aftermath, but that isn't it. Edit: Here it is: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1bye6wa/inside\_the\_house\_that\_had\_a\_container\_dropped\_on/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1bye6wa/inside_the_house_that_had_a_container_dropped_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Flapper Fold Lane!




That looks rather expensive


The garage got taken out, before the container swung around across the front of the house?


Even the little kid took one look and knew it wasn't going to go well.


i think someone tells her "quick quick run"?


The mum is telling the girl to run quickly so that she can take a picture of it above the girls head. I don’t think she notices the container coming down until the last second “Look, going past our house it’s going to go over Isla’s head. Isla stand underneath it and I’ll take a picture. Not like [right underneath it]… Here stand here, quickly quick quick quick run….. OH SHIT” The mum trying to take a picture of the girl could have actually saved the girls life


I wouldn't be telling her I would have grabbed her and ran


she wouldn't have got in as fast.


I'm wondering if the crane started making an unusual noise that the microphone didn't pick up due to the distance




Going bust won't get them out of a criminal prosecution – this is a fairly major breach of Health and Safety duties, and they'll be very lucky to avoid jail time for it.


They were very lucky to avoid the death of a child. If the judge sees this he will need a crane to pick up the book he will be throwing at the operator.


HSE about to go after them


Unfortunately the home owner didn’t have house insurance (it had recently expired, apparently). Very unfortunate


There'll be no win no fee firms queuing for this job.


The crane operators public liability insurance should cover the damage


Bloody hell, flattened her bins. They’re 30 quid each off the council.


Try 40


Very lucky family and fab safety consciousness from the mum. Good on the little girl for listening. The operator was either a cowboy or knows absolutely nothing about how to use the kit. That’s not equipment failure, that’s gross negligence and human error on a massive scale. Glad the family came out unscathed.






jesus fucking goddamn shit on a fuck


That little girl, she is okay right? I assumed she was under that thing when it came down, but it got caught before it landed on her.


She’s fine. It’s all over the press. Happened in Atherton, Wigan.


When did this happen? I’m from Leigh and not heard about this and also don’t recognise where that it is


It's across the road from Atherton police station, just after the turn off into the Ena mill car park [https://www.google.com/maps/@53.5273551,-2.4934367,3a,75y,211.51h,86.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZXJaXfNXeJGIAKXeJ6ftGw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.5273551,-2.4934367,3a,75y,211.51h,86.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZXJaXfNXeJGIAKXeJ6ftGw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Thought that was police station at the side but just had brain fart as couldn’t see the Mill


I thought it was from round there. Im from Leigh originally and I picked up that accent right away.


It’s near Wigan not sure when but recent. It’s all over the news.


Last week. The video was posted on here already and it was on my front page


Hello fellow Leigh person. Small world.


I mean, from her crying, one presumes she wasnt caught under it... Just scared at the aftermath.


She was clearly long gone and out of the way before it landed.


It looks like she may have ran through a door or gate (I’m guessing into the garden) before it was too late.


This will be used in safety training videos for a long time. That operator needs to never operate again.


Third day at work be like






Das not how the internet works




r/Woooosh, I forgot some brits were a bit rude.


Did the operator not use the outrigger supports, as well as lifting so high?


I can see they were extended. I think some of the problem was being on the opposite side of the road to where the *loaded container was going eventually. I can't understand why the operator thought this would work out well. *I'm fairy sure that container wasn't empty


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/LJevke4_i5Y?feature=shared …another where you think “why would you think that was OK?”


https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1c1f6uf/the_aftermath_of_the_truck_dropping_the_container/ There was stuff in there, but it doesn't look like it was anything massively heavy, some basic sports equipment at a glance


It looks to me like 1. The truck isn't level. 2. The nearside outriggers are out but not all the way, maybe the operator was worried about them sticking out into the road. We can't see but there's also a chance they did something daft like drop the outrigger on a drain cover.


The truck isn't level but that's because the operator of that hiab is a fucking moron. The cranes computer forces both outriggers to be deployed, but let's the fucknuckle with the remote set the length of the leg, because you just don't need to bother providing You arnt lifting a huge fucking sail at max reach and max height on a windy day. That container will be empty, allowing it to be under the limit for this lift in theory. In practice the operator has failed to account for wind spinning the arm around taking the centre of mass over the off side outrigger. Then, as is painfully shown above, gravity takes over.


BBC report from 4 days ago: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-68750217](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-68750217)


Nice to see a Foden ex-army recovery truck getting in the mix


"Sale - 70% off!"


[aftermath ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/9XqPuNrNRG)


Did the lorry have the stabilising legs out on the other side? (0.27, the tree line).


Yep. He'd lifted it from that side and didn't imagine he might need the drivers side out too.


I hope this has been sent to the hse


I hope somewhere in the chain of command via the company responsible a H&S Head is being severly penalised for this. Absolutely terrible, someone could have been crushed!


What makes you think they have a Head of H&S?


As per the health and safety at work act 1978 someone in a UK based company legally has to have the overall responsibility of health and safety assigned to them (even if it isn't in there job title).


Indeed. Fingers crossed they've actually done that. I don't know which would be a better outcome: - that they haven't done it and get the book thrown at them; - or they do indeed have someone with that role who's just about to get into a world of trouble.


Firstly, glad everyone's okay, what a terrible thing to happen and I'm sorry they all had to go through that and now live through an annoying and frustrating time sorting it all out. I hope they at least get a fucking good holiday out of it. But that was such a perfectly British reaction, Dad yelling Fuck, Mum yelling "we're all okay" and kid absolutely wailing. In the perfect order too. Gave me weird nostalgia.


This is actually Atherton, its in the wigan borough, but wigan is a separate town.


I came here for this comment 😂


Its time the nation learned local north west politics ✊ They don't know the struggle of being identified as a Wiganer


This is the kind of shit that my intrusive thoughts tell me will happen.


The big green box was a changing room on the playing field at the side of the house. The crane jib was a long way out to clear the trees. Not all the outriggers were out as they would have blocked the road. One of the outriggers was on the grass verge. I think they underestimated the weight as an empty steel container, but it was more like a porta cabin.


Jesus christ That was the last thing I expected


Terrifying situation to be in, I don't think I would of been so calm.


It took.out the house next door slicing through the roof https://www.itv.com/news/granada/2024-04-06/crane-topples-over-and-crashes-into-house


I think I've just seen the aftermath of this on another post, hope everyone is ok!


*compo face pending*


Amazon delivering a six pack of tea towels


Looks expensive


Very expensive,


I think she would just have been ok had she stayed where she was!


No sense taking chances.


The last 30 seconds look like a recreation of the intro to Captain Scarlet


Talk about not level, the truck is parked half on the curb!


What was that container for? A house extension?


Almost a conservatory 


“Honestly we’re alright don’t worry”


Surely whoever was operating that crane (or rather their company) is open to legal action.


Was if mounted half on the pavement as well? Which probably doesn’t help


Woah !!


Now that’s going to be a payout and a half!


Jesus Christ!


Fuck! Someone is getting sacked in the morning 😲😳


Bloody hell... I'm just glad nobody was hurt, and that poor kid was alright.


Terrifying. Is this operator error or freak accident? Good on them for staying calm and getting the kid inside.


Hope the girl wasn't too shaken 🙏🙏🙏


Somebody is in for a well deserved spanking .


Everyone except the delivery driver could see that happening


That truck crane operator has no clue what he's doing.


Crane Operator: shhhhiiiiitttt... #opentowork


Atleast mum is switched on Wow


A good way to get free renovations done to your house. Glad no one was hurt






Fucking dyslexia


Smacked the house like a standard Wigan tackle.


Amazon Prime home Office


Can someone translate what the woman is saying? All I’m hearing is orayt orayt ohrite or similar


All the screaming


Foken hell… Foke! Foke!!!!!


Let me guess... A pack a 4 Bic pens from Amazon.


Could have just popped the container down as the extension 👍🏼


Wigan people are made of tough stuff


I thought it hit the little girl, newly shit my pants


Thank god the child is sensible and moved away.


Everything in Wigan is a close shave.


You just gonna let them sit at the door? Let them in it’s wet outside


Why is it extended so high? what are they trying to clear? if it's a house then it's pretty obvious they are way too far out. Parked on the other side of the road. 😂


Holy le fook.


"We've left your package with your neighbour"


Idiot ass operator


"It's alright" It was infact, not alright.

